MindShare Learning Report
Issue No. 1, Volume 1, March 2008                                                                                                                   Complimentary Inaugural Issue
In This Issue
Advisory Board
Higher Ed
Career Opportunities
Research and Tech Tools
MindShare Musings
About Us
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Vodcast VideocastWelcome  
Dear Thought Leader,
Welcome to the virtual launch of The MindShare Learning Report™ -- "Canada's Source for Learning & Technology Industry News."
I am personally very excited to bring you this unique, current and what we trust will be a value-added resource to enhance your organization's success in the Canadian educational market place and beyond. The impetus for this report stems from my transformational learning journey this past year while completing my Masters in EdTech at Pepperdine University as a means of augmenting my expertise to enhance my strategic marketing services company. As a proud graduate, I was challenged to make a significant contribution to our industry which spurred on the innovation of the MindShare Learning Report™.
Our research revealed that while Canada is a global leader in the EdTech space, as a country we lack a unified and focused effort in the K-12 and Higher Ed learning space as an industry. Through the MindShare Learning Report, it is our hope to engage our industry, be it EdTech companies, publishers, and educators alike, in forging the MindShare Learning Network that will ultimately enhance our efforts in providing solutions that will arm students with the essential 21st Century Skills to compete in the global economy.
By harnessing the power of Web 2.0 technologies the MindShare Learning Report will feature Canadian industry News headlines in the K-12, Higher Ed and market segments, successful practices, ask an educator, vodcasting, people on the move, market research, and Webinars, to mention a few elements of this virtual report.
The launch of the MindShare Learning Report would not be possible without our esteemed advisory board, Mitchel Townsend, our higher ed editor and Muhammad Noman, our CTO.  
I challenge you to take advantage of this unique opportunity for your organization to participate in future issues of this monthly online national publication. We trust our thought leadership will engage and challenge you to unleash the excellence within. We are about passion and a call to action. Thank you for sharing in the excitement of our inaugural issue!  Cheers.
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™
Welcome to our Advisory Board Members 

  • Dr. Greg Malzecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
  • Dr. Ron Owston, York University, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology
  • Dr. Paul Sparks, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education & Psychology
  • Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology) , Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
  • Tim Gard, B. Ed. M.A., Media Literacy & Communication Teacher, Toronto District School Board
  • Cathy Phillips, M. Ed., Director, Technology Strategy, The Learning Partnership
  • Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
  • Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada   
  • David Marsi, Program Manager, Practice Management, AIM Trimark Investments
  • Sponsors
    BlackBoard     Epson   Brighter Future 
    ERDI     Essential Skills
           Faronics     Nectar Foundation     Nettrekker
      Pepperdine University     Institute for Research on Learning Technologies

    K-12: Headlines

    Faronics Asks "How Green is I.T.?"
    Faronics | 29/02/2008
    Faronics is kicking off The Green Living Show in Vancouver, B.C. by asking attendees to consider the negative effects that computer energy waste has on the environment, and their wallet.
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    Historica Minutes, dramatic vignettes that capture defining moments and characters in Canadian history
    Historica| 28/02/2008

    While Historica's programs and web tools have earned the Foundation recognition from teachers and students nationwide, the Historica Minutes, dramatic vignettes that capture defining moments and characters in Canadian history, have earned a place in the hearts and minds of the broader Canadian public but that doesn't mean that teachers shouldn't use them too!
    SMART Ideas software honoured with 2008 Teachers' Choice Award
    Smart Technologies | 27/02/2008
    SMART Technologies announces that SMART Ideas™ concept-mapping software has received the 2008 Teachers' Choice Award in the category of Classroom: Software and Hardware.  Having received top ratings in two rounds of rigorous judging, SMART Ideas software was recognized as an excellent visual learning tool and featured in Learning magazine's January 2008 issue.
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    Improving Language Usage Skills Grades 9-12 
    NECTAR Foundation | 26/02/2008
    These Internet learning resources are designed to assist students in grades 9-12 to improve their language skills. It focuses on areas of grammar, punctuation and spelling. The program is supported by a grant from Inukshuk Wireless's Learning Plan, Montreal, Quebec.
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    Adobe Announces 2008 School Innovation Awards For U.S. and Canadian Students
    Adobe | 26/02/2008
    Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced a call for entries for the Adobe School Innovation Awards. The awards program honours the creative and innovative work of high school students. With the theme "My Community - My Planet - My 21st Century" students can submit entries in three categories: Web Design and Development, Film and Video, and Graphic and Print Design.

