The Growth Coach

Views From The Growth Coach


June, 2011


OK, rain rain go away, I'm ready for summer. Things are growing so fast it's difficult to keep up. We would all like to see that kind of growth in our business and the economy. That's momentum.
Momentum vs Inertia

You remember the concept. A body in motion tends to remain in motion, a body at rest tends to remain at rest. It takes energy to stop a body in motion or change its direction. It takes energy to get a body moving.


That applies to anybody, it's a fact of life. Overcoming some form of inertia is something my clients often confront. It can seem overwhelming, but that's just perception. Think of that two mile long freight train you had to wait for at the railroad crossing recently. Did you ever wonder how much power it takes to get one of those trains moving with its thousands of tons of freight? It's actually much less than you would expect. To get the train rolling the first thing the engineer does is to back up, pushing all those cars together. Then he begins to move forward and, clunk, the engine has covered that small gap between couplings and begins to move the first car. That forward motion is creating momentum and, as each car is added, that forward momentum increases. In short order the entire train is moving.


In business, the engine is you. And, as with the train, it very often takes less energy than you expect to get moving. When you are confronting a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, just focus on the first small task you need to accomplish to move toward your destination. Do that one task. Once that's done, do the next. In short order you will find that you have created your own momentum. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.


For us, momentum is psychological - once you begin to feel that forward motion it's easy to keep it going, and difficult to stop!

Focus on Sales

When you interact with a prospect it's important to be aware of the momentum of the situation. If both of you are on track and moving in the same direction you will gain momentum. If not, you'll waste time and energy trying to overcome their inertia - especially if their brakes are locked. Focus on finding a direction you can move in together.

Networking Tips
Did you ever notice that group situations have their own momentum? Think of the family dinner table. You get started on a topic, perhaps something funny, and everyone is contributing. Each contribution encourages another and the energy is contagious. Each person has a choice, to contribute to the energy or to stifle it. You've probably experienced both situations. A good networker contributes to the energy in the room.

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Creating momentum,

Dave Ferguson
The Growth Coach
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Join me June 9?


I'll be attending the annual Small Business Success in Lake County conference at University Center in Grayslake on June 9, from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm. The event is organized by the SBDC at the College of Lake County.

Learn how to leverage smart business resources to strengthen and grow your business.  Hear from an array of experts and business owners sharing their success stories. And, if you register before May 31 you can save $10.


Click here for more information and to register.