Poll Question
Do you tweet, or do you plan to use twitter in the coming academic year?
 Publisher Vodcast with Dr. Bill Muirhead 
Welcome to the September Back2School MindShare Learning
Report Blueprint for Classroom Success - Cross Canada spotlight on Alberta
Education Special Edition
While the summer has flown by I trust you've had an opportunity to
re-charge your batteries and perhaps immerse yourself in professional learning
opportunities. MindShare Learning proudly sponsored the iEARN International
Conference held in Barrie, Ontario and the ABEL Summer Institute at York
University; two excellent and inspiring conferences that I was fortunate to
attend to augment my expertise. Tune into the publisher Vodcast with the always
engaging Dr. Bill Muirhead,
Associate Provost UOIT. His analogy of the Berlin wall of educational
technology crumbling down paints an interesting picture for the future of ICT
in education.
The one conference I missed, but attended virtually via the
twitter feed is the Emerge 2010 Summit in Alberta. The organizers were kind enough
to share many of the keynote presentations.
Interesting to note, my sources tell me that Minister of Education, Dave Hancock took in the entire three
days. Be sure to tune into our exclusive podcast interview with Dr. Sharon Friesen, Associate Dean
for Professional and Community Engagement in the Faculty of Education at the
University of Calgary and Co-founder and President of the Galileo Educational Network, who presented their 1:1 research project findings at
the conference.
Speaking of conferences, we're elated to announce the inaugural MindShare Learning Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit taking place on Tuesday, November 2nd at the Markham Convergence Centre in association with
York University. Dr. Don Knezek, CEO, ISTE is our featured opening keynote. Our Cross Canada Check-up will be facilitated
by Bill Hogarth, President of ERDI Canada and former York Region DSB Director.
Sponsors include: EPSON, ERDI Canada, Pearson Education and Discovery Education. Join fellow education and industry leaders for this one-day unique Summit opportunity to gain valuable knowledge from leading experts, network and re-define Canada's digital blueprint to ensure future leaders succeed in the 21st Century Global Knowledge-based economy. Space is limited, so please be sure to take advantage of the early bird special of $249
that ends Friday, September 17th! Qualify to WIN a complimentary conference
registration by emailing me your vision of 21st Century learning for Canada in
250 words or less. Click here to view the complete agenda and to register.
In this issue, Tim Gard, K12 Editor shares his blueprint to classroom success
and our youth beat digital media specialist, Aislinn Malszecki shares his secrets to surviving and thriving in
Our poll results on your preferred mode of augmenting your skills are in! The poll yielded
interesting results: 88% of the respondents prefer blended learning, while 12%
stated that preferred face-to-face. Surprisingly, no respondents indicated
solely online.
As we
celebrate our 3rd year of publishing, it is evident that Canada has made great strides
in regaining its leadership on the global digital stage in preparing students
to be successful 21st Century digital citizens. Collectively we are making a difference,
however, Our work is far from over. Special thanks to our
best-in-class corporate partners for their ongoing support. Be sure to click
and checkout their solutions.
Until next time, keep the learning curve
steep! Cheers,
 P.S. Watch for our
October Cross Canada Spotlight on Ontario and launch of the MindShare Learning
Digital Classroom Contest!

Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™-- Connecting Education & Business to Support Student Success
Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement. |
Title Sponsor

Quotes of the Month
"Tech increases our pedagogical capacity - allows us to reach our students more individually with more complexity"
-Alberta Education Minister Dave Hancock, Emerge 2010 Conference tweet
recently joined your mailing list for the Mindshare Learning Report and
was thrilled to learn the depth of your publication and its focus on
connecting education, tech and business!"
-Katrina Hass, Marketing Manager, Core Solutions Software
Cross Canada Spotlight on Alberta

Exclusive Podcast Interview with Dr. Sharon Friesen, Associate Dean for Professional and Community Engagement, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary Dr. Sharon Friesen is co-founder and
president of the Galileo Educational Network and an Associate Professor in the Faculty of
Education at the University of Calgary. She consults on a wide range of
teaching and learning topics related to curriculum reform and school
improvement. Her research interests include curriculum theory, curriculum
inquiry, professional development, mathematics education, instructional
leadership, technology integration and school reform. She has co-authored two
books: Back to the Basics of Teaching and Learning: Thinking the World
Together, winner of the 2004 AERA Division B Book Award and Curriculum in
 Podcast sponsored by:

