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Recipients of the 2009 Collier Trophy (L-R): Virginia Barnes, United Space Alliance; Alain Bellemare, Hamilton Sundstrand; James Crocker, Lockheed Martin; Lori Garver, NASA; Walter Boyne, NAA; Jonathan Gaffney, NAA; Jim Albaugh, The Boeing Company; Dennis Muilenburg, The Boeing Company; Jim Shields, Draper Laboratory; Dave Douglass, Honeywell.
2010 Collier Winners
International Space Station Honored
at Collier Trophy Presentation Dinner

   NASA and the International Space Station (ISS), which National Geographic magazine called "one of the greatest visionary feats of all time," received the coveted 2009 NAA Robert J. Collier Trophy at the annual Collier Dinner, May 13, 2010.
   A remarkable cooperative venture between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the International Space Station Team, the ISS represents a stunning achievement that "exceeds what any one country could have achieved on its own," according to NAA President Jonathan Gaffney.
   The ISS Industry Team includes The Boeing Company, Draper Laboratory, Honeywell Corporation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, United Space Alliance, and UTC/Hamilton Sundstrand.
Dinner Emcee Steve Callaghan looks on as ISS Astronaut T.J. Creamer addresses the crowd via satellite.
   "It is amazing what has become commonplace," said Master of Ceremonies Steve Callaghan, President of the NAA/NAC Awards and Events Board, speaking to the fact that the ISS has now been in orbit 11 years. "The stuff of science fiction novels and Hollywood special effects is very much a reality."
   In accepting the trophy, NASA Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver said, "This fulfills a dream for me. We are standing on the shoulders of giants [who paved the way for the ISS]."
Senator John Glenn (1962 Collier recipient) with (far right) General Kevin P. Chilton, USMC, Commander, United States Strategic Command, and Maj. Marco Serna, the General's Aide.
3 guys

She believes the ISS is "one of the more impressive accomplishments in human history, if not the greatest feat in human history. I equate this with the first ocean crossing, exploration of the poles, and the first astronauts."
   Garver talked about how the ISS is just now coming online to full capacity, "becoming the true orbiting laboratory we dreamed about." Experiments on the ISS will test new vaccines, delivery of drugs into the human body, production of clean biofuels from algae, and more. Later this year, a human-like robot will join the ISS crew to advance the knowledge of robotics.
NASA Deputy Administrator, Lori Garver accepts the Collier Trophy on behalf of NASA and the ISS Industry Team.
   Even with all the amazing technological accomplishments, Garver pointed to "the international peaceful cooperation in space for the benefit of humanity" as the most significant achievement of the ISS project. "That would have been harder to imagine in the 1960s than the building of the space station itself," she said.
   "The development and assembly of the ISS has been nothing short of miraculous, NAA President Jonathan Gaffney said in his remarks. "Fifteen separate nations, with all of their diversity of culture, communications, and values, pulled together under the leadership of their 'managing partner' - NASA. At its peak, the development effort involved more than 100,000 dedicated people from across the United States and around the world. The complex assembly phase spanned 11 years and provided no opportunity to pre-assemble or fit-check interfaces on the ground."
   The ISS has been continually occupied for nearly a decade by 193 people from 15 nations.  It is approximately the size of a five-bedroom home and uses state-of-the-art systems to generate solar electricity, recycles nearly 85 percent of its water and generates much of its own oxygen.
Flanking the 91-year-old, 525-pound Collier Trophy, (L-R) are Steve Callaghan, NAA Awards & Events Board Chair; Senator Glenn (1962 Collier Recipient); Walter Boyne, NAA Chairman and Jonathan Gaffney, NAA President.

   The large dinner crowd acknowledged current and former astronauts in attendance to applaud NASA's achievement. They included The Honorable John Glenn, Marine Corps Pilot, Mercury Astronaut, Shuttle Astronaut, and United States Senator; Gen. Kevin Chilton, Three-Time Space Shuttle Pilot and Commander, United States Strategic Command; Jeffrey Williams, Astronaut; and former Astronauts Frank Culbertson, Bill Readdy, Bill Shepherd, and Carl Walz.
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FAA Administrator Babbitt Briefs
FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt address aerospace industry audience.

