Self Serve Pet Spa Logo
New Years Resolution:
A Healthy Pet
January 2009
The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog
Ambrose Bierce

Stay Updated
Evo Cat Food
Keep up to date on our new products by visiting our "What's New"  link on our home page.
Product Links

Joint Pain
2816 Calloway Dr
Bakersfield, CA

Superbowl Sunday Hours
Opening early and closing early!
Sunday February 7
9AM - 2PM

Come in early, wash your furry kid, pick up food, grab treats and be home in time for the

The Pet Spa

Anesthesia Free Teeth Cleaning!
Starting February 14th, Canine Care, Inc. will be offering anesthesia free teeth cleaning every second Sunday of the month at Self Serve Pet Spa! They have been cleaning teeth since 1979 and to learn more, please visit:!
Call us (588-7858) and make your appointment before all the time slots are taken!

Initial Cleaning:
$110 Flat Rate ($10 coupon available at Self Serve Pet Spa)

Monthly Maintenance Plan (After Initial Cleaning):
Monthly $20
Every 2 Months $40
Every 3 Months $60
Past 90 Days - Back to Flat Rate $110

Back by Popular Demand: Nail Clipping!
This Saturday January 23rd

We will be holding another nail clipping day on Saturday January 23rd from 9AM to Noon and then again from 1PM to 3PM! The cost will be $10 and no bath or appointment will be required.

Another chance at a $20 Gift Card!
Drop off any brand of pet food for "The Pet Pantry" and be entered in a monthly drawing for a $20 gift card which can be used on anything in the store! Last months winner Carolyn used her $20 card towards her pet food!

10% off All Sweaters
It's still chilly out and the rain isn't making it any warmer! Get 10% off all sweaters in stock until the end of the January!

60% off All Carriers
Come in early as there are only a few in stock!

$24.99 Special on Large Dog Beds
We were able to get 12 more of the 30"x40" pet beds! Come in and get them while they last because when they're gone, they're gone.
The Dog (Cat) House
Like in our previous newsletters, we are going to fill everyone in on another one of our furry kids . . .

Mouser - the dog's and my first cat!

We had found Mouser at Amy's dad's shop while taking pictures of the kids. She was only 3 weeks old, we couldn't leave her, so we brought her home, thinking we would find her a home.

She and Molly became best friends. They would lay around together, chase each other, and eat together. I sometimes wonder if Mouser still misses Molly=)

Mouser taught me very quickly, why people have a scratch post! She would come running at me, leap from three feet away, climb up my leg like a tree and then jump off my shoulder! If that wasn't enough for her, she would bite and chew on our arms and legs while we sat and then run across our faces in the middle of the night!

And then she grew up! She now curls in my lap, sleeps next to us and licks my arm with her sandpaper tongue=) She thinks she's a dog, so if you ever meet her, don't mention the 'C' word!

There's a tidbit missing though, she didn't become a sweetheart just because she grew up . . . next newsletter you will read about her side kick - Whiskers!
Happy New Year and best wishes to all your family members and friends!
David, Amy, Buster, Haley, Sunny, Mouser and Whiskers
Self Serve Pet Spa