MindShare Learning Report
Issue No.8, Volume 1, November 2008            Click here if you are having problems viewing this report            Complimentary Issue
In This Issue
Readership Comments
21st Century Contest Winner
HP 21st Century Contest
Funding Opportunity
K12: Headlines
K12: Upcoming Events
K12: Ask a Teacher
Green IT
Featured Web 2.0 sites
Technology Product Spotlight
HE: Introduction
HE: Spotlight
HE: Headlines
HE: Upcoming Events
HE: Ask a Professor
Career Opportunities
Research and Tech Tools
MindShare Musings
Advisory Board
About Us

Join Our Mailing List 


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Grade Expectations





Pepperdine University
SMART Technologies

Teach Magazine




Publisher Vodcast MSL BannerWelcome  
Dear Thought Leader,
Welcome to the November MindShare Learning Report--Canada's Premier MSL Bannereducational technology eMagazine. In this issue we celebrate 21st Century Digital Learning and the "Flat" Classroom. Our educator expert at large, Tim Gard share's his perspective in "Ask an Educator". In the HED section, we have Dr. Alexander McAuley, Professor of Education, University of Prince Edward island, a guest columnist, who gives his perspective on the digital classroom.

I'm pleased to announce the winner of the inaugural HP MindShare Learning Report Interactive Classroom contest is Mali Bickley, Grade 5 teacher at W. H. Day Elementary School in Bradford, Ontario, who wins over $10,000 in classroom technology. Be sure to watch Mali's inspiring video which is linked in this issue. Special thanks to all the teachers who submitted great entries as well as our generous sponsors. I only wish we had a few more prize packs to offer to the other worthy contestants. The good news is you automatically qualify for the next two draws in November and December.  Our next deadline has been extended to Friday, November 21, 2008. We were honoured to be featured on CTV Canada AM recently in a four minute segment that highlighted our contest. It truly speaks to the traction that our 21st Century interactive classroom movement is gaining.
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Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™
Go Green  Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement.
Title Sponsor
Readership Comments....
"Thank-you for forwarding a copy of the current MindShare Learning Report. I enjoyed it very much, especially the digest format expanding out to full articles and the seamless integration of multimedia. I very much appreciated the ease with which I was able to move from topics that interested me to the full background article or multimedia content."
Dr. Alexander McAuley, Professor of Education University of Prince Edward island. 
The Inaugural HP MindShare Learning Report 21st Century Interactive Classroom Contest Winner is Mali Bickley, Grade 5 teacher at W.H. Day Elementary School

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Ms. Bickley takes possession of the first
of many prizes in her $10,000 prize pack--The HP Mini Note

(LtoR) Robert Martellacci, Publisher, MindShare Learning Report; Mali Bickley, Grade 5 Teacher,  prize winner; Darren Leroux, HP Notebook Product Manager; Madeleine Temmer, Principal, W.H. Day Elementary School

Congratulations to Mali Bickley, Grade 5 teacher at W. H. Day Elementary School, Bradford, Ontario who wins over $10,000 in classroom technology.

"I am so thrilled! I know that the products that we won will help so many kids connect with others around the world. I know that my class will be thrilled when I tell them," says Mali Bickley, grade 5 teacher at W.H. Day Public School. "I feel so blessed every day to be able to be part of these things and get to work with so many amazing people throughout the world.  I thank the MindShare Learning Report and its sponsors for their generous support and what you do for others as well to getting the message out there."

"We're pushing the 21st century learning envelope to inspire change and celebrate Canadian education innovation in K-12 classrooms. Ms. Bickley reflects the true spirit of our mission and what were trying to accomplish on a national scale. Her students are very fortunate to have such a talented and passionate teacher," says Robert Martellacci, president and publisher, The MindShare Learning Report-Canada's Premier Educational Technology eMagazine.

Many thanks to those educators who took the leadership, time and effort to put together their awesome  submissions. Special thanks to our sponsors (HP, FrontRow, EPSON, Microsoft, netTrekker, Pearson, SMART Technologies and Texthelp) for making this contest possible.

Winning Video Submission

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Ms. Bickley's brief Description of the Winning Submission--This is a video that explains how I use technology in my class, and while supporting other classes to connect with others throughout the world. The students work on collaborative projects using a variety of technology and "2.0 tools", while developing relationships and understanding about each other. The students are truly learning WITH each other, not just about each other!

