
FREE Lease Option Teleconference!


(See phone number details below!)


 Mark your calendars!  This Thursday, March 3rd at 8:00 PM Central, (9:00 PM Eastern)  Michael Carbonare will be hosting a live teleconference that you are invited to join!  This is a GREAT opportunity to join in a discussion about lease options, and ask any questions that may be on your mind.  It is scheduled for one hour, and Michael and I will both be on the call, so write your questions and fire away!


Here is how to join in on the fun.....

Go to www.naked-investor.com (free) and join as a member of the forums. (free)  Then, simply e-mail Michael support@naked-investor.com (free) and let MC know you want to join in, and give him your e-mail address, your forum screen name and your name so he can e-mail you the phone number,  (free)  That's it!


Here is a link with more details!



Don't miss out on this GREAT opportunity to sit in and listen to people ask questions, and also get your questions answered!  


****MC Sent out an e-mail notice with the call details, so below is a copy of the details including the phone number to call and the access code.  I look forward to hearing everyone on the party line!


 Hello Everyone,

    Here is the information for the upcoming teleconference:


1)  First, please be advised that the teleconference will be on Thursday, March 3rd, at 9:00PM ET.  It was originally scheduled for Friday, March 4th, but Happy Hour at Hooter's is running late that night, and John Jackson asked me to make the switch.  What can I say?  I'm a loyal friend. . .


2)  OK. . .Dial in number is 213-289-0500 
3)  Access Code is 17538
    Dial in, you'll be prompted for the access code, and that's it.  You're on the call.  My preference with these calls is for an open format.  Meaning, I will not be lecturing, (thankfully), on the ins and outs of lease purchasing.  The mic is open for all to ask questions, answer them, chime in with opinions, experiences, advice, etc.  I think that works best for making the hour or so more productive and interesting for all.
    I'm looking forward to speaking with all of you then.  In the meantime, if you have any questions, don't be shy.  You know where to find me.


    Michael Carbonare


NOTE!!  It looks like we only have 4 seats left for the Spring Class!! 

Our next class is scheduled and the details are below!

I'm really looking forward to the next class, to be held here in late March.  If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to contact me with any questions, or simply go to our Register Page and sign up!


DATES: MARCH 30TH, 2011 - APRIL 2ND, 2011

Meeting Room


COST: $2995


  • Michael Carbonare's Training Manual
  • Leasing to Buy's Operation Manual and CD with ALL of the contracts, marketing material, and forms that I use everyday.
  • 1 Full day of training from Michael Carbonare from The Naked Investor
  • 3 Full days of training from me, the founder of LeasingToBuy.com
  • UNLIMITED support via phone or e-mail from myself and Michael
  • FREE breakfast each day
  • FREE lunch each day
  • FREE manager's reception each day
  • The most COMPLETE training on lease options you will ever get!
  • The opportunity to buy me a drink at the bar each day!



If you have any questions, never hesitate to call 817-980-0068 or e-mail me!


For more information, contact:

John Jackson

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