University of Colorado
Technology Transfer Office
Monthly Newsletter
July 2008 - Vol 5, Issue 1
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CU-Boulder Technology of the Month:

TTO's Learning Laboratory

TTO Welcomes Summer Interns

One of three summer interns in the Boulder TTO, Kendria Alt recently completed her MS in Aerospace Engineering, and will attend law school in the fall. At TTO she is working on licensing agreements and a preliminary patent assessment for the BioNet software being developed at BioServe under the Aerospace Engineering department.  
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Today at the TTO

Boettcher Foundation, Webb-Waring and CU Partner to Support Medical Research
Colorado's medical research industry will receive a boost of up to $40M by the creation of a grant program aimed at advancing medical research. The program is the result of an innovative agreement among the Boettcher Foundation, the Webb-Waring Institute for Biomedical Research and the University of Colorado to leverage the Colorado Biosciences Fund (created in April 2008 by HB-08 1001), which has $5M a year over five years to promote biosciences and technology transfer. 


CU-developed Gene Test May Change Treatment, Extend Life for Lung Cancer Patients

Researchers at the University of Colorado Cancer Center (UCCC) have shown that a readily available gene screening test developed at UCCC can help doctors know which people with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer will benefit from adding a second cancer drug to standard chemotherapy.


Investment Firm Allied Minds to Commercialize New CU Cancer Diagnostic Technology

Allied Minds, a pre-seed investment firm specializing in early stage university business ventures, has partnered with the University of Colorado to establish Precision Biopsy, LLC, which is developing an optical biopsy needle to be used  in the improved diagnosis of prostate cancer, the most common cancer affecting men and a leading cause of cancer deaths.  The optical biopsy technology was developed by CU's Dr. Priya Werahera and Dr. John Daily. (See also: CU technology fights prostate cancer, BCBR)


CU Diagnostic Technology Optioned to Colorado Company

HepQuant, LLC, a Colorado-based startup company, has optioned a proprietary technology developed by Dr. Gregory Everson, Professor and Director of Hepatology at the School of Medicine at UC Denver (Anschutz Medical Campus). HepQuant plans to further develop and internationally commercialize the technology, a method to measure hepatic function in humans.


Science-based Toy Company Licenses CU Space Habitat Educational Technology

TTO recently executed an exclusive license agreement with Fascinations, a Seattle-based maker of science-oriented educational toys and gifts. The technology, developed by researchers at CU's Bioserve Space Technologies center, involves living habitats and ecosystems designed to monitor inter-species interaction in space. Fascinations plans to develop a line of educational science toys from these habitats. 


Correction: June Newsletter

In the June newsletter item "CU Antimicrobial Technology Exclusively Licensed to Colorado Start-up Company," we incorrectly wrote that the licensed technology was developed by UCD's Dr. Robert Hodges in collaboration with researchers at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Hodges' collaborators on this technology were in fact at the University of British Columbia. We apologize for the error.

CU Technology and Licensee Companies in the News

FierceBiotech Names GlobeImmune One of 2008's "Fierce 15"

CU licensee GlobeImmune, Inc.announced in June that they have been named to the annual FierceBiotech "Fierce 15" list, designating it as one of the top biotech companies of 2008.


Copernican Model: Heat Biomass to Create Fuel

The efficiency is high, the cost is relatively low, and the impact seems endless: That's what helps make solar-thermal power enticing and part of the reason why Al Weimer, co-founder of Boulder-based Copernican Energy Inc., is pursuing it.


AgentSheets, Inc. named Colorado Top Tech Education Initiative Company

AgentSheets, Inc. has received the 2008 CSIA "Colorado Top Tech Education Initiative" award, which honors the nominee who has put forth an Initiative in Education that is having a tangible impact on students. CU licensee AgentSheets Inc. is a leading provider of educational authoring environments for game design and computational science.


