Healthy Babies Project logoHealthy Babies Project ENews
How HBP is making a difference for at-risk D.C. families

  November 2010 - Volume 1, INumber 1
In This Issue
One Woman's Story
Adopt-A-Family this December
HBP Thanksgving Baskets
CFC continues until 12/15
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Each month, we'll share inspiring stories about the lives being changed through Healthy Babies Project.

One Woman's Story:
"HBP Helped Me Focus  on My Dreams and My Child"

By D. C.* (name protected for confidentiality)

I'm familiar with social services because I've been in counseling since thD.C. and babye age of twelve. At that time, I tried to commit suicide after the death of my brother from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

But the system didn't help. Things got worse. At 14, my mother's friend began sexually abusing me. That went on for three years. In the meantime, I dropped out of school at 15 because I had to support myself. There was nowhere else to turn, so I turned to prostitution and drugs. Read more ...

Be Santa to an HBP Family this December
Santa with gifts

You're invited to sponsor an HBP family during the upcoming holiday season as part of HBP's Adopt-A-Family program!

By becoming an Adopt-A-Family sponsor, you'll provide a precious family with a joyous Christmas - one they otherwise would not have.

Here's how it works: continued ...

HBP Thanksgiving Baskets Deliver More than a Good Meal
Thanksgiving turkey

HBP extends deep thanks to IBM and other partners for providing dozens of Thanksgiving baskets to be distributed to HBP families in need during the third week in November.

Baskets include a turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, green beans, corn, carrots, sweet potatoes, rice, cake mix, brownie mix, carrots, butter, eggs - "everything that our families need in order to make a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner," said Samantha McDaniel, HBP Program Assistant.

Our partners' generosity allows HBP families to know that so many people care about them. Contact us if you or your organization would like to donate food baskets for HBP families. Thank you!

Combined Federal Campaign Continues Through December 15

CFC logoIf you are a federal civilian employee, employed by the U.S. Postal Service, or serve in the U.S. military, please consider designating Healthy Babies Project, Inc. as your Combined Federal Campaign beneficiary.

Healthy Babies Project's CFC number is 28380.

Give at your workplace or online through CFC's National Capital Area website. Thank you for your partnership!
Healthy Babies Project logo 200x124Healthy Babies Project, Inc.
We help at-risk D.C. families have healthy babies and move out of the cycle of poverty.

801 17th Street NE | Washington, DC 20002 | (202) 396-2809 |