Planters' Choice

Weekly Pickstop

Friday, June 15, 2012
  • 'Miss Kim' Lilac 3 ga
  • Mugho Pine 3 ga 

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In This Issue
Chicago Luster Viburnum
Question of the Week
Mark's Turf Tips - Grub Control and Redthread
Special of the Week
Perennial HOT List
Question of the Week
"What's the best way to install a berm?"

Check out the answer below. Submit your questions and earn a chance to save!
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A Dahlia with a
Cute Little Name
Red Dahlia 'Melody Mambo'
'Melody Mambo' is a gorgeous, deep red dwarf Dahlia only growing 24-28" making it great for non-stop color in the front of the border or in containers poolside or on the patio.  Full sun please, and don't forget to feed them - after all, it takes a lot of energy to keep blooming all summer!

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Sambucus canadensis
 Now THIS is Sambucus canadensis! Elderberry

*The previous weeks' photo was incorrectly captioned. It should have been Viburnum dilatatum 'Oneida', not Sambucus.  Sorry if you were confused! 
Spotlight on: 'Chicago Luster' Viburnum Chicago Luster Viburnum


Blooming now are 'Chicago Luster' Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum). It's a real work-horse with a lot to offer. A cultivar of our native Arrowwood Viburnum it has glossy leaves, creamy flat-topped flowers, blueish-black clusters of berries and reddish purple fall color. A good choice for a large spot along the property line, in groupings for screening, for the shrub border, as a hedge, for attracting birds, you name it!  

One of the most durable of  the Viburnums for the Northeast, it will tolerate a wide range of climates and soil conditions. Plant in full sun to part shade in average, well-drained soil. It will sucker at the base and if left unpruned will reach 10 x 10, so give it some room. Larger sized B&B currently available. Check them out next time your here!        

Question of the Week


"I've heard that installing screening evergreens on a berm is advantageous for the plants. Is that true, and how do I go about installing them correctly?"



The only potential downsides to a berm (basically a man-made mound of soil) are if it's unappealing aesthetically or that trees on the berm generally require more water to establish.


That said, evergreens are generally more effective for screening when installed a reasonable amount higher, and we see far more issues from over-watering plants (especially from poorly managed irrigation systems) than under-watering, especially because most (though not all) prefer drier conditions. By getting the roots above any excess surface water, the roots will be more apt to take in the oxygen they require to efficiently convert carbohydrates into usable energy within the plant. Put simply, plant roots need an appropriate balance of oxygen and water to grow, which will not occur if the roots are planted too deeply. 


While there is disagreement on some of the details of planting practices, it's indisputable that plants need to be installed on a solid pedestal of soil, so the soil doesn't settle and leave the tree too deep. For that reason, we suggest that the ultimate height of the berm be determined, and the top of the ball set at that particular height on solid ground. The berm can then be graded around the root ball.




Submit your landscaping question via email to and you'll be entered in a monthly drawing to receive 10% OFF your next purchase (pick up only, does not apply to deliveries). Please use "Question of the Week" in the subject line and let me know if you want your name and business mentioned.  


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Mark's Turf Tips
    Control Grubs Now for Fall... 


June thru July is the optimum period to apply Merit to your lawns for the control of grubs this fall.

Applying Merit is one of the most proactive applications you can make to prevent serious damage to you customers lawn.

The Merit products Planters choice has available are:


Merit .2% with 20-0-5 fertilizer  30% mesa slow release for even growth.

Merit .2% with  0-0-7  fertilizer will not promote any growth, 7% potassium helps with disease resistance.

Merit .3% with 10-0-4 fertilizer applies very little Nitrogen (< � lb per 1000 sq ft )


Don't let grubs feast on your turf roots this fall, apply Merit today! 

    ...and Red Thread

Red thread is largely a cosmetic disease that can usually be remedied with cultural practices, fertilization, and or fungicide applications such as Bayleton or Eagle.

