MindShare Learning Report
Issue No.8, Volume 2, October 2009           Click here if you are having problems viewing this report            Complimentary Issue
MSL Report - Cross Canada Manitoba Spotlight Edition
Funding Opportunity
K12: Headlines
K12: Upcoming Events
K12: Ask a Teacher
Green IT
Software Review
Featured Web 2.0 sites
Post Secondary
21st Century Innovation Spotlight
Post Secondary: Headlines
Post Secondary: Upcoming Events
Career Opportunities
Research and Innovation
MindShare Musings
Advisory Board
About Us
Poll Question
Should Canada establish a national department of education?
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Grade Expectations





Pepperdine University


The Learning Partnership



Suggested Reading...
The Leader in Me


Teaching the Digital Generation
How, Flat and Crowded
The World is Open
Disrupting Class

Dear Thought Leader,
                               Publisher Vodcast Welcome
Robert Martellacci

Welcome to the October MindShare Learning Report-Canada's Leading, Learning & Technology eMagazine.  We are pleased to welcome Microsoft Canada as the title sponsor of the Microsoft - MindShare Learning 21st Century Digital Classroom Challenge that officially launches today!  
The search is on for Canada's most tech savvy teachers!  So, please checkout our fabulous prizes and contest details in order to enter and qualify to WIN 1 of 3 technology prize packs each valued at over $15,000 for your school, including an all expenses paid trip to the ISTE (NECC) 2010 Conference in Denver, Co. We're looking forward to seeing your awesome video submissions!
Our Cross Canada provincial spotlight for the month of October takes us virtually to the province of Manitoba. Our exclusive podcast interviews feature two very notable Manitobans, Dr. George Siemens from the University of Manitoba and Gail Bagnall, Superintendent, Lord Selkirk School Division.  These two passionate educationalists do an excellent job at keeping Manitoba on the national radar with their thought leadership.
Be sure to catch the podcast interview with Dr. Steve MacLean, president of the Canadian Space Agency and former astronaut. Among other things, Steve shares what it takes to have the "right stuff" to become an astronaut-21st Century learning at its best!
In post secondary news, several universities have announced record enrolment numbers, including UOIT with a 15% jump in undergraduate enrolment.  An article that should be of great interest to all of us pertains to College students being vulnerable to web addiction, due to the proliferation of online social networks.
Our Research and Innovation feature a concerning report about Canada's broadband networks not being ready for the future.

On the industry news front, I recently returned from EdNET in Chicago where I connected with EdTech industry leaders from around the world. Be sure checkout my reflections and vodcast interviews with industry giants, including Dr. Nelson Heller, founder of EdNET and the Heller Reports. Speaking of industry leaders, we need to look no further than our own backyard with Desire2Learn earning the Deloitte Technology Fast 50™ Award for Fourth Consecutive Year.

This month's software review features world renowned Dr. Margaret Riel, Pepperdine University & SRI, who shares her views on Etherpad and other Web 2.0 tools as part of a collaborative online suite for effective online teaching strategies.
This publication does not happen in isolation and is rapidly emerging into a collaborative and collegial online exercise between education and industry. Our mission simple-to connect education and business to support student success.  We thank you our readership for your continuing support. Please share your news, ideas and suggestions with us.
On a final note, as always I want to thank our valued sponsors (checkout their excellent solutions!), our esteemed advisory board and the MindShare Learning team for an excellent issue. Finally, I want to thank outgoing Mitchel Townsend, former higher education editor, who has decided to devote more time to his doctoral studies. Your contributions have been greatly appreciated.
Be sure to watch for next month's issue of the MSL Report 21st Century teacher education & PD theme along with our Cross Canada Spotlight in the province of Nova Scotia. Until next time, keep the learning curve steep!

Cheers, R.

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P.S. The Canadian Education Statistics Council (CESC) recently released Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective, 2009, read more

Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™-- Connecting Education & Business to Support Student Success 
Go Green  Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement.
Title Sponsor
Quotes of the Month

"Today's youth are radically different from the ones our system was designed to teach. We must make learning more available and compelling."

