Publisher Vodcast Welcome
Dear Thought Leader,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the December holiday edition of the MindShare Learning Report. This month's theme is "EdTech Leadership in the 21st Century."
Our HP MindShare Learning Interactive contest is a great example of how educators are "Making IT Happen," despite the many challenges they face with integrating technology on a daily basis. With that, I'm pleased to announce Chantal Lafargue, teacher at Fredericton High School in New Brunswick as this month's winner of the HP MindShare Learning Interactive Classroom Contest. Be sure to checkout the winning video, and remember it's not too late to enter and qualify to WIN over $10,000 for the final drawing of the year. Our next video submission deadline has been extended to Friday, December 19, 2008.

Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTechPublisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™--Strategic Marketing Solutions
Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement. |
Readership Comments....
"Thank-you for supporting teachers. All the equipment I have in my room is through private sponsors and through grants which I have had to compete to receive. We are lucky to know the private sector cares about the hurdles we face to teach the way we should be. (Now that I have some technology, I don't have enough electrical supply to run everything!...) Through trouble-shooting these types of matters with students, we have to be creative in our solutions, which really emulates the real world."
Chantal Lafargue, Teacher, Fredericton High School, New Brunswick and HP MindShare Learning Report Contest Winner
Congratulations to Chantal Lafargue of Fredericton High School and her students: Winners of the November HP MSL Report Interactive Classroom Contest
Judges quote: "Great examples of 21st century learning! The students were engaged, involved and the results were amazing. Loved the world-wide learning context with native speakers assessing and correcting second-language learning."
Winning video link: http://www.teachertube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=9a9b310031e484bc8e3f
Student reaction video: http://www.teachertube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=fe319b77e486d2390ad4
Submission summary: This student-created video demonstrates how we use ICT to build our language skills and communicate with native speakers.
Many examples of how we use technology in the classroom are presented but we did not explain them in detail due to time limitations. The aim of using technology is to allow for improved interaction in authentic contexts which encourages language development. The video may be slow to view. Please let it run before trying to stream it, we have had some difficulty with previewing while streaming it.
you missed that last contest entry, no worries as we have one more
$10,000 prize pack to award. The next deadline for the HP MindShare
Learning Interactive Classroom Contest is now Friday, December 19 at midnight. Click here for contest details
CTV Canada AM Features Inaugural HP MindShare Learning Contest Winner
Funding Opportunities of the Month
Canadian Council on Learning Offers funding for Speakers Program
The Adult Learning Knowledge Centre's 2007-2008 speakers program is an innovative program offered in partnership with adult learning organizations across Canada. The program is designed to bring innovative and informed speakers to address the general public about wide-ranging adult learning issues and to contribute to the culture of adult learning. The events are free and open to the public.
Keyano announces $25 million campaign Media Release | 03/11/08
Revealed in a video presentation featuring College, and industry leaders as well as our MLA Guy Boutilier, the campaign will raise $25 million to grow existing trades and technology programs, develop new ones and build facilities to make it happen. Provincial Government Investments Highlighted During National Skilled Trades Week Gov Media Release | 06/11/08
Since 2006, $53.8 million has been provided in the areas of apprenticeship, science and technology, programming and training and infrastructure to ensure students in Newfoundland and Labrador have the most modern and relevant learning resource. Click here to view all funding opportunities
| |
K12: Upcoming Events
Event: ....... BETT Conference Date: ......... January 14-17, 2009 Location: ... London,

Event: ....... Alberta
Distributed Learning Pre-Conference Online Session with George Siemens -
Learning and Social Networks Date: ......... January 15, 2009 Location: ... Alberta, B.C.

