Golden Visions and Associates | Coaching for Success
Thought for the Week
Your Success Thought for the Week of June 2, 2010
Just Who Are You Becoming

As I am amazed by my clients' eagerness to become more tomorrow than today, one client who appeared early in my coaching endeavors stands out to me this week.

Margi, a top notch professional, was energetic and wise beyond her years. She could find humor and meaning in a rock. Margi always looked toward her future.

She contacted me shortly after turning 30. Instead of looking back at the fun and mistakes of her 20's, she was intent on creating her next decade. "Here's what I am going to look like and 'be' when I turn 40!" she announced during an early session.

WOW, I thought. So many of us try our hardest to hold on to the past, dressing and acting like who we were during the 'good years,' denying the brilliance of who we are today and who we're becoming tomorrow.

This is especially true when we begin a new decade. There's often sadness around what's behind us rather than an excitement of what's possible right in front of us.

Margi's vision of turning '40' was to be in a loving relationship, surrounded with a few people who truly care for her...and a lot of people whom she enjoys (not merely tolerates.) She wanted to enjoy, thrive in and be proficient in her profession with a loyal and appreciative clientele.

She's a beauty today. Looking forward, she wanted her appearance to reflect a solid, slightly more mature, always stylish confidence. She'll have a strong foundation from all of her experiences in her 20's and 30's, not just the good ones.

Why was Margi's vision so important to her? She saw too many people overwhelmed with regrets of the past. They were either sad for the lost youth or regretful for their mistakes. Margi chose to focus instead on all she is today and who she's becoming.

Her vision elevated her thoughts and choices, both personal and professional. Life was simple for her. For example, "Will this person, job or activity support who I am becoming? If not, I choose now to eliminate it from my life instead of waiting."

"If I am going to look and feel as great as I envision on my 40th birthday, I'd better have that workout today, eat in a manner that makes me feel great about myself, and eliminate sabotaging thoughts that appear out of nowhere."

If you think you are today all that you were intended to be, you are not being honest with yourself, and you are holding yourself back from the remarkable adventure ahead. I invite you to be motivated by Margi's lead this week.

What is your next milestone birthday? Who do you want to be on that day? With whom do you want to surround yourself? What do you want to feel like? Who do you want to see in the mirror?

No matter what age you are, this is the time of your life. Look forward and enjoy every moment of continued growth and development.

If you are challenged with this concept of 'simply becoming the you that you want to be,' begin with taking small steps.  Hire one of our coaches to guide you.  At GV&A, we have a variety of skilled, talented, certified coaches to serve you.  It can be fun and easier than you think to attain the success you are after.

Enjoy your discoveries and have an amazing week.


To see more of my published articles, including ''Be Unstoppable This Year," go to:Golden Visions & Associates, Coaching for Executive and Leadership Success

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P. S. We'd love to hear how you used our 'Success Thought of The Week' in your business or personal dealings.Please email your story to[email protected].
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Permission is granted to either reproduce copy or distribute "Your Success Thought for the Week" for June 2, 2010 as long as this copyright notice and full information about contacting the author is attached. The author is Ann Golden Egl�, GV&A, Golden Visions & Associates, Coaching for Success, 541.385.8887, PO Box 1696, Bend, Or. 97709.