Chris Spence, Director, Toronto District School Board, Blog, September 18, 2009
"Winning the MindShare Learning contest is such an honour because we believe that it shows the power of engaged learners and the unique talents that are developing in ever changing and evolving 21st century classrooms."

Mark Melnyk, History Teacher, Markville Secondary School, 2008-09 MindShare Learning Contest Winner
Microsoft-MindShare Learning 21st Century Digital Classroom Challenge - 2009/10

Media Release: Microsoft-MindShare Learning 21st Century Digital Classroom Challenge

MSL Challenge

Hail to the Victors! Congratulations to last year's $10, 000 prize winners in the MindShare Learning 21st Century Classroom Contest

Mali Bickley (W.H. Day Elementary School) - First Winner of  the MindShare Learning 21st Century Classroom Contest

Chantal LaFargue (Fredericton High School) - Second Winner of the MindShare Learning 21st Century Classroom Contest

Mark Melnyk, Rob Cote (Markville Secondary School)- Final Winner of the MindShare Learning 21st Century
Classroom Contest

MSL Report Contest Winners - 2008/09
NIck Francis

A Student's Reflection on Winning the Contest
Robert Martellacci with Nick Francis, co-creator of the stop-motion video for Markville Secondary School's entry in last year's MindShare Learning 21st Century Digital Classroom Contest.

Cross Canada 21st Century Provincial Spotlight on Manitoba
MB Provincial Flag

Gail BagnallGail Bagnall
intendent/CEO Lord Selkirk School Division

Podcast Icon
Podcast Interview with Robert Martellacci, Editor and Publisher of The MindShare Learning Report

Gail Bagnall has been the Superintendent/CEO of Lord Selkirk School Division since 1993.  Prior to LSSD, Gail held a variety of senior administrative positions in the Provincial Government, in two other Manitoba school divisions and in Quebec.  Gail has been actively involved in post-secondary education on the Board of Governors of Red River College and the Graduate Studies Committee of the University of Manitoba.  Her leadership activities include an appointment to the Advisory Committee on Federal Judicial Appointments by the Minister of Justice/Attorney General of Canada; Co-Chair of the 2003 Western Canada Summer Games; and Minister's Advisory Committee (2000-2001) on the Manitoba Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Inquest.  She is a Past President of provincial/national organizations such as the Manitoba Association of School Superintendents, and was the recipient of the 2005 Manitoba Association of School Trustees (MAST) "President's Council Award" for outstanding contributions in the area of education and public service.

Research and Innovation in Manitoba

Manitoba Research and Innovation Fund
Research into health sciences, the environment and new technologies will receive more than $1.45 million in provincial support this fall. Starting in 2003, the research and innovation fund has provided over $85 million in research and innovation support for health and agriculture, technology and aerospace, cultural and new media industries, and alternative energy developments.
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Manitoba Education Research & Learning Information Networks (MERLIN)
 First established in 1995 as a special operating agency with the Department of Education and Youth. MERLIN is responsible for coordinating the delivery of technology services to the education community across Manitoba. Their mission states: "To support the use of technology in improving educational services to learners."

Manitoba is an International Leader in Arctic Research and Education with their Latest Investment for the Churchill Northern Studies Centre (CNSC)
"The province will invest $6 million to support CNSC's plans to complete renovations to existing structures and the construction of new laboratory and classroom facilities.  The new facility will be Manitoba's most northerly green building and will comply with or exceed all provincial legislation regarding Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification requirements and design standards. "
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Manitoba Research Network

"MRnet is Manitoba's Regional Advanced Research and Education Network.  MRnet provides a very-high-speed network linking its research and education members to the world's research & Education networks."  The latest project is to connect MRnet members to a dark fiber optic network to insure self-sustainability and creating fast lightpaths.
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Manitoba Technology and Education

The Manitoba Association for Computing Educators (MANACE)
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Technology Educator's of Manitoba (TEAM)
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Manitoba Council for Leadership in Education
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Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre
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Manitoba School Improvement Program

