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TopNAA Record                                               July 2011


Aviation Records



NAA has a rich 105-year history as the official record keeper of all U.S. aviation records. In this issue, we highlight some exciting recent records, show photos of record setters receiving their certificates, and explain the simplicity of setting a record with a special promotional offer.

Coast-to-Coast in 3 Hours, 26 Minutes 

   On January 12, 2011, Gulfstream company pilots Bill Dobbs and Ron Newton flew a G650 coast-to-coast from Los Angeles, CA to Savannah, GA in just 3 hours, 26 minutes. Their record for "Speed Over a Recognized Course" at 623.58 mph represents the top 4 percentile of all similar speed records in their class of aircraft (jets weighing 77,162 < 99,208 pounds).

   The "ultra-large cabin, ultra-long range" G650, serial number 6004, took off from Bob Hope Airport and landed at Savannah/Hilton Head airport, covering a straight-line distance of 2,146 miles.


Twin Brothers, Twin RecordsLegacy

   Twin brothers Mark and Mike Patey broke transcontinental speed records in both directions: West to East and East to West. The brothers both own Lancair Legacys; Mark's Legacy is equipped with a Lycoming TIO-580 engine, while Mike's is equipped with a Continental TIO-550 engine.

   On March 10, 2011, Mark Patey and Brian Trapnell flew Mark's Legacy from San Diego to Jacksonville in 6 hours, 11 minutes, averaging 338.51 mph. The next day, Mike Patey flew his Legacy from Jacksonville to San Diego in 8 hours, 36 minutes, averaging 243.81 mph. They beat the previous records of 300.32 mph and 137.11 mph, both set in 2008.


Gliding Into the Record Books

   Flying a Schempp-Hirth Duo Discus glider along the Sierra Nevada mountain range on February 24, 2011, Gordon Boettger and Hugh Bennett broke the record for "Free Three Turnpoint Distance" by flying 960.80 miles. The pair started the 11-hour flight from Minden, NV and flew to Inyokern, CA, then to Reno, NV, and finally landed at Bishop, CA. The previous record of 705.08 miles was set in 2003.


A Human-Powered RotorcraftRotocraft

The University of Maryland's Gamera Project claimed the first world record in the human-powered rotorcraft class when it took to the air on May 12, 2011. The Gamera was designed and built by students of the A. James Clark School of Engineering and powered by biology student Judy Wexler. The 4.2 second flight for "Duration" took place inside the auxiliary gymnasium of the Comcast Center on the University of Maryland campus in College Park, MD.


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Record Certificate Presentations

    In an effort to bring commendation and attention to those who set United States and World Aviation and Space Records and to give them public exposure, NAA never misses an opportunity to present record certificates - either at functions that we host or other venues. 

   The presentation of record certificates is a key component of the agenda at the annual NAA Spring Awards Luncheon and Fall Awards Banquet.  Honorees are provided an opportunity to comment on the details of their records; their fascinating stories become memorable moments for the audiences.

   We also "hit the road" to make records presentations at various venues including the annual NBAA Convention, Air Sport Organization conventions, EAA Air Venture, Aero Club events, and corporate meetings and facilities.





sward montage

Set a World Record - Get a Leather Jacket to Prove It


From July 6, 2011 through September 30, 2011, aviators setting a World Record through NAA in a fixed wing aircraft will be eligible to receive a beautiful leather flight jacket inscribed with the NAA Logo and the words "World Record Holder." Qualifying Records must be set in weight class "F" and higher. Restrictions Apply - Contact Art Greenfield for details.



Six Keys for Making a Successful

City-to-City Speed Record Claim


1 Review the Record Attempt Kit for Speed Over a Recognized Course records, which contains information from the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) Sporting Code as well as NAA rules and procedures.


2 Determine whether your flight will need to beat an existing record, or whether it will be establishing a new record for the route. When breaking a record you need to better the existing speed by at least 1 percent; when setting a new record your speed must be equal to or greater than Vs.


3 Plan your route as direct as possible, since the straight-line distance between the start and finish points is used to calculate the speed. You can download the FAI World Distance Calculator to help do this.


4 Notify Air Traffic Control (ATC) in advance that you are attempting a record to ensure that the necessary certification forms are completed properly. They will appreciate the advance notification and are usually excited to play a part in the attempt.


5 Be sure your copilots get the recognition they deserve. Let them know that they, too, must apply for NAA membership and FAI Sporting License before the flight.


