Sweet Spot Marketing

Going Beyond the Basics of
Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In
In This Issue
Marketing On A Shoe String Budget
7 Insanely Useful Ways to Search Twitter for Marketing.
Social Media Pro

Social Medi Pro

Social Media Pro is not an exercise in theory, it's a plan of action that integrates social media into your overall marketing plans.

If you are tired of theory, and ready to build your social media system, we will take you by the hand and lead you through the process of building your system.  

We go beyond the basics of Twitter and Facebook.

We show you how to explore the various social media outposts and how to claim your digital real estate, so you can populate it with valuable content that generates qualified leads for your business.

Call 902-724-3330 or email info@sweetspotmarketing.ca to learn more about how to properly implement a powerful Social Media system for your business.

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Authorized Duct Tape Marketing Coach Practice

Sweet Spot Marketing is an Authorized Duct Tape Marketing Coach-Consulting Practice

Our Ideal Client is a small business  that's been operating for 2 plus years and is serious about strategic business development.  They want to design and implement proper commercialization, lead generation and marketing systems for their business.



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In our article "Marketing on A Shoe String Budget", we are sharing a bit of information on the power of Word of Mouth Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Viral Marketing.

This article was authored in November 2007 and we are re-publishing it because we find that most small businesses are just beginning to get their feet wet with Social Media Marketing and we want to provide enhanced information so you can truly leverage it's full power. 

It is important to understand that Social Media Marketing is more than just putting out a few tweets on twitter or creating a fan page in facebook, or doing the occasional blog post.

When you take the time to think about how you are going to use Online Marketing and Social Media for your business, you can then integrate experiential marketing at all customer touch points within your online and offline marketing efforts. 

When you allow prospects and customers to experience the personality of your brand, you will create powerful word of mouth marketing and viral marketing for your business.

We're also sharing a very informative article written by John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing titled "7 Insanely Useful Ways to Search Twitter for Marketing".  Twitter can be used for more than just peeping and tweeting ... it can be used as a very powerful marketing research tool where you can deliver a daily digest of information that will give you excellent market and industry insight. 

In fact, most social media outposts like Twitter,  Facebook and Google can provide you with a host of valuable information. In our Social Media Pro program, we show you how to use the full power of social media, beyond the basics of twitter, facebook and linked-in.

If you are ready to move beyond the basics and want to learn how to take full advantage of Online Marketing and Social Media, email  info@sweetspotmarketing.ca  and put in the subject line "I'm Serious About Social Media"

My Best,
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Nancy Beth Guptill
Founder & President

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Marketing On A Shoe String Budget

This is a re-print from a published article authored by Nancy Beth Guptill in November 2007.

Shoe String BudgetWho ever said you need a multi-million dollar advertising budget to create brand awareness?

Today, marketers can suc
cessfully generate high reach and frequency on a shoe string budget that can motivate literally millions of people through combining the use of Word of Mouth Marketing, Social Media and Viral Marketing.   

Consumers are tired of being inundated with over 1000 marketing messages per day.  They are exhausted from trying to keep up with the zing and bling of traditional media hype. To alleviate themselves from the confusion, they are turning to what they believe to be the most reliable and trusted information source - people within their own social networks.

A 2004 Forrester/Inteliseek study found that recommendations from others and consumer opinions posted online outranked traditional media on the trust scale. Further research indicates the human voice and human contact are the most powerful communication tools we have. That being said, small businesses must learn how to combine and harness the power of Word of Mouth Marketing, Social Media and Viral Marketing.

Word of Mouth Marketing is giving people reasons to talk about products and services, while making it easier for those conversations to take place. WOMM is the most honest form of marketing building upon people's natural desires to share their experiences with family, friends, and colleagues.

Social Media Marketing provides people with the tools that give them a voice so they can share their opinions, tell their stories and make recommendations to others. These tools include: email, blogs, video logs, photo sharing, podcasts, and discussion boards. Social media tools uses the wisdom of the crowds to connect information in a collaborative manner, making it easier to create and distribute content while discussing the things people care about most.

Viral Marketing is really "Network enhanced" word of mouth. It is a marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message voluntarily. It is a marketing technique that uses pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness. It can be word of mouth marketing delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the internet.

So if you haven't been taking advantage of these no-cost marketing tools, now is the time to start. 

As a small businesses, you do not need a multi-million dollar advertising budget. You can successfully achieve great marketing objectives on a shoe string budget by combining the use of Word of Mouth Marketing, Social Media and Viral Marketing.
7 Insanely Useful Ways to Search Twitter for Marketing

On Tuesday of this week, I met with Darryl Lantz of Right off the Batt Pottery.

We were working on building out a Social Media System for his company using Duct Tape Marketing's Social Media Pro as our base system. During our meeting, we talked about setting up his 'listening station' and as part of this discussion, we talked about the power
of conducting searches on Twitter (and other outposts like Google Alerts for that matter).