NAA Luncheon Crowd

   Randy Babbitt, Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), called the $1.3 trillion civil aviation industry "a load-bearing wall in our economy responsible for 5.6 percent of our Gross Domestic Product" in his remarks at the April 2010 NAA Luncheon and encouraged the aeronautic industry to continue its support of NextGen and other FAA initiatives designed to improve air travel.
   He spoke extensively about the NextGen Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) System (which received the 2007 NAA Collier Trophy) and its potential.
"Everyone just wants the system fixed. The benefits will far outweigh cost," Babbitt said of the new technology. "We simply can't improve technology that was developed in the 1950s."
   He reported that 32,000 aircraft are now equipped with global positioning satellite (GPS) tracking, and that most aircraft approaches into airports are now GPS-enabled.
   Babbitt also said that ADS-B receivers are being installed on oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, in the mountains of Colorado, and elsewhere to "give us coverage we wouldn't otherwise have had," improving air traffic control and safety.
   He also mentioned that advancements in navigation and surveillance can give all aircraft the equivalent of weather radar.
   Babbitt invited industry representatives to "give us feedback - are our expectations realistic? We can prioritize our efforts and can focus on best deliverables that make the most business sense."
   He urged the airline industry to join with FAA "to do a better job in transparency." Babbitt gave an example of how the pilot of a delayed aircraft might typically say the aircraft is awaiting air traffic control clearance, when the real reason the plane is delayed might have more to do with the airline scheduling too many departures in a short time window.
   He also reported that airfield improvements were recently made at 18 runways and encouraged the audience "to appreciate what it takes to build a new runway with noise and environmental concerns. For example, it took 16 years to build a new runway in Memphis even when nobody opposed it."
   Babbitt concluded his comments about ADS-B by saying, "The business case is there - the question is how much support can we get for it? We have a plan that is underway. We are airborne and en route. We all have an obligation to understand NextGen and what it can do and where it can take us."
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Hawker-Beechcraft Promotes NAA
Record-Setting Opportunities

   NAA individual and corporate members know that NAA is the official organization responsible for verifying and recording all aeronautic records in the United States. Earning a record is prestigious not only for the individuals involved, but also the company that manufactures the aircraft.H_B_mag
   Hawker Beechcraft Corporation, an NAA corporate member, recently published a column in its FlightPath magazine outlining how its customers can work with NAA to record an official record.
   "There isn't anything mysterious or extravagant about planning for a record," the newsletter article noted. It explained that a recent record set by Hawker Beechcraft Senior Captain Mark Danin and Bob Blouin in a Hawker 4000 for a 3,063 statute-mile flight from Farmingdale, New York to Shannon, Ireland was "a normally scheduled flight and they used normal flight planning techniques."
   More information on record setting click here.
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President's Message
41 World Records in One FlightGaffney Mar10
   In Fall 2009, the National Aeronautic Association had the opportunity to certify records on one of the largest, most important, and most famous aircraft in the world - Lockheed Martin's C-5M Super Galaxy.
   Working with Lockheed Martin and the United States Air Force, we were able to certify not just one record - but 41 of them on the same flight. I had the opportunity to present the record plaques at the C-5M facility in Marietta Georgia, just a few days ago.
   The records ran the gamut of the breadth and complexity of our ability to certify them, including Altitude with payload, Time to Climb to various altitudes with payload, and Altitude in horizontal flight. After it was loaded with stacks of pallets totaling 176,450 pounds, the plane had to be weighed - and NAA made sure it was weighed accurately - all 652,395 pounds of it.
Jonathan Gaffney presents record certificates to Lorraine Martin, Lockheed Martin C-5 Vice President, and members of the record-setting team.
group shot
Some of the records that were set were brand-new records and one shattered a record set over 20 years ago during the Cold War. The benefit to Lockheed Martin and the Air Force is probably incalculable, but it awardcertainly put a very important aircraft into the record books of aviation as well as certifying some remarkable performance characteristics.  However, the "bottom line," is that only the National Aeronautic Association has the authority, responsibility, and expertise to certify air sport, aviation, and aerospace records in the United States, whether it be a 326-ton C-5M or 181 freefall skydivers setting a new record (yes, we did that one, too!).
Jonathan Gaffney

NAA President
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Air Sport Organization News
"Good Morning America" Features Skydiving
Bill Weir makes a balloon jump. Photo by Craig O'Brien.

ABC's "Good Morning America" featured a six-minute skydiving segment Friday, May 7, 2010 as part of its "Living the Dream" series. Weekend anchor and United States Parachute Association member Bill Weir lived out his passion by taking to the skies over Perris Valley Skydiving in California. Weir first had to make a recurrency jump and then followed it with a variety of fun jumps, including a balloon jump, a jump with former world champion Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld and a jump with 4-way team Perris Fury. Watch "Flying High with Bill Weir" here! For more information, visit

Balloon Federation of America to
Induct Three People Into Hall of Fame

   The Balloon Federation of America will induct Joe Kittinger, Tom Sheppard, and Anthony Fairbanks into the U.S. Ballooning Hall of Fame in a ceremony to be held at the National Balloon Museum in Indianola, Iowa, on August 1, 2010 at 2 p.m.
   Kittinger is best known for his parachute jump from a balloon on August 16, 1960 from an altitude of 102,800 feet. In that jump he approached the speed of sound at 614 mph and opened his parachute at 18,000 feet. He made five stratospheric balloon flights. He was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in a helium balloon from Maine to Italy in 1984. He won the Gordon Bennett Balloon Race three times in a row to retire the trophy and then won it a fourth time.
   Sheppard has an extensive record of leadership roles in the Balloon Federation of America including past president and Chairman of BFA Competition Division rules committee. He is considered the father of modern balloon competition in the United States and has been a leader and participant in many international ballooning competition events. He is also the recipient of many ballooning awards.
   Fairbanks began flying gas balloons in 1931 and was a charter member of the Balloon Club of America, which was, formed in 1952. He also became the first Balloon Pilot Examiner in the United States. He was the pilot of the balloon "La Coquette" used in the movie "Around the World in Eighty Days." For more information visit
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Aero Club News
Hero Pilot Speaks at Atlanta Aero Club Lunch
Jeff Skiles