6 Claim your record as soon as possible after the flight (but no later than 72 hours). NAA needs only an estimate of the speed in order to secure your claim with FAI. Don't worry if you underestimate the speed as it will not have any bearing on the final outcome of your claim. The final calculations will be made with times obtained from ATC.

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President's Message

What Is An NAA Record?Small Jonathan

   After four years of my repeating it so many times, just about everyone who is involved with NAA knows that we have four primary responsibilities - we certify aviation and air sport records, we bestow some of the most important and historic awards in aviation, we work with American Air Sport Organizations and the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, and we host a very important and pertinent luncheon program. While all of them have an important role to play in the mission of NAA, none is more exacting, comprehensive, and reflective of the tremendous diversity of our industry than our records program.

   NAA has been administering aviation and aerospace records in the United States since it was established in 1905 and our records database now holds more than 7,600 entries. As the only organization in America that can certify aviation records, we are responsible for administering and overseeing all record attempts made by Americans to include spacecraft, landplanes, seaplanes, rotorcraft, balloons, airships, gliders, parachutes, ultralights, model airplanes, and others.

   We are extremely fortunate to have Art Greenfield serving as the NAA Director of Contest and Records. Art has administered almost every conceivable aviation and aerospace record in his 20 years at NAA, and he is considered to be one of the foremost experts in the world in this very unique field. He is supported by our 10-member Contest and Records Board, a volunteer group of aviation and aerospace professionals who work with individuals, organizations, and companies across the country who are attempting to break or establish new records.

   An aviation record certified by the National Aeronautic Association is "one-of-a-kind" and is not only a source of pride for the individuals and crews who set them, but also for the manufacturers; they demonstrate the speed, efficiency, quality, and competitiveness of the aircraft themselves.

Certifying records is our oldest and most historic responsibility, and it is a function that we do extremely well.

Jonathan Gaffney

NAA President and CEO

Marion Blakey to Receive

Cliff Henderson TrophyBlakey

   The Honorable Marion Blakey has been selected to receive the 2011 Cliff Henderson Trophy. Former Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration and Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, Blakey is currently President and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association.

   The Cliff Henderson Trophy, which resides at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, was established in 1960 by the National Aviation Club (now part of NAA)  to honor the creator and managing director of the world-renowned National Air Races from 1928-1939. His work stimulated a generation's interest in aviation and challenged the state of the art in aviation development.

   In that spirit, the trophy is awarded to "a living individual, group of individuals, or an organization whose vision, leadership, or skill made a significant and lasting contribution to the promotion and advancement of aviation and aerospace in the United States."

   NAA will present the trophy to Blakey at the final luncheon of the 2010-2011 NAA Luncheon Series on Wednesday, July 13, 2011.  Click here for details and registration.

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Air Sport Organization News

dreamlinerBoeing 787 Dreamliner to

Visit AirVenture 2011

   The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner is scheduled to appear at the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) AirVenture 2011 on Friday, July 29, 2011, giving aviation enthusiasts a glimpse into the next generation of commercial airliners.

   "We're proud and excited that Boeing recognizes the significance of EAA AirVenture Oshkosh in the global aviation community," said EAA and AirVenture Chairman Tom Poberezny. "This represents two significant firsts - the first time anywhere that aviation enthusiasts can tour the 787 and the first public showcase of the 787 in North America."

   For one day only, attendees can tour the Boeing 787 Dreamliner while it is on static display on ConocoPhillips Plaza and witness it in flight during its arrival and departure. It is scheduled to arrive at 9:30 a.m. on July 29 and depart following the afternoon air show later that day at approximately 6 p.m.

  Click here for more information.


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Aero Club News

 Long Beach Improvements Previewed for ACSC

   Members of the Aero Club of Southern California (ACSC) received an exclusive preview in June of major improvements being made in passenger facilities at the Long Beach Airport. They toured the site where new structures, including a passenger concourse, are on schedule for a 2013 completion.

   Members also learned how this year the city is observing its 100th anniversary as an aviation center. In 1911, a Wright-designed biplane named the "Vin Fiz" completed the first coast-to coast-aircraft journey across the United States, landing on the shoreline near downtown Long Beach.


Dave Franson, WAC Executive Director and Steve Champness, president of the Atlanta Aero Club at the Second Annual Wichita Aero Club Golf Tourney


WAC Hosts Second Annual  

Golf Classic

   The Wichita Aero Club (WAC) hosted its

Second Annual Golf Classic at Crestview Country Club on June 12, 2011 with 128 participants, including Atlanta Aero Club President Steve Champness, who joined WAC Executive Director Dave Franson in playing a hole with several foursomes during the event.  