If you missed that last contest entry, no worries as we have two more $10,000 prize packs to award. The next deadline for the HP MindShare Learning Interactive Classroom Contest is now Friday, November 21 at midnight. Click here for contest details

21st Century Contest
Funding Opportunities of the Month
Grants for Teachers
Curriculum Services Canada's affiliate and charitable arm, The Curriculum Foundation (TCF) supports Grants for Teachers Program for the development of new teaching and/or learning resources. Through our Grants for Teachers Program, we fund the development of classroom learning resources for teachers. These resources fill areas of critical need identified by teachers and provide enriched learning opportunities for Canadian students.
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Government of Canada announces 11 new Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research World-class centres will share $163 million to move discoveries out of the lab and into the marketplace.
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Canadian Budget 2008 "Responsible Leadership"
Comprehensive Information Resource for Educational Expenditure Projections in the 2008-2009 National Budget.
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Click here to view all funding opportunities
K12: Headlines
SMART introduces first interactive table for elementary school students New multiuser, multitouch table enables small group learning and collaboration
SMART Tech | 23/10/08
SMART Technologies announces the SMART Table interactive learning center, a ground-breaking learning display designed specifically for preschool to sixth grade students (ages 4 to 11).
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Educator Honoured for Lifetime Achievement in Character Education
PRNewswire-USNewswire | 21/10/08
The Character Education Partnership (CEP) awarded Ontario's leading character educator, Dr. Avis Glaze, with the Sanford N. McDonnell Award for Lifetime Achievement in Character Education.  Dr. Glaze is noted for transforming Ontario's educational approach to the teaching of character education, which has impacted students throughout Canada.
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Prince Edward Island Signs Province-Wide Agreement for netTrekker d.i. Thinkronize Continues Expansion into Canada with Leading K-12 Safe Search Tool, netTrekker d.i.
Thinkronize | 16/10/08

All elementary school students in the Province of Prince Edward Island now have access to the #1 educational search tool for K-12 schools, netTrekker d.i.  Using netTrekker d.i., students and educators have fast and easy access to more than 300,000 educator-selected digital resources, aligned with provincial outcomes and expectations that support and enhance the complete curricula.
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Ontario Independent Schools Partner with Blackboard School Central(TM) to Deliver eLearning Curriculum
CNW | 15/10/08
The Conference of Independent Schools (CIS) eLearning Consortium (ELC) today announced that it has selected the Blackboard School Central(TM) online platform to host the Consortium's K-12 online courses.
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Click here to read all headlines
K12: Upcoming Events
Event: ....... National Media Education Week
Date: ......... November 3-7, 2008
Location: ... Canada-wide
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Event: ....... Making Connections, a People for Education conference on education
Date: ......... November 8, 2008
Location: ... York University, Toronto, ON.
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Event: ....... ECOO 2008 Conference
Date: ......... November 13-14, 2008
Location: ... Richmond Hill, ON.
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Click here to view all upcoming event links
K12: Ask a Teacher? 
Timothy Gard
Timothy Gard, B.Ed, M.A. has had over a decade of hands-on involvement with students and teachers in information and communication technology. He loves innovative ideas, integrating technology across the curriculum and engaging students in the ever-changing world of technology. He currently teaches media literacy and communication at Sir Adam Beck J. S. in the Toronto District School Board.

Q: Ask a Teacher - What is a flat classroom and how has it changed your teaching practice?
A: A flat classroom has come to mean many different things to many different people. I believe the whole idea and movement came out of Thomas Friedman's work entitled, The World is Flat, however I can't be entirely sure. Regardless, the concept has a spawned a whole new excitement for engaging students in meaningful learning. I believe that a flat classroom is a classroom that is engaged in multi telecommunication technology to collaborate, publish and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences locally, nationally and internationally.
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Green IT
Green IT          Faronics : How Green Is I.T. Really?

Run a "Green" IT department and stay on top of your most critical issues
IT Business Edge is your free technology intelligence agent. Our staff of veteran journalists and researchers pull information from hundreds of sources daily to bring you only the most critical insights on your top IT priorities.
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GreenIT Conference
The Green IT 2009 Conference & Exhibition allows Senior IT & Business Executives to establish and develop a corporate strategy to drive an energy efficient, cost effective and sustainable IT infrastructure through a comprehensive educational program.
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Green Metrics: Measure By Measure
InfoWeek | 30/10/08
You can manage what you can measure. You can tame what you can name. However you choose to say it, it's becoming abundantly clear that any efforts to go green must begin with accurate and actionable measurements of energy consumption.
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Featured Web 2.0 Sites of the Month

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Welcome to the Pepperdine University Online Masters in Educational Technology Featured Web 2.0 Sites- Cadre 11 WebMind-Sharing Design Library!
I couldn't resist giving my alma mater a plug as they've created an awesome wiki that nicely summarizes some of the best Web 2.0 tools for education as part of their academic work. This is an index to the new collaborative tools that were chosen by cadre 11 of Pepperdine University's students in the online Masters in Educational Technology (OMET) program. The students' share their experience in distributed learning and cognition as "webgifts to one another in their cadre and to those who visit here. Each of these students have selected one of the many new and free "web 2.0" application to first learn about and then create or collect the tools that will help us learn about the tool as easily as possible.

