Your Success Thought on "The Gap"
August 17, 2005

If you’re among the more fortunate of us there will always be a gap between where you are and where you want to be. Does this mean you live life in a state of angst, of lacking what you want? Absolutely not, this is the newest tool in your toolbox.

Realizing your gap allows you to have your eye more clearly on the ball. Let’s explore an example to demonstrate my point. You are an executive and life has handed you many gifts along with the challenges. Currently your challenges override all else. Your big project has more twists and turns than even you could have predicted. Key players aren’t cooperating. Things seem to be moving slower than a snails pace.

Where is your focus? If it's on your irritation with uncooperative partners or all that is slowing you down, you're creating more of the same. By now you know that what you think about is what you create, yes?

However, if you choose to focus upon 'the gap' (what's missing/how can you improve this picture), surprising benefits await you. Stand back and allow this focus for a few moments. What now needs to be done and by whom? This new vision ignites your creativity. New approaches become crystal clear.

Perhaps you originally chose partners who didn’t feel your urgency, thus immediate cooperation was not a priority for them. Or, you may not have communicated your needs in a manner that they understood. Are these still your best resources and if so, how can you improve communication?

Is your vision the same as when you began this project? What outside factors may have changed with time? Is there a reason for the snail’s pace? Have new experts entered the scene that can assist you? Has a new product been released that would alter your direction? Time spent focusing on 'the gap' and answering these questions will be wisely invested.

Two other examples:

  • Michael uses too many words to get his point across. Thus, he loses the recipient midway through. His frustration is that they are not 'getting it'. His gap is that he needs to bullet point his message. With this focus he wins, without it he continues his path of frustration.

  • Michelle's office is in turmoil. No one seems to be doing their job proficiently. Her gap is to look at each team member's strengths individually and create a new plan accordingly. Otherwise her frustration turns to anger, chaos and harsh communication.

It’s too easy for us to focus upon familiar frustrations and assumptions. ‘Oh, such and such happened to me before, looks like it’s happening again’ we quickly conclude. This positions you as a victim. Is this what you want?

This week choose to focus on 'the gap' between where you are today and where you want to be tomorrow, next week or six months from now. What elements of your plan have shifted? What has been strengthened? What is evident to you now that wasn’t yesterday? Where will you become more proactive?

Enjoy your discoveries and have an outstanding week!

Ann Golden Egl�, PCC, CPCC
Executive Coach & President
Golden Visions Success Coaching, LLC

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Permission is granted to either reproduce copy or distribute "Your Success Thought for the Week of August 17, 2005" so long as this copyright notice and full information about contacting the author is attached. The author is Ann Golden Egl�, Golden Visions Success Coaching, LLC, 541.385.8887, 1972 NE 3rd St, Suite # 307 Bend, Oregon 97701, www.GVSuccess.com

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