Event: ....... FETC Date: ......... January 21-24, 2009 Location: ... Orlando, FL
Click here to view all upcoming event links |
K12: Ask a Teacher?
Gard, B.Ed, M.A. has had over a decade of hands-on involvement with
students and teachers in information and communication technology. He
loves innovative ideas, integrating technology across the curriculum
and engaging students in the ever-changing world of technology. He
currently teaches media literacy and communication at Sir Adam Beck J.
S. in the Toronto District School Board.
Q: What role does administrative leadership play in creating and sustaining technology integration in a school?
A: Leadership at the school and district level is vital if you wish to create and sustain a school and district culture where integrating technology across the curriculum is valued. More often than not, this leadership is sustained by teacher modeling, sharing and working collaboratively with other teachers so that this vision becomes a reality. Administrative leadership either hampers or supports this work by sharing the vision, making efforts to encourage and acknowledge the teacher's effort to engage all stakeholders funding this venture.
Green IT
Helix2009 (Green Education and Technology Conference) March 19-20, 2009 The conference will focus on green computing, attendees will also have access to other topics in the areas of Web design and development; administration and leadership; teaching and learning with technology; and security, networking and infrastructure.
Young Reporters for the Environment CEA | 12/11/08 At Environmental Defense, we believe we can make the world a greener, healthier place. To do that, we work with Canadians, decision-makers and businesses to make the environment a top priority. And, we choose strategies that will get results.
Faronics Power Save and Coeur D'Alene School District, a Case Study Faronics | 13/11/08
Coeur D'Alene School District expects to save as much as $300,000 over the course of three years. 
Featured Web 2.0 Sites of the Month
 About David
Dave has been working in education for many years and has taught K - 12 and university. He has given many workshops at educational computer conferences. One of his passions is online learning and he has facilitated many online workshops for KnowSchools. At the moment, Dave is working for Coquitlam Open Learning, SD#43. He enjoys blogging, digital story telling and Lego Robotics.
Click on the following link to view this extensive and highly organized collection of excellent sites. http://sites.google.com/site/educationalweb20tools/Home |
Higher Education: Introduction

This month's "Higher
Education Section" features an essay by Dr.
Eric Hamilton. He is an Associate Dean of Education at the University of Pepperdine's Graduate School of
Education and Psychology. Dr. Hamilton describes the ongoing
transformational process at Pepperdine
University that was born
in large part out of their nationally recognized Online Master of Educational
Technology Program.
Mitchel N. Townsend, M.A. EdTech MindShare Learning Associate Editor, Higher Education
Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement. |
Higher Education Spotlight
Vodcast Interview with Maxim Jean-Louis, President & CEO, Contact North/Contact Nord
Martellacci, Publisher, MindShare Learning Report captured a MindShare
Learning moment in his travels with one of Canada's True Champions in
Online Learning
About Maxim Jean-Louis, President & Chief Executive Officer of Contact North, Northern Ontario's Distance Education &Training Network.
A seasoned executive and leader specializing in technology
and education, distance education and alternative delivery with a special focus
on small and remote communities, Maxim has been President & Chief Executive
Officer of Contact North since 1996.
In addition to his senior management responsibilities at
Contact North, Maxim serves as Chair of the Ontario Research and Innovation
Optical Network, Chair of the Francophone Early Years Steering Committee,
Member of the Inukshuk Partnership Committee, Member, Evaluation Committee,
Heritage Canada and Member, Chair's Advisory Council on e-government for the
Government of Ontario. |
Higher Education: Headlines
2008 ORION Awards Celebrating Ontario's contribution to research, teaching and learning Press Release | 04/11/08 International research collaborations and innovations that are transforming medical training and film production, and taking teaching and learning to the next level in virtual environments, are being recognized with Ontario's annual ORION Awards. Absolute Software Reports First Quarter Fiscal 2009 Results. Media Release | 04/11/08Absolute� Software (TSX: ABT), the leading provider of firmware-based, patented Computer Theft Recovery, Data Protection and Secure Asset Tracking™solutions, announces its financial results for the three-month period ended September 30, 2008. Students call for increased investment in wake of economic challenges CNW | 05/11/08 College and college/university students across the province are united in calling upon the McGuinty government to continue investing in postsecondary education as a strategy to combat economic challenges and further promote our future prosperity, says the College Student Alliance (CSA). Click here to read all Higher Education Headlines |
Higher Education: Upcoming Events
Event: ....... Building Engaging eLearning
Interactions Date: ......... December 11-12, 2008 Location: ... Online