Jeff Skiles, the US Airways pilot best known as Sully Sullenberger's First Officer in the "Miracle on the Hudson," was the featured guest speaker for the meeting of the Atlanta Aero Club on May 20, 2010. In other club news, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co. is hosting a tour of the F-22 production line for Atlanta Aero Club members on June 18, 2010. For more information visit

ACSC Hosts Aviation Legend
ACSC member Tom Lee (right) and Neil Armstrong (left).
Tom Lee (right) was joined by Neil Armstrong as he described the "Legends of Aerospace Tour" to members of the Aero Club of Southern California (ACSC) at the Los Angeles International Airport Flight Path Museum on May 4, 2010. Lee, a member of ACSC, is also one of the founders of Morale Entertainment Foundation. The foundation took five legends of aviation -- Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell, Gene Cernan, Bob Gilliland and Steve Ritchie -- to visit U.S. troops at bases in Europe and Southwest Asia in March 2010. For more information visit

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In This Issue
NASA Awarded Collier Trophy
Babbit Speaks at NAA Luncheon
Hawker-Beechcraft Promotes Record-Setting
President's Message
Air Sport Organization News
Aero Club News
Upcoming Events
Call for Nominations
Featured Member Orgs
Records Claimed
Featured Air Sport Org
NAA Credit Card

Upcoming Events
June Luncheon
June 24, 2010
Todd Tiahrt

Semi-Annual NAA Board of Directors Meeting
June 24, 2010
9:30 a.m.
Crystal Gateway Marriott

Call for

Public Benefit Flying Awards
Last call, nominations close May 31! The Public Benefit Flying Awards are a set of five national awards designed to recognize the significant contributions to the Nation of volunteer-based Public Benefit Flying and the outstanding work of the individuals and organizations engaged in this humanitarian activity. Nominations accepted from
March 1 - May 31.
Click here for details and Nomination Guidelines.

Frank G. Brewer Trophy
Awarded annually to an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization for significant contributions of enduring value to aerospace education in the United States.  Nominations accepted from May 1 - July 31.  Click here for details and Nomination Guidelines.

Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy
The Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy is awarded annually to a living American for significant public service of enduring value to aviation in the United States.  Nominations open from June 1 - August 31.  Click here for details and Nomination Guidelines.

Wesley L. McDonald
Elder Statesman
Of Aviation Award

The Elder Statesman award was established in 1954 to honor outstanding Americans over age 60 who, by their efforts over a period of years, have made contributions of significant value to aeronautics, and have reflected credit upon America and themselves.  Nominations open from May 1 - July 31, 2010. Click here for details and Nomination Guidelines.

This month's featured member

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Air Care Alliance

Records Claimed
March 1 - April 30, 2010

Time to Climb to 9,000 Meters With 5,000 kg Payload: 
4 min 47 sec
Stephen A. Gerken & crew
Class C-1.q, Group III (Jet)
Rockwell International B-1B
4 General Electric F101
Dyess AFB, TX

Time to Climb to 6,000 Meters With 5,000 kg Payload: 
3 min 28 sec
Brian P. Wallace & crew
Class C-1.q, Group III (Jet)
Rockwell International B-1B
4 General Electric F101
Dyess AFB, TX

Speed Over a Recognized Course
Bedford, MA to London, UK:  542.70 mph
Mark L. Danin & Bradley J. McKeage
Class C-1.i, Group III (Jet)
Hawker 4000
2 Pratt & Whitney Canada PW308A


Speed Over a Recognized Course, Round Trip
Los Angeles, CA to Savannah, GA (and return):  76.29 mph
Carl J. Nurmi, Brent McNevin & Travis H. Reid
Class E-1.c, Group I (Piston)
Robinson R44
1 Lycoming IO-540


Assembled Mass of Spaceships Linked in Flight:  473,092 kg
Commander Alan G. Poindexter & crew of STS-131
Class K/P, Absolute Space Record
NASA Space Shuttle Orbiter and International Space Station
John F. Kennedy Space Center, FL

This Month's
Air Sport Link

NAA Credit Card

Apply now for an NAA Rewards Visa� Card.  With every new account opened and every purchase made, a contribution will be made to NAA - at no additional cost to you!  Support NAA and earn Rewards points towards cash back, air travel, merchandise, and more - all with no annual fee and a low annual percentage rate!

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