The Newsletter, formerly Striving for Imprefection
 March, 2011
In This Issue
Diet Shakes? Really?
Videos of the Month
Recent Blog Postings
How Are We Handling Two Years of Stress? The Results.
Will Speak for Food
Quick Links
(click on any link to go there)


  Three Sessions of Personal Coaching from Scott for $90
if you'd like to talk to someone who can help you straighten out your priorities and break down big problems into small steps, this offer is perfect for you.

You'll get up to three hours of personal one-on-one phone coaching from Scott "Q" Marcus. You also get two months of service from!

Your results are guaranteed or you get your money back!

Scott's unique supportive style has helped thousands of people realize what matters, figure out ways to get it, and the enjoy the results afterward.

Remember, if you didn't think it was worth it, you'll get your money back. Period. No hassle.

There's no risk. Click the button below.

Pay Now

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Weight Loss CD Clearance!
What's Eating You CD Label
I was going through my inventory of CDs and I realized I have a whole bunch of my weight loss talk, "What's Eating You - And Why Are You Eating It Back?"

It's a recording of a talk I did a few years ago at a college class on addictions and bad habits.  


If you've been trying to lose weight - or you know someone who has - you will find this CD very helpful as it takes a look at why we engage in a habit, we know is harmful.

I normally sell them for $12 a piece. However, I'd like to clear them out so I'm letting them go for $5 each - that's almost 60% off!

Normally: $12 each
Special: $5

- more than 1/2 off!

($1 S&H)

Buy Now

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Writers Needed!

If you're a good motivational writer with a blog or website and you want some publicity and more traffic, the This Time I Mean it newsletter and blog could use your help.

You would not have to write anything special. We'd put part of your normal posting in the newsletter and link to your blog for people to read the rest.

If interested in knowing more, please send us an email.

Do You Live in Humboldt County?

Are you a Weight Watchers member?

If you live in Humboldt County and you're a lifetime member at or near goal, you might be interested in the new "Lifetime Stars" monthly meeting at the Weight Watchers Center in Eureka. It's only for people who are at or near their goal weight and the leader will rotate each month. (More accurately the leader won't rotate; he or she will face forward. However, it will be a different leader every month.)

If you'd like to download a pdf flier, you can follow this link.




Scott 'Q' Marcus headshot

Stressing Much?

There is an old curse - I think it's Chinese -that says, "May you live in fascinating times." The reason it's a curse becomes clear when you think about it. Those times most "fascinating" to historians were the times of great stress and strife for the people who lived through them.

We are certainly living in said "fascinating" times. It seems that not a day goes by when something new is not being blasted across the TV screen as "BREAKING NEWS." In the last month alone, we've had crazy weather, the Japanese disaster(s), unrest in the Middle East, workers rising up in the Midwest, Libya, and a huge increase in the price of gasoline and food. Oh yes, did I say our economy is still a bit rough and the unemployment numbers are high?

It's tough to keep a positive attitude these days.

"Experts" say that the best thing you can do in such times is to focus on what's in your control, get support from others, take time for yourself, and to remember that these are indeed rare times (in other words, it seems so stressful because so much is happening, which, by its very nature, makes it out of the ordinary). We'll get through it; we just all wish it would quicker.

In this issue, you'll find lots of links to help you do just that. Also, I just analyzed  the last two years of the International Inspiration Index ("I3") to see how we're comping. The results were fascinating and you can find them  here. (You can take the four-question survey monthly at

Of course, if I can be of service to help you lighten your load, please don't hesitate to get in touch. As for me? Well, I would appreciate it if you would please to others who might find the articles and links of interest.

Treat yourself special.

Scott "Q" Marcus

P.S. If you're looking for personalized support, I've put out a special 99 cent trial offer of my services at - including one coaching call. There's no obligation. No automatic renewal. If you aren't totally excited by what it does for you, no one will hassle you. You can find out more at this link.
"Combined With a Healthy Diet & Exercise Plan..."

Diet SupplementUntil moments ago, I was unaware of the term, "to throw a wobbly."

Looking for a more colorful way to declare, "I am annoyed," I stumbled upon the expression at a website devoted entirely to idioms and their etymology ... Alas, it's still not the correct usage for what I want, so it's back to being annoyed; or maybe cranky. I don't know; can one be both? Sure, why not?

The bigger issue is, "What prompted said (poorly described) uncomfortable emotional state?" I shall explain.


To read the full post, follow this link. 

videosVideos of the Month
The most popular links in my newsletter are the videos I find. I work on finding videos that are inspirational, educational, and humorous. This month, I have again included three. the top one is the longest; it's ten minutes from a new website I discovered called, whose tag line is "Feed Your Inner Genius." It's very smart and clever programming about a wide a wide variety of topics. This video is from a guy named Daniel Pink and it's a surprising look at what motivates us. (It's also great fun to watch how he did it.)

Less brainy, but no less inspirational or motivational are the two shorter videos directly below it. The first one is a music video from Rob Thomas that I had not heard. If you haven't seen it before (or even if you have), watch and listen to it; you'll feel wonderful!