Special thanks to Dr. Margaret Riel, our former professor and thesis advisor for giving us permission to highlight her students' excellent work.
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Technology Product Spotlight 
HP Mini Note 2133Timothy Gard

Timothy Gard, B.Ed, M.A

HP Mini Note 2133: A Review from an Educator's Perspective

Okay, HP owes me some commission! Over the short period of time that I used the HP Mini Note 2133 I must have sold a half dozen, or more. Why? Well, let me tell you. The ultraportable device sports an 8.9-inch screen that is crisp, clear and though small, surprisingly easy to read, but with some reflection. Add a 120 or 160GB HD, 1 - 1.6GHz Via processor, up to 2GB of Ram, several USB ports, an ExpressCard slot and both wireless and Bluetooth capabilities, what's not to like? Moreover, it's robust in construction which is necessary if you're going to use it in an educational setting. It's light, comes with long battery life (4.5 hours) and a built in webcam, and has a pleasing look. For a full list of specifications, visit http://www.hp.ca
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Higher Education: Introduction

Mitchel N. Townsend

Welcome to the November 2008 edition of the MindShare Learning Report, Canada's Premier Education and Technology eMagazine.

This month's "Higher Education Section" features observations by Dr. Sandy McAuley, an Education professor from the University of Prince Edward Island. Dr. McAuley discusses how he is transforming his educational teaching practices for the 21st century.
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Mitchel N. Townsend, M.A. EdTech
MindShare Learning Associate
Editor, Higher Education

Go Green Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement.
Higher Education: Spotlight on Educause 2008 Conference, Orlando, FL

The MindShare Learning Report team ventured down to Educause in Orlando, FL to take in one of the leading HED conferences in North America. We were fortunate to get a perspective from both industry and education with vodcast interviews.

Michael Ridley
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Educause2008 Robert Martellacci interview with Mr. Michael Ridley CIO Chief Librarian, University of Guelph on his perspective of the Conference and 21st Century Learning.

Jessica Endebrock

Educause 2008: Robert Martellacci interview with Jessica Finnefrock, Senor Vice President for Product Development, Blackboard Corporation on what' new at Blackboard.

Higher Education: Headlines
Publishing your scholarly work
UA | 06/10/08

Learn how to approach a publisher, and why securing Aid to Scholarly Publications Program funding is a baseline for the publication of a scholarly work in Canada, in this comprehensive panel presentation.
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Bell e-Learning Centre officially opens - connecting rural Albertans to e-learning opportunities through the SuperNet
CNW | 08/10/08

The official opening of the Bell e-Learning Centre took place today at the Community Learning Campus (CLC) on the grounds of Olds College.
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Ontario Students to McGuinty: Get serious about education, reduce tuition fees now.
CNW | 09/10/08

Students are outraged that their tuition fees increased more than in any other province for this academic year. Data released today from Statistics Canada shows that Ontario now has the second highest tuition fees in Canada and the highest fees for graduate students.
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Click here to read all Higher Education Headlines
Higher Education: Upcoming Events 

Event: ....... Designing and Managing Mobile Learning
Date: ......... November 20-21, 2008
Location: ... Online
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Event: ....... ECAR Symposium 2008
Date: ......... December 5-8, 2008
Location: ... Boca Raton, Florida
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Event: ....... Building Engaging eLearning Interactions
Date: .........
December 11-12, 2008
Location: ... Online
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Click her to view all Higher Education Upcoming Events
Higher Education: Ask a Professor 

Dr. Sandy McAuley


Dr. Sandy McAuley
Education Professor
University of Prince Edward Island
Q: How are you transforming your teaching practices in the 21st century digital classroom, and what does this look like?
A: If education is to have a meaningful role as we head into the 21st century, it will have to address the fact that the human race has set into motion events that may ultimately challenge our survival on the planet. From the ecological challenges of climate change to the geopolitical challenges of an increasingly interdependent global economy, today's students will require awareness of the issues, confidence in their abilities to address them, and creativity and skill in working with people and knowledge if they are to bridge what Thomas Homer-Dixon calls the "ingenuity gap", the expanding gap between the problems our society generates and our ability as a species to solve them. (Homer-Dixon 2000) A small faculty of education in a small, primarily undergraduate university in Canada's smallest province may seem an unlikely place for insights into this issue, but the "nimble thinking" made possible by the University of Prince Edward Island's (UPEI's) small size may actually be an advantage.  
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Career Opportunities
President, University of New Brunswick
Janet Wright & Associates Inc.
174 Bedford Road
Toronto, Ontario, M5R 2K9
Email: unbpresident@jwasearch.com
Fax: (416) 923-8311