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    Ministers of Education initiate national dialogue in Aboriginal Education
    CNW| 26/02/2008
    Ministers believe that eliminating the education gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples is an economic and moral necessity. To that end, ministers will host a summit in 2009 on improving Aboriginal achievement rates.
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    Blackboard K12 Academic Suite now with Wimba Collaboration Suite Express
    Blackboard| 26/02/2008
    Online collaboration holds many promises for education: more student engagement, more equitable access for all students, and opportunities for teachers to further their own learning. However, text-based collaboration can feel stifling and many web-based collaboration solutions are difficult to manage. The Wimba Collaboration Suite Express™ for the Blackboard Academic Suite™ provides a collaborative learning environment for K-12 institutions that provides flexible professional development options, expands learning opportunities, strengthens learning communities, and addresses diverse learning styles.

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    EPSON EXPANDS INDUSTRY-LEADING PROJECTORLINE WITH NEW PowerLite 83+ and 822+ FOR EDUCATION--New Projectors Help Engage Students with More Vibrant Image Quality and Powerful Audio
    EPSON| 20/02/2008
    Epson, the number-one selling projector brand worldwide, today unveiled two new multimedia projectors - the Epson PowerLite� 83+ and 822+, available for $899 and $949*.
    Optimized for education environments, the PowerLite 83+ and 822+ feature 2,200 and 2,600 (ISO 21118 standard) lumens respectively, XGA resolution, a built-in closed captioning decoder, and wired LAN connectivity for monitoring and control at just 6.4 lbs. 
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    Core Learning announces the availability of digital math and language arts learning resources for access by teachers worldwide
    Core Learning| 14/02/2008

    Through the Global Grid for learning web portal, teachers can access Core Learning's full lessons and other instructional materials addressing hundreds of fundamental math and language arts learning objectives.
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    K-12: Upcoming Events

    Event: ....... AQUOPS: The 26th AQUOPS symposium
    Date: ........ April 2-4, 2008
    Location: ...Place des Congr�s, 2685, rue King Ouest
    Event: ....... ERDI Canada 2008 Spring Conference
    Date: ........ April 3-5, 2008
    Location: ...Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
    Event: ....... Elearning: Education in Motion, Leading Learning 2008
    Date: ........ May 5-6, 2008 
    Location: ...Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Event: ....... The Learning Partnership Round Table
    Date: ........ April 8, 2008
    Location: ... Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
    Event: ....... Third National TASA Research Symposium
    Date: ........ Apr 11, 2008
    Location: ...Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
    Event: ....... ECOO: Elementary Spring Conference Differentiate IT
    Date: ........ April 12, 2008
    Event: ....... BCEd Online: 2008 Annual Spring Conference
    Date: ........ April 22-24, 2008

    K-12: Ask a Teacher?

