Be Your True Self and Design the Life You Love

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News From: InnerBrilliance Coaching

February 15, 2011

In This Issue
Be the Love of Your Life
Self Assessment Tools
What is Important to YOU
Move Past What Holds You Back
About Us

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As many of you might have just celebrated the people you love in your life on Valentine's Day, I can't help but remind us all to love the most important person in your life.  Yes, you!  Below is an article I wrote about concepts I use when making decisions (such as transitioning my career or nurturing certain relationships).  These concepts inspire me to explore exciting opportunities because they are rooted in self-love (and self-acceptance) for living a happier life. 


Beneath the article, I provided tools you can use to help practice these concepts and to generate energy towards taking positive action in your life.  The tools include self-assessments and exercises to identify where you are in your life, what is important to you, and how to move past what holds you back.


I've also added some Frequently Asked Questions about coaching...what exactly it is and who might hire one.  If you or anyone you know might want to work with a coach, the answers to these questions along with the tools below could provide guidance on what to do next.


Take Care,
Rosie Guagliardo
InnerBrilliance Coaching
Be the Love of Your Life
We are love and light from the moment we are born. Over time we are programmed to question our inherent sense of love and inner light (our inner knowledge, inner guidance system, and what we stand for OR our sense of self worth). How do you recapture this natural state of love and light which are integral to leading a fulfilling life? By being a good friend to yourself, the way you are to others.

Discover Your Self. Uncover what has meaning for you (not your family or friends or society). Honor and live your life in accordance with what is important to you, to ensure you pursue your true purpose.
Support Your Self. Become aware of what makes you feel good and energizes you. Evaluate any factors that contribute to inhibiting your inspiration and determine how to gradually minimize them in your life. Then fill up your life with more thoughts, activities, and people that bolster your energy and strengthen your foundation.
Respect Your Self. There are many aspects to each of us, all created to help us live in this world. Some aspects may have become exaggerated over time and can do more harm than good. Regardless of their nature, they represent who you are, so it's important to avoid judgment, appreciate yourself, and embrace them as they serve you well. Simply notice them and ask ...what am I meant to learn?
Trust Your Self. Follow your intuition. It is based on your natural inclination. If you are aware of and living in harmony with your true self, your inner guidance system will lead you right where you should be lighting the way for your story to unfold authentically. Trust that you have the answers and you will find them, while you are on your true life path.
Love Your Self. Look at your core qualities and what you stand for in this world, your true purpose. The manifestations of these qualities (e.g. accomplishments on a resume) are temporary; they aren't as important as your essence which is infinite. 

Practice these principles and be your own #1. Self acceptance is key to living a fulfilling life. Notice "fulfilling" implies being full or satisfied, in other words enough. You are (good) enough. You are perfect just as you are now. From this place you are healthier and in a better place to contribute, resulting in solid relationships, effectiveness, and a quality life.

Let your love free and your light shine!

Self Assessment Tools
Take one of the assessments below to get a snapshot of where you are in your life today.  Once you see the big picture, it can help you focus on certain life areas or ares of your career you'd like to improve.  These assessments can also help you evaluate how happy you are in each area of your life and take what is working in one area and apply it to other areas of your life for greater, overall satisfaction.
What is Important To You?
When you're trying to discover yourself and really understand what is important to you (not your family or friends or society), ask yourself these questions:
  • If someone were giving a speech about me, what qualities would I want them to mention?
  • Think of a time in your life when you were happy (where everything was going really well).  What qualities was I exhibiting in that moment?
You get the idea.  Now once you have a list of 5 or 6 qualities you know are true for you, you can use these qualities as guideposts to make decisions.  If you're about to take an action that isn't in line with these qualities, you might want to revisit why you're taking that action.  And obviously, you can then determine if there's another action that might be more in line with who you are and what you want to honor in your life.
Move Past What Holds You Back

We all have that negative voice inside us that tries to keep us safe by reminding us of what can go wrong or how we might not be enough.  And it has gotten exaggerated over time as we've experienced more life. Believe it or not, the best thing you can do is hear that voice, simply notice it, and even thank it for all of its help to protect you.  Being aware of this little voice and how it holds you back is important to be able to move past it.  Below are some other tips to consider:  

  • Respect this side of yourself (this little voice) but don't let it run your life.
  • Stay/be in the moment.  Don't worry about the past or fear the future.
  • Be grateful for what you have in this very moment.
  • Look ahead or visualize what you want in the future.
  • Ask yourself what would your best self do in this moment.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Life Coaching?

Wikkipedia Definition: Life coaching is a practice of assisting clients to determine and achieve personal goals. A coach will use a variety of methods, tailored to the client, to move through the process of setting and reaching goals. Coaching is not targeted at psychological illness, and coaches are not therapists (although therapists may be coaches).

It's a partnership where a coach helps to uncover what you truly want and helps move you toward action or deepens your learning about a situation.

For more information on how it works, click here.

Who hires a Life Coach?

You might want to hire a life coach if you ask yourself these questions:
  • How can I have a happier and more fulfilling life?
  • How can I be heard and have someone believe in me? How do I realize my goals and dreams that I know I could accomplish with some support?
  • How can I find the energy to achieve my full potential and get motivated? I know I have so much potential that I'm not tapping into for various reasons.
  • How can I express my true gifts and talents "waiting" to be offered to the world and incorporate them into my everyday life?
  • How do I show the "real" me to coworkers, friends, and family?
  • How do I find out who the "real" me is? What really makes ME happy?
  • How do I make a change for a real difference in my life?
For more information on who hires a life coach, click here.  For more information on the proven results and benefits of life coaching, click here.

About InnerBrilliance Coaching & Rosie
Profile Photo
Rosie Guagliardo

InnerBrilliance Coaching Services provides a safe, trusting environment for

creative and resourceful people to find their true purpose. Within that environment, we'll shine a light on your life so you can see it more clearly - your goals, your motivations, what holds you back and what propels you forward, ultimately illuminating a path to help you realize your full potential.


Rosie has trained at Coachville and is a graduate of the Coaches Training Institute recognized by the International Coaching Federation as an accredited coaches training school.  She has also received the CPCC accreditation from the Coaches Training Institute and the ACC accreditation from the International Coaching Federation.  She graduated with a bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences from Northwestern University where she majored in Psychology and International Studies.