This document from Perdue's Extension System is an excellent review of this disease


Special of the Week:
Syringa patula 'Miss Kim' 3 gallon
Pinus mugho 3 gallon
10% Off
Mugho Pine and Miss Kim Lilac
Mugho Pine and Miss Kim Lilac

On SPECIAL this week are our PC Grown Miss Kim Lilac and Mugho Pine both in 3 gallon containers. A great value anyway, take advantage of a further 10% discount!  


Stop by either yard, mention this email and receive 10% OFF  


Valid: June 16 - June 22nd    

*Price is net. No further discount applies

Perennial HOT List


Here's a list of great looking perennials - in stock and in good supply - ready for your next job!   

'Countess Helen Von Stein' Lambs Ear
'Helen von Stein' Lamb's Ear


Astilbe 'Peach Blossom' Full in their pots, budded and blooming.  All Astilbe are in their prime right now - just getting ready to bloom


Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise' Awesome, bright color. Budded and blooming    


Hosta 'Blue Angel' Full in the pot and blooming.


Rudbeckia 'Denver Daisy' Budded & full sized in the pot  


Stachys 'Countess Helen Von Stein' A big name for a big, velvety plant. Great for texture, low maintenance and deer resistant, too


Thanks Heather!   



Incoming this week- More Japanese Maples, Beech and Holly!

Japanese Maples
Deciduous Trees
Acer palmatum (Japanese Maples) 'Bloodgood', 'Crimson Queen', 'Orange Dream', 'Red Emperor', 'Sango Kaku'

Fagus sylvatica (European Beech) 'Purple Fountain' 


Deciduous Shrubs

Hydrangea serrata 'Preziosa'
Hydrangea s. 'Preziosa' 

Clethra alnifolia (Summersweet) ' Hummingbird', 'Ruby Spice' 'Hummingbird'

Euonymus kiautsch. 'Manhattan'

Hydrangea m. (Bigleaf Hydrangea) 'Nikko Blue'

H. paniculata (Panicle Hydrangea) 'Quick Fire' 

H. serrata 'Preziosa' (Japanese Hydrangea)  

Zone 6

Ligustrum ovalifolium (California Privet) 

Viburnum x burkwoodii


Broadleaf and Specimen Evergreens

Cedrus atlantica 'Fastigiata', 'Glauca Pendula'

Cephalotaxus harringtonia (Japanese Plum Yew) 'Fastigiata' 

Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese Cedar)'Yoshino'

Ilex crenata (Japanese Holly) 'Compacta', 'Green Luster', 'Helleri', 'Hoogendorn', 'Schwoebel Upright' , 'Soft Touch'

I. glabra (Inkberry) 'Shamrock'

I. pedunculosa (Longstalk Holly) 

I. pernyi (West Virginia Pernyi Holly)  

I. x 'Dragon Lady' 

Picea abies 'Cupressina' (Columnar Norway Spruce) 

P. pungens (Colorado Spruce) 'Bizon Blue'

Pinus parviflora 'Glauca' (Japanese White Pine)

Taxus x media 'Densiformis', 'Hicksii' 

Tsuga canadensis 'Jeddeloh'


Evergreens for Screening

Thuja plicata 'Green Giant'

Shade-loving Astilbe


The Astilbe are looking fantastic right now. Awesome foliage and flowers in shades of pinks, deep reds and white.  Long lasting flowers develop into interesting seedheads for fall and winter interest.

Do you have customers stuck on blue? Check out the Scabiosa (Pincushion Flower), Blue Lupines, Salvia 'Blue Hills' to name a few!  

Morning Glory
Morning Glories



Still a great selection of annuals available here in Newtown. Choose from half- flats of clear pink impatiens, some gorgeous Tuberous Begonias, Bacopa, Coleus, Petunias, Variegated Ivy, Geraniums, hanging baskets and more. 

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Have a Great Weekend!

As always, we appreciate your business!

Chuck and Darryl Newman
Planters' Choice, LLC