    Tim Gard, B. Ed. M.A., Media Literacy & Communication Teacher, Toronto District School Board  
    Q: Can you share your top Web 2.0 Websites?
    A: Tim Gard's Cool Web 2.0 Websites are as follows:
    1. www.livemocha.com - Online language learning. Very effective!
    2. www.buzzword.com - In my opinion, the best web-based word processor! Easy collaboration and very intuitive user-interface.
    3. www.eyejot.com - Free 60 second video email clips. Nothing to download and easy to use!
    4. www.clipmarks.com - Pretty much as indicated! You can clip from the web and mark it here! Searchable database...
    5. www.picnik.com - Online photo editing; definitely easy! Give it a whirl with some of the photos they've provided to see how easy it is.
    6. www.easycropper.com -  Simple, and easy as pie! Upload an image, crop it and voila, your cropped image ready for download.
    7. www.podcastpeople.com - Straight from the 'horse's mouth': PodcastPeople.com is a simple web-based service that allows individuals to create audio and video episodes, write blog posts, and interact with their audience. From free to $30.00/mth.

    Higher Education: Introduction

    VodcastMitchel N. Townsend Welcome 
    I am very pleased to bring you the Higher Education Section of this exclusive market report.
    The structural intricacies and challenges of the Canadian educational marketplace make gathering current and focused market research information very problematic, yet extremely important. 
    The Mindshare Learning Report provides this very valuable information to our customers in a format that is clear, current, concise, and actionable. 
    Our publication goals are to provide you with the absolute best information that enables you and your company to generate success in this challenging market space.
    The Mindshare Learning Report is the premier publication in the Canadian educational market and is the exclusive source for this very valuable comprehensive market research information.
    With over 20 years of success in the Canadian education market and a stable of world class clients, Mindshare Learning founder, Mr. Robert Martellaccci, myself and our very prestigious board of advisors, welcomes you to the Mindshare Learning Report.
    Together we can change the landscape of the Canadian educational system.
    Thank you again, and welcome to the Mindshare Learning Community.
    Mitchel N. Townsend, M.A. EdTech
    MindShare Learning Associate
    Editor, Higher Education
    Higher Education: Headlines
    Xeros teams up with Athabasca University
    Xerox 27/01/2008
    As part of Xerox Corporation's global commitment to science and education, Xerox Canada has partnered with Athabasca University to develop a research program focused on advancing mobile learning and e-learning for students living in remote or rural areas of Canada.
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    Newfoundland and Labrador Standardize Learning Strategies
    New/Lab 24/01/2008
    The Province of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada has announced a new initiative that will impact all public education within its borders, from kindergarten to higher Ed.
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    BC Tech Institute covers 40,000 with Wireless
    BCIT Feb 2008
    When the British Columbia Institute of Technology decided to implement a wireless network, it was building on a sophisticated wired network already in place on and between BCIT's five major campuses in Vancouver. With some 48,000 students, BCIT is Canada's leading polytechnic institute, offering degrees, diplomas, and certificates in a variety of studies.
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    Canadian Government Supports Technology for 2008
    CanGov Feb 2008
