In This Issue
Reminder: State Lobby Day
VBCF Will Award $5,000 to a Deserving Advocate
We Need Your Help!
Save the Date!
VBCF National Lobby Day 2012 - logo

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Dear Friends,


It's here! It's here!  What is it?  Our new, improved VBCF website. Check it out at www.vbcf.orgIf you have visited our old site recently, you may need to refresh your browser (F5 key) to see the new site.  


We would love to have your feedback on the new site, feel free to comment on our facebook page or send me an email. Thanks to Lisa Boudreaux for all her hard work to make this new site happen.  


While visiting our site, be sure to review the guidelines for the Karin Decker Noss Scholarship.  This scholarship is provided to fund training for the selected participant in medical research and legislative advocacy to carry on the work that Karin began. 


This scholarship program aims to encourage increased knowledge and education related to breast cancer resulting in stronger breast cancer advocacy and more involvement in VBCF's breast cancer advocacy program.  Do you or someone you know qualify for this scholarship?  The deadline to apply is March 30, 2012.   


Gay Rudis

Immediate Past President

Interim Executive Director

Reminder:  State Lobby Day is this Thursday!

 State Lobby Day 2012

Join Breast Cancer Advocates from across the state for Virginia Breast Cancer Lobby Day on Thursday, February 9, 2012 at the Virginia General Assembly in Richmond. Your presence is important and no training is necessary. VBCF has team leaders that are trained on the legislative priorities for lobby day - we need you to show up and show our legislators that this is an important health care issue. 


Register Today!


VBCF is awarding $5,000 to a deserving breast cancer advocate!
Karin Decker Noss
Are you passionate about ending breast cancer? Do you have a desire to learn about the science of breast cancer? The Karin Decker Noss Scholarship was created to honor the memory of Karin Decker Noss, a dedicated board member and past president of VBCF.  The scholarship funds training in medical research and legislative advocacy to carry on the work that Karin began. 

Click here to learn more and apply.  The deadline to apply is March 30, 2012.
We Need Your Help!
We are gathering signatures on a petition to the President - calling on him to publicly commit to bring this nation's leadership, intellectual and creative forces together to eradicate breast cancer by January 1, 2020.
The Goal: 290,000 signatures by election day.


Here's how you can help:
  • Sign the petition and encourage everyone you know to sign - share it with friends, family, co-workers. Encourage them to collect signatures too.
  • Return completed petitions to VBCF. You can mail them to: Attn: Vernal Branch | Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation | 5004 Monument Avenue, Suite 102 | Henrico, VA 23230. You can fax them to 804-285-7735.


Aces for Awareness - Save the Date 2012
Are you on VBCF's mailing list?  VBCF mails quarterly newsletters that have more in-depth scientific articles and more information than the VBCF Connection can offer.  If you have not recently received a newsletter, click here to get on our mailing list.  The newsletter is also available online.
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