Vodcast Welcome
Dear Thought Leader,
Welcome to the April edition of The MindShare Learning e-Report™ -- Canada's Source for Learning & Technology Industry News.
I'm truly humbled by the extraordinary response rate our inaugural March issue garnered and the accolades we received this past month from both industry and education professionals across Canada. Our team is truly inspired to make this issue even more engaging, concise and relevant as we continue to forge a virtual collaborative professional learning community. Our mission--to support you in preparing students with the essential 21st Century skills needed to be successful Canadian and global citizens.
In this issue, I'm pleased to highlight our K-12 Interactive whiteboard theme that is of great interest to me, given my Pepperdine U Masters action research thesis that examined the 21st Century interactive classroom and successful practices.
The explosion of interactive whiteboards in North America is approaching the classic "tipping point" that is going to accelerate the adoption of this intriguing technology in education. Yet, the challenge lies in the over exuberance of educators rushing to purchase these boards without proper implementation strategies. Hence, I'm sharing successful strategies that emerged from my research. As well, I encourage you to checkout -"Ask a teacher" with Tim Gard, our advisory board member, who is an advanced SMARTboard user. Mr. Gard shares his tips on how to integrate interactive whiteboard technology in a class while applying sound pedagogical strategies.
Don't miss this great find. For those of you in search of project funding, the Ontario Media and Development Corporation (OMDC) has launched a call for applications for The Entertainment and Creative Partnerships Fund, a program of the Ministry of Culture, co-administered by the Ontario Media Development Corporation. Funds allocated for this, the third round, amount to over $3,300,000.
In the HED component, Mitch Townsend, our editor has been scouring the country to bring you the latest and greatest news headlines, events and research. "Ask a professor," explores the key characteristics of a successful e-Learning program.
The impetus for this Report is YOU. It's about challenging, inspiring and engaging you, along with your fellow thought leaders across Canada. We invite you to share you news releases, success stories, conferences and events, people on the move and of course, research. The good news is you've responded in this issue with fantastic news that celebrates great achievements in Canadian innovation; Canada is truly a global leader in learning & technology innovation.
I hope you enjoy this April edition of the MindShare Learning e-Report. I encourage you to support us in building our professional learning community of innovators by sharing this e-Report with you colleagues. And remember, it's about passion and a call to action. Best of success!
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™
Readership Comments....
"Congratulations on your MindShare Learning Report launch. Well done!!!! As you know, I have been looking for information on the Canadian EdTech business and you've been able to collect the news in a clear and concise format. This resource will be very valuable for Canadian educators." -- Rheal Dumont, Executive Director, NECTAR Foundation--Educational Software for Schools of Today and Tomorrow wrote
"Congratulations Robert! This looks awesome!!!" Chip Fesko, Senior Director, Advertising Sale and Strategic Alliances, The George Lucas Education Foundation
"Congratulations on this innovative report.....great format and content....I know how much work these are to produce! " Susan E. Vail, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Student & Curricular Affairs, Faculty of Health, YORK UNIVERSITY |
Funding Opportunity of the Month
The Entertainment and Creative Cluster Partnerships Fund Round 3 Call for Applications
CeLEA/ACeL | 03/24/2008
OMDC has launched a call for applications for The Entertainment and Creative Partnerships Fund, a program of the Ministry of Culture, co-administered by the Ontario Media Development Corporation. Funds allocated for this, the third round, amount to over $3,300,000.
Advisory Board Members
Dr. Greg Malzecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
Dr. Ron Owston, York University, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology
Dr. Paul Sparks, Pepperdine University, Director, Online Masters in Education Technology
Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology) , Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
Tim Gard, B. Ed. M.A., Media Literacy & Communication Teacher, Toronto District School Board
Cathy Phillips, M. Ed., Director, Round Table on Technology, The Learning Partnership
Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada
David Marsi, Program Manager, Practice Management, AIM Trimark Investments | |
Ontario Independent Schools Launch Groundbreaking eLearning Consortium
The Conference of Independent Schools of Ontario (CIS) today announced the establishment of the eLearning Consortium that includes 12 Canadian independent schools as pilot members.
Blackboard Introduces New Blackboard Learning System Releases That Pave the Way for Next Generation Solutions
Blackboard Inc. (NASDAQ: BBBB), a leading provider of enterprise technology to the education industry, announced today the general availability of Release 8.0 of the Blackboard Learning SystemTM - CE and Vista Licenses.
Software for school improvement available for new devices
Media-X Systems today announced that it's popular eWalk� program is now available for new devices such as Apple's iPhone/iPod Touch as well as new BlackBerry, Palm and Windows Mobile smartphones. In addition a web-connected offline version geared towards TabletPC's and Mac / Windows / Linux laptops will be released in April.
