Vodcast Welcome
Dear Thought Leader,
Welcome to the July PD and Global Learning edition of The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Source for Learning & Technology Industry News. The notion of the busier we are, the faster times passes especially holds true for those of us immersed in the education space; and this year is no exception. We trust that you've had a successful year as we have at MindShare Learning in launching the MSL Report. July is a great time of year for educators and EdTech industry leaders to recharge their batteries, reflect and take stock of the past year, both successes and challenges. As a life-long learner, I always feel compelled to expand my horizons (I'm currently exploring PhD programs) as I'm sure many of you will be, to stay current and sharpen the saw, so to speak.
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™
www.mindsharelearning.com Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement. |
Title Sponsor
Readership Comments....
"This is an excellent newsletter that you have created. Congratulations!!! The link re: Alberta Learning does not seem to be working. Would you happen to know what it should be? Many thanks."
Dr. Lynn Dunn, Education Officer, e-Learning Ontario, Ontario Ministry of Education
Thanks very much Lynn for your thoughtful and inspiring comments. We apoligize for the oversight. You can access the Alberta Learning document via the following link below. Cheers, R.
AB Classroom Technology Information Package - May 231.pdf |
Funding Opportunity of the Month
Government of Canada Strengthens Research Excellence by Investing $113 Million to Fund 127 Canada Research Chairs Nation Talk | 10/06/2008 The Honourable John Baird, Minister of the Environment, on behalf of the Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Industry and Minister responsible for the Canada Research Chairs Program announced an investment of $113 million to fund 127 Canada Research Chairs (CRC) from 35 universities across the country. The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) is also contributing $4.8 million to fund research infrastructure essential to the work being performed by 33 of the chairholders.
The new $205-million Ontario Venture Capital Fund is open for business Ontario Government | 11/06/2008 The fund will strengthen the ability of the province's venture capital sector to support innovative, high-growth companies in Ontario by making it easier for them to find the investment, expertise and support they need.
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K-12 Headlines
Report Reveals Growing Momentum in Online Learning : 41 Percent of Students Say Online Classes Have Greatest Impact on Learning Blackboard | 01/07/2008Blackboard Inc. (NASDAQ: BBBB) and Project Tomorrow today released the results of a servey that demonstrates growing momentum in online learning, providing new and timely data on its continued growth in the nation's schools to support both student learning and professional development for teachers. 
Deep Freeze: Protector of All Public-Access Computers at NECC Faronics | 30/06/2008 Faronics' system integrity software ensures NECC attendees enjoy a trouble-free computing experience

Endpoint Productivity Advances With Anti-Executable 3.0 Faronics | 30/06/2008 Latest version provides advanced white list customization and deployment options
Education Groups Respond to New Copyright Legislation CEA | 25/06/2008 The federal government's proposed amendments to the Copyright Act, tabled June 12, were welcomed by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) and the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) for the changes allowing educators to take greater advantage of materials on the Internet. Under the changes proposed by Bill C-61, materials published on the Internet may be used by educators without fear of copyright infringement, so long as the copyright owners do not expect to be compensated for the materials' use. However, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) was not so receptive of the new legislation, citing concerns that the prohibition of all circumvention of digital locks would impede access to learning and research materials.

Teachers share lesson activities on SMART Exchange SMART Tech | 24/06/2008 Site adds new features to help teachers create library of digital learning materials

WorldWide Telescope brings the universe to students' desktops eSchoolNews | 18/06/2008 Microsoft Corp. has launched its answer to Google Sky: a free, web-based program for zooming around the universe from any internet-connected computer. Developed by Microsoft's research arm, the WorldWide Telescope-which debuted in May

Classroom Technology: U.S. Reports Mirror Canadian findings CERC | 16/06/2008 Research findings of the Canadian Educational Resources Council point to strong parallels between the situation in Canada's classrooms and those in the U.S. when it comes to the current role of technology in support of student learning.