Education Ministry's Website


Funding Opportunities of the Month
Province Supports Research with More than $1.45 Million in Grants: Rondeau
Manitoba Government 22/09/09

Research into health sciences, the environment and new technologies will receive more than $1.45 million in provincial support, Science, Technology, Energy and Mines Minister Jim Rondeau announced today.
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Province Supports Arctic Research with $6 Million in Funding: Rondeau
Manitoba Government 14/09/09
To help position Manitoba as an international leader in arctic research and education, the province will invest $6 million in the Churchill Northern Studies Centre (CNSC) over the next four years, Science, Technology, Energy and Mines Minister Jim Rondeau announced today.
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Leading Edge and New Initiatives Funds Competition 2009
CFI [Government of Canada]
The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) [Government of Canada's Science and Technology Strategy] has two funds; the 2009 Leading Edge Fund (LEF) and New Initiatives Funds (NIF) are aimed at infrastructure projects for breakthrough research and development in all disciplines. LEF and NIF provide a single budget of up to $400 million (plus an additional $120 million offered through the Infrastructure Operating Fund) with no predetermined distribution between the two funds to allow for maximum flexibility.
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More on Funding Opportunities...

EdNET 2009 Conference 21st Century Spotlight


MindShare's publisher, Robert Martellacci recently returned from Chicago where he attended one of North America's leading EdTech business conferences.  Mr. Martellacci was fortunate to connect with a two industry pioneers for a one-on-one  interview - Dr. Nelson Heller, Heller Reports Founder and Randy Wilhelm, CEO, netTrekker.
Dr. Nelson HellerDr. Nelson Heller
About Dr. Nelson Heller.... Nelson Heller is president of EdNET at MDR, a D&B company. EdNET publishes a weekly e-mailed industry news service, sponsors the annual EdNET: Educational Networking Conference, and offers periodic EdNET Virtual Roundtables with panels of experts regarding key issues impacting educational sales and marketing.

Nelson Heller started The Heller Reports in 1988. In 2002, the business was acquired by Scholastic Inc. and QED. Nelson joined MDR when QED was acquired by MDR in February, 2009. In its early years, in addition to EdNET, The Heller Reports offered periodic international EdNET Trade Missions and published two valued technology-focused newsletters: Educational Technology Markets, and Internet Strategies for Education Markets, covering business opportunities in the education markets. The Heller Reports pioneered electronic education market B2B publications with a news alert service, archive and virtual community for educational industry executives.

Dr. Heller is recipient of the "Making It Happen" education industry award. He holds a BEE from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and graduate degrees from MIT and a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania.

Randy WilhelmRandy Wilhelm co-founded netTrekker in 1999 to enhance the education of youth through innovative technology. Since then, Wilhelm has effectively navigated his company through the ups and downs of the dot.com craze and bust to create a highly successful organization. He currently serves as CEO of Thinkronize, Inc.

netTrekker is a leader in the delivery of digital K-12 educational content. netTrekker is the #1 educational search tool in K-12 schools and delivers engaging, educational digital content in a safe, easy-to-use format. With netTrekker, Wilhelm was able to change how digital curriculum is tagged, sorted and delivered to all stakeholders in K-12 education.

Wilhelm has built partnerships throughout the education and technology industries, including those with major hardware manufacturers, educational publishers, and software developers. He has spoken at numerous events such as EdNET, Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA), and The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) conferences. He serves on several boards, including: Board of Directors member for Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), Board member for Association of Educational Publishers (AEP) and Board member for The Partnership for 21st Century Skills. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from DePauw University.

SMART AwardSMART Technologies Takes Home the Hardware!

Congratulations to SMART Technologies winner of the prestigious EdNET Pioneer Award for 2009. The EdNET Pioneer Award is presented to the organization that has made the most significant contribution to the growth of the education market. Receiving the Award on behalf of SMART Technologies, executives, Rae Raffin and Russell Erickson.

K12 Feature Headlines

McGuinty Government Investing In Literacy, Supporting Ontario Businesses
Ontario Government 28/09/09

Elementary students started the school year with more than one million new books in school libraries, and there are more on the way.