K-12 Quick Facts & Stats - Government of Alberta's Education website
- The Minister of Education is the Honourable Dave Hancock
- Alberta Education on Social Media: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Flikr
- Alberta
Initiative for School Improvement (AISI) - $79 million - supports
local projects, focusing on innovative and creative initiatives based
upon local needs and circumstances, which help improve student learning
in Alberta's K-12 education system reaches $6.3 billion- an increase
of $52 million or 0.8 per cent over the previous year (2009).
Operating support to school boards increases by $249 million to $5.4
billon. $31.4 million invested in students every school day. Read More
the last 10 years, funding to the K-12 education system has increased
by 73 per cent while student enrolment has increased by three per cent Latest
project from Education Alberta named Inspiring Education: A Dialogue
with Albertans is a unique public dialogue to shape the future of
education in Alberta read more
teachers are the highest paid, on average, across the provinces. On
average, a teacher in Alberta earns a salary of $88, 212 plus benefits
of $6,829.
Higher Education Quick Facts
- The public post-secondary system is overseen by the Ministry of Advanced Education website
- The Minister of Advanced Education and Technology is the Honourable Doug Horner
- There are 26 publicly funded post-secondary institutions in Alberta
- There are four campus-based universities; the oldest is the University of Alberta (est. 1908) and one distance education university: Athabasca University (est. 1970)
- Alberta's Advanced Education and Technology's total Budget for 2010-11 is $3.2 billion. Highlights include:
- More than $2 billion in operating grants to Alberta's post-secondary institutions.
- $45 million in matching funds through Access to the Future funding.
- $85
million in scholarships and need-based grants and approximately over $12 million in grants to Registered Education Savings Plans. An
additional $206 million will be distributed to Alberta students through
- $237
million is being made in innovation, research and commercialization
initiatives, including $188 million for Alberta Innovates corporations.
- Nearly $1 billion for post-secondary capital projects over the next three years.
- The
Innovation Fund is a program of the Access to the Future Fund that provides project funding to support leading-edge initiatives with the potential to have a trans formative impact on Alberta's advanced
learning system

Anita Townsend at the Emerge Conference - Lessons Learned and Best Practices in 21 Century Teaching Learning and Leading August 15 - 18th, 2010
recent summer visit to beautiful Banff Alberta included three days
participating in the Government of Alberta's Emerge Conference. The
conference had something of interest for everyone in a school district
from teachers to administrators to IT leaders. Sessions focused on four
areas: teaching and learning, leading innovation, research and technical
practices. West met east in the sharing of system wide plans and
strategies which allow for the innovative use of technology to support
teaching and learning. Presentations outlined not only the details of
Alberta's journey in changing systems but New Brunswick and the State
of Maine shared how they embarked on systemic change. Their many
successes, as well as their remaining challenges, provided much for those
attending to reflect on.
Keynotes by the Canadian Astronaut, Dr. Robert Thirsk and Dr. David
Merrill not only emphasized the key role educators need to play in the
lives of students today but inspired the attendees to see the ever
growing possibilities as technology continually evolves. Dr. Merrill's
siftables take learning and collaboration to new levels yet to be