As it should happen, when I got back to the office, John Jantsch (founder of DTM) had been tweeting about his new blog post on Amex Open Forum titled "7 Insanely Usfeful Ways to Search Twitter for Marketing". This is one of the reasons I love being an Authorized Duct Tape Marketing Coach, we're networked with global marketing and commercial innovation experts like John Jantsch so we can bring enhanced knowledge and value to our clients.

After reading John's article, I thought to myself 'how timely'.  I sent emailed it to Darryl through Facebook because it was directly in-line with our discussions and the article was a perfect summary. I am now sharing this information with you because it is valuable information.truly is valuable:

7 Insanely Useful Ways to Search Twitter for Marketing  Mar 03, 2010 -by John Jantsch, founder of Duct Tape Marketing

As a marketing tool Twitter gets much more interesting and useful when you can filter out 99% of the junk that doesn't apply to your objectives and focus on the stuff that matters.

The basic search.twitter.com functionality is fine for searching things that are being said about your search terms. The advanced search function offers more ways to slice and dice the stream, but still leaves some room for improvement as it only searches what's being said and where. From a marketing standpoint who is saying it might be more useful.

Now that the search engines are all pretty geeked up over real time search you can create some very powerful searches and alerts combining Google and Twitter.

1) Target by occupation

Let's say you have a business that sells an awesome service to attorneys. A simple search on Twitter will turn up thousands of mentions of the word attorney, but many of them will be from people talking about this or that attorney or the need to hire or not hire one. That's probably not very helpful for your purposes.

However, if you cruise over to Google and use a handful of operators from the Google shortcut library you can create a search that plows through Twitter and gives you a list of all the users that have the word "attorney" in their title (username and/or real name).

Without getting too technical, this search basically asks Google to look in the title attribute of profile pages on Twitter - obviously you can use any word to replicate this. The * tells Google to find the words "attorney on Twitter" without regard to order or other words - "on Twitter" appears in the title of every profile page so we need that term to make sure we search profile pages only.

2) Target by bio

In some cases searching through the optional biographical information can be more helpful than the username or real name fields. Maybe you're looking for a very specific term or some of the folks you are targeting only reference their profession in their bio.

Google search to the rescue here again. This time add the intext attribute, the word bio and our key phrase to search bios . When you look at this list you might notice that none of the people on the list would have been found by searching in their title, as in the first tip, for web designer. Try it both ways to test for best results.

3) Target by location

Location search by itself is simple using the Twitter advanced search tool - if you want a list of people in Austin you would use this in Twitter, and Twitter would use the location field to show you Austin Tweeters.

But . . . let's say you wanted to target salons in Austin or maybe the whole of Texas - it's back to Google to mix and match - (intitle:"salon * on twitter" OR intext:"bio * salon") intext:"location * TX" site:twitter.com - we search the title, bio and location to get a very targeted list of Salons in Texas on Twitter. Note the OR function for multiple queries.

4) New sign ups

Another handy thing about using any of the searches above is that you can also use the exact operators to create Google Alerts. By going to Google and putting in your search string as described above you'll get everything they have now, but by setting up an alert you'll get an email or RSS alert when a new attorney (or whatever you're targeting) joins Twitter - I can think of some powerful ways to reach out to that new person just trying to find some new friends!

5) Keep up on your industry

Some of the best information shared on Twitter comes in the form of shared links. In other words people tweet out good stuff they find and point people to it using a link. I love to use a filtered Twitter search to further wade through research on entire industries, but reduce the noise by only following tweets that have links in them and eliminating retweets that are essentially duplicates - "small business: OR entrepreneur OR "start up" filter:links - this gets that job done and produces an RSS feed if I want to send it to Google Reader. Don't forget the "quotation marks" around two or more word phrases or you will get every mention of small and business.

6) Competitive eavesdropping

Lots of people set up basic searches to listen to what their competitors are saying and what others are saying about the competition. I would suggest you take it one step further and create and follow a search that also includes what the conversation they are having with the folks they communicate with - not just what people are saying about them, but to them and vice versa - from: comcastcares OR to:comcastcares.

7) Trending photos

Photos have become very big on Twitter and the real time nature of the tool means photos show up there before they show up most anywhere. If you want to find an image related to a hot trend, or anything for that matter, simply put the search phase you have in mind follow by one of the more well known Twitter image uploading services such as TwitPic and you'll get nothing but images. So, your search on Twitter might be - olumpic twitpic OR ow.ly (You can add more photosharing sites to expand the search).

There, Twitter just go way more interesting didn't it?

John Jantsch is a marketing and digital technology coach, award winning social media publisher and author of Duct Tape Marketing and The Referral Engine.

As a Hybrid coach-consulting marketing firm, Sweet Spot Marketing specializes in marketing methodologies, processes and systems.  We work with clients to build, install and integrate online and offline marketing systems to optimize their return on investment.  Ultimately, we hold our clients accountable for their marketing and business development success.

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