The Spirited Woman
HAPPY NEW YEAR. This is another first! Our Spirited Woman top pick holiday guide was so successful that we decided to put together our top 12 "start the New Year" picks. Why? Because we know these inspiring, helpful and transformational services, classes, and people can help you start the year right, and make 2010 one of your best years ever! A totally great resource for you. Save this list. Hooray!!!
PHOTOGRAPHER ALEXANDRA DeFURIO creates a sacred place within her sessions for each woman to expand into her authenticity, move freely and be empowered by her own truth. Explore new expressions of yourself, rejuvenate your business or create memoirs with beloveds. Alexandra's photographs are stunning and poetic in their ability to reflect the essence of one's beauty. or (310) 227.2337.
 COACHING FOR CLARITY, CREATIVITY, AND ACTION with DAVIA RIVKA. Is life a bit heavy? Want to lighten up? Clear out the thoughts and things that are dragging you down. Old clothes, overdue bills, an apology to a friend. Make room for aliveness, stillness and joy. Workshops, individual coaching and house calls.
CHRIS ZYDEL, MA, CREATIVE JUICES ARTS. My mission in life is to be of service to YOU as a compassionate creativity guide. My Painting From The Wild Heart intuitive painting workshops, provide a safe haven of encouragement, inspiration and support where emotionally sensitive, spiritually open, creatively hungry, in love with life people can grow and flourish to become their most joyful, authentic, creative selves.
DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS about love, money, health or your life purpose? The answers are inside you. Connect with your inner wisdom through the deep, meditative state of hypnosis. You'll experience a profound sense of mental, physical, emotional healing as your mind and body let go of negativity and stress. Virginia Feingold Clark, Your Inner Guide Hypnotherapy. Culver City offices or by phone. 310-913-1777.
DUVINE ADVENTURES has been creating unforgettable memories through our unique and personalized cycling vacations for over 15 years. With DuVine you and your friends can bike through beautiful landscapes, rest in charming luxury hotels/villas, enjoy gourmet regional cuisine and sample world-class wines in 11 spectacular countries. For more info visit or give us a call at 888 396 5383.
 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MANIFESTING your life's dreams? Lorrie Kazan was chosen one of the top psychics in a worldwide audition for the prestigious Edgar Cayce Institute. Her readings inform, motivate and transform. Testimonials abound: "Lorrie told me I was pregnant the same day (I later learned) I conceived my daughter." Don't miss her free newsletters!
CHARMED LIFE LADY Victoria Moran Wants YOU to "Come Into Your Own in 2010" - Victoria's books -- the classic Creating a Charmed Life, the Oprah-featured Lit from Within ... incite transformation. The "Come Into Your Own" telecourse gives you her guidance and top experts. Starts Tuesday, January 12; mp3s if you miss any. For spirited women only, enrollment includes free 20-minute private session with Victoria.
 HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO WHAT YOU LOVE and have a corporate sponsor foot the bill? Known as the "Wealthy Bag Lady" Linda Hollander helps women profit from the awesome power of corporate. Her sponsors have included Citibank, Fed Ex, American Airlines, Staples, IBM and Wal Mart. Check out her free teleclass on January 27: Top 5 Ways to Attract Corporate Sponsors
READY TO BECOME A SUCCESS STORY? Penny Sansevieri has launched 10 books on the NY Times bestseller list, will yours be next? Learn her marketing techniques and social media secrets in: Red Hot Internet Publicity. Special: 2 books for $20. Pair Penny's book with Book Promotion Made Easy! You'll also be registered for our exclusive Social Marketing Success Webinar.
 ALWAYS WANTED TO WRITE? Discover your original voice in 2010! Teresa Burns Gunther created Lakeshore Writers Workshop to provide a safe, structured environment designed to motivate, inspire writers in all genres, from beginner to advanced. In workshops, classes or one-on-one sessions Teresa supports with an unflagging commitment to writing practice and the development of craft. Learn more about Teresa and Lakeshore Writers Workshop.
BRIE WELLS IS A PURPOSE AND PASSION COACH with a large following. With her guided meditations on 'Awakening Your Abundance', and her workshops on "Living Successfully' and "The Art of Networking', she has dedicated herself to developing collaborative environments so her clients can achieve unexpected results regardless of current circumstances. Contact:, 310-800-0874
 STACY ROBIN IS AN ENGAGING ARTIST who delivers a blend of eclectic rhythms and stirring melodies. Performing as an acoustic duo or full band with Imaginary Friends, at a tranquil art opening or bustling street fair, she creates a remarkable musical atmosphere. Stacy is a masterful songwriter with several acclaimed commercial releases and original compositions featured in TV and Film. Imaginary Friends Music Partners 310 281 7812,