Alberta students speak to astronauts aboard the International Space Station
Enhanced learning experience prepares students for careers of the future
Alberta Learning 23/09/09

Vulcan... Students from Palliser Regional Schools gathered in Vulcan to ask Canadian astronaut Dr. Robert Thirsk a series of science and technology-related questions in real time at a special downlink event with the International Space Station. Thanks to Alberta's SuperNet, students across the province can also watch this historic event, live through a webcast on: www.LearnAlberta.ca.

Peel Board Director, Associate Director to retire
Transition plan in place as search for Director begins
PDSB 23/09/09

Peel District School Board Director of Education Jim Grieve and Associate Director of Instructional Support Services Judith Nyman are retiring from the board. The board has put a transition plan in place during the search for a new director of education and associate director.

ERDI Canada adds to Executive Team
ERDI Canada 15/09/ 09

Michael D. Lee the CEO of ERDI is pleased to announce, on behalf of the ERDI team, a change in the senior ERDI administrative structure. Effective January 1st, 2010: Chris Kelly will become President - Corporate Development and Education. Bill Hogarth will become President - Corporate Development and Planning.

ISTE is offering an award for an Outstanding Young Educator 
ISTE Connects 23/09/09

ISTE is offering an award for an "outstanding young educator"! Do you know someone who demonstrates vision and innovation in their use of technology to improve teaching and learning?

K12: Upcoming Events

Event: ....... ERDI Canada Fall Conference
Date: ......... October 15-17, 2009
Location: ... Kelowna, BC
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Event: ....... Horizon's 2009
Date: ......... October 22-24, 2009
Location: ... Surrey, BC

Event: ....... When Faith Meets Pedagogy
Date: ......... October 22-24, 2009
Location: ... Mississauga, ON

Event: ....... NSBA Technology & Learning
Date: ......... October 28-30, 2009
Location: ... Denver, CO

Event:....... ECOO Conference
November 12-14, 2009
Markham, ON
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Manadement and Innovation Conference

Read more K-12 Events...
Countdown to ECOO  November 11-13, 2009!    Inspire, Connect, Teach


Top 10 Reasons to attend ECOO 2009  November 9 - 11   
Register here

1.   Amazing international speakers to inspire and engage your thinking!  
Ian Jukes, Alec Couros, Stephen Downes, Jutta Treviranus, Ben Hazzard, Roger Wagner, Mark Lipton, Mali Bickley, Jim Carleton, Peter Skillen, Hall Davidson

2.  Minds on Media - Constructivist Approach to Digital Storytelling and Multimedia Presentations  
Imagine a room full of teachers who are experts in digital storytelling and multimedia creation and a full day to play. What could you learn from them?  - A Bring Your Own Laptop Event  - Wednesday, Nov. 11  9:00 - 3:30 pm

3.  Full-day seminars on Wednesday to allow time for deeper learning of software or use of educational technology in the classroom

4.  One-hour core conference sessions on Thursday and Friday for lots of new ideas and sharing

5.  Celebrate 30 Years of ECOO and network with other teachers from across Ontario and beyond - enjoy complimentary snacks and beverages at the Mix and Mingle session  - Thursday, Nov. 12  4:30 - 6:30 pm.

6.  Win valuable and exciting door prizes to take back to your classroom!

7.  Take a walk through our huge exhibit hall to see what's new in Educational Technology

8.  Meet up face-to-face with those teachers you've been blogging, tweeting, skyping and video conferencing with online!

9.  Enjoy the relaxing and elegant Sheraton Parkway North Hotel, fitness areas and pool

10.  Become part of the ECOO community and find out how you can be involved in moving ECOO forward in the future!
K12: Ask a Teacher? 
 Timothy Gard
Timothy Gard has had over a decade of hands-on involvement with students and teachers in information and communication technology. He loves innovative ideas and taking risks, integrating technology across the curriculum and engaging students in the ever-changing world of technology. He currently teaches media literacy and technology at Ecole Sir Adam Beck J. S. in the Toronto District School Board.