GlobeImmune Signs Research Agreement with NIH to Develop Cancer Therapeutics

CU licensee GlobeImmune, Inc. announced July 9 that it has signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to jointly develop products intended to treat a variety of cancers, using GlobeImmune's proprietary Tarmogen� technology.  

Archemix' ARC1779 Granted Orphan Designation in EU

Archemix Corp., a CU licensee focused on aptamer therapeutics for rare hematological diseases, announced July 7 that ARC1779 (for the treatment of TTP, a life-threatening blood disorder) received orphan drug designation from the European Commission; the drug received U.S. FDA orphan drug designation in April.


Replidyne Terminates Faropenem Agreements

Replidyne, Inc. announced in late June that it has decided to terminate its license agreement with Asubio Pharma Co., Ltd. for faropenem medoxomil (faropenem).

CBSA Announces Search for Executive Director

In June, the Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA) announced that Executive Director Denise Brown will be retiring in fall 2008. CBSA is now seeking nominations for local or national candidates - for more information please contact Andrea Forrest at EFL Associates, (303) 779-1724.


Interview: Going From Proof of Concept Funding to $65 Mil in Series B Funding
Taligen Therapeutics, Inc. was founded in 2004 to commercialize technology developed by UC Denver's Dr. V. Michael Holers for the treatment of serious inflammatory disease. Larry talked with Dr. Holers and Taligen co-founder/CEO Dr. Woodruff Emlen about the company's recent $65M Series B financing.


UC Denver Researcher Receives NIAID Grant for Food Allergy Research

UC Denver Associate Professor of Pediatrics Glenn T. Furuta is one of 12 investigators who have received grants totaling $5M to lead high-impact, innovative studies of food allergy, through a new program funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the NIH, and two food-allergy advocacy groups.


UCCS Selects National Institute of Science, Space and Security Centers Leader

Michael B. Perini will lead the National Institute of Science, Space and Security Centers at CU-Colorado Springs; NISSSC incorporates four research and teaching oriented centers including the Center for Homeland Security, the Trauma, Health and Hazards Center, the Center for Space Studies, and the Center for STEM Education.


Do you know of a recent award, new position or transition of interest to the CU tech community? Please send information to

Upcoming Events

Nano Renewable Energy Summit

July 20-22, Denver

A gathering of world-renowned experts at the intersection of renewable energy and nanotechnology, with a specific focus on the business, commercialization, and economic development potential of emerging technologies in the renewable energy and sustainability sectors.


CBSA 2008 Wine Tasting
July 22, Denver Botanic Gardens, Denver
Great food, wonderful Colorado wine and an evening of pure networking for the biotech community. Hosted by the Colorado BioScience Association (


The Future of Cable

July 22, Omni Interlocken Hotel, Broomfield

Hosted by CU's Silicon Flatirons Center, this conference will engage a series of leaders in industry and academia to evaluate the technological, business, policy, and societal dynamics that will bear on the cable industry's future.


CBSA BioBoulder

July 29, Rembrandt Yard, Boulder

Join the Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA) for the second BioBoulder networking reception of the year, for members of the biotechnology, medical device, bio-fuels and university community. 


18th Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells & Modules: Mateirals and Processes 

August 3 - 6, Cascade Resort, Vail

Workshop covering fundamental properties of PV-Si, new solar cell designs, and advanced solar cell processing techniques, and offering an opportunity for researchers in private industry and at universities to prioritize mutual needs for future collaborative research. Hosted by NREL.


Boulder/Denver New Technology Meetup Group
August 5, CU Wolf Law Building, Boulder
This ongoing event provides a forum for technologists and entrepreneurs to showcase the new (especially web-based) technology developing in Boulder/Denver tech community. Five companies have five minutes each to demonstrate their new technology, followed by five minutes for Q&A from the audience.



August 5, University Center, Colorado Springs
Join the Colorado BioScience Association (
CBSA) to learn about proposed changes in the patent rules and recent federal court holdings, and their effect on the biotech industry.