Anita Townsend is an independent
Educational Consultant with ACT Consulting Solutions. This past year
she was the ICT integration consultant for Simcoe County District School
Board. Previous to that she held the position of Principal of Curriculum
for the Simcoe County Board of Education.
Education & Business Leaders in Building a Digital Blueprint
to Support 21st Century Student SuccessTuesday, November 2, 2010 Click here for Complete Agenda
Join fellow
education and industry leaders for this one-day unique
Summit opportunity to gain valuable knowledge from leading
experts, network and re-define Canada's Digital Blueprint to ensure
our future leaders succeed in the 21st Century Global
knowledge-based economy.
As part of MindShare Learning's mission to push the 21st Century learning envelope in Canada and strengthen the connection between education and business, MindShare Learning is launching its inaugural MindShare Learning Report 21st Century Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit, generously sponsored by Epson, Pearson Canada and York University.
This one-day summit will focus on current hot topics
in the K-12 and post-secondary education technology space,
aiming to further engage stakeholders in shaping the future
direction of a vital sector that most effectively
prepares students with the essential skills to successfully
compete in the global knowledge-based economy.Featured Speakers Include: Don Knezek, CEO, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Chief Executive Officer of the
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE�) is a leader
of innovation for transforming education with technology and recognized
globally for his leadership in collaboration, planning and standards
development. Dr. Knezek holds degrees from Dartmouth College, the
University of Hawaii and the University of Texas at Austin. In 28 years
as a professional educator, he worked in a variety of academic and
administrative settings, including K-12 classroom, district office,
university, regional service center, state department of education, and
national and international organizations. Read More- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Michael Furdyk, Co-Founder, TakingITGlobal Michael Furdyk is the Co-founder
and Director of Technology for TakingITGlobal.org, a global online
community for young people, providing a platform for millions of youth
across more than 200 countries to engage with social issues. Along with
managing the technology team at TakingITGlobal, Michael was involved
in developing the TIGed education program, and has spoken to over
50,000 educators about the importance of engaging students and
integrating technology and global perspectives into the classroom. In
2008, he was named by Contribute Magazine as one of 10 Tech
Revolutionaries Redefining the Power and Face of Philanthropy. Read More- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kathy Hurley, Chair, Partnership for 21st Century Skills & Sr. Vice-president, Pearson Education Kathy Hurley, Senior Vice
President, Strategic Partnerships, for Pearson School Companies, is a
35-year veteran of the education industry. Prior to joining Pearson,
Hurley served as Vice President, Education for PLATO Learning. Hurley
has also served as the Senior Vice President for NetSchools (prior to
its acquisition by PLATO Learning) where her responsibilities included
overseeing the Sales, Marketing and Business Development departments of
the company. Read More- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hall Davidson, Director, Discovery Educator Network
Hall Davidson began teaching in
1971. He taught middle and high school English, mathematics, Spanish,
and bilingual mathematics, as well as college courses on technology for
teacher credential candidates. He left the classroom to teach math on
television, winning an Emmy award and spending 20 years at Los Angeles
area PBS stations teaching, leading staff development, and championing
content creation by students and teachers. He is a frequent contributor
to national education publications, co-authored TechWorks, an
internationally distributed classroom technology kit, and co-founded
Kitzu.org, a resource of free online kits to encourage project-based
learning with media. He was elected to the board of Computer-Using
Educators where he served for six years. Read More
Register for your SPECIAL Early Bird pricing of $249 before September 17th, 2010! Full price after September 17th is $299. |
21st Century Spotlight

NB3-21C: Creating a 21st Century Learning Model of Public Education Three-Year Plan 2010-2013 "The NB3-21C initiative is a comprehensive set of strategies that will
usher students into the future utilizing their strengths and passions
against a backdrop of a relevant and rigorous curriculum."New Brunswick Department of Education
 Watch the video by the New Brunswick Department of Education unveiling the future in their educational system Another
building block in Ontario's effort to transform its system of education Contributed by Maxim Jean-Louise
Maxim Jean-Louis
 | Ontario is continuing to take bold steps
to enhance its school system. It will host this September in
Toronto an international gathering of some of the leading thinkers in the
world on reform of educational systems and it is doing so against a backdrop of
change taking place in other jurisdictions, especially New Brunswick and Alberta.
The Summit has an arresting title:
EDUCATION + INNOVATION = TRANSFORMATION As one of the highest performing
jurisdictions in the world - Canada sits just behind Finland, the world
leader, on a range of performance measures - Canada has to look at change
carefully and ask itself how it can build on its success and make sure its
young people are best prepared for the twenty first century. There are three dimensions to the
change being explored around the world. The first is curriculum. Is what
students are learning in school relevant to the world in which they live and
the world in which they are likely to work? Some have argued a case for a new
focus on competencies and twenty first century skills - reading and
writing, science, design, creativity and problem solving, critical thinking,
communication, civic engagement and a strong focus on leveraging technology.
Others have suggested that this is too modest a goal and that the curriculum
needs to be both personalized to meet the talents of every learner and also
strongly focused on the creative and design skills needed to develop products
and services in a global, knowledge intensive world. Whatever view one takes,
curriculum has to be part of the conversation.