   The WAC Golf Classic raises funds for the operation of the club and its Aviation Education Initiative, which funds scholarships to summer Aviation Camps and tuition assistance to the National Center for Aviation Training in Wichita. The Third Annual WAC Golf Classic is planned for the third week in June, 2012. "We're hoping to have representatives from other aero clubs and the aviation organizations join us," Franson said.

   The next WAC luncheon is scheduled for July 12, 2011, and the featured speaker is Craig Fuller, President of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.   


ACONE Presents Godfrey L. Cabot Award

to Colonel Eileen M. Collins


The Cabot Award presentation ceremony included (left to right) Katherine McHugh, John G. L. Cabot, Col. Eileen M. Collins (Ret), and Dan Schrager.

   The Aero Club of New England (ACONE) honored Col. Eileen M. Collins, (Ret.) with the prestigious Godfrey L. Cabot Award at the Harvard Club of Boston on June 22, 2011. Collins was recognized for her many achievements and her pivotal role in America's manned space program.

   The award was presented by ACONE President Dan Schrager; John G. L. Cabot, the grandson of Godfrey L. Cabot; and Katherine McHugh, Executive Director, Cabot Family Trust. Many aviation groups attended to congratulate Collins, including the Ninety-Nines, Jacobs Engineering, and the New Hampshire Aviation & Space Educational Council. Jonathan Gaffney, President and CEO of the National Aeronautic Association also attended the luncheon representing the Aero Club of the United States.

   The Godrey L. Cabot award is named for one of the founders of ACONE, who served as president from 1915-1929. A forward- thinking pioneer in the field of aviation and friend of the Wright Brothers, Dr. Cabot was the first American president of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI).

   The Aero Club of New England will continue its annual day at Katama Airpark, Martha's Vineyard, MA, on July 23, 2011. Katama Airpark is home to some warbirds, classic aircraft, and homebuilts.

NAA Logo

In This Issue
Record Highlights
Record Certificate Presentations
Win a Custom Leather Jacket
Record SettingTips
President's Message
Marion Blakey Wins Henderson
Air Sport Organization News
Aero Club News
Upcoming Events
Call for Nominations
Featured Member Orgs
Records Claimed
Featured Air Sport Org
NAA Credit Card

Upcoming Events

NAA July Luncheon

Wednesday, July 13


Jim Albaugh, executive vice president of The Boeing Company and president and chief executive officer of Boeing Commercial Airplanes

Click here for details and registration 



Call for Nominations

Brewer Trophy

Final Call


Close 7/31

Awarded for contributions to aviation education in the U.S.

Click here for details


Elder Statesman

of Aviation

Final Call


Close 7/31

Awarded to senior Americans who have made contributions of significant value to aeronautics, and reflect credit upon America and themselves.

Click here for details.


Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy

Awarded to a living American for significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States.

Nominations due by

August 31, 2011

Click here for details

This month's featured member

Cessna logo

DRS Technologies


Air Transport logo


Records Claimed
May 1-31, 2011  




Speed Over a Recognized Course:


Spokane, WA to Johannesburg, South Africa:  83 mph

Travis P. Holland

Class C-1.d, Group II (Turboprop)

Piper PA-46-350P Malibu Mirage

1 Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A



Gander, Canada to Geneva, Switzerland:  531 mph

David M. Steinfeldt & Nicholas A. Rose

Class C-1.g, Group III (Jet)

Gulfstream G150

2 Honeywell TFE731



Charleston, SC to Wilmington, NC:

215.08 mph

William P. Buchanan

Class C-1.c, Group I (Internal Combustion)

Lancair Columbia 400

1 Continental TSIO-550





Duration:  4.2 sec

Judith R. Wexler

Class IE, Rotorcraft, General & Feminine

University of Maryland "Gamera Project"

College Park, MD



Free Three Turnpoint Distance:  1,087 mi

Gordon R. Boettger

Class DO, Open Class, Single Place, General

Glasflugel Kestrel

Minden, NV



This Month's
Air Sport Link


NAA Credit Card

Apply now for an NAA Rewards Visa® Card.  With every new account opened and every purchase made, a contribution will be made to NAA - at no additional cost to you!  Support NAA and earn Rewards points towards cash back, air travel, merchandise, and more - all with no annual fee and a low annual percentage rate!

Apply Now
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