Blackboard Launches New K-12 Professional Development Solution
Blackboard Educator Central(TM) enables districts to manage, deliver and evaluate professional development and build collaborative communities of practice

EducationPD Ltd. Debuts Its eLearning Portal For Teachers
EducationPD Ltd. is pleased to announce the launch of its eLearning portal www.educationPD.com providing online professional growth and staff development Courses for teachers and teaching staff.

Microsoft contributes over $15,000 worth of prizes to Studica Skills student competition
Studica Skills, the free online competition website exclusively for students, announced today that Microsoft has generously contributed over $15,000 worth of software and training materials as prizes to the current round of Studica Skills competitions.
Alcatel-Lucent Helps Wolf Creek School District Build VOIP-based Learning Communities'
Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) today announced that Wolf Creek Public Schools in Alberta, Canada, has selected its flagship enterprise voice and data networking solutions to deliver the communications necessary to build learning communities linking teachers with parents and students. Wolf Creek has built a district-wide voice over IP (VoIP) system spanning its 32 sites serving 7,000 students and a staff of 900.
Event: ....... The 26th AQUOPS Symposium
Date: ......... April 2-4, 2008
Location: ... Place des Congr�s, 2685, rue King Ouest
Event: ....... ERDI Canada 2008 Spring Conference
Date: ......... April 3-5, 2008
Location: ... Halifax, Nova Scotia
Event: ....... The Learning Partnership Round Table on Technology
Date: ......... April 8, 2008
Location: ... Ryerson University, Toronto
Event: ....... TASA Research Symposium
Date: ......... April 11, 2008
Location: ... Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Event: ....... ECOO Elementary Mini conference
Date: ......... April 12, 2008
Location: ... Kitchener, ON
Event: ....... OPSOA
Date: ......... April 17-18, 2008
Location: ... Toronto, ON.
Event: ....... BCEd Online
Date: ......... April 22-24, 2008
Event: ....... Leading Learning 2008
Date: ......... May 5-6, 2008
Location: ... Toronto, ON
Event: ....... (ICRS) 2008
Date: ......... May 5-6, 2008
Location: ... Toronto, ON
Event: ....... National Technology in Education Conference
Date: ......... May 16-17, 2008
Location: ... University of Toronto, Mississauga
Event: ....... ECNO 2008
Date: ......... June 1-3, 2008
Location: ... Alliston, ON
Event: ....... NECC 2008
Date: ......... June 29-July 2, 2008
Location: ... San Antonio, Texas
K-12: Ask a Teacher?
Q: As an advanced interactive whiteboard user, can you offer teachers advice on how to better integrate this technology into their classrooms?
A: The more ubiquitous interactive whiteboards become in Canadian classrooms the more we need to think about the pedagogy. Simply installing an interactive whiteboard in a classroom with all of the 'bells and whistles' will not necessarily produce students who are more literate or numerate, or enhance understanding in any given area of the curriculum.
Higher Education: Introduction
Vodcast Welcome
Welcome to the April 2008 edition of the MindShare Learning Report, Canada's premier source for education and technology news.
This months Higher Education Section features several excellent articles highlighting Education Investment, Opportunities and Benefits, Industry News, and Athabasca University's new Ed. D program in Distance Education.
The Ask a Professor Section discusses the Top Three Elements of any successful online program while the MindShare Learning Report "Research and Tech Tools Section" features several great articles covering the strength of Canada's Post secondary education system, Grading, Standardization and Collaboration.
The Section on VBlogging is of particular interest in the Tech Tools Section. VBlogging is rapidly replacing traditional Blogging by offering a combination of text based Blogging, Podcasting Threaded Conversations and Videos all wrapped up in social networking type environments. It brings these stand alone technologies together by integrating them into an interactive method of communication that is far richer, more meaningful and is rapidly replacing its foundational relatives.
This months issue is loaded with valuable and actionable information in keeping with our publication goals of providing you with the freshest and most informative Canadian education and technology news.
We actively encourage professionals in corporate eLearning and Higher Education environments to join the MindShare Learning Community by telling us about your company, institution or program.
We are truly a Learning Community, welcome and enjoy this month's issue.
Mitchel N. Townsend, M.A. EdTech MindShare Learning Associate Editor, Higher Education
Higher Education: Headlines
Athabasca University Initiates Ground Breaking Ed. D. Program in Distance Education
The Centre for Distance Education is pleased to announce the opening of its doctoral program (Ed. D.) in Distance Education, to begin in August 2008. The first of its kind in North America, the doctoral program is evidence of Athabasca University's global leadership in distance education teaching, scholarship, and programming innovation.
University of Waterloo Gets IT Together for Non-Profits with Groove 2007
Microsoft Press | February, 2008
The University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, has created a unique graduate-level course in project management designed to give future expert project managers a hands-on education while aiding international development agencies such as the Red Cross.