CBSA Northern Colorado Bioscience Market Analysis Report
August 8, Heska Corp., Loveland
The Colorado Bioscience Association (
CBSA) invites you to a luncheon presentation and industry panel, including a recent analysis of the Northern Colorado life sciences market.

Efficient Conversion of Solar Energy to Electricity and Fuels: Critical Research Directions

August 13-15, University of Colorado at Boulder

Hosted by the Colorado Renewable Energy Collaboratory, this workshop will facilitate cross-institutional networking (academia, government and industry) and bootstrap researchers on key issues in clean energy research and the development of carbon-free energy sources.


Colorado Green Tech Meetup

August 14, Leeds School of Business, Boulder

An ongoing event to support eco-entrepreneurs and others people involved and/or interested in green tech: energy generation, transportation, construction, and efficiency technologies. Businesses and researchers present new technologies, and attendees may announce business news, job openings, fundings, etc.


Optoelectronics for the Green Revolution: "Green" Photonics Forum and Exhibition

September 9-10, Sheraton Denver West, Lakewood

This conference, hosted by the Optoelectronics Industry Development Association (OIDA), will explore the key technologies and showcase companies that will enable optoelectronics to play a major role in the green revolution.


First Annual Rocky Mountain POSSE: Photonics and Optics Summit and Special Event

September 13, location TBA

POSSE is a regional event, bringing in 100 or more business leaders from throughout the Rocky Mountain region to network , learn from each other, help keep the photonics industry growing, and celebrate its resiliency.


Entrepreneurs Unplugged

September 17, CU Engineering Center, Boulder

Ongoing networking event hosted by CU's Silicon Flatirons Center, providing faculty, students and community members with technical backgrounds the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship through the experiences of a successful local entrepreneur.

Call for Presentations: 21st NREL Industry Growth Forum

October 28-30, Denver

NREL and its partners are now accepting applications from clean energy companies who would like to present to an audience of the country's leading clean energy investors at the upcoming 21st NREL Industry Growth Forum. Application info online. 


To have your event featured here, please send an email to

CU Resources

ConocoPhillips Funds C2B2 'Algae to Transport Fuels' Program

In June, ConocoPhillips and the Colorado Center for Biorefining and Biofuels (C2B2) announced a multi-faceted grant program focused on the production of transportation fuels from algae and supported by ConocoPhillips through a recently executed $3-5M Sponsored Research Agreement. The initial emphasis will be on understanding the potential of producing diesel and gasoline range products from lipids contained in specific algae strains; however, proposals to investigate a broader range of approaches for producing liquid alkane transportation fuels or other fuelrelated molecules from algae feedstocks will also be considered. (See also: ConocoPhillips Funds C2B2 Research, ConocoPhillips Enters $5M Deal with Colo. Universities.)

Innovation in the News

 New Report Ranks Colorado 3rd on Technology and Science Assets

 In June, the Milken Institute released its 2008 State Technology and Science Index, which ranks the 50 states in terms of their technology and science assets, and their ability to leverage those resources to achieve economic growth; Colorado is ranked third, behind Massachusetts and Maryland.


Colorado Recognized as Emerging Biotech Cluster

Genome Technology recently released a report highlighting 11 established and nine emerging biotech regions - hotbeds of research that have sprung up naturally over the years, or through major funding initiatives in a relatively short period of time.


NIH Responds to Critics on Peer Review, Sets Sights on Transformative Research

As part of an initiative called Enhancing Peer Review, announced in a finalized form on 6 June, the NIH will spend at least $200M annually over the next five years to foster groundbreaking, investigator-initiated research. Of that, at least $250M will go to the new Transformative R01 Award, a reach-for-the-skies version of the NIH's basic grant.


Professional Science Master's Degree Programs Should be Expanded

U.S. policymakers, universities, and employers should work together to speed the development of professionally oriented master's degree programs in the natural sciences, says a new report from the National Research Council.