Epson Canada is pleased to announce a NEW promotion vehicle in conjunction with Brighter Futures-- "SMARTER CHOICES" EPSON | 15/06/2008 EPSON plans to offer the "SMARTER CHOICES" program from time to time to even further enhance its Education program. Program Period: June 15 - August 31, 2008 ONLY EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS QUALIFY FOR THIS PROGRAM - both accredited K12 and HED qualify.Purchase select Epson projectors during the period and earn one free lamp with every (3) units of the same model purchased OR earn one free like projector with every (7) units of the same model purchased.To learn more about this offer, please contact Judy Burns at 905-209-9126.

TakingITGlobal and partners launch 4th World Youth Congress TakingITGlobal | 11/06/2008 TakingITGlobal joined several partners and supporters in unveiling the program for ReGeneration 2008: 4th World Youth Congress today at Laval University. Executive Director and co-Founder Jennifer Corriero joined Peace Child International President David Woollcombe and Congress Director Christian Robitaille in launching this event which will see 600 young leaders from around the world coming to Quebec City from August 10 to 21 to celebrate youth-led development.

Firewall! tackles cyberbullying, protecting privacy and setting rules about computer usage Backbone | 04/06/2008 With internet safety being a top-of-mind concern for today's parents, TVOKids.com, one of Canada's most popular online destination for kids, has launched Firewall!, a unique activity aimed at teaching 6-9 year olds about safety and proper etiquette online.

e-Learning Provider Udutu Unveils First Monetized Business Application to Work Directly Within Facebook Udutu | 04/06/2008 New Web-based Learning Management System (LMS) Makes Course Creation and Learner Management Accessible and Affordable for Organizations of All Sizes; Extends Value of Social Networking Platform to Corporate Environments

QESBA Blue-ribbon task force reports on Internet in schools: Time for educators, government and media to shift focus from "threat" to "opportunity" CNW | 02/06/2008 The Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) commissioned the report, produced by a blue-ribbon task force of outside experts, Internet practitioners, health practitioners, students and law-enforcement officials.

Aliant launches Online Learning Centre CTVGlobeMedia | 29/05/2008 Today, Aliant announced the launch of the Aliant Learning Centre with partners at the JJ Curling Elementary School in Corner Brook. A North American first, this innovative online video library of educational, lifestyle and business topics provides on demand access to over 2000 educational video titles.

Acer Launches Its Low-Cost Laptop Forbes | 06/05/2008 Acer's secret (until now) weapon in its drive to seize the title of world's largest laptop maker from Hewlett-Packard is a computer smaller in surface area than a sheet of standard-size paper, weighing less than 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) and costing less than $400.
K-12: Upcoming Events
Event: ....... NECC 2008 Date: ......... June 29-July 2, 2008 Location: ... San Antonio, Texas Event Link
Event: ....... Canadian Association of School Administrators Date: ......... July 10-13, 2008 Location: ... Halifax, NS Event Link
Event: ....... Blackboard World Date: ......... July 15-17, 2008 Location: ... Las Vegas, Nevada Event Link
Event: ....... Constructing Modern Knowledge-A Minds-On Institute for Educators Date: ......... July 28-31, 2008 Location: ... Manchester, NH Event Link
Event: ....... ABEL SUMMER INSTITUTE 2008 Date: ......... August 18-20, 2008 Location: ... Toronto, Ontario Event Link
Event: ....... ELEVATE 2008Date: ......... August 24-27, 2008 Location: ... Banff, Alberta Event Link Event: ....... EdNetDate: ......... September 14-16, 2008 Location: ... Boston, MA Event Link Event: ....... ECOO 2008 ConferenceDate: ......... November 13-14, 2008 Location: ... Richmond Hill, Ontario Event LinkEvent: ....... IEEE International ConferenceDate: ......... November 17-19, 2008 Location: ... Banff, Alberta Event Link K-12: Ask an Educator?
Janet Murphy is the Manager of Innovative Learning Solutions at York University, where she plays a significant role in managing the Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) project for the Office of Research and Innovation.
Q: How does the Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) professional learning program model effective learning for the 21st century globally connected world?
A: As of 2002, the Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) program www.abelearn.ca has been using a blended learning model that combines online professional learning activities throughout the school year with face-to-face summer institutes. The underlying philosophy of ABEL is to provide educators with access to; (i) powerful digital tools; (ii) rich self-directed professional learning programs; and (iii) the means to collaborate electronically with other K-12 educators, university faculty and private/public community partners.

