Poll Question Will the men's Canadian Olympic hockey team win
the Gold medal?
Dear Thought Leader,
Publisher Vodcast Welcome

Welcome to the January/February
MindShare Learning Report special Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic edition. We
trust this issue will provide you with rich learning focused on both athletic
and academic excellence, with a twist of technology.
The judges have spoken! We are
pleased to announce the national winners of the Microsoft-MindShare Learning 21st
Century Digital Classroom Challenge, who each receive over $15,000 in
prizes and a trip to ISTE 2010, courtesy of our generous sponsors.
· Western Canada--Kathy Cassidy, Westmount School, Moose Jaw, SK View here.
· Central Canada--Zelia Capitao-Tavares & Kamla
Rambaran, McMurrich Junior Public School, Toronto, ON View here.
· Eastern Canada--Reggie Cyr,
L.E.Reinsborough School, St.
Dalhousie, N.B. View here.
Special thanks to all teachers
(and students) who collaborated in submitting to our contest. You exceeded our
expectations and raised the bar for next year. Thanks so very much for expressing
your passion for transforming learning in the 21st Century. I want
to especially thank our generous sponsors who made the contest possible and to
our esteemed judges panel, who had the difficult task of narrowing the focus
down to three overall winners.
The MindShare Learning mission
for 2010 is to continue to inspire, share and nurture the 21st
Century Learning transformation that is occurring across Canada. With that,
we're pleased to announce the York University - MindShare Learning 21st
Century EdTech Leadership Summit this coming Tuesday, May 4 - " A Call to Action". The 'Think
Tank' session will be looking ahead to create a K12 vision for the next
decade with the input of education and industry leaders from across Canada.
Checkout our newly created
"Conference Corner" that was inspired by the many conferences that we actively
participate and the leading minds with who we connect and research that we garner.
Please be sure to checkout our
generous sponsors' solutions via the links provided throughout our eMagazine. Special
thanks to the many education and industry leaders who contribute to our
publication, including our esteemed advisory board.
Until next time, keep the
learning curve step!
Cheers, R.
 P.S. Follow us on one of the hottest Web 2.0 tools - Twitter: MindShareLearn and Share with us your regional hash tags as we're creating a national directory.
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™-- Connecting Education & Business to Support Student Success
Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser à l'Environnement. |
Title Sponsor

Remembering a Giant in Canadian Education - Douglas Herbert Jennings
 June 7, 1937 - January 22, 2010
At peace after a long and valiant struggle with declining health, dearly missed by his loving wife Cathy, daughter Patty Clarkson, granddaughters Nicole, Sarah and Rachel, stepchildren Greg and Carly Frey, sister Dorothy Gummer and brother Gary. Doug will also be sadly missed by his extended family and many friends and professional colleagues from across Canada and the US.

Quotes of the Month
"One of the real challenges in education is
finding ways to give more people access to brilliant teachers who inspire and
excite with their ability to bring material to life. Today there are some great
examples of how technology can enable almost anyone to learn from the world's
greatest minds."
"I continue to share
your regular issues with my staff and we find them very easy to read, with great
jumping points to other interesting possibilities in the world of learning
technology. We hope to continue receiving them! Keep up the great
--Anna Marie Bitonti, Director of Education, Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board
Microsoft-MindShare Learning 21st Century Digital Classroom Challenge 2009-2010 Winners!
Official Press Release

