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Representative Todd Tiahrt Voices Support
For Aerospace Industry at NAA Luncheon
Representative Todd Tiahrt
is a powerful advocate for
the aviation industry.

   If ever there was a friend to the aerospace industry on Capitol Hill, it is Representative Todd Tiahrt (R-KS), a Republican leader on the powerful House Appropriations Committee and a candidate for the U.S. Senate in the 2010 elections.
   A 14-year employee of The Boeing Company in Wichita, Kansas (where he worked on aerospace projects including the Space Station, Air Force One, and the Comanche Helicopter), Tiahrt has served in Congress since 1995 and is a strong pro-business and pro-jobs advocate.
   Tiahrt spoke to NAA at its June 2010 Luncheon, where he outlined "five things we must do" to recover economically. They include:
  • Cut taxes for people who create jobs
  • Regulatory reform ("The benefit of a regulation has to be greater than the cost. Regulation is 17 percent of the cost of American business. We could be more competitive worldwide.")
  • Move healthcare back into private sector
  • Pursue energy security ("The fact that we are drilling in 5,000 feet of water is because there are such restrictions on drilling in shallower water. In shallower water the leak would have been fixed by now.")
  • Litigation reform ("We need more common sense regulations such as the one that says after an aircraft has been flying for 18 years you can't sue on the basis of a design flaw.")
   "If we did those five things we could recover in 10 months instead of 10 years," Tiahrt declared.
   The love of aviation in his family began with his grandfather, Cornelius Tiahrt, who emigrated from Germany and stood on his back step watching new airplanes take off from the nearby manufacturing plant in Kansas.
   When asked by an audience member if the current Supertanker RFP is fair, Tiahrt replied that it is not.
   "The concerns I have is there are five regulations that are waived for companies not based in America," he said. "The federal cost procuring standards - where you have to track costs and report them - are required of U.S. companies but not foreign companies."
   He added that time is of the essence in awarding the contract. "We cannot accept another delay in this contract," he commented. "There is a great need to get the tankers replaced."
   He also noted that "American and foreign suppliers are going to be working together and we need to have partnerships and rules that apply equally. It is so expensive in America to build things that we have to subsidize them to get them to stay local. We can't create an environment where it is too expensive to make things in America."
   Tiahrt spoke just days after a bill that would extend bonus depreciation for businesses that purchase general aviation aircraft in 2010 was introduced in the U.S. Senate.
   "We need another shot in the arm to sell more airplanes," he said, noting his support of the legislation. "It breaks my heart to see my friends and neighbors still laid off. We are hurting in the airline and aerospace industries."

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NAA Awards Spotlight: Nominate a
Friend or Colleague for Prestigious Awards

   In addition to the well-known Collier and Wright Brothers Memorial Trophies, NAA has a stable of other prestigious awards given annually to recognize deserving individuals and groups. This month we highlight two of those prestigious awards and call on NAA members and readers to submit nominations.

Wesley L. McDonald Elder Statesman of Aviation Award
The Wesley L. McDonald Elder Statesman of Aviation Award
Elder Statesman Award

   The Elder Statesman award was established in 1954 to honor outstanding Americans (men and women) over age 60 who, by their efforts over a period of years, have made contributions of significant value to aeronautics, and have reflected credit upon America and themselves. NAA can select up to three individuals to receive this award annually.
   The award was renamed in 2007 in honor of former NAA Chairman Wesley L. McDonald, who received the first of the renamed award and redesigned trophy at a special honorary dinner in March 2007. The award is traditionally presented at the NAA Fall Awards Banquet.
   In addition to Admiral McDonald, previous winners include the recognizable names of Scott Crossfield, Igor Sikorsky, Cliff Robertson, Barry Goldwater, Eddie Rickenbacher and Olive Ann Beech. View a list of all 265 winners.
   We all know that as age goes, 60 is today's 40, so don't hesitate to nominate one of your "mature" colleagues or friends who has made significant contributions as described above. Complete nomination guidelines (it's really simple) are on our website. Hurry, the deadline is July 31, 2010!