    This Government Insights research advisory service addresses the roles and responsibilities of government technology officials in the selection, management, and value determination of technology decisions. This research focuses on aligning technology to achieve business objectives, increasing the level of confidence for success, and realizing measurable business results from IT investments.
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    University of Calgary, Graduate School of Education Launches Technology Doctorate Degree
    GDER 07/02/2008
    GDER has launched Canada's first online Doctorate in Education focusing on educational technology to meet the growing demands in learning environments for innovation, technology and accessibility.
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    Canadian Parliament offer Teacher Tools
    CanPar 15/02/2008
    The Parliament of Canada is pleased to offer a comprehensive collection of programs and resources for teachers.
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    Video Game Based Learning, is this the Future of Education
    VLE's 17-02-2008
    Len Annetta, Marta Klesath, and Shawn Holmes describe how avatars in virtual learning environments (VLEs) can contribute to the learning experience by giving students a sense of social presence and investment in the learning community that may otherwise be difficult to access.
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    Minister Recognize importance of Post Secondary Education in Economy
    Can Gov 26/02/2008
    Ministers recognize the importance of postsecondary education in creating the highly skilled workforce needed for a vigorous, competitive knowledge-based economy.
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    Petro-Canada Endows One Million Dollar Scholarship at University of Calgary
    PetCan 28/02/2008
    Petro-Canada has donated $1 million to create a scholarship program at the University of Calgary that supports emerging leaders who excel in engineering, science and business.
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    Higher Education: Upcoming Events
    Event: ....... I.T. and Teacher Education International Conference
    Date: ......... March 3rd - 7th, 2008
    Location: ... Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    Event: ....... CUCCIO-CDPIUC Winter Business Meeting
    Date: ......... March 4th-6th, 2008
    Location: ... Hyatt Regency Hotel, Montr�al, Qu�bec
    Event: ....... CNIE 2008 International Conference
    Date: ......... April 27th - 30th 2008
    Location: ... Banff, Alberta, Canada
    Event: ....... Fast Forward Educational Media Showcase
    Date: ......... April 30 - May 1, 2008
    Location: ... British Columbia, Canada.
    Event: ....... WILU 37
    Date: ......... May 14th-16th 2008 
    Location: ... UBC Okanagan Library, Kelowna, British Columbia.
    Event: ....... CANHEIT 2008
    Date: ......... June 14th-18th, 2008
    Location: ... Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
    Higher Education: Ask a professor?
    Dr. Ron Owston, York University, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology
    "Can you share with us your top 5 websites you can't do without?"
    A: Great question! My top 5 websites are as follows:
    1. Curt Bonk's home page, an amazingly productive scholar has excellent resources at his site. See http://php.indiana.edu/~cjbonk/
    2. IRLT's site. I use this site for finding reports and information I need that I've produced myself. See http://irlt.yorku.ca
    3. My own home page, which again I use to find my own work because it's quicker than searching my hard drive. See http://ronowston.ca
    4. American Educational Research Association. A great site to find out what's happening in educational research. See http://aera.net.
    5. Oanda's currency exchange website. Given that I'm traveling internationally and having to fill out expense forms, this site is a godsend. You can even calculate exchange +2% the rate your credit card will charge you. See http://www.oanda.com/convert/classic
    Career Opportunities