Contest Entry Winners
 West: Kathy Cassidy, Westmount School, Moose Jaw, SK
Congratulations to Kathy Cassidy, a teacher at Westmount School 1100 Currie Crescent, Moose Jaw, SK pictured
with her class and principal, Sunil Pandila
 Central:Zelia Capitao-Tavares &
Kamla Rambaran ,
McMurrich Junior Public School , Toronto, ON
Congratulations to our Central Canadian co-winners Kamla Rambaran & Zelia Capitao-Tavares from McMurrich Junior Public School in Toronto, ON pictured with Michelle Michalak, Microsoft Corporate Communications.
 East: Reggie
Cyr, L.E.Reinsborough School, St. Dalhousie, N.B.
Congratulations to Reggie Cyr, teacher at L.E. Reinsborough School in St. Dalhousie, N.B., pictured with his class.
"We're flattered that the 'peek' inside our classroom would merit this win. The technology will allow more of our school community to 'plug' into the world around them, and bridge our geographical isolation."
Teacher Reggie Cyr on winning the Microsoft-MindShare Learning 21st Century Digital Classroom Challenge
Cross Canada 21st Century Winter Olympics Spotlight - British Columbia
"I ran in memory of my brother, a
fiercely proud Canadian, who passed away last year. His birthday was the day
after my run. To say that my 300 metres was a proud moment is an
understatement. Knowing that you are the only one on the planet for those few
minutes carrying the Olympic Flame is overwhelming. I wanted the emotion of my
"Torch Day" to last forever, making sleep that night elusive as I
knew I would awake the next day a mere mortal again." Cindy Seibel, Director, Information Technology Services, Calgary Board of Education
Hunt continues for Canada's Olympic history-Canadian
Education Technology Executive Makes History

century old photo discovered by Dave Parkes, a Canadian Education Technology
executive with Educational Resources sparks a walk, or run down memory lane.
While Bob Barney has a keen
interest in the athletes representing Canada at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics,
his academic curiosity is for Olympic athletes from a century ago - the members
of Canada's first Olympic team in 1908.

Making the most of the Winter Games
Affairs 11/01/10 A torch stands outside the Olympic skating
oval at the University of Calgary, a lasting reminder of Calgary's 1988 Winter
Games and the legacy they left behind. The legacy of the Olympics is also on the
mind of Vancouver-area institutions for the upcoming 2010 Winter Games. No university got
the chance this time to have the skating oval built on campus, but there are
other legacies that will be created, says Michelle Aucoin, director of the
University of British Columbia's 2010 Olympic and Paralympic secretariat. "What
happened in Calgary was more than a bunch of buildings."

Vancouver School District Superintendent arrives on the scene on the eve of the
Vancouver Olympics
Vancouver Board of Education welcomes Steve Cardwell to School District No. 39 as the new Superintendent of Schools in Vancouver. Mr. Cardwell is coming to the VSB from the Delta School District where he has been Superintendent of Schools and Chief Executive Officer since 2007.
Mr. Cardwell is a strong advocate for public education with a progressive vision for 21st century learning. He comes highly recommended to this board, and we are confident he will work effectively with trustees, our stakeholders, staff and students to realize our goal of enabling success for all students.
"This is an exciting time for everyone. With the 2010
Olympic and Paralympic Games almost upon us, there is a palpable feeling of
anticipation and energy for the onset of the Winter Games. For Vancouver, the
expected arrival of thousands of people from all over the world will add to our
vibrant city. It will bring with it new opportunities to showcase our communities
and to enjoy the spirit of the 21st Winter Olympiad. There could
not be a better time for me to arrive in Vancouver as the incoming
Superintendent. I have been out in schools getting to know the staff and
students. People have been warm and welcoming as I have visited their places
of work and their learning spaces. No matter where I go, I am constantly
reminded of the strong dedication and commitment to teaching and learning. I
am also so very fortunate to follow in the footsteps of many good folks before
me, but in particular, I wish to acknowledge and celebrate the great work of my
predecessor, Chris Kelly. As Chris leaves this role, so goes the wisdom, nurtured
and grown over the years. However, Chris' legacy for equity, balance and
optimism remains strong. It is my challenge to continue and extend the pathway
that Chris so skillfully created."
Steve Cardwell, New Vancouver School District Superintendent on the importance of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver
2010 Winter Olympic Resources - Education
Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics Education Programs