  Top Five Tips for Educators Interested in Submitting to the Microsoft-MindShare Learning Digital Classroom Challenge

Student Achievement. Sweet Technology. National Recognition. Challenge! I can imagine that there are many reasons you might want to enter this year's Microsoft-MindShare Learning Digital Classroom Challenge. In order however to enter a first-rate product and to extend your chances of garnering one of the $ 15,000 prizes, read on and apply the top tips for entering a first rate video!
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Green IT

 Green IT Faronics : How Green Is I.T. Really?

Epson Energy Efficiency
EPSON Canada 29/09/09

Epson, a global leader in environmental responsibility, conducts a full life cycle analysis on all of its products.  One of the major aspects of this analysis is in the area of energy efficiency.  Our educational customers will appreciate the innovative design features of our projectors-reduced size and improved brightness yet lower energy consumption and costs.  How do we do this?

With our Epson Twin Optimized Reflection Lamp (E-TORL) we satisfy both objectives. The E-TORL incorporates a new design that improves the efficiency with which light is utilized. It uses an elliptical reflector and a twin sub-reflector unit instead of the parabolic reflector found in ordinary lamps. The new design uses the light that ordinary lamps reflect out and lose, improving light collection by as much as 20 per cent. To maximize E-TORL performance, Epson designed a compact new optical unit that also happens to reduce the dimensions of the projectors themselves.

With this kind of innovation, we have achieved an approximately 90% reduction in power consumption per 100 lumens (units of measurement for projector brightness) for the EB-1735W/ PowerLite 1735W launched in 2008, when compared with the ELP-3000/ EMP-3000 (launched in 1995).

We have also reduced power consumption in our ink jet printers, scanners and many other products.  When it comes to environmental responsibility, Epson leads the way!

To learn more, visit here

Canada's Building Performance Program for K-12 Schools

The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) has begun a multi-year project to improve the energy and environmental performance of buildings in Canada aiming at deep reductions in energy, water use, and greenhouse gases.  In 2008, 25 school boards (250 schools) took part in CaGBC's pilot project, which established a national building performance database totalling over 1.5 million m2.  The pilot developed and tested the new Green Building Performance System (GBPS).

China could be $1 trillion green market

"China's market requirements for green tech solutions are tremendous. Chinese government policies are positive drivers for green tech market development in a wide range of businesses."

More GreenIT news...
Software Review: Effective Online Teacher Strategy with Etherpad and other online Tools
Dr. Margaret RielDr. Margaret Riel
Visiting Faculty, Education
Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Psychology & Education

Dr. Riel is best known for her research and development of collaborative learning models and communities of practice. She has studied interactive learning environments with a focus on collaborative learning, facilitated, but not controlled by technology. The result of her work is the development of models of network learning, specifically "cross-classroom collaboration" and "electronic travel" designs, with the goal of creating contexts for teacher and student learning. Dr. Riel was also part of a research team analyzing data from the "Teaching, Learning, and Computing 1998 National Survey." Dr. Riel is also a senior researcher at the Center for Technology in Learning at SRI -International. The focus of her research is teacher learning, teacher networks, and school reform. She teaches in the Masters in Educational Technology (Online) Program and her focus is action research.

Online Teaching Strategy (Blogged August 31, 2009), featured with permission

I am using a new combination of tools for online teaching that I am finding really effective.  The structure works well for small group course discussion (5-10 students).  In courses with more students,  I  chose to meet smaller groups of students,  while other groups meet without me rather than have large online classes.  This is online equivalent of putting students in groups during class time and rotating between the groups.   The alternative, addressing a large class with a performance or lecture does not take advantage of the intellectual resources that students bring to learning.  Lectures can be  pod- or video-casted  and shared asynchronously with other technology.  A synchronous meeting should take advantage of the time it took to get people in the same time frame.

The question then is how to best structure a synchronous online meetings and discussions. In the past I used a tool--Tapped-In that provide a "place enriched" chat with an automatic "recording" sent to all participants.  This used the text channel well, it sometimes led to disjointed talk as everyone was typing in a delayed way to what was read a few lines above.  Often multiple conversations are going on and it is hard to divide and focus.

