
San Jose Public Art 
  The Online Newsletter of the City of San Jos Public Art Program 
April 2010Volume 3, Issue 4
In This Issue
Chronos and Kairos, New Artwork at Airport
Public Art Committee: Next Meeting April 20, 2010
Public Art in King Library Contest
Silicon Valley Open Studio in May
City Hall - Current Exhibits
Explore Public Art
San Jose Public Art - Online Archive
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Chronos and Kairos, A Dynamic Artwork for New Airport Terminal Reflects Nature of Time
In June, when the new terminal at Mineta San Jose International Airport opens, it will feature a bounty of new permanent and changing artworks.  These artworks, based on the theme of Art + Technology, will be situated throughout the terminal in both pre- and post-security areas. 


One of the changing artworks that will be featured in a gate seating area is Chronos and Kairos. This artwork, created by Gorbet+Banerjee with Maggie Orth, will be on display for two years. Chronos and Kairosis a dynamic interactive artwork consisting of sixty-five identical kinetic identical sculptural elements hanging below the waiting area ceiling. Each element is composed of two metal arcs that rotate around each other, manipulated like marionettes by a visible pulley system. Linked with a Jacob's Ladder-type hinge, the arcs maintain a mysterious physical connection as they rotate in a graceful choreography. The artwork's movements combine four actions: a soft kinetic breathing motion; ripples moving across the field of nodes activated by passenger movement; 'counting' through discrete node flips, and a completion mode when the nodes close to a static oval shape. When all nodes are closed, there is a slow reassembly and reset sequence, allowing the cycle to begin anew. The complex choreography of this artwork is made possible using advanced motion controllers by San Jose-based Animatics Corporation.
ChronosAndKairosP1The artwork is based on a Greek concept that describes time in two ways, Chronos and Kairos - quantitative versus qualitative, numeric time versus metaphysical time. While we move faster, go faster, and measure time in ever-smaller increments, we are still able to seize the moment, to step outside the bounds of Chronos and embrace the opportunity that Kairos brings.
The artists chose this theme because airports, and their waiting areas, are hubs of travel and communication, the latest technology, speed and life. Time in the waiting areas ebbs and flows with the buildup of passengers before each flight, the clamor to board, and the emptiness that sits idle then slowly fills again. Airports have a larger rhythm as well, slowing at night, and speeding up during the day. Travelers rush through security then wait for boarding, rush to disembark then wait for luggage. They are ruled by the clock and yet time stretches and compresses based on their surroundings, expectations and desires. 
Chronos and Kairos will give travelers an opportunity to ponder the nature of time while they enjoy its passage and interact with this beautiful, mesmerizing sculpture. 
Images: Top - rendering of full view of artwork; bottom - details of sculptural element. 
Public Art Committee
The Public Art Committee will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at 5:30 P.M. The following report, discussion and action items are on the agenda:  
UPDATES: Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport
1. Informational about Millard Sheets artwork.   
2. Design change for the Hold Room Gate Platform. 
a. An agreement with Colette Crutcher and Mark Roller to develop a design proposal for an artwork for Fire Station #37 for $12,000. (District 6)
b.  An agreement for $120,000 with Buster Simpson to collaborate with the Plant Master Plan Design Team for the San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant for the Environmental Services Department. (Citywide)  
a.  Schematic design proposal for the San Fernando Corridor public art project to be located at Site Four: SR 87 to Market by artist Peter Foucault and Chris Treggiari. (District 3)
a. Schematic and design development proposal for the San Fernando Corridor public art project to be located at Site Three: SR 87 Underpass by artists Robin Lasser and Marguerite Perret. (District 3)  
b. Schematic and design development proposal for the San Fernando Corridor public art project to be located at Site Two: VTA platform by artist Patrick Manning. (District 3)  
c. The Rockwell Group's schematic and design development proposal for light projections on City Hall and City Hall plaza during 01SJ Biennale. (District 3)
a. Design development proposal for the San Fernando Corridor public art project to be located at Site One: Diridon Green by artist Charles Lee with Jess Austin and Chris Chalmers. (District 3)
The full agenda packet can be viewed in a dowloadable format at www.sanjoseculture.org
Public Art Committee meetings are open to the public. The meeting is in City Hall, 200 E. Santa Clara Street, Meeting Room W-119 in the Council Wing.
The Public Art Committee, a sub-committee of the Arts Commission, is advisory to the Commission and to San Jose City Council. The Public Art Committee monitors and provides oversight in the planning, artist selection, development and design review of public art projects throughout the City. 
Public Artwork is Key Element in "Countdown to 100 Million" Contest at King Library 
, an artwork that is part of the Recolleciones public art collection by Mel Chin in San Jose's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, is at the center of a unique contest. 

 Counter display captured at 3 p.m. on 4/8/10

In celebration of National Library Week, San Jose Public Library (SJPL) and San Jose State University Library are holding a contest to celebrate the activity of library users that makes their King Library collaboration the number one ranked library in per capita usage among libraries in the nation's 10 largest cities.  

Counter, a public art piece incorporating an LCD display that tracks checkout activity citywide is prominently located above the Circulation Desk at the King Library. In just a few weeks, the count, which began when the King Library opened August 1, 2003, is expected to reach 100 million items. This count reflects usage of materials in the public library's 18 branches and both public and academic collections housed at the King Library, which is co-managed by SJPL and SJSU Library.
Starting April 11, San Jose library users are invited to go online and enter their best guess as to when the checkout count will reach 100 million. Participation is limited to those who have a San Jose library card or SJSU Tower Card. Participants, who may be of any age, are limited to one guess. The person who comes closest to guessing the date and time will receive "The Ultimate Reader's Prize Pack," a special tote bag filled with goodies that readers can appreciate. The contest ends at 6 p.m. on April 30. The winner will be notified by June 1.