Q: How does ABEL provide professional development to teachers and what opportunities are available this summer?
A: This summer ABEL continues to make online self-directed professional learning resources available to teachers and teacher leaders. This includes access to professional learning webcasts, a variety of online learning modules that allow teachers to gain instructional intelligence on the effective use of technology in the classroom.
Green IT

Economic Opportunities for Canada with Green IT and Broadband CANARIE | 22/04/2008 Green IT and Me Conference - Toronto, Ontario

House approves funding for 'green' schools eSchool News | 05/06/2008 The U.S. House of Representatives on June 4 committed more than $20 billion over the next five years to help states build and renovate schools to make them more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Mary Castle Elementary School Goes Green and Earns the ENERGY STAR� for Superior Energy Efficiency Marketwire | 11/06/2008 Mary Castle of the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) prestigious ENERGY STAR, the national symbol for superior energy efficiency and environmental protection.

Simon Fraser University has launched a new environmental sustainability web portal SFU News | 16/06/2008 SFU has launched a new Green Pages environmental sustainability web portal at www.sfu.ca/green to serve as a one-stop cyber hub where faculty, staff, students, media and the public can learn about all things green at the university.

New Green Supercomputer Powers Up at Purdue Cam Tech | 20/06/2008 A new supercomputer installed at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN is being compared to a "fleet of thousands of bike messengers." Individually they don't carry much freight, but they use less energy and are more effective in some situations.

Lenovo's Commitment to the Environment CT News | 24/06/2008 Lenovo is committed to environmental leadership in all of its business activities, from its operations to the design of its products and use of its technology.

Green Street The Program endeavors to provide opportunities to actively engage students and teachers in environmental learning and sustainability education. The Program links schools in Canada to reputable Environmental Education organizations across the country.

K-12 Green Education Tools The work of Educational Reporting, Inc. (ERI) is focused on providing our site visitors with important reports, trends and news regarding K - 12 education around the globe, along with providing access to tools and services that help educators, administrators, students, parents, and education related businesses improve the quality of global K - 12 education.

Campus Efforts to Confront Global Warming The National Wildlife Federation's Campus Ecology program was established in 1989 and has worked with hundreds of campuses all over the country. Chill Out: Campus Solutions to Global Warming recognizes campuses and campus leaders for their efforts to educate and confront global warming.