More Resources

Funding Opportunities of the Month
Ontario announces $1.5 billion all-day learning for four and five-year-oldsCanadaeast 12/01/10
Thousands of four-and five-year-old
children in Ontario will get a better education - and strengthen Ontario's
economy - by going to school full time this fall, Premier Dalton McGuinty said
Province provides $20,000 in grants to schools for
innovative citizenship education projectsManitoba Government News 07/01/10
Projects raising awareness of human rights, teaching youth about the
parliamentary process and promoting empathy and community volunteerism are
among those receiving one of 20 grants to support innovative citizenship
education projects, Healthy Living, Youth and Seniors Minister Jim Rondeau
announced today. 
Canadian education and learning
resource severely limited by loss of government funding CCL 08/01/10
The government of Canada has decided to end its
financial support for the Canadian Council on Learning (CCL), restricting the
activities of a critically important source of knowledge in education and
learning. Although CCL understands that its funding will end on March 31, 2010,
it is determined to continue serving Canadians..

Read More Funding Opportunities...
| |
Canadian Centre for Child Protection launches site to teach teens safe text use daileygleaner.ca 23/01/10
The Canadian Centre for Child Protection is launching a website targeting texting teens to teach safe use of the popular technology amid growing concerns about young people sending sexual messages and nude photos via text.

Epson Changes Interactive Whiteboard Game with Innovative, Cost-Effective Interactive Projection Solution - BrightLink 450Wi Ultra-Short Throw Projector Turns Practically Any Classroom Surface into an Interactive Learning Environment - Epson 18/01/10
Epson, the number-one selling projector brand worldwide1, today introduced the BrightLink 450Wi, an intelligent, interactive projector that allows educators to turn any standard whiteboard or smooth wall into an interactive learning area.

MindShare Learning in Partnership with Tech4Learning Inc. Sign Province-Wide Ontario Software Licensing Deal - To provide Award Winning Frames 4 Multimedia Authoring and Stop Motion Animation Software to all publicly funded schools in Ontario - Mississauga 03/02/2010
MindShare Learning, a leading provider of strategic marketing solutions to the EdTech industry partnered with San Diego based Tech4Learning Inc., to win a bid to provide student-centered rich media Frames 4 software to all publicly funded schools in Ontario. "Frames 4 provides teachers and students with 21st century learning tools to enhance student learning," says Robert Martellacci, president, MindShare Learning." The Ontario Software Acquisition Program Advisory Committee (OSAPAC) recommended Frames 4 for use by all teachers and students in K-12 classrooms across the province.

SMART Table™ enhancements offer increased integration and functionality New features, functionality and SMART integration based on feedback from teachers SMARTTech 13/10/10
SMART Technologies announces a number of enhancements to the SMART Table 230i interactive learning center. Unveiled in October 2008 in the United Kingdom and North America, the SMART Table 230i is the world's first multitouch

First Lego League Robot Competition to be held at Memorial University of Newfoundland Memorial University 20/01/10
"Changing the world ... one brick at a time" is the mantra of First Lego League. On Saturday, Jan. 23, 2010, First Lego League (FLL), Newfoundland and Labrador, will hold its seventh province-wide tournament for junior high school students.

Read More K12 Feature Headlines...
K12: Upcoming Events

Event:........ ABEL Leadership Symposium - Mobilizing 21st Century Teaching & Learning Date:.......... February 19, 2010 Location:.... Toronto, ON

Event:........ OASBO ICT Leadership Workshop Date:.......... February 24-25. 2010 Location:.... Mississauga, ON

Event:........ Ontario Library Association's Super Conference 2010Date:.......... February 24-27. 2010 Location:.... Toronto, ON

Event:........ ERDI Canada Spring Conference Date:.......... April 8-10, 2010 Location:.... Quebec City, QC
Event:........ York University IRLT-MindShare Learning 21st Century EdTeach Leadership Summit: "A Call to Action"
Date:.......... May 4, 2010
Location:.... York University For More Information Contact Robert
Event:........ Canada 3.0 Date:.......... May 10-11, 2010 Location:.... Stratford, ON

Conference Corner
Our team at the MSL Report has
the good fortune of attending and presenting at many conferences throughout
North America. We endeavour to MindShare the learning that is generated from
these conferences. Through the power of Web 2.0 technology we are also able to
attend virtually as well. Case in point, one that I regret not attending is EduCon 2.2 that took place recently in Philadelphia. Checkout the link I've provided as there were
some of best and brightest minds in attendance from across North America. EdTech consultant, Ben Hazzard provide his
EduCon 2.2 reflections.
Please share you conference news with us and well do
our best to include your event, and or reflections
Florida Educational Technology Conference 2010 (Orlando) - FETC 2010

Worst Jacket Award at FETC goes to? - Ugly, but very effective!