Voice chats allows for a faster flow of ideas but forces a sequential structure on contributing to the discussion (only one person can talk at a time). This limits participation and increases the role of moderating who speaks and for how long.   When these sessions are recorded, is hard to scan a recording to find the particular salient points.   So  I have been experimenting with a combination of text and voice using two tools.  The first, Skype,  carries the voice and the second, etherpad,  supports our "extended" collaborative sense-making.
Dell Netbook 2100 Review
Web 2.0 Technology Spotlight

Technology and innovation fit hand and glove - no great argument there! There are always new websites to check out and new avenues to explore down the 'netscapes' of the virtual universe. And of course, most of these new and exciting ventures are made possible by those individuals wishing to become the next Twitter, or Facebook. Why wouldn't you want to retire in your early to mid-twenties in a nice villa over-looking the ocean while sipping on a freshly made Margarita? We've put together a small sample of what's out there. Have a look and discover what you can do online! (T. Gard)


User Generated News. What's happening? When? Where?

Meet The Boss

MeettheBoss is the premier industry networking, communication, and content delivery site for senior management, across all vertical industries. While not solely a networking tool, MeettheBoss' industry leading technology ensures that the communication taking place between members is far superior to that of any other existing 'business networking' site.


Real Collaboration with concurrent editing.


Real-Time Local Twitter Trends

Post Secondary Education

As part of our innovative practices, each month we will profile a "Visiting Professor - Virtually!"

21st Century Podcast Interview with Dr. George Siemens, University of Manitoba

George Siemens

Dr. George Siemens
University of Manitoba
Associate Director, Research and Development
Learning Technologies Centre

Podcast Icon
George Siemens, is an Associate Director with the Learning Technologies Centre at University of Manitoba and author of Knowing Knowledge, an exploration of how the context and characteristics of knowledge have changed, and what it means to organizations today. George is also Founder and President of Complexive Systems Inc., a learning lab focused on assisting organizations develop integrated learning structures to meet the needs of global strategy execution.

Knowing KnowledgeDr. George Siemens
Knowing Knowledge is now available
PDF Download

In late breaking news.... Professor Siemens is Heading to Athabasca
eLearnspace Blog 01/10/09

I have accepted a position with Athabasca University and, as a result, will be leaving my current position at University of Manitoba. It was a tough decision. I've enjoyed working at U of M - particularly with Peter Tittenberger, Director of Learning Technologies Centre, one of the most creative/innovative leaders I've ever had the pleasure of working with.

When presented with an opportunity to work with Terry Anderson, Jon Dron, Rory McGreal, Griff Richards, and others (I don't think I'll be working directly with Debra Hoven, but will enjoy the conversations, I'm sure!), the prospect of fertile soil for innovation and discussion is too great to resist!
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Go Green Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement.
21st Century Innovation Spotlight

Dr. Steve MacleanDr. Steve MacLean
Former Canadian Astronaut
President of the Canadian Space Agency

The Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Industry, has announced the appointment of Dr. Steve MacLean as President of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) effective September 1, 2008.

Prior to his appointment as President, Dr. MacLean was Chief Astronaut of the Canadian Space Agency and coordinated the astronaut activities. He also championed studies, served on steering committees and was the Canadian voting member on the Multi-Crew Operational Panel for the International Space Station-an international panel responsible for the selection of crews and crew operations on the station. In addition, he actively promoted an alignment of university activities with CSA's space priorities.

Dr. Steve MacLean, President of the Canadian Space Agency, talks about his experiences in space, the recent Canada-U.S. space agreement, and the future of space exploration.