Environment Canada Free Educational Resources for Educators

GreenIT Education Links http://www.terrapass.com/partners/takingitglobal/?utm_campaign=TIG&utm_source=TIG http://www.cleanpoints.ca/about.asp http://www.edutopia.org/go-green http://www.educationreporting.com/greened.aspx http://faronics.com/doc/wp/PS_WP_ITandFacilities_EN.pdf http://www.greenteacher.com/ http://www.hp.com/canada/corporate/recycle/presskit.html http://www.resources4rethinking.ca/ http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/pnppwr/powermgmt/VistaEnergyConserv.mspx http://www.canada.com/edmontonjournal/columnists/story.html?id=c4b8a700-3ca5-45da-9585-8f1a15b50cda http://www.infoweek.ca/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=1766&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid&vmcchk=1 http://www.yorku.ca/ecoschl/index.asp
Web 2.0 Sites of the Month
Timothy Gard, B.Ed, M.A. has had over a decade of hands-on involvement with students and teachers in information and communication technology. He loves innovative ideas, integrating technology across the curriculum and engaging students in the ever-changing world of technology. He currently teaches media literacy and communication at Sir Adam Beck J. S. in the Toronto District School Board.
Web 2.0 Tools Links http://www.acrobat.com http://www.go2web20.net http://wwwclassroom20.com http://www.zoho.com http://docs.google.com http://www.slideshare.com http://www.blogger.com http://www.bloglines.com http://www.gliffy.com http://www.pageflakes.com http://www.wetpaint.com
Higher Education: Introduction
Vodcast Welcome Welcome to the July 2008 Edition of the MindShare Learning Report, Canada's Premier Education and Technology publication.
This month's section contains several important articles, from examining academic freedom verses copyright issues to St. Mary's University's construction of a new Global Learning Commons and the Ontario ombudsmen Andre Martin's renewed calls for independent oversight of the Provinces Universities. The article about constructing and operating a 21 Century College Classroom from scratch provides us with a glimpse into the educational technologies and instructional theories of the future and how they are being debated and tested. The Research and Tech Tools Section contains a great deal of interesting information and articles this month, which we know will be valuable additions to your tech tool boxes. Finally, the MindShare Learning Report is about you, our readers and sponsors. We encourage you to not only share this publication with your colleagues and co-workers but challenge us to reach higher each month through your contributions and suggestions. You are why we are here! Remember, work hard and challenge yourself to reach higher and journey farther everyday.
Mitchel N. Townsend, M.A. EdTech MindShare Learning Associate Editor, Higher Education
Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement. Higher Education: Headlines The 21st Century Classroom, Incubating Next-Gen.Edu CamTech | 01/06/2008 Given a blank slate, what should the 21st century college classroom look like, and how should it be operated?

Sheridan College Institute of Technology Animation Student Wins Best Animated Film Award at Toronto International Film Festival Student Showcase CIC | 03/06/2008 Vladimir Kooperman, a graduating student in the Bachelor of Applied Arts - Animation program at Sheridan, was named winner of the Best Animated Film category at the recent Student Film Showcase organized by the Toronto International Film Festival Group.

New copyright bill will restrict student research CAUT | 12/06/2008 The group representing Canada's academic community says the federal government's new copyright legislation will restrict teachers' and students' access to electronic documents and on-line material.

Saint Mary University: New Global Learning Commons DEOL | 16/06/2008 Saint Mary's University: More technology, more teaching and study space, and more collaborative learning are arriving at Saint Mary's University. A new 4000m2 three-story Atrium is under construction with scheduled completion for September 2009.

Ontario ombudsman wants jurisdiction over universities MacOC | 16/06/2008 Ontario ombudsman Andr� Marin released his annual report today, and renewed his call for independent oversight of the province's universities.