 FETC Podcast
interview with Mike Eason, Executive Director,
Florida Education Technology
Conference 2010 (FETC)

Exclusive vodcast with Hall Davidson of Discovery Education about Epson's new BrightLink interactive projector

A nationally recognized visionary on the
impact of media and technology in education, Hall Davidson leads Discovery
Education's professional learning community, the Discovery Educator Network.
Empowering educators in the use of 21st century tools to engage today's tech-savvy
students, Hall serves as Discovery's Director of Educator Outreach.
 Exclusive vodcast with David and Paul Weatherhead of Blossom Learning.
Blossom Learning was created in 2009 by a group of AV and IT
professionals, teachers and one or two other people who shared the same
values about training teachers on how to adopt the latest technology
now available in today's classrooms into actual lessons. Blossom Learning currently offers one powerful online course directed
at K-12 teachers, the "Online Applied SMART Board Course".

 Exclusive Podcast
Interview with Nancy Knowlton - What's New at FETC? CEO & Co-Founder of SMARTTECH
Nancy focuses primarily on business development and strategic initiatives for the growth and development of SMART.
Recognized as one of Canada's top businesswomen, Nancy was the 1999
Canadian Woman Entrepreneur of the Year in the Export category, awarded
by the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management at the University of
Toronto and the Bank of Montreal. She and SMART co-founder David Martin
were awarded the 1999 Prairies Region Technology Entrepreneur of the
Year Award, sponsored by Ernst and Young, and a Manning Innovation
Award in 2002.

Hazzard is a Program Consultant for the Lambton Kent
District School Board. Recognized with national and international awards,
he enthusiastically engages teachers in conversations about using appropriate
pedagogy and powerful technology tools in the classroom.
EduCon 2.2 Philadelphia
between educators who are connected by technology and focused on learning led
to engaging discussion and meeting colleagues from around the world face to
face. Educon 2.2 was held at the Science
Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, USA on January 29 - 31, 2010. Several themes emerged in a few of the
sessions facilitated by Canadian educators: the power of collaborative
authorship with an audience and purpose in learning environments, the
opportunity to use modern tools to address big ideas in the classroom, and the
value of outside experts who infuse their knowledge into the education conversation. These themes were enhanced with the
participation of educators in person and online via twitter, online
conferencing, Google documents, and other tools.

K12: Ask a Teacher?
Zoe Branigan-Pipe Teacher at Lawfield Elementary School in the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board.
Zoe is a classroom teacher and technology integration specialist at Lawfield Elementary School in the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board in Ontario. She's always finding new ways to create a universally designed classroom that
meets the needs of all students.
"What new 21st Century tool are you using for assessment and evaluation?"

Green IT
Operitel Investments Announces new Equity Position
in Sunbank Power
Webwire 25/01/10
Operitel Corporation is pleased to
announce that it has taken an equity position in Sunbank Power, a company
launched specifically to help property owners navigate the complexities of the
solar energy market in Ontario.

Governments of Canada and Manitoba support UWIN create at the University
of Winnipeg
Manitoba Government News 15/01/10
A joint federal-provincial investment, combined
with an endowment from networking technology leader Cisco, will enable the University of Winnipeg's environmental science program
to increase research on "green" technology and expand its collaboration with
industry, leading to more business opportunities.

Dr. David Suzuki public school powers up with Carmanah
solar technology
Markets 20/01/10
Five hundred Dr. David Suzuki Public School students are going
back to school this fall in a facility powered in part by solar photovoltaic
technology developed by Canadian-based solar integrator, Carmanah Technologies (TSX: CMH | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating). The Greater Essex County District School Board
of Windsor, Ontario, is receiving a 32 kW grid-tied Photovoltaic system with funding provided by the Government of Ontario
Green Schools Initiative.

