The Enneagram In Business - Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD

July | 2010
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Ginger's Message
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In this message...

Bringing Out the Best in Yourself At Work - book
What Type of Leader Are You? - book
Bringing Out the Best In Everyone You Coach - book
Enneagram Development Guide - book

What's on my Mind? A Link to Ginger's Blog...

claudio What is still on my mind - and will be for a long time - is 7 days I spent this July with Claudio Naranjo (me and 180 other people!) on the 27 Enneagram Subtypes. It was a remarkable experience, being in the Black Forest, being among the few Americans there, and learning from Claudio directly for an extended time-period. It took me almost three days to figure out who spoke English well enough to pair with during the activity segments. My experience there is covered in three blogs described below.


The second thing still moving within me is a very sad and difficult experience. Right before I left for Germany (in fact, I had to change my flight schedule as a result), my son's 20 year-old friend - and family friend since he was a baby - was killed walking on the biggest freeway late at night in Los Angeles. This involved two or more hit and run drivers, and questionable factors plus an implausible timeline for how he got there. Adding to the trauma was they thought him "missing" at first, and it was all over the local news. It seems that every adolescent and young adult from 15-25 who lives in LA was deeply affected by it. Jamie was a very social person, a highly counter-phobic 6, and though he was fearless in his life (well, as we know from the Enneagram, the counter-phobic 6 movement toward that which scares them is still fear-based), everyone else is now left with remnants of the experience. Although many of the facts are and may continue to be unknown, the Enneagram has helped my family (especially my 19 year-old son) understand how this happened. It was a big wake-up call for everyone directly or indirectly involved.

I'm soon off to the International Enneagram Association Conference to see friends and present a session on Coaching and the Enneagram, and Jerry Wagner, Senior Member of the Enneagram in Business Network, is the keynote speaker. Jerry is really smart and funny (he might want me to add handsome, but that's always in the eyes of the beholder!), so this should be an excellent start to the conference.
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The Enneagram in Business Blog
Read the July blogs! Click on title.

There were many blogs this month. Jane Strong, a senior member of the Enneagram in Business Network, agreed to write 4 guest blogs on the EQUINE ENNEAGRAM. Jane is a true pioneer of using work with horses to help us develop personally and professionally (also really great for leadership development!). These are fascinating to read!


The next blog series covers the Claudio Naranjo's program in Germany.  The 1st is on program structure, the 2nd focuses on program content, and the 3rd is about my personal insights. Because several people wanted to know what happened there, I decided to write the blogs rather than have many email or phone conversations.




The Equine Enneagram...It's not about the horse: Part 1 - Overview

The Equine Enneagram...It's not about the horse: Part 2 - Enneagram Head Center Style Six

The Equine Enneagram...It's not about the horse: Part 3 - Enneagram Heart Center Style Three

The Equine Enneagram...It's not about the horse: Part 4 - Enneagram Heart Center Style Three


Ginger 2009

Claudio Naranjo Subtypes Program: Part 1 - Structure

Claudio Naranjo Subtypes Program: Part 2 - Content

Claudio Naranjo Subtypes Program: Part 3 - My Personal Experiences


Enneagram Styles and Authenticity

This blog is based on an activity created by Ruth Landis and ideas from me that enable individuals of the nine styles to be more authentic. This particular blog has received many favorable comments on email, Facebook, and more.

You can read all past blogs by clicking on The Enneagram in Business Blog.


Tip of the Month: Leadership

You have a special leadership gift? Are you honoring and using it wisely? Here are the special leadership gifts of each Enneagram style:

Ones: The pursuit of excellence

Twos: Motivation and service to others

Threes: Obtaining results

Fours: The pursuit of one's passion

Fives: The importance of objectivity

Sixes: Insight and planning

Sevens: Innovation and flexibility

Eights: Making important things happen

Nines: Inclusion and consensus


Relevant Resources

Books: What Type of Leader Are You?

Website: Business Applications: Leadership; Join the Enneagram Learning Portal and go to Leadership and Coaching

Certificate Program: Train-the-Trainer: What Type of Leader Are You?



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Stay Tuned for Next Month's Tip on Consulting
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