Dean, Faculty of Extension
University of Alberta
Contact Irene Hacke
Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Email: irene.hacke@ualberta.ca
Fax: (780) 492-1438

Business & Information Technology
Faculty of Business & Information Technology
University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)

Click here to view all Career Opportunities.

To place your career opportunities, please contact: robert@mindsharelearning.com.
Research and Tech Tools
How Web 2.0 has changed the face of education - National Computing Centre UK
NCC | 30/09/08

A campaign called Next Generation Learning was launched this year by Becta to promote the effective use of technology in schools, colleges and other learning environments. Tony Richardson explains how Web 2.0 has the potential to revolutionise technology in learning.
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Is Higher Ed Technology Keeping Up with Student Demand?

CamTech | 30/09/08
A campaign called Next Generation Learning was launched this year by Becta to promote the effective use of technology in schools, colleges and other learning environments. Tony Richardson explains how Web 2.0 has the potential to revolutionise technology in learning.
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The Development of Education Reports for Canada
CMEC| 03/11/08
Challenges of the Twenty First Century
Report One: The Education Systems in Canada
Report Two: Inclusive Education in Canada: The Way of the Future October 2008
Prepared by The Council of Ministers of Education, Canada in collaboration with The Canadian Commission for UNESCO
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Click here to read all the Research and Tech Tools.

MindShare Learning Publisher Presents at Pepperdine University Faculty Retreat with Fellow Alumni

(LtoR) LT James Matthew Keener, Psy.D., ('08); Janice Keener, Psy.D., ('08); Mario G. Nunez, Ed.D., Organizational Leadership('07); Robert Martellacci, M.A., EdTech ('07), MindShare Learning Publisher; Frances Diaz, Psy.D.(Clinical Psychology) ('05)
MindShare Musings
Robert Martellacci
I can't remember an October month that was busier than this just passed...talk about accelerated learning!  It was great to get back to Pepperdine University where I presented on a panel at the faculty retreat. I caught up with my former professors and co-directors of the online Masters program, Dr. Margaret Riel (a world renowned researcher and originator of the Learning Circles theory) and Dr. Paul Sparks, who inspired me to excel throughout my time in the EdTech Masters program. It was also good to chat with Dean Margaret Weber, who has done a masterful job at building on the quality of the programs offered in the faculty of education & psychology.  It was a stroke of genius in attracting Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of the faculty of Education and Psychology.  I'm most appreciative of the invitation to participate in the retreat. One of the highlights of the retreat was meeting up again with Kenneth Starr, Dean of the Faculty of Law, who gained international attention for investigating U.S. President Bill Clinton.  He's a true gentlemen and great scholar.

While in the L.A. area, I took the opportunity to meet up with my client, Hugh Neilson, North American Sales Director at EPSON.  As the global brand leader in projection technology, I'm impressed with how EPSON is strategically evolving their digital solution product offering for the education market as part of their Brighter Futures program. The recently launched document camera is very portable and cost effective. Judy Burns, EPSON's Canadian account manager tells me the document cameras are "hot" sellers given its generous price point. EPSON is a generous supporter of the 21st Century interactive classroom project at George Harvey Collegiate Institute in Toronto.
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Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™
Go Green Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement.
Advisory Board Members 
The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board.  Members include: 
  • Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
  • Dr. Ron Owston, York University, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology
  • Dr. Paul Sparks, Pepperdine University, Director, Online Masters in Education Technology
  • Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
  • Tim Gard, B. Ed. M.A., Media Literacy & Communication Teacher, Toronto District School Board
  • Cathy Phillips, M. Ed., Director, Round Table on Technology, The Learning Partnership
  • Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
  • Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada  
  • David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco Trimark
  • Chip FeskoSr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine
About Us

The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:

About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Premier Educational Technology eMagazine.

Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts, podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com/report
Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month.
Please forward your news releases as web links to info@mindsharelearning.com
Sponsorship opportunities are available, please contact,
Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN
About MindShare Learning

MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, THINKronize (netTrekker), IMSI (ClipArt.com), CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada. http://www.mindsharelearning.com