Hardware Review: FrontRow's Pro Digital Sound System
Timothy Gard K-12 Editor, MindShare Learning Report Educator, Toronto District School Board
Gard has been integrating technology across the curriculum since the beginning of his teaching career. He
loves innovative ideas and taking risks, watching students from diverse backgrounds with diverse learning needs, succeed through the use of technology. He
currently teaches media literacy and technology at École Sir Adam Beck J.
S. in the Toronto District School Board.
To be honest, I
was a little sceptical about the need to 'amplify' my rather silky-smooth,
stage-actor like voice by some artificial means. In this case, the 'artificial'
means was FrontRow's Pro Digital Sound System with both a pendant microphone,
and a student stick microphone. I mean, come on, if you can't hear my
finely-tuned baritone voice in every far-reaching corner of the classroom then
we need to seek the counsel of an audiologist, and fast! Boy, was I wrong! And
I'm happy to admit it.

Web 2.0 Technology Spotlight
Do you 'Tweet'? As you can imagine, there are hundreds of developers putting together some neat extensions for Twitter. Check out the following two.
 The Twitter ecosystem is growing by the day. It wouldn't be a surprise if the numbers suggest that a new Twitter based application is being released daily. With thousands of applications available, it is but natural to come up with a database (aka directory) of these applications to ensure that Twitter users can conveniently find the right application for their needs.
 A simple Twitter Application Database.
Post Secondary Education
As part of our innovative practices, each month we will profile a "Visiting Professor"
21st Century Vodcast Interview with Dr. Camille Rutherford, Assistant Professor of Education at Brock University, Faculty of Education.
 Dr. Camille Rutherford Assistant Professor of Education
Brock University, Faculty to Education V  odcast Interview with Robert Martellacci. President & Publisher, The MindShare Learning Report
21st Century Classroom of the Future Spotlight Interview with Adora Svitak
 About Adora Svitak A twelve-year-old author and teacher, Adora has been teaching writing
workshops since she published her first book at age seven. Adora is an
American child prodigy known for her essays, stories, poems, blogs, and
full-length books. She has been featured on Oprah, CNN's Young People
Who Rock, NBC Nightly News, and countless other programs. In January
2009 she appeared in a UK public service television documentary, The
World's Cleverest Child and Me. Adora's presentations feature live
writing demonstrations, interactive activities, and storytelling. Adora
provides kids with a tangible and exciting example of where writing can
take them. She teaches every day through school visits and distance
learning mediums such as webcasting and video conferencing.