Conference Corner
 MindShare Learning Publisher Robert Martellacci Interview with Janet Murphy reflecting on the ABLE Summer Institute at York University
August 23-25 2010, the award-winning Advanced
Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) program hosted its ninth annual ABEL
Summer Institute (ASI), "ASI 2010: Creating the Future Now." MindShare Learning Publisher Robert Martellacci caught up with Janet Murphy, Director of the ABEL project, reflects on the conference.
Watch the interview on YouTube click here

Mali Bickley - iEARN Canada hosted the 17th International Conference and Youth Summit
From July 12-17, iEARN Canada hosted the 17th International Conference
and Youth Summit in partnership with Taking It Global. There were teachers and
youth from 42 countries to celebrate global collaborations, to engage in
conversation, live, learn and work together. It was truly an incredible
experience to have the honour to host such and incredible, dynamic and
inspiring group of teachers and youth who work together to bring their
classrooms and students together.

Great to connect with Dr. Riel, my former thesis adviser from Pepperdine U and her husband at the iEARN international conference this week in the Toronto area. Here's a conference link with live streaming sessions  |

Ask a Teacher
Ten (10) Tips for Integrating Technology across the Curriculum in a Pedagogically-Sound Way Timothy Gard, Educator, Toronto District School Board
Since following a number of Twitter feeds and delving into Twitterdom myself, I've become more adept at writing short, succinct, and somewhat profound - that one's up for debate! - quips about this and that in education. This top ten list is following that trend simply because everyone's busy and everyone wants to "chew on something' without making a huge commitment of time to digest something too deep and ponderous, assuming that I could write something like that! The following list is compiled from my own experience and from the various sources of educational technology literature that I've digested over time. I'm sure that much of what I'm going to write will resonate with you on some level. Regardless, let's make sure that we engage in solid thinking about the 'why' and 'how' of what we're using to enhance the learning experience for our students. Click here for the Ten Tips

Green IT
Faronics Joins Technology Leaders in Power IT Down Day San Ramon, CA, 27/08/2010
Teaching Kids to be Green: Ontario's Eco-Schools program goes beyond the classroom to involve students in how their schools actually function. Toronto Sun, 22/08/10
Check Out Green Schools Opening for Students this Semester
EcoInstitution 26/08/10 
Science and Forestry (ESF) is a participant in a new program to
encourage sustainability in higher education
ESF, 27/08/10

Alec Loorz, a 16 Year Old Environmentalist Launches the iPhone app iMatter: virtual hub for the youth climate change movement
Inconvenient Youth, 07/14/2010

Timothy Gard Educator, Toronto District School Board
Software Review: Share
I must admit that since I was introduced to Tech4learning's Frames and Pixie products I've been converted to 'fan' status. Tech4learning (T4L) is an apt name for a company that creates technology that when used properly can influence and affect learning. Their latest product is no different! Share is an appropriate name for a piece of software that allows students to create a full multi-media experience showcasing their understanding of a given topic, or their cumulative learning, in a format that can be easily shared on the web, as a run-time Flash presentation or easily on an IWB for a real-time delivery to a student's peers as a cumulative assessment piece.

Post Secondary Education
- Visiting Professor
Exclusive Podcast Interview with Dr. Sharon Friesen, Associate Dean for Professional and Community Engagement, Faculty of Education, University of Calgary
Dr. Friesen is the Associate Dean for Professional and Community Engagement in the Faculty of Education at the University of Calgary. She consults on a wide range of teaching and learning topics related to curriculum reform and school improvement. Dr. Friesen is co-founder and president of the Galileo Educational Network Her research interests include curriculum theory, curriculum inquiry, professional development, mathematics education, instructional leadership, technology integration and school reform. She has co-authored two books: Back to the Basics of Teaching and Learning: Thinking the World Together, winner of the 2004 AERA Division B Book Award and Curriculum in Abundance.