Go to SJLibrary.org for contest details, to view a live feed of Counter,  and to participate.    
For a free copy of the Recolecciones Guide to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library Public Art Collection, please e-mail your request to  patricia.walsh@sanjoseca.gov, and include your mailing address. This colorful brochure includes photos, descriptions and much more about the 34 artworks sited throughout the King Library.
 Silicon Valley Open Studios 2010
Every year, during the first three weekends in May, more than 320 Silicon Valley artists open their studios to the public. This free event is an opportunity to visit favorite artists and also to explore and discover exciting new artistic talent.
Visit the studios of your choice between the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday on the weekends shown below.
SilValOpStuImgWeekend One, May 1st - 2nd
San Jose, Campbell, Cupertino, Gilroy, Los Gatos, Milpitas, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Saratoga
Weekend Two, May 8th - 9th
Atherton, Belmont, Hillsborough, Menlo Park, Portola Valley, Redwood City, San Carlos, San Mateo, Woodside
Weekend Three, May 15th - 16th
East Palo Alto, Ladera, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Loyola, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale
For more information, visit www.svos.org
Silicon Valley Open Studios is a program of Silicon Valley Visual Arts, Inc.
City Hall - Current Exhibits

Current listings as of newsletter distribution   

The following exhibits are presented by the City Hall Exhibition Program, a project of the San Jose Public Art Program. All exhibits are free and open to the public. 
The Big Idea: Art on a Grand Scale

Location:  City Hall Wing Galleria 


BenBigArtPaintingThe Big Idea: Art on a Grand Scale
showcases the diverse and extraordinary talent of eleven local artists, all of whom create art works in large-scale format. Scale in art is about much more than size. Rather, it is a tool employed by artists to convey complex and often subtle concepts.  In This exhibit, large two-dimensional works on paper and canvas mingle with sculpture that explores weight and mass through the use of unexpected mediums. The Big Idea: Art on a Grand Scale will be on view through August 2010.   
Images (above):   
1. Top: The Decision Makers, Ben Alexy.
2. Bottom: Woman With Boa, Ted Fullwood.
Location: City Windows Gallery, the storefront exhibit space on 4th Street


Image (above):   Redbird, Stan Welsh, ceramic on plywood, 2008. 
Eleven area ceramics artists bend, twist and enhance their medium of choice in provocative ways in Earthbound. Bound to the elements  - earth, air, fire and water - each of these artists manipulates the medium to form their own expressions.  The intrinsic nature of clay lends itself to the expression of the human condition.  The personal and universal intertwine to weave narratives of history and present-day social and political circumstances.  Each has a tale to tell.  Each has a story.  But all have chosen to work with the elements.
The artists included represent but a portion of the exciting work being created in the greater Bay Area by artists working in ceramics.  They include Tessie Barrera-Scharaga, Kimberly Cook, Don Fritz, Ted Fullwood, Diane Levinson, Gustavo Martinez, Max Rain, Shelby B. Smith, Gabe Toci, Monica Van den Dool and Stan Welsh. Earthbound will be on view through May 15, 2010.  
Hidden Heritages: Six African American Families, San Jose 1860­-1920
Location: City Hall Tower, Santa Clara St. Lobby

Six of San Jose's pioneer black families are brought to life in portraits pieced together from historical facts and public records, family recollections, artifacts, old photographs and artist renderings, each telling the story of a unique community from a different perspective and providing a poignant glimpse into San Jose's past during a pivotal period in history. Hidden Heritages will be on view through May 31, 2010.   

Face2Face: Highlights from the Student Art Collection at the Santa Clara County Office of Education  
Location: City Hall Tower, 18th Floor Mayor and Council Office Lobby Gallery  
Featuring artwork created by children in conjunction with the Young Artists Showcase, sponsored by the San Jose Water Company.  Face2Face will be on view through June 30, 2010. 

Explore Public Art in Downtown San Jose 

Create your own walking tour!

Here are two ways you can enjoy public art in Downtown San Jose.
DOWNTOWN PUBLIC ART MAP - Updated 2009 Edition Now Available!
The San Jose Public Art Program's  colorful, informative map of public art projects in downtown San Jose has recently been updated. The 2009 Downtown Public Art Map is a fun and easy way to see public in downtown San Jose.
Use it to create your own walking tour and include opportunities to stop and enjoy other features in the district including museums, galleries and restaurants.  
The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library includes an award-winning collection of more than 34 site-specific public artworks in locations throughout the library. Finding them is a process of exploration and discovery that is filled with surprises! A free colorful detailed brochure is available from the San Jose Public Art Program that will help you appreciate this extraordinary collection.  
To request a free copy of the 2009 Downtown Public Art Map or the Recolecciones - Library Art Collection brochure, please e-mail your request to  patricia.walsh@sanjoseca.gov, and include your mailing address.
A printable pdf version of the Downtown Public Art Map is also available on the Public Art webpage of the Office of Cultural Affairs website at
San Jose Downtown Public Art Map.
SAN JOSE PUBLIC ART - e-Newsletter Archive 
Visit the Online Archive to view past issues! 
Current and past issues of San Jose Public Art can be viewed on the Public Art pages of the Office of Cultural Affairs website.
Go to www.sanjoseculture.org
More to come in SAN JOSE PUBLIC ART!
San Jos� Public Art is the way to keep connected and informed. Please stay with us for future editions.

We welcome your comments, ideas and suggestions. You can e-mail us at publicart@sanjoseca.gov.
Please forward this to people you know who might like to keep informed about public art in San Jos.