Post Secondary Education Feature Headlines
Laptops create
distraction -Their use at schools and universities increases against a backdrop of
controversy about their use in classrooms and lecture halls -
London Free Press 26/01/10
Way back in the stone age, when people walked to school, barefoot, and
uphill both ways, students doodled their way through boring lectures. Sometimes,
if you tucked away into the back of a busy lecture hall, you could read the
student paper or do a crossword puzzle while the professor droned on.
Study targets the brain and athletic success
Fraser University 28/01/10
for a place on the podium? Athletes gunning for such a position at the Winter
Olympics may be in their best physical shape but their success will have just
as much to do with their mental outlook.
The Future of
Medical Education in Canada
University 25/01/10
national launch of the report, The Future of Medical Education in Canada
(FMEC): A Collective Vision for MD Education, will take place on
Thursday, Jan. 28, from 2- 4 p.m. in the main auditorium, Health Sciences
Centre. The 30-month FMEC project, spearheaded by the Association of Faculties
of Medicine of Canada (AFMC), set out to conduct a comprehensive review of MD
education in Canada, assess current and future societal needs, and identify the
changes needed to better align the two.
First of its kind
Emerging Technologies training program filling up fast
Less than a week after having launched a new and unique Emerging
Technologies Training Program for faculty and instructors of Ontario's colleges
and universities, Contact North | Contact Nord is having to add
additional sessions of the modules to cope with growing demand from all over
Ontario and may soon have to close registration.
welcomes site purchase for top digital media institute
UofW 12/01/10
University of Waterloo today welcomed news that the City of Stratford has
finalized acquisition of downtown property that will be turned into the home of
the university's Stratford campus and the Stratford Institute for digital
Services Selects the it's learning LMS to Support their Online
Learning Partnerships-EdTek
Services' higher education customers to be offered the multimedia
capabilities and individualized learning support of the "it's
learning" virtual learning environment-
EdTek Services 13/01/10
After a worldwide review of Learning Management System (LMS)
companies, EdTek Services, Inc., a provider of accreditation, program
development, student recruitment, program management and eLearning technology
services for small to mid-sized colleges and universities.
Post Secondary Education: Upcoming Events
Event: ....... 14th Annual Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, 14th
Date: ......... May
1-2, 2010
Location: ....Simon Fraser University
Event: ....... Ontario Library Association's Super Conference 2010
Date: .........
February 24-27, 2010
Location: ....Toronto, ON
Event: .......EDUCAUSE Midwest Regional Conference
Date: ......... March 15 -17, 2010
Location: ....Chicago, IL L
Event: ....... Best Practices for Incorporating Web 2.0/Web 3.0 into Your e-Learning Mix, eLearning Guild Online Seminar
Date: ......... April
8-9, 2010
Location: ....Stratford,
Event: ....... Canada 3.0
Date: ......... May
10 -11, 2010
Location: ....Stratford,
Event: ....... ACCC (Association of Canadian Community Colleges) Conference
Date: ......... June
6 - 8, 2010
Location: ....Niagara
Falls, ON
Event: ....... Canadian Higher Education and Information Technology Conference
Date: ......... June
13 - 16 , 2010
Location: ....St. John's,
Career Opportunities
Invitation to Recruit the Best-of-the-Best at
Education Canada Network's Spring Educator Job Expo
Canada Network is excited to invite your district/school to exhibit at our first
Spring Educator Job Fair and Expo. From a survey conducted in the Fall of
2009, we had an overwhelming expression of interest to host our own recruiting
event. Consequently, we have been organizing an event to help you recruit
teachers and other education professionals at a time of year in which your
should have a better idea of the type of personnel you will be needing in
Join us for this event. Below are some details:
Location: Hilton, Downtown Toronto
Date: April 21st, 2010
Time: 9 am to 3 pm Exhibition time, 3 - 6 pm extra Interview time
We only have a limited number of booth spaces available (ONLY 27 LEFT!). We also have
arranged for discounted travel and accommodation. For more information,
including cost, click here.
Invitations will be going out to all the surrounding Faculties of Education in
Southern Ontario. We are expecting between 700 and 1000 job seekers.
Don't miss out on this opportunity! If you have any questions contact
myself or Loni at 1-800-823-6280 or email us.
If you could like to register for a booth fill out the registration form at here.
Note: If you know any job seekers we may be interested in attending this event please
forward them the forward this link.
FEATURED JOB OPPORTUNITY ********************************************************************************************
Public Schools is looking for a Deputy Director,
Instruction & Student Services. For more on this opportunity click here. **********************************************************************************************************************************************************

Research and Innovation

ContactNorth|Contact Nord Meeting of the Minds
MindShare Learning Report Publisher Robert Martellacci (R) presented
recently at ContactNorth's Sr. Management Retreat. Also pictured: Brian
Stewart, CIO, Athabasca University (L); Maxim Jean-Louis, President & CEO,
ContactNorth (at the podium); Dr. Tony Bates, Professor Emeritus, UBC,
ContactNorth Research Associate
| ContactNord February 2010
One of the three components
of Contact North | Contact Nord's mandate is to support innovation in
education and learning
through testing and applied research of new modes of "delivery" using
technology, and to share information in Northern Ontario, as well as nationally
and internationally.

Apple's tablet spark a textbook revolution?
eSchool News
Can the release of
Apple's eReader tablet do for textbooks what the iPod did for music: combine an
online store for purchasing books with sleek hardware that holds every text a
student needs?