Finally, I'm not an "exercise guy." Although I'm not consistent, I'm not one of those people who wakes up in the morning and cannot wait to get out and run. However, this ad from Nike surprised me by how much it did inspire that feeling in me. Enjoy.

(Note: the videos are not embedded in this email. To view them, click on the picture and they'll take you to a location at my blog where you can view them.)

   The Surprising Truth About What Motivates us by Daniel Pink 

Rob Thomas  

Nike Commercial  


By the way, if you have a suggestion for a video for the newsletter, please let me know. Most of the time, that's how I find out about these. 


Selected Recent Postings on the TTIMI Blog
A Bit of Humor... 
Michael Podolinksy, CSP is a colleague who wrote an article for an issue of my Two Words magazine which I really loved. I now get his newsletter. In the last mailing, he had a piece entitled Precious Little which reminds us to put things in perspective. As part of that, he had these humorous thoughts I wanted to share.   Read Full Post

Keeping Everything in Perspective:
Remembering What Matters 
It seems like merely days ago the public dialogue bounced between the skyrocketing price of groceries and gasoline; the rising up of working people in the mid east - as well as our own mid west; and the rambings of a seemingly unstable, implausibly garrulous celebrity whose veins course with "dragon's blood." It seems like just days ago because, well, it was. Read Full Post

Is "Combo Pilling" for Weight Loss a Good Idea?

While watching the news, I was alerted to the practice of "combo-pilling," taking supposedly unrelated medications together to produce more powerful results toward a desired outcome. It might work. It's legal. But there's a larger question that must be answered.  Read Full Post 

How Are We Handling Two Years of Crisis & Stress? 

A Surprising Look at our Attitudes & Concerns Over the Last 2 Years

The purpose of the I3 (The International Inspiration Index) is to get a feel for how people are feeling, what's bothering them, and their outlook for the future. It started in late April 2009. If you would like to take the ongoing I3 survey, go to


With all that's going on, it certainly seems like the end times are here. Experts on stress remind us during times like these to:

  • Focus on what you can control - and do that
  • Get support
  • Accept your feelings - but don't let them overwhelm you
  • Realize it's going to pass

All that is fine and dandy; but how are we doing while we're waiting for it to pass?  


The International Inspiration Index started in late April, 2009 to monitor our collective attitude and see what concerns us, as well as where we appear to be doing well. For this issue, I have analyzed the results and they are indeed surprising (at least to me.) 

Let's take a look at where we've been and where we think we're going, shall we?

Two Years of our Attitude Trends

Two Years of How We Rate Our Attitude

To read the full report, follow this link. 
If You Need a Presenter This Year...

Scott "Q" Marcus conducting a training in Texas

I have several engagements lined up for 2011. Once I'm "on the road," I like to maximize my time while traveling - so if you (or anyone you know) is in need of a lively presenter, I would be very interested in hearing from you.  (Although I am looking for paid engagements, I do a limited number of pro-bono presentations per year for qualifying organizations.)

What Do I Speak About?

My presentations are described as "a cross between attitude 101, group therapy, and a southern revival." They are extremely interactive, playful, motivational, and with a great deal of content that helps those in attendance:

  • Improve Communication
  • Reduce Conflict
  • Lower Stress
  • Increase Productivity
  • Have Fun

If you would like to see a short video that outlines my style, you can click on the image below & it will take you to a 10 minute video. If you would like to see and read about my most-delivered topics, you can follow this link or click in the Quick Links section in the sidebar.


If you're interested in contacting me about a presentation for your organization for these dates and locations - or any others - click here.

(Please note, I have been known to do a presentation in exchange for great quality chocolate or enough french fries - but I'll vehemently deny it if asked.)

Sample Video of Scott "Q" Marcus

The Four Steps to Improved Communication A Humorous Approach

With Gratitude
"Take some time everyday to be grateful - especially at those times when it's difficult to do so" - from the Shade of a Tree is the Very Best Shade There is

It's important to be thankful, so at the end of my newsletter, I always try and express it publicly.  With that in mind, just some of the people to whom I am grateful include: Rich, Margie, & Jess; my local Mastermind Alliance; Humboldt Speakers; my close friends Jeff Smoller and Phil Storre; Humboldt Internet Marketing Group for all the great ideas; the Northcoast Small Business Development Center, Weight Watchers International; Jenn, Taylor, and Paul, who will soon be writing for and with me; the folks in Manteca for such a warm reception; the Manteca Bulletin for adding my column to its Sunday line-up; and all my local clients, who continue to hire me; the folks who have signed up to be coached and supported by me on; the editors of the newspapers that run my column and the websites that post it - as well as the people who read it; and of course to my family - especially my loving wife Mary Ann.


I am also very grateful to YOU dear reader, for allowing me into into your life.

About logo is a website dedicated to helping people finally accomplish the goals they've been "intending to accomplish" for a long time.


It is the hub of a supportive group of people who come together to improve their lives and help others. Using email, coaching, goal planning, motivational products, and developing affiliates, and practitioners, we find non-judgmental, affordable support for each other by providing options and ideas that one person alone, might not see.


To read our mission statement, vision statement, and principles, you can follow this link.