Norwescon 33 header
Next ConCom meeting:  September 12, 2009 at 1:00 p.m.
In This Issue
Guests of Honor
Volunteers needed!
Executive Team

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register online
or download the pre-registration form

Why pre-register? 
Here are a few good reasons.
ConCom Meeting Dates & Times
September 12
October 10
November 14
December 12
January 9
February 20
March 13

Exec Team Meeting:
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

General ConCom Meeting:
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Post Meeting Social:
5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

For more information visit Staff/Volunteers at
Hotel Info
DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport
DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport

8740 Intl. Blvd.
SeaTac, Washington

Book by March 10 to receive the convention rate of $114.00 per night.

Group/Convention Code:
Norwescon 33

register online

For more information visit Hotel at
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Norwescn 33 Flyer

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Community Calendar

Norwescon Community Calendar

Visit News at
to view the
Fannish Community Calendar

Coming up:

ConCom Meeting

NW Media Arts Workshop & Salon:
John Crowley
(9/20 & 21)

 Rainfurrest Zombie Attack
(9/18 - 9/20)

Foolscap 11
Redmond, WA
(9/25 - 9/27)

Museum Day at EMP|SFM
Get Spaced Out!

To submit an event for the calendar,
send it to [email protected].
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Norwescon eNewsletter September 2009
Tracy KnoedlerHello everyone! 

I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. My name is Tracy Knoedler and I am the Chair of Norwescon 33. I took last year off to travel and spend time with family, but I'm so happy to be back as your current Chairman for Norwescon! 
Norwescon 33 is scheduled for April 1 - 4, 2010 at the DoubleTree Hotel in SeaTac, Washington. I hope that you take the time to register now and, trust me, it's never too early to make that hotel reservation as we typically fill our room block early! 
I am very pleased to announce Norwescon 33's stellar lineup of guests: our Writer Guest of Honor is Vernor Vinge, our Artist Guest of Honor is John Jude Palencar and our Special Guest is Cory Doctorow! As always, these guests will be joined by hundreds of professionals from the science, science fiction and fantasy community in order to provide you with the most intriguing and entertaining panels to attend!

Our Executive Team has been working hard this summer and we are ready to hit the ground running at the first ConCom meeting which is this Saturday, September 12.  Join us at the meeting and find out how you can volunteer. Our volunteers are the best in all of fandom and I have no doubt that all of their hard work will make Norwescon 33 the best convention yet!
Remember that you can visit throughout the year for the latest Norwescon 33 news and happenings.
See you at the convention!
Tracy Knoedler
Chair, Norwescon 33
Norwescon 33 Guests of Honor
Writer Guest of Honor:Vernor Vinge
Vernor Vinge

Science fiction author Vernor Vinge has won Hugo awards for his novels A Fire Upon the Deep (1992), A Deepness in the Sky (1996) and Rainbows End (2006). A published story writer since the 1960s, Vinge is known in the sci-fi world as the author most closely associated with the theme of "technological singularity." 
 John Jude Palencar
Artist Guest of Honor:
John Jude Palencar
Artist and illustrator, John Jude Palencar, is known throughout the world for his distinctive, ethereal style and unique conceptualization. For more than 20 years he has received honors for his contributions to the field of illustration including Gold and Silver Medals from the Society of Illustrators, two Gold Book Awards from Spectrum, and Best Hardcover and two Best Paperback Awards from the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists for three consecutive years.

Special Guest:Cory Doctorow
Cory Doctorow
Cory Doctorow is a science fiction novelist, blogger and technology activist. He is the co-editor of the popular weblog Boing Boing, and a contributor to Wired, Popular Science, Make, the New York Times, and many other newspapers, magazines and websites. His latest novel, New York Times Bestseller Little Brother, was published in May 2008, and his latest short story collection is Overclocked: Stories of the Future Present. His next novel is Makers, due from Tor Books in October, 2009.

For more information visit
Over the years, Norwescon has developed relationships with many charitable and educational organizations. This year, Norwescon 33 will continue in that tradition by proudly partnering with these estimable members of the Northwest community:

Clarion WestClarion West
Clarion West is an intensive six-week workshop for writers preparing for professional careers in science fiction and fantasy, held annually in Seattle, Washington, USA. Clarion West will be the beneficiary of the Norwescon 33 charity auction. 

The Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame (SFM) is the world's first museum devoted to the thought-provoking ideas and experiences of science fiction. Norwescon 33 is a corporate sponsor of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Film Festival. When you become a member of Norwescon, you will be eligible for a $5 discount on your EMP|SFM membership!  Read more...

Northwest HarvestNorthwest Harvest
Northwest Harvest and their nearly 300 partner food banks across the state of Washington provide nutritious food to all who are in need. Your donation of non-perishable food items to Norwescon 33 will help Northwest Harvest to fight hunger in Washington State.  Read more...

For more information visit Outreach at
Volunteers needed!
Volunteer at Norwescon Do you know that Norwescon is run entirely by volunteers? Over 250 people generously give their time each year in order to make Norwescon the best it can be for its members and participants.  

Some people assume that when you volunteer you are giving away all of your time at the convention. Not true! We only ask for as much time as you would like to give and you get to choose which department you volunteer for. Plus, there are many volunteer positions available for those who would like to only volunteer during the months preceding the con.

Here's how you can get started:
We hope to hear from you soon!
Meet the Executive Team
Chairman Tracy Knoedler and Vice Chairman Jeanine Swanson announced their selections for the Norwescon 33 Executive Team:

Treasurer - Eric Weber
Secretary - Pearl Lawson
Business Director - Mike Orosz
Convention Services Director - Charlie Knoedler
Membership Services Director - Catrina Foulger
Personnel Director - Shawn Marier
Programming Director - Rob Stewart
Publications Director - Adrienne Loska
Special Events Director - Peggy Stewart