Industry Analyst Study
Reveals Indisputable Economic Benefits of Faronics Power Save
Faronics 20/01/10
Faronics, global provider
of power reduction software and cost reducing IT solutions, is pleased to
announce the results of a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting
on behalf of Faronics titled " The
Total Economic Impact™ Of Faronics Power Save."
Listen up
class: sound systems can mean better marks and behaviour
Macleans 14/01/10
amplification systems have been so good at focusing students at
Keewatin-Patricia's 23 schools that now "we have them in the classrooms,
gymnasiums, libraries, and anywhere kids are learning," says Kilberry, who
works with deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Save for a few disgruntled
students, there is fervent support for this equipment at a growing number of
schools. While penetration rates for Canada are hard to come by, companies who
sell these systems, such as Lightspeed Technologies and FrontRow, report that
they are widely used in Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick
and likely elsewhere.

Canada earns
top marks in education evaluation
CEA 20/01/10
Drawing on
data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),
the Conference Board of Canada, a research centre, has released an assessment
of Canada's education system. Canada received an 'A' in high school completion, with 86%
of 25 to 64 year-olds having earned a high school diploma. Overall, Canada
ranked second out of seventeen peer countries. Despite its success, Canada was
criticized for not producing enough science, math, computer science, and
engineering graduates.

Ignatieff hitting the books
Toronto Star
is smart politics, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff and his party appear to
have decided. All this month, Ignatieff has been broadly hinting that the next
Liberal campaign platform will be going heavy on the issue of education - for
its own sake, but also as perhaps the biggest wedge to use against the federal
Conservatives whenever the next election rolls around.

A fruitful
Times 25/01/10
When Ginny Dybenko left the telecommunications
sector three years ago to become dean of Wilfred Laurier University's School of Business and
Economics in Canada, she hoped
to build stronger links between the technology sector and business education.
But in her search for ideas, it took a school from Mexico to show Dybenko that
the answer may well have been on her doorstep the whole time