Cliff Henderson Award for Achievement

The Henderson Award for Achievement Trophy
henderson trophy
   The Henderson Award for Achievement is given to a living individual or group whose vision, leadership, or skill has made a significant and lasting contribution to the promotion and advancement of aviation or space activity. It is presented at the NAA Spring Awards Luncheon.
   The Henderson Trophy, named for Clifford W. Henderson, is permanently housed in the National Air and Space Museum.
   The award was originally presented in the 1930s to the outstanding pilot at the National Air Races. Henderson was managing director of the National Air Races from 1928-1939. He originated the concept and obtained sponsorship for the races and the Bendix Trophy Race, Thompson Trophy Classic, and Powder Puff Derby. A colorful figure in the early days of aviation, Henderson was a driving force behind the development of Los Angeles International Airport as one of three men who persuaded the city to lease a 640-acre bean and barley patch (then known as Miles Field) which became Los Angeles International Airport and then helped install the airport's first 1,200-foot runway.
   Cliff Henderson stimulated a generation's interest in aviation and his air races challenged the state of the art. He was a showman, promoter, and real estate developer and his work typified the fact that not everyone who effects aviation change is professionally involved in the development or application of aviation.
   The Trophy was retired for many years until 1985, when the National Aviation Club (part of NAA since 2003) reactivated it and changed the criteria and scope of the award to its current definition to honor Clifford W. Henderson's legacy.
   This award has gone to many individuals and companies, including the 10 U.S. aerospace companies who supported Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Anne Lindbergh, the United States Air Force Academy, and many more. View a full list of winners on our website.
   NAA is accepting Henderson Award nominations through November 30, 2010.  Complete information and nomination guidelines are on the NAA website.
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NAA/NAC Luncheon Series Concludes;
New Series to Kick Off in Fall 2010

   NAA recently concluded its very successful and well-attended 2009-2010 National Aviation Club Luncheon Series with guest speaker Todd Tiahrt, Congressman from the aviation-rich state of Kansas. Previous speakers included Dr. Ashton Carter, Under Secretary of Defense for ATL; Ralph Crosby, Chairman & CEO of EADS North America; Dennis Muilenburg, President & CEO of Boeing Defense, Space & Security; FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt, and others.
   The luncheon series is strongly supported by several Luncheon Series Season Table Holders, including The Boeing Company, Cobham, DRS Technologies, EADS North America, GE Aviation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Northrop Grumman Corporation, UTC/Pratt & Whitney, Aurora Flight Sciences, and Curtiss-Wright Corporation.
   The 2010-2011 Season will kick off in early Fall 2010. Stay tuned for luncheon dates and speakers as they become available. Season Table reservations can be secured by completing the Season Table Purchase Form or by e-mailing

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President's Message
Gaffney Mar10Two Real-Life Crises and the People Who Managed Them

   I don't like drama, hyperbole, (wild) exaggeration, hero-of-the-hour, and made-up reference to "life-and-death" and "do-or-die" and other silliness.
   Thus, it was a thrill to hear - less than a month apart - remarks made by Jeff Skiles, co-pilot of US Airways Flight 1549, and Gene Kranz, retired NASA Flight Director for the Apollo and Gemini programs, at two recent Aero Club luncheons.
   It wasn't the first time they told their stories (you could tell from some of the punch lines), but the truth of the matter is that they were speaking directly from their life experiences:  One of an almost-stranded 3-man crew of an Apollo mission 200,000 miles from earth and another in an full airliner 3,200 feet above New York City with no engines and no (obvious) place to land.
   At a May Luncheon of the Aero Club of Metropolitan Atlanta (, Mr. Skiles gave as professional, factual, and inspirational discussion as you would want to hear of his short afternoon flight. His message? That the training and experience of Captain Sullenberger, himself, and their cabin crew of Donna Dent, Doreen Welsh, and Sheila Dail made all the difference between success and failure.
   A month later, at the Annual Cabot Trophy Luncheon of the Aeroclub of New England (www.acone,org), Mr. Kranz gave an equally scintillating retrospective on the challenges confronted by NASA from the day of President Kennedy's famous Rice University Speech ("...we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard...") until those famous words from the mission of Apollo 13, ("Houston, we've had a problem") changed crisis management forever. His message? That while "failure was not an option," it took a dedicated, trained team of hundreds - possibly thousands - of people to bring Jim Lovell, John L. Swigert, and Fred W. Haise back to Earth safely in spite of almost insurmountable odds.
   These were two extraordinary adventures that were as real as the sun coming up. No need for writers, producers, online voting, or somebody getting kicked off the show to know that these two are some of the best stories in aviation and aerospace.
Jonathan Gaffney
NAA President
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Air Sport Organization News
EAA and AMA to Work Together
To Expand Aviation Participation

