MindShare Learning Report
Issue No.5, Volume 2, July 2009           Click here if you are having problems viewing this report            Complimentary Issue
Summer MindShare Learning Report: Year in Review
Cros-Canada Check-up: Provincial Education Ministers
NECC 2009 Spotlight
K12: Headlines
K12: Upcoming Events
Green IT
HE: Introduction
HE: Upcoming Events
HE: Ask a Professor
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Pepperdine University



Suggested Reading...
Disrupting Class


Engage the Online Learner
The Servant
Teaching the Digital Generation
How, Flat and Crowded
Why Students Don't Like School

Dear Thought Leader,
                            Publisher Vodcast Welcome (Click)
Robert Martellacci
Welcome to the July Year-in-Review Professional Development edition of the MindShare Learning Report-Canada's Leading, Learning and Technology eMagazine.

In this issue our 21st Century Spotlight features ISTE's 30th Anniversary of the National Education Computing Conference (NECC) in Washington D.C., where MindShare Learning was honoured to co-host with the Government of Canada -- Celebrate Canadian EdTech Innovation Partnering reception at the Canadian Embassy. Be sure to checkout the many conference highlights and reflections on New York Times Best Selling author of "Tipping Point," and conference keynote, Malcolm Gladwell, a proud Canadian. My brief conversation showed quite a sense of humour about our struggling Toronto Maple Leafs.

July is a great time of year for education and industry leaders to reflect and take stock of the year's successes and challenges as a means of self improvement. Sort of reminds me of the action research process that we were engaged in while completing my masters at Pepperdine. Of course, it can be all work and no play, so be sure to checkout our recommended reading as well as the many conference opportunities throughout the summer, including the SMART Summer Camp workshops hosted by Advanced Education at their state-of-the art, SMART training facility.

While our July issue is packed with great content, here are just a few highlights....

  • A podcast conversation on the emerging National Digital Strategy with Dean Ken Coates, following the highly successful Canada 3.0 conference hosted by the University of Waterloo;
  • Janet Murphy, Director of the ABEL project at York University shares her thoughts about Professional Learning and their upcoming summer institute in August which I highly recommend;
  • A collection of the best Research Reports this past year that you may finally have some down time to catch up on.
As I reflect on this past year's activities, I want to express how much our team appreciates the support and inspiration, you, our loyal readers have provided. To cap off the year in a celebration with educators and industry leaders at our Canadian Embassy in D.C. leads me to think about what's next for us? Or better still, what's next for you?

We are challenged to reach out to our colleagues who have yet to embrace the notion of 21st Century learning and innovation in order to support Canada in regaining its leadership position amongst its global peers. The MindShare mission is clear and concise-leading, learning & technology. As we continue our journey to connect industry and education leaders in a meaningful way to support student achievement. We look forward to our continued collaboration with you.

Special thanks to our generous sponsors throughout this past academic year, who make this publication possible.

On behalf of our team have a safe and relaxing summer. And until next time, be sure to walk the digital talk!


Robert Martellacci

P.S.  Looking ahead, be sure to watch for our back-to-school issue in September and the launch of the MindShare Learning 21st Century Digital Classroom contest coming your way in October.

Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™--Strategic Marketing Solutions
Go Green  Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement.
Title Sponsor
Quotes of the Year

"...we are really looking at a technology boom right now and a qualitatively different way of relating to technology that our students are experiencing."

Dr. Kathleen Wynne,
Ontario Minister of Education during a May podcast interview with Robert Martellacci, Publisher of The MindShare Learning Report.

"They don't have one."

Malcolm Gladwell's response to MSL Report's Publisher Robert Martellacci's query about the Toronto Maple Leafs and their compensation strategy.
Malcolm Gladwell, NY Times Best Selling Author, The Tipping Point, Blink and most recently, The Outliers.

"I appreciate that the MindShare Learning Report provides us a window into ideas, products and opportunities for embracing technology for our 21st century classrooms; it gives us the opening to see beyond the "ban the cell phone" mentality."
       Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Leduc, Alta
Cross Canada Spotlight Exclusive Podcast Interviews - Provincial Education Ministers

Dave HancockPodcast IconMSL Banner
Kelly LamrockPodcast Icon
Kathleen WynnePodcast Icon
21st Century NECC 2009 Washington, D.C. Spotlight (Part 1)

The 30th anniversary of NECC proved to be one of the best ever and Canada played a prominent role in contributing to its success. It began with New York Times #1 best-selling author, Malcolm Gladwell's keynote, referencing his Canadian roots and engaging the audience with his thesis on successful people based on his most recent book, "The Outliers." I highly recommend his book. This was followed-up with the Celebrate Canadian EdTech Innovation Partnering event at the Canadian Embassy that was proudly co-hosted by the Embassy of Canada and MindShare Learning. Over 100 education and industry leaders participated in this memorable reception that featured the showcasing of Markville Secondary School's HP MindShare Learning 21st Century national award-winning contest video entitled, "It's About Us." Nancy Knowlton, CEO & Co-founder of SMART Technologies and Don Knezek, CEO ISTE was on hand to give greetings along with Susan Harper, Minister (Economic) of the Embassy of Canada. Special thanks to the Embassy of Canada in D.C. for their support in hosting this event and to our sponsors: CeLEA, ISTE, SMART Technologies and MindShare Learning.

