Industrial Research Institute
IRI e-Innovation News
No. 366July 2010
In This Issue
Welcome New IRI Members 
Brooks Sports Inc.
Bothell, WA
VR: Derek Campbell,
Futures Concept Manager
(425) 951-7305
[email protected]

GEN3 Partners
Boston, MA
VR: Dr. Semyon Kogan
President & COO
(617) 728-7009
[email protected]

Intellectual Ventures

Bellevue, WA

VR: Chris Somogyi

Senior Strategist

(425) 233-9613

[email protected]


Michelin Americas Research Company

Greenville, SC

VR: David Stafford,

Chief Operating Officer

(864) 422-4480

[email protected]


NCH Corporation

Irving, TX

VR: Mike Benton,

Executive Vice President

(972) 438-0677

[email protected]


Portec Rail Group/Kelsan Technologies

Vancouver, BC

VR: Don Eadie

VP Technology

(604) 984-6100

[email protected]



Tredegar Film Products

Richmond, VA

VR: Daniel Connor

Director of Upstream R&D

(804) 330-1046

[email protected]



Waters Corporation

Milford, MA

VR: Wayne Boyd,

Senior Director, Business Applications

(508) 482-3417

[email protected]

IRI Welcomes New  Staff Member
On Wednesday, July 7,  Diana Schipper joined the IRI staff as Administrative Assistant, Publications.  She will primarily support the journal Research-Technology Management and work directly with Michele Taussig.  She will also provide administrative support to Ed Bernstein.
Diana has a BA in Business Administration from Strayer University.   Her past work experiences include being an executive assistant for DRS Technologies and  a production coordinator for Circle Solutions where she coordinated website updates for the National Children's Study and processed conference registrations.  Diana has also been a legal assistant and a legal secretary.  
Please join IRI in welcoming Diana. Diana can be reached at [email protected] or at 703.647.2591
Share Your Knowledge with the R&D Community
 Call for Papers  
Call for Contributors 

RTM 2009 Small

Research-Technology Management is looking for engaging, practical articles that connect theory to practice in the management of innovation. We are interested in case studies, practical models, frameworks, and tools covering a wide range of innovation and technology management.
Call for Nominations
 IRI Industry Awards  
 Nominate top leaders for two distinguished industry awards:  IRI Medal and IRI Achievement Award. Both awards will be presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting.
Nominations now being accepted.  For more details....
Stand out from the Crowd
Career Icon
 IRI's Career Center
  • More than 500 Job postings
  • Nearly 22,000 searchable resumes on the Engineering & Science Career Network
     Post your employment opportunity on IRI's Career Center
Upcoming IRI Events:
Monthly Brown Bags 
 Usually the First Friday of Each Month
Fall Network Meetings  
September 8-10
Boston, MA
2010 Member Summit:
October 26-28
Hotel Sax, Chicago, IL
IRI Quick Links
Dear   :  

Mark your calendars now for IRI's 2010 Member Summit:

October 26-28, Downtown Chicago
IRI provides the environment where the best innovators, practitioners, thought leaders and R&D professionals network to learn, share and create.   The 2010 Member Summit is a special "member only" event designed for optimal dialogue and knowledge exchange and new knowledge generation. 
This year's summit, "The Best Conversations Start Here," features discussions and presentations on "Innovation in the Future" and "Diversity Matters in Innovation." Meeting content is developed by IRI and amplifies IRI work in progress and/or recently completed projects with a handful of external speakers. Working sessions for Research-on-Research (ROR) work groups are built into the program to provide opportunities for the larger membership to familiarize themselves with ongoing ROR projects. The meeting focuses on emerging ideas and is geared towards providing a venue for member-to-member work. 
Your membership dues include two pre-paid registrations to the Summit.  Make sure associates in your organization know about this important Member Summit! Visit the IRI Member Summit webpage for more information.  Registration will open in the next few weeks.  Make sure your vendors know about Sponsorship Opportunities available at this event.
Ed Bernstein
IRI President
Get Your Whole Team Engaged with IRI!
IRI's Networks are a great way for your whole team to benefit from your IRI membership.   From HR to new business development, we have you covered. Having a network of
peers from across industries and around the world will enable your team to benchmark and learn about new approaches as well as discuss hot topics targeted specifically at their roles.  The next gathering for these groups will be September 8 - 10 in Boston, MA.  View links to their agendas and register below.
Environmental Health & Safety 
External Technology
Finance, Strategy & Portfolio Analysis
HR - Meeting hosted at Altria in Richmond, VA, September 8 - 9
Innovation Leaders - Meeting hosted at Archer Daniels Midland Cocoa in Milwaukee, WI, October 5 - 6 (agenda available shortly)
You're Invited to the ROR Sustainability in R&D Working Group Discussions!
In the upcoming months, ROR's Sustainability in R&D Working Group will host teleconferences on three different topics, as decided at the 2010 Annual Meeting.
July 20, 2010 at 11 AM EDT - Topic:  "Design for Sustainability - how do you integrate it into your new product development process."  
This open forum discussion, lead by Leslie Kulis of IRI member company Armstrong, will capture best practices across many companies that are utilizing design for sustainability in their new product development process. 
August 25, 2010 at 11 AM EDT
- Topic:   "Design for Sustainability - how do you manage conflicts between Marketing and R&D?"
An open forum discussion, lead by Virginia Brandt of IRI member company Energizer, hopes to capture best practices across many companies that are launching green products and services. This discussion will focus on avoiding "green washing" in external communications and the role that R&D plays.
September 22, 2010 at 11 AM EDT - Topic TBD - lead by Ian Bucklow of IRI member company Crown Cork.
The more companies that participate, the richer the conversations.  Some companies have integrated this across product lines and some companies are just starting in this arena of design for sustainability.  
Please take the time out of your busy day to participate in this discussion. For questions or to RSVP for these discussions  contact Genevieve Borello.
If you are unable to attend, please feel free to invite colleagues who would find the topic relevant and interesting.
Forward to a Friend 
2011 R&D Trends Forecast 
Every year the IRI publishes R&D Trends Forecast results to provide IRI and its members with valuable input on trends in R&D investment and strategy mechanisms for product development during 2011.  Initial raw data from the survey will be shared in September 2010 with members who participate by completing the survey (please note: all surveys are kept confidential - no specific company information is shared, only compiled data).  An analysis of the survey will be published in the January-February 2011 issue of RTM and the pre-release of the article will be shared with all members in November 2010.  See the
2010 R&D Trends article (login required). 


In early August, the R&D Trends Forecast survey will be emailed to IRI Voting Representatives (VRs). The survey will be administered using the online tool Survey Monkey. It is important we receive a response from each of our member organizations in an effort to provide a comprehensive and meaningful report of information.  As the VR for your company, if you are not the appropriate person in your company to complete this survey, please contact Genevieve Borello, to let us know to whom we should redirect the survey.  Thank you in advance for participating in the survey.

Community Forum: Helping you do a better job 

Community Forum Banner
  • Do you have a question regarding R&D management?
  • Would you value feedback from colleagues from across different industries and experience levels? 
Through your organization's membership with IRI, you are welcome to utilize the Community Forum to learn how other organizations have addressed your challenge.  Submitting a question is easy, simply send a question to [email protected].  We will work with you to shape your question to maximize responses.

Member News 
Lockheed Martin hosts USA Science & Engineering Festival October 10-24, 2010
Expo:  October 23 & 24, 2010 National Mall
The country's first National Science Festival, hosted by Lockheed Martin, will descend on the Washington, DC area in Fall of 2010.  The festival promises to be the ultimate multi-cultural, multi-generational and multi-disciplinary celebration of science in the United States. The culmination of the Festival will be a two-day Expo in the nation's capital that will give over 500 science & engineering organizations from all over the United States the opportunity to present themselves with a hands-on, fun science activity to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. 
For more information and to get involved..... 
Nalco Welcomes Government Reports Finding that Dispersants are Working to Break Up Oil 
We are pleased that the scientific review meeting convened at the request of NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) by the Coastal Response Research Center recognized the role of dispersants in mitigating the environmental disaster occurring in the Gulf of Mexico," said Dr. Mani Ramesh, Chief Technology Officer of Nalco.  Read more...  
RTM Article Awarded Emerald Citation of Excellence

Emerald Management Reviews has awarded a Citation of Excellence Award to "Creating a Winning R&D Culture - I" by Greg Stevens and Kurt Swogger.  The article was published in the January-February 2009 issue of Research-Technology Management.
Emerald Management Reviews is an abstracting and indexing database that covers every article in the top 400 business & management journals.  Of the over 15,000 articles Emerald reviews each year, just 50 are selected for a Citation of Excellence. Read more about the winners.
Greg moderated a monthly Brown Bag discussion on this paper. Download the audio version of the article as well as the Brown Bag discussion. 
Congratulations Greg and Kurt!
RTM July-August Issue Now Online
  • Developing Disruptive Products for Emerging Economies: Lessons from Asian Cases
  • Developing a Technology Strategy at Kodak European Research: Scan & Target
  • Managing Lessons Learned and Tacit Knowledge in New Product Development
  • Technology Readiness