   The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) and the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Oshkosh, Wisconsin on May 24, 2010, pledging to work collaboratively on programs and initiatives to expand participation in aviation.
EAA Chairman/President Tom
Poberezny (right) and AMA President Dave Mathewson sign the agreement.

   The MOU, signed by EAA Chairman/President Tom Poberezny and AMA President Dave Mathewson, calls on the two organizations to collaborate on youth engagement efforts, pursue opportunities to work together at the local level by encouraging AMA clubs and EAA chapters to work together and promote participation in aviation, and actively encourage their members to participate in each other's activities, including EAA AirVenture Oshkosh and the annual AMA Expo.

Needels to be Honored with USPA
Lifetime Achievement Award

Chris Needels
Chris Needels will receive the highest honor from the United States Parachute Association (USPA) - the Lifetime Achievement Award - at a special ceremony at the conclusion of the USPA General Membership Meeting. Needels will be honored "for almost a half-century of total commitment to USPA as a board member, officer, executive director, and skydiving museum trustee, providing unparalleled leadership, vision, and lasting stability." Learn more at

Jonathan Trappe flying with his cluster
of toy balloons.
Cluster Balloon Flies Over English Channel
The Balloon Federation of America offered its congratulations to Jonathan Trappe of Raleigh, North Carolina, who was strapped in a specially equipped chair below a bright cluster of balloons when he lifted off on May 28, 2010 from Kent, in Southeast England.  About five hours later he landed in a French field by cutting some of the balloons away. Learn more at

USHPA Launches National Hang Gliding and Paragliding Day
   The United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association held its First Annual National Hang Gliding and Paragliding Day on May 29, 2010. Hang gliders and paragliders hosted nationwide fun flying events. USHPA said, "This colorful event is perfect for those on a
'staycation' looking for something adventurous to do on Memorial Day around the country." Events ranged from aerobatic displays, costume events, and barbecues to tandem flights and spot landing contests. Learn more at

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Aero Club News
ACSC Expands Scholarship Program
   The Aero Club of Southern California (ACSC) has expanded its college scholarship program. ACSC will award two annual scholarships of $5,000 each to students preparing for aerospace careers. The scholarships will be named for the late Jack Real and Bill Schoneberger, both former club presidents who were largely responsible for acquiring the Spruce Goose flying boat in the 1980s and using its revenue to found the scholarship program. The Marsha Toy scholarship program for high school students is unchanged. Learn more at

Thomas Leonard, 87, shares
a laugh with his wife, Ann.
ACNC Event Honors Aviation Statesman

   Thomas E. Leonard, retired chairman of the San Jose State University Department of Aviation, was honored by hundreds of the program's graduates on May 29, 2010, during a special event co-sponsored by the department and the Aero Club of Northern California (ACNC). Leonard is a member of the ACNC Board of Directors and was named an Elder Statesman of Aviation by NAA in 2005.
   The occasion marked the 50th anniversary of the Aviation Department facilities at Mineta San Jose International Airport. Leonard, who joined the department faculty in 1946 and retired in 1985, was instrumental in establishing the airport facility - a complex of classrooms and a large hanger - where the celebration took place. The program will soon move into new facilities at nearby Reid-Hillview Airport in San Jose. Learn more at

King Schools Founders to Address AAC Members
Martha and John King in the cockpit
King School
  The featured speakers at the next Atlanta Aero Club (AAC) event, scheduled for July 15, 2010, are John and Martha King of King Schools. King Schools, Inc. is the world�s leading producer of aviation training videos and computer software. It was first established in 1974, when John and Martha began flying around the country to teach ground school courses. A decade later, they began producing video courses in a spare room of their house. Martha received NAA's Henderson Award in 2005.
   Today, King Schools has over 70 employees and an 18,000 square-foot complex that houses a dedicated video production and duplication facility. In the past 10 years, the King Schools has delivered more than 2.5 million videos, containing over 4 million hours of video instruction, which have taught half of the instrument students and more than one third of the pilots who have obtained training in the United States. Learn more at