Higher Education: Upcoming Events
Event: ....... 2008 Biennial Conference on Imaginative Education and Practice Date: ......... July 7-9, 2008 Location: ... Vancouver, British Columbia Event Link
Event: ....... SCUP-43 Annual International Conference and Idea Marketplace Date: ......... July 19-23, 2008 Location: ... Montreal, Quebec Event Link Event: ....... SCOPE R2D2 - Empowering Online Learning Date: ......... July 21-August 3, 2008 Location: ... Online Event Link
Event: ....... Tenth International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and AccessibilityDate: ......... October 13-15, 2008 Location: ... Halifax, Nova Scotia Event Link Event: ....... ISSOTL 2008 Date: ......... October 16-19, 2008 Location: ... Edmonton, Alberta Event Link Event: ....... Netspeed 2008 Date: ......... October 22-24, 2008 Location: ... Edmonton, Alberta Event Link
Event: ....... CBIE's Annual Conference 2008 Date: ......... November 1-5, 2008 Location: ... St. John's, Newfoundland Event Link
Event: ....... ICE 2008 Technology Conference Date: ......... November 3-5, 2008 Location: ... Edmonton, Alberta Event Link
Higher Education: People on the Move
York recognized as a leader in distance education 06/05/2008 The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) has honoured York University and course director and lecturer Diane Zorn with a silver Best Practices Award for Excellence in Distance Learning-Teaching.
Corporate e-Learning
ASTD Conference 2008--Corporate e-Learning on a Steep Curve - By David Marsi
David Marsi, MindShare Learning Report Board member, AVP, Learning & Development, AIM Trimark
The evolution of my career into a learning and development role has been a combination of good fortune, great opportunity, commitment, and the privilege I've had to interact with so many people and mentors who have influenced my path. So the opportunity to attend ASTD ICE 2008 (American Society for Training and Development International Conference & Expo) in San Diego in early June was eye-opening.To put it through an education lens - it was overwhelming - leaving me feeling that I had endured a masters program in one week with all of the "content" that was delivered. |
Career Opportunities
Simon Fraser University - Chief Information Officer
Simon Fraser is a University that celebrates future possibilities. In its 43 years of innovative teaching, research, and community outreach, SFU has become a top university of choice for students who seek academic excellence and a memorable experience. As one of 'Canada's Top 100 Employers', SFU is also a preferred destination for the finest faculty and staff in the country. With three glorious campuses, an enrolment of over 30,000 students, 95,000 alumni and 900 tenure-track faculty, SFU is a stimulating and vibrant organization that promotes connectedness and a spirit of community. In this senior management role, you'll have the chance to support this next generation university with advanced and collaborative technology.

Public & Media Relations Coordinator Assist and lead the publication for Front Row events and workshops in Canada. The person is responsible for supporting and raising the visibility of Front Row in the Canadian market through positive and favorable manners while successfully searching out media outlets to identify Front Row in the Canadian marketplace.

To place your career opportunities, please contact: robert@mindsharelearning.com.
Research and Tech Tools June 2008 eSchool News - Researchers Identify Key ed-tech Trends : One-to-one computing, online assessment on the rise in schools-but keeping up with bandwidth needs is a problem Widespread adoption of one-to-one computing programs and the growing use of online assessments are among the key ed-tech trends occurring in schools across the country, according to the 2008 America's Digital Schools report.