Podcast Icon

Podcast Interview with Dr. Steve MacLean

Post Secondary Education Feature Headlines

Alberta and Texas combine nanotech expertise to advance clean energy efforts
Government of Alberta 21/09/09
Two of North America's leading nanotechnology research centres are combining their expertise to advance work on clean energy development.
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University of Ottawa ranked among top 200 research institutions in the world
Ottawa Business Journal 02/10/09
The University of Ottawa has been named as one of the top 200 research institutions in the world, in an international study examining research in higher education, government, health and corporate organizations between 2003 and 2007.
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Desire2Learn Earns Deloitte Technology Fast 50™ Award for Fourth Consecutive Year Desire2Learn ranked the 41st fastest growing technology company in Canada in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50™
Desire2Learn 01/10/09
Desire2Learn Incorporated (Desire2Learn), a leading provider of mission-critical enterprise eLearning solutions, is ranked for the fourth consecutive year as one of the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Canada in the 2009 Deloitte Technology Fast 50™.

College students vulnerable to web addiction
eSchool News 14/09/09
The proliferation of online social networks and video games has led to the rise of what many psychologists are calling a very real phenomenon: internet addiction.
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Tremendous growth at UOIT - Overall enrolment, first-year numbers, international and graduate student rolls all experience big jumps
UOIT 28/09/09
The University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) has experienced substantial growth with the start of this new academic year, with high school students, college transfers, and graduate, mature and international students arriving on campus in greater numbers than ever before.
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More Post Secondary Education Headlines...
Post Secondary Education: Upcoming Events 

Event: ....... Edge 2009 International Conference
Date: ......... October 14th -16th, 2009
Location: ... St. John's, Newfoundland
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Event: ....... eLearn 2009
Date: ......... October 26th-30th, 2009
Location: ... Vancouver, British Columbia
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Event: ....... Future of Online and Blended Learning
Date: .........
October 24th-26th, 2009
Location: ... Vancouver, British Columbia
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Event: ....... 37th Annual International Conference of the Association for Experiential Education
Date: ......... October 29th-November 1st, 2009
Location: ... Montreal, Quebec
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Career Opportunities

Helping Schools Recruit in times of Tightening Budgets

Is your School District planning to go on the university/college recruiting circuit in early 2010?   Can you get to all the events you need too?  Has your recruitment budget been cut this year, but you are still expecting the need to hire personnel for the Fall?  Education Canada Network can help you with our Job Fair Agent Service.

Education Canada Network (ECN) is gearing up for the 2010 recruiting season, and we are once again proud to offer education employers from around the country an unique recruiting opportunity which is guaranteed to save you money and gain access to a pool of soon-to graduate, available teachers and other education professionals. We are again making our Job Fair Agent  service available to schools like yours.

We are in the midst of finalizing our plans to attend a minimum of 15 university and college teacher job fairs in January and February 2010.  Knowing the budgetary pressures many of you are facing this year, ECN would like to offer you a presence at these events, without being there.  Let ECN provide your organization the ability to get information about your schools and communities out to over 10,000  expected newly graduating teachers.

Value of this service:
  • Save money! Can your school system afford to attend 10 - 15 job fairs? With this service you can!
  • Promote your school(s) directly to eager and available educators.
  • Gain access to a list candidate profiles online from job seekers who are interested in working for your school(s).
  • Based on your needs, gain access to an online interview form filled out by candidates.
  • Expand your recruitment effort without the investment of time and personnel.

Click here for more information on this service as well as pricing.

If you have any questions contact us at 800.823.6280 or email us . If you want to register for this service click here.

Education Canada
Research and Innovation
Canada's broadband networks not ready for future: report
CBC News.ca 15/09/09
Canada is woefully positioned for future internet usage and the quality of current broadband networks is barely enough to cope with current traffic because of a lack of investment by providers, according to a new study
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Ten Top Tips for Teaching with New Media
Edutopia 30/09/09
Full of succinct and practical ways to prepare our students for 21st-century success, this guide will help you deliver the relevant and meaningful education all students deserve.
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Training is key to schools' digital media use Panelists at Capitol Hill briefing said teachers need adequate staff development to leverage digital media's potential for education
eSchoolNews 24/09/09
Educators need to embrace Web 2.0 technologies in schools, but they should be given adequate professional development to ensure they learn the proper ways to engage their students through digital media, said experts at a Sept. 21 Capitol Hill briefing.
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Preliminary results of a Survey of K-12 Educators on Social Networking and Content-Sharing Tools were released last week at the EdNET Conference in Chicago. We'd love to get your feedback.
EdNET/ 23/09/09
The survey was co-sponsored by three organizations-edWeb.net, MCH, and MMS Education-and was deployed to more than 70,000 K-12 principals, teachers, and school librarians. You can request a copy at survey@edweb.net.
According to the survey, Facebook is currently the leading social network that educators have joined-86% of educators who have joined a social network have joined Facebook. There are a number of social networks that are dedicated specifically to education. Although these sites currently have low penetration, educators expressed a strong preference to join a social network dedicated to education, which bodes well for these niche sites.
Source: Lisa Schmucki  Founder & CEO at edWeb.net
Bits and Bytes