Bits and Bites...
of the Minds
Publisher's Alma Mater, Pepperdine University and
students gather while at the FETC conference in January for a conversation with Dr. Gary Stager and Dr. David Thornburg.
MindShare Musings..."The Connectors, Leaders and People on the Move"
MSL Report's K12 editor, Tim Gard and I kicked off
January 2010 appropriately with a conference and a presentation at in Florida
at FETC. We engaged our audience in two-way conversation focusing on managing change, leadership
& learning in the 21st Century. Twitter was the rage
at the conference... #FETC in case you want to checkout the feed. Web 2.0
continues to be hot and perhaps an equalizer for education. There seems to be
no slowing down in the pace of change of ICT in education. If you're an
industry solution provider, twitter can you a great pulse for trends happening
in education. You can follow me at MindShareLearn. Great to see the Pepperdine
U EdTech faculty (co-directors: Dr. Paul Sparks, Dr. Margaret Riel),
students & alumni. This year's Cadre is a very impressive bunch.
I've agreed to serve as alumni president for one more year and will
gladly pass the torch to an eager alumnus. It was great to be invited to the University of Central Florida Institute for Simulation and Training along with the Pepperdine crew. The faculty and
students were most welcoming and very open to sharing their research which was
most fascinating and leading-edge. There is a strong connection to the military
in creating simulated environments to better prepare for military personnel for
deployments abroad.
We enjoyed spending time with Nita Seng, VP sales at
Tech4Learning while at FETC. MindShare is honoured to have won the Ontario
province-wide competition with our new partner-the software of choice,
award winning multimedia creativity tool Frames 4. San Diego based Tech4Learning
is a company to watch for 2010.
While I enjoy travelling abroad, it's always great to be
back in Canada as we have many incredibly dedicated and talented education and
industry leaders. While Sudbury, Ontario is not Florida, Maxim Jean-Louis,
President & CEO, ContactNorth and his wife Lise were gracious hosts as I
made the trip up to present to his management team on EdTech trends across
Canada and the U.S.
I had a nice chat recently with Dr. Jeremy Friedberg,
president of Spongelab
Interactive, who specializes in immersive learning through educational
game. His team's hard work has paid off this past year receiving multiple
awards, most notably United Nations World Summit Award - First Place, e-Science - September 2009 (a
competition of over 22,000 e-learning applications).
I have to admit I
was sad to see Ontario Education Minister Kathleen Wynne leave her post
recently in the provincial cabinet shake-up. Minister Wynne really embraced the
notion of 21st Century Learning for students and was beginning to
make strides in this direction. Seems she has loftier goals to pursue a party
leadership post in the future. The good news is that her predecessor has a
history in education as a former school board chair in Bellville area. I look
forward to interviewing the Hon.
Leona Dombrowsky,
Minister of Education at some point soon.
Flynn, EdTech
Director for NSBA (National School Board Association) reached out to MindShare
Learning to help spread the word to Canadian educators that we are showcasing
the Eastern Townships School Board in Magag, Quebec, March 28-30. The district
has good results to show increased gains in achievement as a result of their
1:1 initiative along with a project-based instructional strategy.
Fraser University has named Andrew Petter, past dean of the University
of Victoria faculty of law and former British Columbia attorney general, as its
ninth president and vice-chancellor.
Congratulations to Bruce Thomson (Hamilton-Wentworth DSB)
who received the Wm Wales Award this year. I would be remiss if I didn't congratulate Dr.
Nelson Heller, President of MDR's EdNet & Hellereports, who was
inducted into the AEP (Associations of Education Publisher's) Hall of
Fame while I was in NYC this past December.
always engaging Saar Pikar, AVP & GM at CDI Computers has
announced that international education thought leader, Michael Bator,
former Director of Education, Dufferin Catholic District School Board and fellow
Mississaugan has joined the company in a consultative role to further
CDI's penetration into the education market.
enjoyed lunching last week with Ian MacDonald, president emeritus, York
University, who is a fellow hockey teammate with the Friday morning faculty
team at York U. A seasoned veteran at 80 years-old, he still manages to notch a
few goals here and there. I'm encouraging Ian to write a book entitled,
"Peaking at 80 - The Secrets of a Hockey Journeyman." Seriously,
he's an inspiration to all of us when it comes to healthy active living
and lifelong learning. I've agreed to take on chairing the varsity hockey
alumni and will be joined by Ian as our honourary chair. Head coach Jim
Wells and Bruce Logan, Chief Development Officer endured war hockey
stories over lunch. We're looking to regain some of the strong varsity
hockey traditions from the past and welcome York Varsity hockey alumni to
support our efforts.
intrigued by the fact that Bill Gates joined twitter this past month.
It's not surprising that he generated over 100,000 followers in the first
eight hours according to Mashable.com. Yes, I am following Bill. I'm impressed by Mr. Gates new blog The GatesNotes. There's a cool
site that he links to, The Teaching Company which led me to MIT and a vast array of FREE courses to explore.
Following along the Microsoft theme, checkout the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2010 A great
challenge for your students.
Be sure to keep us at the MindShare Learning Report in the loop
when you have relevant and engaging news to share.
All the best for 2010! R.M.
P. S. Please be sure to share your news and success stories. Until next time, walk the digital talk!
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser à l'Environnement. |
Advisory Board Members
The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board. Members include:
Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
Dr. Ron Owston, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology, York University - Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Cheryl Paige, Principal, Joyce Public School, Toronto District School Board - Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Leduc, Alberta
Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
Timothy Gard, Educator - Media Literacy & Technology, Toronto District School Board
Cathy Phillips, M. Ed., Director, Round Table on Technology, The Learning Partnership
Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada
David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco Trimark
Chip Fesko, Sr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine |
About Us
The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:
About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Leading, Learning & Technology eMagazine.
Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts, podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com/report
Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN
About MindShare Learning
MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, GlobalScholar, Learning.com, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, netTrekker, IMSI (ClipArt.com), CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), Tech4Learning, Xoolon, NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com | |