Learning Technology Event Hoping to Broaden Its Scope
The organizers of New Brunswick's third-annual advanced learning technology symposium are hoping to broaden its scope and increase its size.
Embanet welcomes Dr. Thomas Downey as Chief Academic Officer
Embanet, a leader in online education, is pleased to announced today the appointment of Dr. Thomas E. Downey, Ph.D., as Chief Academic Officer (CAO). Dr. Downey will play a pivotal role in growing Embanet's higher education design and development division.

Desire2Learn Showcases New Versions of Desire2Learn Learning Environment and Desire2Learn Learning Repository
Desire2Learn releases feature enhancements to its Learning Environment and Learning Repository based on extensive client input for greater collaboration, ease of use, customization, and full-enterprise scalability and reliability.
IBM Funds University Efforts To Expand Jazz Platform
"The challenges faced by today's software developers are about team collaboration, productivity and working across borders and time zones," said Frank Maurer, head of the Agile Software Engineering group at the University of Calgary.
Government Boost to Knowledge Infrastructure Good for Students, Good for the Economy
The Council of Ontario Universities (COU) welcomed today's Ontario budget with its announcement of $200 million for university facilities renewal and its commitment of $250 million over the next five years for investment in research infrastructure. Together these investments represent a major boost to "the knowledge infrastructure" of the Ontario economy.
UOIT receives in-kind contributions worth millions of dollars from Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education CNW | 28/03/08
Engineering graduates at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) will have a competitive edge in today's
high-tech, global economy thanks to in-kind contribution worth millions of dollars from Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education (PACE), a partnership including General Motors, EDS, Hewlett-Packard. 
Higher Education: Upcoming Events
Event: ....... Neither a Moment nor a Mind to Waste
Date: ......... April 6-8, 2008
Location: ... Toronto, ON
Event: ....... CNIE 2008 International Conference
Date: ......... April 27-30, 2008
Location: ... Banff, Alberta
Event: ....... Fast Forward Educational Media Showcase
Date: ......... April 30 - May 1, 2008
Location: ... British Columbia, Canada
Event: ....... WILU 37
Date: ......... May 14-16, 2008
Location: ... Kelowna, British Columbia
Event: ....... CANHEIT 2008
Date: ......... June 14-18, 2008
Location: ... Calgary, Alberta
Higher Education: Ask a professor?
Paul Sparks, Ph.D., Program Director, Online Master of Educational Technology Program, Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Q: What are the three most important characteristics of a successful online or eLearning program?
A: Let's start by defining success in any educational program as personal transformation. When a student improves their professional practice based on new knowledge, experience, and relationships gained in the program, we claim success. It's the same whether in person or online, with the understanding that online programs present additional challenges and some unexpected benefits.
Career Opportunities
A first in Canada! - eFairJob, becomes Canada's 1st virtual job fair!
For the first time in Canada, Voicejob Inc. will be launching a Virtual Job and Education Fair, eFairJob, from March 17th to the 28th. A revolution in recruitment, the first Virtual Job and Education Fair will be held online 24 hours a day during those 12 days across Canada.
To place your career opportunities, please contact: robert@mindsharelearning.com. |
Research and Tech Tools
Blended learning for professional development in diverse urban settings: Findings from three project evaluations
March 27, 2008, New York City American Educational Research Association presentation by Prof. Ron Owston, Prof. Herb Wideman, Janet Murphy, York University.
Top 10 Successful Practices for your Interactive Whiteboard Implementation
Martellacci | 29/3/2008
The following link highlights the successful practices based on The Interactive Class room - Empowering 21st century learning through the Great Lakes School District Interactive Whiteboard Research Project.
Gauging the Value of Online Grade Posting: An Inquiry into Full Disclosure
With the continued development of the Internet, distance learning initiatives and Web-based mechanisms designed to support traditional classroom pedagogies are here to stay, and traditional notions of teaching are forever changed.
Reforming Education: Is Inclusion in Standardization Possible?
Two reforms have evolved over the past fifteen years in the North American public education system, inclusion and large-scale assessment. The inclusion movement emerged from an educational reform to establish equal access to education, and the implementation of large-scale assessments stemmed from standards-led reform to encourage high standards for students.
Everything About Video Blogging or Vblogging
It had to happen. First blogging - weblogging - catches on like wildfire, and everyone is posting their thoughts, tirades, or just minutiae online in their own blogs. Then podcasting came around - the equivalent of blogging in audio form. Today, the hottest new thing is video blogging (also called vblogging or vlogging).