Marine Pilot

How old is email?

The online tools you use every day might be older than you think. (Like everything on the internet, the date of origin of these tools is up for debate.)

Email/instant messaging: 1965
Bulletin Board Systems: 1978
Newsgroups: 1979
Internet: 1983
World Wide Web: 1989
Search engines: 1990
Web browsers: 1991
Wikis: 1995
VoIP: 1995
Blogs: 1997
Social networking sites: 1997
Microblogs (e.g. Twitter): 2006

Source: CBC News.ca
MindShare Musings...

Robert Martellacci As I review this month's news headlines, I'm reminded of two things: Canada is leading in many respects when it comes to excellence in learning & innovation and secondly, we are truly in a tech revolution or "boom" as Ontario's minister of education suggested during a podcast interview earlier this year. Yet, we are as a country at risk of being left behind. A twitter note I read recently highlighted that Apollo Group (parent company of newly established Meritus U in N.B. is rated by NASD - 100 as a strong buy. I'm still troubled by the proliferation of U.S. based online universities entering Canada. Hence, in this regard, it's a good news - bad news scenario. There are now many options to choose from, however, the quality of these online programs is suspect and Canadian Universities appear to be failing to meet the demands of their most immediate market. I've never considered launching a "made in Canada" online university, however, there is clearly a demand for a non-traditional program offering to meet the needs of 21st century learning, particularly mature students who may be working and looking to augment their skills.  I'm interesting in writing about Canadian universities who are taking the lead in this regard?

On The Learning Partnership front, the national online photo contest runs from August 31st to October 11th for Canadian students starting grade 9.  All weekly winners will be eligible to win the Grand Prize return trip from their home to Ottawa, with their parent/guardian, to meet The Right Honourable Stephen Harper* on Take Our Kids to Work day November 4, 2009. Continuing on the TLP front, the search is on for Canada's Outstanding Principals. Click here to enter your favourite principal.
It was great to catch-up with so many friends and colleagues at EdNET 2009 in Chicago recently where Mindshare Learning served as a media partner. This event marked my 10th EdNET which I first attended in Toronto while serving as country manager for The Learning Company. Kathy Hurley, former colleague and new chair of the partnership for 21st Century Learning was honoured at a reception hosted by Pearson U.S. where she serves as vice-president. It was great to connect with Vik Khanna, COO, Faronics, from Vancouver and other Canadian while at the conference. Congratulations to my good friend Vicki Bigham, and the rest of the team at MDR for hosting an excellent event.

More MindShare Musings here...

Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™
Go Green Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement.
Advisory Board Members 
The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board.  Members include: 
  • Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
  • Dr. Ron Owston, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology, York University
  • Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology
  • Cheryl Paige, Principal, Joyce Public School, Toronto District School Board
  • Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Leduc, Alberta
  • Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
  • Timothy Gard, Educator - Media Literacy & Technology, Toronto District School Board
  • Cathy Phillips, M. Ed., Director, Round Table on Technology, The Learning Partnership
  • Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
  • Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada  
  • David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco Trimark
  • Chip FeskoSr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine
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The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:

About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Leading, Learning & Technology eMagazine.

Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts, podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com/report
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About MindShare Learning

MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, GlobalScholar, Learning.com, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, netTrekker, IMSI (ClipArt.com), CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), Tech4Learning, Xoolon, NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com