Views from The Growth Coach�
October 2006
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This month's topic is attitude. As often happens, after I decided on the topic it seemed like everyone was talking about it. More on that below. Attitude may not be everything, but it's way ahead of whatever ranks second on the list.

I hope this helps.

Attitude is Everything
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I was doing a short education segment at a regular networking group and asked, ?Who got up this morning with PMA?? I was really surprised when only 3 of the 30 people in the room recognized PMA as Positive Mental Attitude. Maybe it?s the word ?attitude? that has caused the problem. If someone is now described to me as having ?attitude?, I do think of a person with an ?I?m- better-and-know-more-than-you? approach to life. I want to focus on the ?attitude? that can make you more successful.

Attitude is mind-set, outlook and approach. It can be negative or positive. I admire Tiger Woods more for his mindset and discipline than for his incredible skill. He is able to win even when he is not hitting good shots because he believes that every shot he takes will go exactly where he wants it to. Do you believe as strongly in the outcome of the efforts you make every day? Are you able to let go of your failures and bring positive energy and focus to your next challenge?

Newton?s first law of motion talks about momentum. Once in motion, an object will tend to stay in motion, but an object at rest will stay at rest unless an outside force acts upon it. I think the principle applies equally well to attitude. You will decide when to put your attitude into motion, and in what direction. If you adopt a positive attitude, that motion will continue onward and upward. If you allow negative thoughts to drive your attitude, that motion too will continue, but ever downward like the swirling water in a flushing toilet. Remember, the only actions in life that you can control are your own. You, and only you, have the ability to influence the direction of your attitude.

Remember, every day both the optimists and pessimists will have exactly the same thought: ?This day couldn?t possibly get any better.? The words are the same but the perspectives are directly opposite. Which meaning will you choose today?

Focus on Sales

I talked in my introduction about being focused on a subject and then noticing many references to that same subject around me. "Not unusual," my friend told me at lunch, "it's the result of the reticular activating system (RAS) in the brain." She pointed me to an article on The Presentation Business website where the author makes the point that emotion triggers our interest and that interest, once triggered, leads us to "see" all the instances around us relevant to that idea. We know that most buying decisions are made based on emotion and then justified with logic. How will you help your prospects to "see" the possibilities? To read the article click on the link below.

Networking Tips

It's hard to underestimate the importance of goals influencing outcomes. Wishing for success just doesn't cut it. The next time you are preparing to attend a networking event, think about who will be attending and set some goals for your own performance: How do you want to be seen, who do you want to meet? Then adopt a true networker's attitude: What value can you provide, who do you know that should meet this person, how can you help this person to be more comfortable at the event and achieve positive results? When I adopt these strategies at networking events I wind up leaving more energized than when I arrived. Attitude is everything!

If you have ideas for future issues or questions on this one, let me know. And, if you think others in your sphere of influence could benefit from this information, click on the "Forward to a friend" link below.

Wishing you success,

Dave Ferguson
The Growth Coach

Phone: 847-968-2468
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