MindShare Musings
Our inaugural issue of the MSL e-Report proved to re-ignite some past industry friendships and associations from over the years. On that note, Stephen Hurley of Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board shared his recent career evolution. You may recall, he headed up a team of IT/ Curriculum Consultants. From there he left on a secondment to OISE/UT where he taught for 3 years in their Preservice Program. He tells me it was a fascinating time in his life.
Stephen's been back with the board for 2 1/2 years now, and has designed and implemented an arts-based, integrated, alternative approach to this place we call school. Based at Cardinal Newman School in Brampton, he is working with 33 grade 7 students of various levels--looking at how arts and technology can allow them to enter into curriculum in a different way. "Challenging, rewarding, frustrating and promising," is how Stephen describes his new challenge. He's captured some of his thinking around this on a Blog run by the George Lucas Foundation (http://www.edutopia.org/blog/64).
Former West Vancouver School District Superintendent, Doug Player, is one who never stands still. His latest venture is trying to build a University at Whistler (http://www.whistleru.com). He suggests every leadership team from business and education take the one day DiCor workshop (http://www.DiCor.org), to increase creativity and innovation on their team as well as improve meeting productivity. He also suggests looking at the Horizons 2008 report at one of his favourite websites; http://www.educause.edu. Thanks for sharing Doug. I look forward to joining you on the golf course later this month while out at BC Ed Online!
My former Pepperdine U Master's program classmate, Colette Cassinelli (http://www.edtechvision.org) shares some very cool technology--Voicethread (http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com)
Congratulations to my old friend from TLC days, Megan Stewart, who has moved on from Adobe K-12 Global Director to take on the Higher Ed role at Adobe. Megan keynoted at the ECOO Conference this past fall.
My son Lucas just completed a project on astronaut Dr.Steve MacLean, who is a fellow York University alum. I was inspired to learn from an article he wrote in the recent issue of the New Knowledge for a New Economy Magazine of the significant contribution that Canada made toward the NASA space program. According to Dr. MacLean, after the AVRO Arrow program was cancelled in 1959, Canadian engineers were scooped up in large numbers, accounting for 25% of NASA engineers.
Dr. Paul Axlerod dropped me a note recently to share some exciting news on a recent award he received and the fact that his term as Dean is coming to a conclusion. Congratulations to Dr. Paul Axelrod, Dean of Education at York University, who was named the 2007 recipient of the prestigious David C. Smith Award, which acknowledges significant contribution to scholarship and policy on higher education in Canada.
In late breaking news, Nelson Learning's president Greg Pilon has moved on from his leadership position. Good luck to Greg in his future endeavors. I had a nice catch-up call this past week with Avi Oaknine, Canadian Sales Manager, Adobe Canada, who was off to Hawaii with Adobe's top 40 performers this year-congratulations Avi!
Our own Mitchel N. Townsend, Higher Education Editor, travels to Tahiti next month to create and produce a series of educational Vodcasts from the capital city of Papeete, French Polynesia. He will be the guest of Intercontinental Resorts where he will be writing a travel article and will be completing the second half of his academic series on eLearning, "Telecommuting and the Global Education Evolution." Mitch, don't forget to pack the sunscreen!
Last but not least, April is a definitely one of the busiest conference months of the year. I will be presenting my "Cross Canada Check-up Research Project" at the ERDI Canada conference this week in Halifax, Nova Scotia to a gathering of Directors of Education from across Canada and industry partners. My preferred technology of choice in gathering, disseminating and presenting the information is wikispaces, checkout (http://www.wikispaces.com). For more information about ERDI Canada, go to (http://www.erdi.ca). I then head to Ottawa the following week for the by invitation only, Microsoft Canadian Education Summit. Towards the end of the month, I'll be out at the BC EdOnline Conference to support my associates at netTrekker and learn about the latest trends in the Canadian e-Learning space.
Please be sure to send me your personal success stories and other newsworthy information directly to me, robert@mindsharelearning.com
Thanks all for sharing. And, until next time, keep the learning curve steep!
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report |
About Us
The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:
- Robert Martellacci, M.A. Ed Tech., Publisher and Managing Editor, contact: robert@mindsharelearning.com,
- Mitchel N. Townsend, M.A. Ed Tech., Editor, Higher Education, contact: mitch@mindsharelearning.com
- Muhammad Noman, B.A Comp. Sci., Design & Development
About the MindShare Learning Report
The MindShare Learning Report is a publication of MindShare Learning. Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month. Please forward your news releases as web links to info@mindsharelearning.com
Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN.
MindShare's Learning is a privately held company (a division of Martellacci & Associates, Inc.) based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic sales & marketing solutions to learning & technology companies in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, Essential Skills Software Inc., RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, THINKronize (netTrekker), IMSI (ClipArt.com), CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada. MindShare Learning is a proud publisher of the MindShare Learning Report--'Canada's Source for Learning & Technology Industry News.'
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