Roundup: University, Community, State, National and International Initiatives


FY08 Supplemental Appropriation Includes $337.5M in Federal Science Funding
In late June President Bush signed the $161.8B supplemental appropriations bill for the current fiscal year, which includes $400M for U.S. science programs originally authorized by the America COMPETES Act.


U of Michigan Bridges "Valley of Death" with New Philanthropic Fund

The University of Michigan's Life Sciences Institute is launching a novel program to shepherd promising biomedical discoveries from the lab bench to the marketplace using philanthropic gifts.


New England Training Entrepreneurs to Capitalize on Clean Energy Sector
This summer, 12 former CEOs with substantial experience in raising venture capital and no particular ties to clean energy will participate in an extensive fellowship program designed to rapidly transition them into a leadership role, in order to help grow the cleantech cluster in the New England region.


Princeton Gets $100M Pledge for Global Warming Research

Gerhard R. Andlinger, an investment manager, has pledged $100-million to Princeton University's School of Engineering and Applied Science to stimulate research and education on efforts to prevent global warming.


ThirdBiotech to Promote Formation and Growth of Arizona-Based Biotech Companies

ThirdBiotech Inc., a biotechnology incubator and life sciences association, today announced that it has launched the ThirdBiotech Research Group including a drug discovery research institute and technology incubator for the promotion of collaborative activities between researchers and industry for the formation of biotechnology companies in Arizona.


U.S. Senate Bill Introduced to Create National Innovation Council

The creation of a single organization to consolidate federal innovation investments moved a small step closer to reality with the introduction of authorizing legislation (S. 3078) in the U.S. Senate on June 3.


Pennsylvania Commits $650M for Alternative Energy Package
In early July Pennsylvania Gov. Edward Rendell signed a $650M package to spur the development and use of clean energy technologies within the state, including $40M for an alternative energy development supporting early-stage research, incubator support services and other business assistance.


Michigan Enacts $45M Centers of Energy Excellence Program
Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm recently signed legislation creating Centers of Energy Excellence, a program designed to bring companies, academic institutions, and the state together to create jobs in alternative and advanced energy.


U.K. Makes Itself More Attractive to Drug Developers

A string of U.K. academic health science centers will combine academic medical research departments and teaching hospitals (copying a structure in the U.S. that has benefited researchers) in order to make the country a more attractive place for drug developers.


Berlin Commits $250M for Star Faculty Recruitment at Research Institutions

Over the next four years, the city of Berlin will spend $250M to recruit star faculty to its four research universities and four private research institutions, as part of the Berlin International Forum for Excellence, intended to strengthen the competitiveness of the region's scientific assets in promising fields of research.

External Resources

BIO and Battelle Release Bioscience Analysis
Technology, Talent and Capital: State Bioscience Initiatives 2008, examines several indicators of the robustness of a state's bioscience industry, including the level of bioscience R&D funding, venture capital investment, patents, and employment in the bio sector. (View Colorado summary - PDF.)


The Changing Face of Innovation

Today's innovation is not your father's-or your grandfather's-innovation, according to a new study sponsored by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. "Where Do Innovations Come From? Transformations in the U.S. National Innovation System, 1976-2006" (PDF) analyzes forty years of data from R&D Magazine, which has annually ranked its top 100 innovations since 1976.


Building Businesses

Turning university research into products takes time, money, and initiative as four nanotechnology companies' experiences show. Via Chemical & Engineering News, the magazine of the American Chemical Society.

Parting Quote
"Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose."
-Zora Neale Hurston, American author.


University of Colorado's Office of Technology Transfer Mission Statement

The mission of the CU Technology Transfer Office is to aggressively pursue, protect, package,
and license to business the intellectual property generated from the research enterprise,
and to serve faculty, staff, and students seeking to create such intellectual property.

(303) 735-3711