United Muslim Foundation, Inc. Newsletter )
501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization August 2005
in this issue
  • UMF Memory Walk Team
  • Church presentation on Islam
  • UMF drive for the hungry in Niger/Mali and India
  • UMF Fundraising Competition
  • Salamun Alaikum.

    This issue of UMF's newsletter brings a sad farewell to Br. Muhammad Quadir, Producer of the Discover Islam series, who has always been an inspiration to UMF as well as a special UMF member and supporter - Br. Hamid Ikram, who are both leaving the United States. We wish you all the very best in your move and pray that Allah (SWT) bless you in your endeavors always. Ameen.

    UMF would also like to congratulate UMF member, Sr. Sukaina Bhalwany on the announcement of her engagement to Br. Mohamedraza Manekia. May Allah shower his blessings on you both. Ameen.

    In appreciation for the help of all our members and supporters, we are hosting an iftar on Meraj at the SIJPA center in Allentown, PA. Please join us for dinner and to pray for the success of UMF in achieving Allah's pleasure.

    Don't forget to visit Amazon.com to buy your copy of UMF's new publication 'The Holy Koran Interpreted'. We look forward to your continued support and look forward to seeing you at our next UMF meeting on September 3rd (details at end of newsletter).

    UMF Memory Walk Team

    How would you like to take a nice morning walk at the Trexler Game Preserve for a good cause? Well, for our next event, UMF Allentown members have started a team for the 2005 Memory Walk to raise money for people with Alzheimer’s disease. The walk will be held on Saturday, October 8, 2005. Please join the UMF team and together we can improve the lives of the 4.5 million Americans who are affected with Alzheimer’s disease today. The goals we have set for our team are to have a total of at least 15 members and $1,000 raised. Click on the picture to see our team's webpage and make your contribution.

    Church presentation on Islam

    The United Muslim Foundation is honored to have a special invitation to lead in a discussion on Islam at a church located just west of Disney World on Sunday, October 9th from 4-6pm.

    We will be arranging a group of a few volunteers, since there might be questions posed that are challenging, or can be answered from more than one perspective. If you are interested in an opportunity to clarify misconceptions about Islam and want to make a difference we want to hear from you! Give us a call at (407) 804-1504 for more information or e-mail us now at info@unitedmuslimfoundation.org

    UMF drive for the hungry in Niger/Mali and India

    UMF would like to call out to our members and supporters far and wide to reach into your hearts and help the starving in Mali and Niger and families in need in India, in time for this Ramadhan.

    Niger and Mali are 2nd and 4th poorest countries in the world, respectively.It takes very little to help tthem. � Cost of feeding one person per day: $1.21 � Cost of supplementary feeding for malnourished child for a day: $7.27 (a severely malnourished child needs a month of feeding to recover) � Cost of primary health care medicine for a family of six persons per month: $12.12

    Comfort Aid International supports about 10,000 families in India with food aid during the holy month of Ramadhan.The food aid for India consists of: � 5 kg rice � 5 kg atta � 5 kg daal or other pulses� 2 kg sugar� 1 liter cooking oil� 1 bottle ghee� 1/2 kg dates� 1/4 kg tea� 1 kg salt � This is basic stuff and it costs about $12 per family

    You can donate by cash, check (made out to United Muslim Foundation) or credit card and all your tax deductible funds will be sent for the cause you specify (India or Niger/Mali). Please note that donations for India will be collected only through 9/3/05 to make it in time for the Ramadhan distribution. Click on the picture now to make a difference in the lives of those who need help so desperately. May Allah bless you all.

    UMF Fundraising Competition

    We are holding our first fundraising competition to raise money for UMF, to help us in our objectives to Promote Unity, Educate Society and Serve Humanity. The 3 members who raise the most money will each get a “Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom” admission ticket good for use anytime during the 2005 season.

    So go out and talk to people, solicit donations, promote awareness of UMF, and be in the running to win a great prize! All fundraising forms and donations must be collected and submitted by September 20, 2005.

    Remember: Without our volunteers, UMF would be nonexistent. May Allah reward all of you for your efforts, time, and generosity. Ameen.

    Next UMF meeting on September 3rd

    Come and join us wth your friends and family to find out more about UMF on Saturday, September 3rd.

    10:00am - 12:00pm 801 International Parkway 5th Floor Heathrow, FL 32746 (doors will be open until 10:15am only)

    RSVP appreciated at info@unitedmuslimfoundation.org We look forward to seeing you there!

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