BookReport Newsletter Banner

a monthly newsletter for Book Trust friends, teachers, students, and families
January 2012
Book Trust Logo

In This Issue
Join in the Fun
Gifts and More Gifts
Sponsor Spotlight
The Teacher Says . . .
Mahalo nui loa! Hawaii Legacy Hardwoods Logo
We are so grateful to our loyal supporters for all they give--and
for the examples they set
--for Book Trust kids!


Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.

Maya Angelou
Please Join Us! 


The DELIGHT in the faces of the children receiving their books
is a sight to behold. Consider joining in the excitement.

Scholast Book Delivery Box

Wednesday, January 11
& Wednesday, March 21
8:30 a.m.
Crawford Elementary 
1600 Florence St. 
Aurora  CO 

Friday, January 20 
& Wednesday, February 15
8:30 a.m.
Castro Elementary
845 S. Lowell Blvd.
Denver  CO

Wednesday, January 11
& Wednesday, March 21
8:30 a.m.
Crawford Elementary
1600 Florence St.
Aurora  CO

Tuesday, January 24 
11:00 a.m.
Martinez Elementary
341 14th Avenue
Greeley  CO
This event is part of the
Literacy Matters Tour with
CO Lieutenant Governor Garcia
and Mile High United Way
CEO Christine Benera

Tuesday, February 14
& Tuesday, April 27
8:30 a.m.
Irish Elementary
515 Irish Drive
Fort Collins  CO

If you'd like to attend one of our Colorado events, please contact  Michelle Striker at Book Trust.

Wednesday, January 25 
& Wednesday, March 28 
9:00 a.m.
Makawao Elementary 
3542 Baldwin Avenue
Makawao  HI

If you'd like to attend one of our Hawaii events, please contact
Ann Nicol at Book Trust. 
WE DELIVER!Stack of Books
This year, so far

$127,206 = 50,882 books
$137,884 = 55,153 books
$91,386 = 36,554 books
$82,848 = 33,000 books

Help us do more
We are serving over 22,000 students this year in nine states.

Since 2001, we've helped children choose and own over 1.5 million books.

Since 2001, we've invested nearly $4 million in books for
children in need.


Happy New Year! January often feels like the drudge of the school year: far from the newness of September and a long way from the promises of Spring. What better way to help children pass the time than by feeding their young imaginations with fascinating characters and exciting stories--all the while improving their literacy skills and encouraging a passion for reading?

Book Trust can make this happen for children without the means to choose and purchase books of their very own. Please consider helping us help them with a generous donation.

Want to See What We Got for the Holidays?
Our thanks to all of the many people who gave of their time and their dollars, and to all of the organizations that gave so generously of their resources.   


Community Shopping Day, Denver

Book Trust was thrilled to participate in Macy's Community Shopping Day this year. Thank you for supporting this event by purchasing a shopping pass and coming to see Clifford the Red Dog during story time in the children's department at Macy's Cherry Creek. We hope you had as much fun as we did!



 Denver Board member Lynne Scates and Book Trust staff member

Michelle Striker greet guests at Macy's. They raised over $1000!


Heart of Christmas, Maui

Book Trust Maui County was excited to celebrate the holidays at the Heart of Christmas women's event this December in Kihei, HI. Through our partnership with the Maui Food Bank, we brought together hundreds of women from all over Maui. The event included singing carols, building friendships, enjoying tasty treats, offering a raffle and silent auction, and listening to inspiring stories from guest speaker Robin Jones Gunn. We are looking forward to working with many of these women to expand Book Trust's presence on Maui.



 Senator Bob Bacon and Clifford the Red Dog read to children
during our Book Fair at Barnes & Noble in Fort Collins. 


Clifford the Red Dog at Barnes and Noble, Fort Collins

Another big thank you to Clifford the Red Dog and friends for a wonderful holiday Book Fair at Barnes & Noble in Fort Collins! And special thanks to all of the wonderful readers who volunteered their time and to the 50+ volunteers who helped us raise over $1,300 by wrapping gifts at the Barnes & Noble checkout area. Also, we are so grateful to Barnes & Noble for collecting over 3,000 new books from their customers. These gifts will support Poudre School District students later this year.



 Busy volunteers wrapped gifts for Barnes & Noble customers
--and raised over $1300!


Colorado Gives Day

Thanks to your support on Colorado Gives Day, Book Trust received over $6,000 for our work in Colorado.   


Colorado Gives Day 



Conservation-minded Hawaiian Company Extends Its Next-Generation Philosophy to...
Support for Book Trust kids Sponsors
Hawaii Legacy Hardwoods Logo

Hawaiian Legacy Hardwoods (HLH), a Hawaiian company committed to preserving native Hawaiian forests for future generations, has brought that same commitment to partnering with Book Trust in a joint reforestation project. Book Trust Oahu Board Member, Cris Borden, will work with HLH, and a percentage of all funds generated from their efforts will be donated towards buying books for children on Oahu. So far this year, HLH has made it possible for two Oahu classrooms of Book Trust students to choose and own books every month for the entire school year.  


Because HLH believes that Hawaii's future is not only about preserving our land but also about educating our children, they are continuing to raise money to make book choice and ownership possible for even more students on Oahu in the future.


Book Trust is proud to partner with HLH and we look forward to advancing our mutual goal of building the vitality of Hawaii for generations to come.


HLH Executive Robert Perkins

Robert Perkins, HLH Account Executive, joined us for our  

November book delivery at Palolo Elementary.  

Robert helped pass out books and read with individual  

Book Trust students who were excited to  

receive their books and share their love of reading.


Always Listen to the Teacher
Bree O'Farrell, Teacher, Belle Haven Elementary, CA

"This is the first district I've taught in that has access to Book Trust. I think it is an amazing program that gives kids an opportunity to own and keep books that they have chosen themselves. I love seeing my students' faces when they know the box from Scholastic has arrived. It's like having Christmas every month!"  


Book Shelf Progress


� 2012 Book Trust. All Rights Reserved.   

Marks and text appearing in this newsletter including, but not limited to, Book Trust's name, logo, and programs
are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Book Trust and may not be used without the
express consent of authorized representatives of Book Trust.


Book Trust | 201 Linden Street / 202 | Ft. Collins, Colorado  80524 |
Book Trust | PO Box 2465 | Wailuku, Hawaii  96793 |