Jack Pelton of Cessna Speaks
To Aero Club of Washington
Jack Pelton

   Jack Pelton, Chairman, President, and CEO of Cessna Aircraft Company, spoke at the Aero Club of Washington June Luncheon. In his speech at the June luncheon, He indicated the market in the business jet sector has stopped freefalling. "New orders are starting to come in again, cancellations have slowed, and flight hours are going in the right direction," Pelton observed. Nonetheless, he sees a slow recovery rather than a return to rapid growth. Discussing his role on Transportation Secretary LaHood's Future of Aviation Advisory Committee, Pelton (who chairs the subcommittee on "funding for aviation systems"), underscored the critical role of general aviation in the industry going forward. "General aviation provides a pipeline of pilots and other trained aviation personnel who are the lifeblood of the air transportation system," he said. Learn more at

Participating in the Cabot Award presentation
were (left to right), Award Recipient Joseph Gavin, Jr., ACONE President Georgia Pappas, Award Recipient Gene Kranz, and John G. L. Cabot - grandson of the late Godfrey L. Cabot.
ACONE Presents Cabot Award to

Joseph Gavin and Gene Kranz

   The Aero Club of New England presented the 2010 Godfrey L. Cabot Award to Joseph Gavin, Jr. and Eugene F. (Gene) Kranz on June 11, 2010 at the Seaport Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. The award recognizes their critical roles in the Gemini and Apollo space programs that landed the first men on the moon.
   Over 175 people attended the luncheon and heard the riveting presentations, which described the series of decisions made to save the crew of the Apollo 13 flight. The audience was captivated by the powerful message, "Failure is Not an Option."
   The Godfrey L. Cabot Award is one of the most prestigious of American aviation awards presented annually by the Aero Club of New England since 1952 to individuals or teams who have made unique, significant and unparalleled contributions to foster, encourage and advance aviation and space flight. Learn more at
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In This Issue
Tiahrt Speaks to Lunch Crowd
NAA Awards Spotlight
Luncheon Series Update
President's Message
Air Sport Organization News
Aero Club News
Upcoming Events
Call for Nominations
Featured Member Orgs
Records Claimed
Featured Air Sport Org
NAA Credit Card

Upcoming Events
Public Benefit Flying
"Above & Beyond"
Awards Presentation
At the U.S. Capitol, mid September. 
Honoring the individual and organizational 
volunteers who fly for the benefit of others.

Check here for updates.

NAA Fall Awards Banquet
Monday, November 8
Check here for updates.
Call for Nominations

Frank G. Brewer Trophy
Last call, nominations close July 31!  Awarded annually to an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization for significant contributions of enduring value to aerospace education in the United States. Nominations are accepted from May 1 - July 31, 2010. Click here for details and Nomination Guidelines.

Wesley L. McDonald Elder Statesman Of Aviation Award
Last call, nominations close July 31! The Elder Statesman award was established in 1954 to honor outstanding Americans over age 60 who, by their efforts over a period of years, have made contributions of significant value to aeronautics, and have reflected credit upon America and themselves. Nominations are accepted from May 1 - July 31, 2010. Click here for details and Nomination Guidelines.

Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy
The Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy is awarded annually to a living American for significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States.  Nominations due by August 31, 2010. Click here for details and Nomination Guidelines.
This month's featured member

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GE Aviation

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Records Claimed
May 1 - May 31, 2010

Time to Climb to 3,000 Meters With 5,000 kg Payload: 2 min 25 sec
Michael Bob Starr & crew
Class C-1.q, Group III (Jet)
Rockwell International B-1B
4 General Electric F101
Dyess AFB, TX


Speed #203: 95 mph
Ken L. Jennings
Class F5, Radio Controlled, Electric Powered Helicopter
North Jackson, OH


Distance: 459 miles
James  Dexter
Class BA-06, Non-rigid Gas, General
Zeppelin NT-07
3 Lycoming IO-360
Mountain View, CA to San Diego, CA

This Month's
Air Sport Link

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NAA Credit Card

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