    To place your career opportunities, please contact: robert@mindsharelearning.com.

    Research and Tech Tools
    Education Indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program
    Fall 2007
    This report is comprehensive and extremely valuable as a market research tool to better understand the Canadian education market space.  These statistical indicators of education cover various aspects of the elementary, secondary and postsecondary education systems in Canada, such as enrolment, graduation and human resources, as well as financing. Furthermore, the first chapter provides a statistical portrait of the school-age population while the last one shows measures of transitions from secondary to postsecondary education and to the labour market. Labour market outcomes are also included.
    Read More
    ICT in European Schools Research--A Value and Cost Analysis of Microsoft and Open Source Technology Solutions, courtesy of Jason Breukelman of Microsoft Canada.
    Read More
    Industry: Ask an Executive?
    Ron Sedran, Managing Director Equity Capital Markets Canaccord Adams, MSL Report advisory board member and visionary, who commissioned Canada's first eLearning Industry Research document. He recently shared websites that he relies on to keep a pulse of the eLearning space on a global scale. Thanks for sharing Ron!
    Q: Can you share your top Web 5 Websites?
    A: Ron Sedran's top Websites are as follows:





    One bonus site because Ron always goes beyond the call of duty


    Complete Web2.0 Directory of Tools!!
    A Complete Resource that List the majority of the Current Web2.0 Tools.
    Read More 
    Top 10 Emerging Technologies for 2008
    March/April 2008
    Each year, Technology Review publishes its list of 10 emerging technologies that its editors believe will be particularly important over the next few years. This is work ready to emerge from the lab, in a broad range of areas: energy, computer hardware and software, biological imaging, and more.
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    Top 100 Tools for Learning
    Spring 0f 2008
    Learning Professionals who shared their Top 100 Tools for Learning both for their own personal learning/productivity and for creating learning.
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    A Comparison of Threaded Discussion Forums and Text-focused Wikis
    TD 10/02/2008
    The purpose of this study was to improve the quality of students' online discussion of assigned readings in an online course. To improve the focus, depth, and connectedness of online discussion, the first author designed a text-focused Wiki that simultaneously displayed the assigned reading and students' comments side by side in adjacent columns.
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    The Theory and Practice of Online Learning
    FREE download
    CIDER Press (Canadian Distance Education Research) has also published an online book The Theory and Practice of Online Learning, that is available for FREE download at http://cde.athabascau.ca/online_book and use as a Creative Commons licensed, open access resource. We are pleased that over 48,000 downloads of the complete book (and additional thousands of copies of individual chapters) have been made since its release in Feb. 2004. We would appreciate hearing of readers' use of this resource by posting to the discussion board. A professionally bound paper copy of the text is also available for purchase for $50 Canadian. The book is reviewed (positively :-)) by Education Reviews at http://edrev.asu.edu/reviews/rev366.htm
    MindShare Musings

    Robert MartellacciI look forward bringing you the human side of our EdTech industry by sharing news about people on the move, career advancement, success stories, and personal antidotes that may be of interest to our fellow colleagues. I also welcome personal book and website recommendations and reviews related to technology and learning that you might like to share. 

    I attended the FETC conference in Florida in January that attracted some 9,000 educators. I thought the conference was one of the best in recent years. Interesting to note that over 100 delegates and an equivalent number of exhibitors hailed from Canada. I'm talking to the conference organizers about a 'special' Canada networking reception next year that we could arrange in conjunction with the Canadian Consulate. It's always great connecting with my good friend, Rheal Dumont, Executive Director of the NECTAR Foundation at FETC. Another Canadian colleague Chris Besse, VP Business Development at Nelson Learning was hard at work in the FETC exhibit area. This past year Chris embarked on a unique venture in launching Nelson USA Education. Good luck Chris!

    SMART recently held a highly successful teacher PD day at Appleby College in Oakville that attracted over 400 educators from Across Ontario. Congrats to Michael Ward of SMART on a successful event. Thank you to my long-time associate,  Joni Turville, MSL Report advisory board member and Differentiated Instruction expert, who recently gave me an autographed copy of  her book: Differentiating by Student Interest-Strategies and Lesson Plans, Eye on Education Publishers. 

    Jeff Barnes of Blackboard K-12 was recently appointed to sales manager for the Eastern Canada Region. I chatted with Jason Breukelman of Microsoft Canada last week, who was kind enough to send me an ICT in School Report (see Research and Tech Tools section) before he snuck away to Florida for some well deserved golf. Doug Doherty netTrekker's Canadian sales manager shared the news that Ron Millar of the Waterloo Region DSB was the lucky winner of a netTrekker d.i. subscription recently at the COCA conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario. 

    Dr. Ron Owston is going global--I learned recently that my good friend returns to Saudi Arabia, but this time to King Saud University in the capital city of Riyadh. He'll be giving faculty workshops on integrating the web into teaching and learning.

    Please be sure to send your personal success stories to share and inspire our colleagues directly to me, robert@mindsharelearning.com

    Thanks all for sharing. And, until next time, keep the learning curve steep!
    Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
    Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report.
    About Us

    The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:

    About the MindShare Learning Report
    The MindShare Learning Report is a publication of MindShare Learning. Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month. Please forward your news releases as web links to info@mindsharelearning.com
    Sponsorship opportunities are available, please contact, info@mindsharelearning.com.
    Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN.
    About MindShare Learning
    MindShare's Learning is a privately held company (a division of Martellacci & Associates, Inc.) based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic sales & marketing solutions to learning & technology companies in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, Essential Skills Software Inc., RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, THINKronize (netTrekker), IMSI (ClipArt.com), CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada. MindShare Learning is a proud publisher of the MindShare Learing Report--'Canada's Source for Learning & Technology Industry News.'