Over 300 Canadians converged on NECC in D.C. to participate one of the world's largest K-12 EdTech conferences. MindShare Learning was proud to partner with ISTE in co-marketing NECC in Canada. A significant announcement from ISTE came during the conference indicating a name change where NECC will be replaced with ISTE to reflect its mandate to have more of an international focus. Stay tuned for more conference highlights in the September back to school edition.

Celebrating Canadian EdTech Innovation at the Canadian Embassy, Washington, D.C.


                Canadian Embassy Flags                                  ISTE's CEO, Don Knezek addresses packed house at embassy


             Full House at the MSL Canadian Embassy Event!               (L, R) Robert Martellacci, MindShare Learning;Nancy Knowlton,
                                                                                              SMART Technologies; Susan Harper, Canadian Embassy
                                                                                              Don Knezek, ISTE CEO

Robert Martellacci
NECC Wrap-up Podcast

PD Profile: Featured Podcast interview with Janet Murphy on the ABEL Summer Institute and Professional Learning

Janet Murphy
Director of Innovative Learning Solutions
York University

Janet plays a significant role managing the Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) project for the Office of Research and Innovation


Canada's National Digital Strategy: Featured Podcast Interview with Dr. Ken Coates, following the highly successful Canada 3.0 Conference hosted by the University of Waterloo

Ken CoatesDr. Ken Coates
Dean, Faculty of Arts
University of Waterloo

Ken Coates is a passionate advocate for higher education with particular interest in digital media, Canadian competiveness and the Japanese science and technology revolution.   Ken's vision includes a renewed appreciation for the traditional arts disciplines with a keen understanding of how these disciplines are key to society's future.  The solutions to environmental issues to name just a few - will be found through the traditional disciplines in policy, behaviour and cultural change.

Hail to the Victors! Congratulations to this year's $10, 000 prize winners in the HP MindShare Learning 21st Century Classroom Contest

MSL Classroom Winners


K12: Year-in-Review Headlines

The Learning Partnership announces the winners of the 2009 National Technology Innovation Awards
TLP 04/05/09
Eight exceptional educators and their teams from across the country have been selected as the winners of the 2009 National Technology Innovation Awards (NTIA).
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Wired to Learn: Inside Lawfield Classroom 213
HWDSB 28/04/09
Wikis, blogs, Twitter, podcasts: the students in Zoe Branigan-Pipe's Grade 5 class at Lawfield elementary use the kind of cutting-edge tools that set them apart from anyone unfamiliar with the collaborative, interactive applications people now call Web 2.0.

HP and The MindShare Learning Report Team UP to Launch Canada's 21st Century Back-to-School Interactive Classroom Contest

Mindshare Learning 03/09/08
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Hancock to attend Learning and Technology World Forum in London
Alberta Education 07/01/09
Alberta Minister of Education, Dave Hancock, will represent the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, at the inaugural Learning and Technology World Forum in London, England. The forum will be held from January 12 to 14.
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More K12 Headlines...
Advanced Education

K12: Upcoming Events

Event: ....... The Sixth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing,  Networking and Services
Date: ......... July 13-16, 2009
Location: ... Toronto, ON
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Event: ....... Pearson's 5th Annual Celebrating Literacy Conference
Date: ......... August 17-18, 2009
Location: ....Pearson Convention Centre, Brampton, ON

Event: ....... ABEL Summer Institute - ABEL Members/LC Members
Date: ......... August 24-26, 2009
Location: ....York University, Toronto, ON


Event:........EdNET Conference
September 13-15, 2009
Chicago, Il


More K-12 Events...

Countdown to ECOO  November 11-13, 2009!    Inspire, Connect, Teach


Brenda Sherry
Brenda Sherry
Conference Chair

How are you reaching your digital learners?
ECOO's 30th Annual Conference called Inspire, Connect, Teach will take place in Richmond Hill November 11 - 13, 2009 and will highlight ways that you can transform your classroom to reach today's digital learners, including a special hands-on, bring your own laptop event called Minds on Media.  A special keynote session with Ian Jukes for administrator's, superintendents and policy makers will take place on Friday, November 13 and you'll find registration information for that session here.
Teachers and students are encouraged to join us in celebrating ECOO's 30th year by submitting a multimedia entry to "The Art of Celebration" contest which will take place in September and leading up to the conference.  Watch for more details throughout the summer!
General conference registration is coming out in September, so be sure to watch for more information or check ECOO for announcements. Interested exhibitors will find information on the exhibits page of the ECOO website.

Green IT
 Green IT
Faronics : How Green Is I.T. Really?