Event: ....... Educause Learning
Technology Leadership ConferenceDate: ......... December 14-18, 2008 Location: ... Madison, Wisconsin 
Higher Education: Ask a Professor

Eric Hamilton, PhD, Associate Dean for Education Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Q: How is Pepperdine's Graduate School of Education and Psychology transforming to meet the demands of the 21st century?
A: If society was on the verge of a golden age in education, how would we know? What if a golden age was only one of many possible paths we could follow, but by no means inevitable? By having a sense of what is possible in the future, we can imagine it more clearly, we can shape it, and we can hasten it.
Career Opportunities
CERT. High School English, Math, Technology, & Science Teachers. Markham Ont. E-mail: jobs@addisonschool.com
Computer Science Elementary Teacher, Sakastew School Email: thelmanice@yahoo.ca School Phone: (204) 553-2163
SMART Technologies Team Lead SMART is recruiting a team lead, training events. Reporting to the manager, training operations, you will assist with the training operations team's increasing number of logistical and operational considerations. You will support many new initiatives such as international expansion, technical training, international events and large events. www.smarttech.com/careers
President, Seneca College This is an opportunity to profoundly transform education in Canada - to create an unprecedented model of post-secondary learning. The Search Committee will begin to review applications in January 2009. To ensure consideration, suggestions and applications (comprising a c.v./resume and cover letter) should be submitted by early December 2008 to jennifer.macintyre@rayberndtson.ca Click here to view all Career Opportunities.To place your career opportunities, please contact: robert@mindsharelearning.com. |
Award Winning Joyce Public School Principal Cheryl Paige and her team of teacher share their secrets to successfully deploying technology in the classroom. The Joyce Journey--Use ICT School-wide to Provide Children with the Best Education Possible.
Effective Web 2.0 Tools for the ClassroomComprehensive Resource 
Free Web 2.0 eBook, Web 2.0: from Curious to Competent Click here to read all the Research and Tech Tools. MindShare Learning Report Publisher Presents at Microsoft Connected
Learning Community Conference in St. John's, NFLD Photo: Robert Martellacci pictured above presenting at the Microsoft Summit in St. John's Newfoundland last week. His talk focused on Leadership and inspiring 21st Century Learning through the MindShare Learning Report |
MindShare Musings
Where has the Fall gone? Seems education is moving at an unprecedented speed, thanks in part to the power of technology. For the record, I don't attend each and every conference we list, however, I somehow did manage to get to a good number over the past two months. The People of Education organization ran a very interesting conference at York University last month. It featured keynote speaker, Kathleen Wynne, Ontario Minister of Education. A former chair of the board of trustees for the Toronto District School Board, Ms. Wynne impressed me with her condor and passion for education. She reminded us as parents to focus on our kids first in supporting their literacy and numeracy needs helping them with their homework and not necessarily feeling obligated to be volunteering at school when our own kids' need us most. Very basic stuff, however, I could relate with our three children in elementary school. Another speaker that impressed me was Dr. Michael Tymchak, Dean of Education, University of Regina, and chair of the School PLUS task force, a program that is transforming Saskatchewan schools. They've done excellent work in transforming education which was described as, "it takes a village to raise a child." Never underestimate the role of the principal in the process as the gatekeepers of our schools.
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement. |
Advisory Board Members
The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board. Members include:
Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
Dr. Ron Owston, York University, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology
Dr. Paul Sparks, Pepperdine University, Director, Online Masters in Education Technology
Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
Tim Gard, B. Ed. M.A., Media Literacy & Communication Teacher, Toronto District School Board
Cathy Phillips, M. Ed., Director, Round Table on Technology, The Learning Partnership
Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada
David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco Trimark
Chip Fesko, Sr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine |
About Us
The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:
About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Premier Educational Technology eMagazine.
Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts, podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com/report
Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN
About MindShare Learning
MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, THINKronize (netTrekker), IMSI (ClipArt.com), CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com | |