Social Networking: Learning Theory in Action
There has been a lot of recent debate on the benefits of social networking tools and software in education. While there are good points on either side of the debate, there remains the essential difference in theoretical positioning.
Can We Trust Students to Learn in Web 2.0? Cam Tech | 04/06/2008 A core debate about learning design arises from the fear that, if we allow learners too much freedom, they will not learn the right things. Web 2.0 exacerbates that fear because it is beyond the control of educators.
Carnegie Mellon Spin-Out Releases Update to Free Lecture Capture Platform CNW | 11/06/2008 Version 2.0 of CourseCast introduces several significant new features, including course-wide search, Podcasting, remote recording, Blackboard integration and a simplified recording workflow.
MindShare Musings
 This time of year is always rich with special memories and achievements now that the school year has drawn to a conclusion. My daughter, Bianca, was so excited to have dad join her on the class trip to the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum). She thought I was doing her a favor, but, I really enjoyed myself, despite the bus ride with 40 screaming kids. Most importantly, I was very proud of our three children and their academic success this year. Keep up the great work!
Lyall Thomson, a member of ERDI, recently was appointed Director of Education, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board; congratulations Lyall.
Industry EdTech execs take note, my good friend Vicki Bigham, EdNet Conference organizer extraordinaire reminded me that the early bird rate ends August 8. Don't miss this amazing PD opportunity with top sr. executives in the U.S. and beyond. If the U.S. market is your focus, it's a must do event.
It was great to hear from Doug Connolly, a long-time acquaintance and managing director of Distribution Access, now part of CTVglobemedia. He informed me that they launched the on-line learning centre in Atlantic Canada with Aliant. See following link. http://micro.newswire.ca/release.cgi?rkey=1605295378&view=39118-0&Start=0
Vik Khanna, Senior Vice President and COO, Faronics, announced recently that he and his wife are proud parents of another boy
Mario Botticella, Principal, St. Marguerite D'Youville retires; a giant (my humble opinion) in the education system is retiring from the York Region Catholic District School Board. I've collaborated with Mr. Botticella on various projects over the years. He vision and passion to make a difference for students and teachers was unparalled. Best of luck in retirement Mario.
Dr. Greg Malszecki, York University professor and MindShare Learning Report Board member was kind enough to share a great read. You might enjoy reading the stellar new text on management wisdom and unwisdom called "What Were They Thinking?" by Jeffrey Pfeffer (2007) of Stanford who specializes in the Human Factor.
I recently met with Karen Stefanishyn, National Sales & Service Manger, frontrow, at their ultra modern offices in Mississauga; congrats on the growth! Feel free to drop Karen a note karen@gofrontrow.com I piloted one of the Phonic Ear products as a hockey coach last season using their Front Row amplification for my practices. While I didn't conduct a scientific study, my kids were more motivated; the sound was crisp throughout the rink and my voice was not strained at all.
Congratulations to MindShare's advisory board member David Marsi, who was recently promoted to AVP of Learning & Development at Aim Trimark Funds.
I would be remise if I didn't share the pic below of the York University Faculty Hockey team that recently celebrated 40 years of hockey excellence, well, maybe dedication is more like it. Just for the record, I've only been part of the squad for half that time. This squad has been very inspiring when you consider some of our veterans are in their 70's and I believe we have one in their early 80's!
Have a great summer! Cheers, R.
P.S. Watch for the MindShare Learning 21st Century Back-to-School Contest coming your way this September which will offer fabulous prizes to educators who share their vision of the classroom of the future today. The contest will run through the fall term. Sponsor opportunities are available! Please drop me an email if you're interested, robert@mindsharelearning.com
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report

York University Faculty hockey team celebrated its 40th anniversary recently. H. Ian MacDonald (centre seated) was honored as one of the elder statesmen who celebrated a special birthday, the president emeritus, York University and former chairman of hockey Canada received an award for allegedly splitting three pucks in his career. |
Advisory Board Members
Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
Dr. Ron Owston, York University, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology
Dr. Paul Sparks, Pepperdine University, Director, Online Masters in Education Technology
Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology) , Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
Tim Gard, B. Ed. M.A., Media Literacy & Communication Teacher, Toronto District School Board
Cathy Phillips, M. Ed., Director, Round Table on Technology, The Learning Partnership
Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada
David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, AIM Trimark |
About Us
The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:
- Robert Martellacci, M.A. Ed Tech., Publisher and Managing Editor, contact: robert@mindsharelearning.com,
- Mitchel N. Townsend, M.A. Ed Tech., Editor, Higher Education, contact: mitch@mindsharelearning.com
- Muhammad Noman, B.A Comp. Sci., Design & Development
About the MindShare Learning Report
The MindShare Learning Report is a publication of MindShare Learning. Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month. Please forward your news releases as web links to info@mindsharelearning.com
Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN.
The MindShare Learning ReportT is Canada's Premier Learning & Technology Industry News Monthly. By harnessing the power of Web 2.0 technologies, the MindShare Learning ReportT features engaging Vodcasts, Canadian industry news headlines in the K-12 and Higher Ed market segments, successful practices, ask an educator, market research and job listings, to support industry leaders and 21st Century education technology innovators in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada. The target audience includes, industry executives from the educational publishing and technology space; District CEO's, Superintendents, Instructional Tech Coordinators, principals, teachers, College and University executives and CTO's, and Innovative education leaders in Canada and internationally.
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