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Your E-Connection to NAVTAMarch 29, 2011
Our e- Newsletter Sponsor


Ross University

Ross University's School of Veterinary Medicine is more than a quarter-century old. Throughout our history, we have focused on excellence in veterinary education while expanding our St. Kitts campus and our network of American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) accredited schools affiliated with Ross University where students complete their clinical education. More than 2,500 students have realized their calling through Ross University. Much has changed over that time, but not our commitment to meeting the highest standards of the veterinary profession.


Upcoming Events

For an updated list of events, please visit our website,, and click on the "Events" heading.
You can also submit events to our online calendar by going to the "Add an Event" section of our site.


New IDEXX Webinar Series!


Idexx Learning Center has developed a new webinar series focused on tick-borne disease. Dates and topics for the series are as follows:

  • April 27 - Pathogens Transmitted by Brown Dog Ticks and Gulf Coast Ticks in the Southern U.S.
  •  May 31 - The Deer Tick (Ixodes scapularis) Vector

    for Granulocytic Anaplasmosis

  • June 22 - The Western Black-legged Tick and the

    Brown Dog Tick as Disease Vectors in the Western and Southwestern USA

Additional details and registration information can be found at

We're Back from the AAHA/OVMA Conference!

AAHA Conference

The AAHA/OVMA Yearly Conference took place in Toronto, Ontario on March 24 - 27, and NAVTA was proud to be one of the exhibitors for this exciting event.


We were also thrilled at the opportunity to meet and network with lots of fantastic NAVTA members as well as welcome many new members (technicians, assistants, veterinarians and industry partners) to our organization. We met numerous OVTA members and are pleased to welcome those technicians that see the value that our organization can offer them, too. We welcome them to NAVTA.

First AVA Test approaching launch date! 


In just three days, on April 1st, the first NAVTA approved veterinary assistant examination will take place on VetMedTeam. Graduates of Front Range Community College, VetMedTeam and Red Bank Veterinary Hospital have been approved to take this exam.


The Assistant Committee meets quarterly, and if you are interested in applying for NAVTA approval for your school, please send your submissions by the following dates:

  • April 1
  • July 1
  • October 1
  • January 1

Please visit our website, www.navta,net, for additional information or email

National Association of
Veterinary Technicians of America

1666 K Street, NW

Suite 260
Washington, DC  20006

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Membership (questions, renewal, etc.)
contact: Jacquie Gulamhussein