Podcast Sponsored by:

Post Secondary Education Feature Headlines
Innovation Survey Conducted by Telfer School of Management: Examining the innovation behaviour of small and medium sized firms in important sectors of the Canadian economy Telfer School of Management, 19/08/2010
Memorial University to roll out BlazeCast an emergency notification system can send alerts to phones and computers Network World Canada, 20/08/10
The 21st Century Cheater: Academic dishonesty in Canada's schools
CCL-CCA, 07/07/10  Why Sudbury is an unlikely magnet for global education
Globe and Mail, 20/08/10
Internationalizing Canada's student experience
Globe and Mail, 23/08/10  Putting Kids Through College: TD Economics showed that in 2009, the cost of a four-year undergraduate
degree was more than $80,000 for students living away from home Chilliwack Times, 24/08/10 |
Post Secondary Education: Upcoming Events
Event: ........Edge Conference 2010: Date: ......... October 12 - 15, 2010 Location: .... Memorial University of
Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland Event: ........2010 EDUCAUSE Annual Conference
Date: .........October 12 - 15, 2010
Location: .... Anaheim, California
Date........October 20-23, 2010 Location...Calgary, Alberta
Research and Innovation

Learning Matters: A New Ecosystem of Educational Resources Pearson Canada, 2010 Canada not building a "Knowledge Advantage": New report from Canadian Council on Learning Canada News Wire, 25/08/10
A new report reveals that Canada is now the global leader in higher education completion among young adultsNCSL, 2010 
Technology in the Classroom Product Guide: Find out what tools educators and students use in these 21-century classrooms. Edutopia, 6/2/2010 
Importance of PD SMART Board Training Blossom Learning, 08/24/2010

Youth File Aislinn Malszecki  | 7 Ways Students Learn Everyday Online It's
finally time to go back to class! So, in light of this, I'd like to
share seven ways I use the Internet to learn everyday.
Virtual Language Exchange: I like to hone in my foreign language
skills using Skype webcam chats with my English-learning counterparts in
other countries. I use Skype to call my friend Ingrid in Norway, I
learn a bit of Norwegian, she learns a lot of English, "s�t!"
MIT lectures on iTunes U: Talk about academic inspiration! Many of
these lectures helped me open up new ideas for my assignments in
University. 3.LSAT Logic in Everyday Life: I've been following this weekly podcast
for a while which has given me a much more critical approach to everyday
logic. Produced by the Princeton Review, you don't have to be in law
school to enjoy the lessons from these smart people.
Historical characters posting on Twitter: I follow @cdarwin (Charles
Darwin) on Twitter. His tweets are always interesting and insightful.
Based on the Voyage of the Beagle, his letters and diary. 5.
Google Books: Bookmark, organize and share books, Google is quickly
expanding its virtual library creating a vast collection of free titles
and lengthy previews to browse. Whenever I need to take out a book
from the library I always check Google to see if the full version is
there first. 6.
StumbleUpon Education: StumbleUpon is an intelligent browsing tool
for discovering and sharing web sites. I recommend checking out it's
field for education which allows me to quickly tap into the community
and see what's new and interesting. 7.
National Geographic digital magazine subscription: For under $20/year,
I receive 12 digital issues of NG saving the planet from even more
glossy paper. I find the digital version way better because it includes
interactive audio, video and navigation to browse the articles and
photos. |
Congratulations Jean Leeson, School Effectiveness Lead, LKDSB finally receives her iPad courtesy of MindShare Learning as a draw prize from the fabulous TEDxOntarioEd event this past spring...Watch for Jean's product review! Apparently MSLReport publisher Robert Martellacci had a tough time letting it go!  |
MindShare Musings..."The Connectors,
Leaders and People on the Move"
 As we usher in our 3rd year of our digital publication, I'm amazed at the constant innovation in education. One of my favourite technologies these days is twitter which allows you to connect with a vast number of like-minded people to share quick bites of info and links. Here's why twitter is so valuable to me.....just stumbled onto this excellent blog article for EdTech industry folks... The 10 Most Important Business Lessons I've Learned
While the education community has embraced twitter because of its powerful capability for knowledge sharing, I find industry a little slower in the take-up. I'm considering offering a webinar on the topic sometime later this year. My twitter handle is @MindShareLearn . I highly recommend Doug Peterson @dougpete, former Windsor area ICT coordinator, who will quickly enhance your knowledge base. Just Skyped with Brenda Sherry @brendasherry, ECOO '10 conference chair and she shared that the Ontario Ministry now has a twitter address: @ontarioedu. Plus, 100 educators to follow on twitter.
Our friends at the Media Awareness Network put together an excellent position paper as part of their submission to Tony Clement's National Digital Strategy Consultation. A worthwhile read, Digital Literacy in Canada: From Inclusion to Transformation On the rumour front.... Ron Canuel, former Director General of the Eastern Townships is pegged to take the helm as CEO of the Canadian Education Association later this fall. He's known for his tech savviness around 1:1 computing. Outgoing CEO, Penny Milton will be missed! I had the opportunity to finally meet Penny while at ERDI Canada conference in Quebec City, who is the better half of my ERDI Canada industry colleague, Bob Kennedy, Apple Canada Consultant. Speaking of Apple, I had an opportunity to catch-up with Karen Ritcey, K12 Marketing manager recently. I mentioned our podcasts are now available on iTunes and she reminded me that educators should take advantage of the vast resources available on their Canadian site.
George Lucas and his foundation warrant attention for their excellent resources that align with our Blueprint for Classroom Success theme--checkout Edutopia's technology in the classroom product guide.