Apple goes green launches free recycling
eSchool News 28/05/09

Apple is offering schools free recycling of equipment from any manufacturer, with data protection included, until July 31, 2009.
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Faronics wins Scholastic Administr@tor 2009 Best in Tech for Network Security award
FMedia 30/04/09

Great news for Faronics! Faronics won one of Scholastic Administr@tor's 2009 Best in Tech for Network Security solutions awards. Scholastic Administr@tor is trusted by 85,000 of the nation's top administrators to provide insight into the best education solutions and the most effective technology and leadership strategies.
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What's Your Earth Echo?
Everything you do makes a difference. Share with us your stories of the small (or large!) positive acts of green change that you have made in your life. Answer the following questions in narrative form.
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Warning: More Security Danger of GreenIT
GC 07/04/09

GreenIT offers plenty of bottom-line benefits and does good for the environment, but it also carries with it a variety of unforeseen security dangers.
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More on Green IT Events...
Higher Education: Introduction
                                                                                                   Higher Ed Vodcast (Click)

Mitchel N. Townsend

Welcome to the July 2009 edition of the MindShare Learning Report, Canada's premier Leading Learning and Technology eMagazine.
This Month's Higher Education Headlines Section contains the most relevant and interesting articles of the year.
The GreenIT, Sponsored by Faronics and Research and Tech Tools sections also both filled with important and innovative articles from the following year as well.
We are very pleased to announce the Year End Ask a Professor Interview selection.  We've chosen Both Dr. Michelle Jacobsen from the University of Calgary and Professor Ken Waller from Nipissing University.  They both are innovative leaders and are breaking new ground in preparing 21st century learners and educators.
Thank you again for your support over the past year, you are the reason we are here.
Enjoy this month's issue.

Mitchel N. Townsend, M.A. EdTech
MindShare Learning Associate
Editor, Higher Education

Go Green Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement.
Higher Education: Year-in-Review Headlines
Market Value of a post-secondary degree remains as strong as ever
CNW 23/06/09

Post-secondary graduates holding a college diploma or university degree are more likely to be employed and they earn more than people who have not continued their studies past high school, confirms new research published today by the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation.
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College of the North Atlantic has been recognized with two Silver Awards of Distinction from the 15th Annual Communicator Awards
CNA 23/06/09

Stephen Lee, CNA's manager of marketing and communications, says it is an honour for the college to be recognized once again.
Read More
CAUT calls for Minister Goodyear's resignation over political interference and attack on academic freedom
CAUT 10/06/09

The organization representing more than 65,000 academic and general staff at 121 universities and colleges across Canada is calling for the resignation of Minister of State for Science and Technology Gary Goodyear following his unprecedented efforts to interfere with funding for a major academic conference.
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More Higher Education Headlines...
Higher Education: Upcoming Events 

Event: ....... Improving University Teaching (IUT) 34th International Conference
Date: ......... July 14-17, 2009
Location: ... Vancouver, BC
Read More

Event: ....... 4th International Conference on eLearning
Date: ......... July 16-17, 2009
Location: ... Toronto, ON
Read More

Event: ....... Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning
Date: .........
August 4-7th, 2009
Location: ... Madison, Wisconsin
Read More

More on Upcoming Higher Education Events...
Higher Education: Ask a Professor (Year-in-Review Co-Winners)

Dr. Michelle JacobsenDr. Michelle Jacobsen
Graduate Division of Educational Research
University of Calgary

Essay: "And Educational Technology Vision of the 21st Century College Classroom."

Ken WallerDr. Ken Waller
Teachers Preparation Program
Nipissing University

"Preparing 21st Century Students"

Research and Tech Tools
Twitter for Teachers
TFT June 2009

A collaborative effort to teach Teachers about Twitter.
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Technology and Pedagogy: The association between students' perceptions of quality of online courses and the technologies employed
JOLT June 2009

A nationwide sample of college and university students completed a survey that asked questions about the pedagogical and technological characteristics of their most recently completed online course.
Read More
Canadian Council on Learning releases report on e-learning
CCL 21/05/09

A new Canadian Council on Learning (CCL) report offers a unique look at e-learning in Canada, affirming that it holds much promise to improve Canada's economic competitiveness and prepare Canadians for the demands of the 21st century.
Read More

More Research and Tech Tools...

MindShare Musings...

Robert MartellacciAway on a learning adventure with the family in Virgina Beach!

Stay tuned for our back-to-school issue in September!

Have a great summer!  


If you have a success story or nuggets of news to share, please don't hesitate to drop me an email.

Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™
Go Green Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement.
Advisory Board Members 
The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board.  Members include: 
  • Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
  • Dr. Ron Owston, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology, York University
  • Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology
  • Cheryl Paige, Principal, Joyce Public School, Toronto District School Board
  • Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Leduc, Alberta
  • Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
  • Timothy Gard, B. Ed. M.A., Educator - Media Literacy & Technology, Toronto District School Board
  • Cathy Phillips, M. Ed., Director, Round Table on Technology, The Learning Partnership
  • Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
  • Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada  
  • David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco Trimark
  • Chip FeskoSr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine
About Us

The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:

About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Premier Educational Technology eMagazine.

Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts, podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com/report
Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month.
Please forward your news releases as web links to info@mindsharelearning.com
Sponsorship opportunities are available, please contact,
Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN
About MindShare Learning

MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, THINKronize (netTrekker), IMSI (ClipArt.com), CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), Tech4Learning, Xoolon, NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com