Thanks to Claudette LaCour, Pepperdine
University GSEP Alumni Director for sharing a new report that reveals Canada a New Leader in Global Higher Ed for completion among young adults followed by Korea, the
Russian Federation, Japan and New Zealand. The United States and the United
Kingdom are ranked 12th and 17th, respectively.
In case you missed our last issue, I'm
sharing the link here to our
exclusive podcast with formative assessment and research guru Dr. Robert Marzano while at the Global Scholar user conference in Denver this summer.

This is definitely worth a read: Research dispels common ed-tech myths among the findings: New teachers aren't more
likely than veteran teachers to use technology.
Congrats to Saar
Pikar, GM at CDI Computers of Markham and NYC, the company recently announced a management Buyout. I look
forward to learning more from Mr. Pikar...guess who's buying lunch?
If you're looking to elevate your
expertise, here are some great tips from the Harvard Business Review's Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything
Desire2Learn Announces New Mobile Initiative--Desire2Learn� 2GO application
now available for BlackBerry smartphones*, furthering the 'eLearning anywhere'
design of the Desire2Learn Learning Suite. As always, we welcome your updates and comments.
Until next time, walk the digital talk!
Cheers, R.M.
Top of page
Advisory Board Members
The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board. Members include:
Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
Dr. Ron Owston, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology, York University
- Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Cheryl Paige, Principal, Joyce Public School, Toronto District School Board
- Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Leduc, Alberta
Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
Timothy Gard, Educator - Media Literacy & Technology, Toronto District School Board
Gary Kern, Principal, Technology & Innovation, West Vancouver School District
Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada
David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco Trimark
Chip Fesko, Sr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine
About Us
The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:
- Robert Martellacci, M.A. Ed Tech., Publisher and Managing Editor, contact: robert@mindsharelearning.com
- Timothy Gard, M.A., B.Ed K-12 Editor, contact: tim.gard@gmail.com
- Aislinn Malszecki, B.A. Hons., Digital Media Specialist, contact: aislinn@mindsharelearning.com
- Nadia Santoli, BBA, PR
& Advertising, contact: nsantoli06@schulich.yorku.ca
About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Leading, Learning & Technology eMagazine.
Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts, podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com/report
Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN
About MindShare Learning
MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, GlobalScholar, Learning.com, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, netTrekker, IMSI (ClipArt.com), CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), Tech4Learning, Xoolon, NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com |