Photobucket Newsletter: The Sensor

  April 2011


Did You Know?

Company Spotlight

Washington Perspectives

Resource Spotlight

Image of the Month

Doing Business in Mississippi

Items of Interest

Upcoming Events

Seen & Heard

Global Perspectives


The National Map Users Conference and GIS Workshop
May 10–13, 2011
Denver, CO

Procurement Opportunities Conference and Trade Fair
May 17–18, 2011
Mississippi Coast Coliseum & Convention Center
Biloxi, MS

2nd Annual Geospatial Summit
June 1–3, 20111
Budapest, Hungary


For further information, or to submit story ideas, please contact


The Obama Administration today released the text of Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 8 (pdf) on “National Preparedness.” The Directive, signed by President Obama on March 30, generally calls for development of systematic response plans for natural and manmade disasters, and seeks to enlist broad engagement in the process.

“This directive is aimed at strengthening the security and resilience of the United States through systematic preparation for the threats that pose the greatest risk to the security of the Nation, including acts of terrorism, cyber attacks, pandemics, and catastrophic natural disasters. Our national preparedness is the shared responsibility of all levels of government, the private and nonprofit sectors, and individual citizens. Everyone can contribute to safeguarding the Nation from harm . As such, while this directive is intended to galvanize action by the Federal Government, it is also aimed at facilitating an integrated, all–of–Nation, capabilities–based approach to preparedness.”

For more information,



The Legislature recently adjourned, with the likelihood of a special session looming, until 2012. The last action taken was the refusal to vote on redistricting, throwing that issue more deeply into the hands of the federal judiciary. The legislature left the capitol without an agreement and without adopting a redistricting plan, as required under the Mississippi and U.S. constitutions.

There’s no guarantee the legislative elections will be held in 2011, which would mean state voters returning to the polls in 2012 to elect legislators in districts determined in a courtroom rather than in the halls of the Capitol by the people’s legislators.

The Enterprise for Innovative Geospatial Solutions, a program of the Magnolia Business Alliance.


Company Spotlight

Navagis logoQ & A with Navagis, LLC

EIGS recently visited with David Moore, President and Founder of Navagis, LLC, to learn more about the company, their industry-leading products and services, and the future direction of the company. Navagis is an active member of the EIGS geospatial technology cluster of the Magnolia Business Alliance (MBA).

The Sensor: Provide our readers with a little background about Navagis including what inspired you to take a chance and start your own company.


Washington Perspective

Commentary From: Michael Liu, Sr. Vice President, Dutko Worldwide

So it's a given. A lot fewer federal dollars for federal fiscal year (FFY) 2011 and you can count on much fewer federal dollars for FFY 2012---but we probably won't find out until the end of the calendar year or perhaps early into calendar year 2013. Lot's of time for uncertainty, and a lot time for bargaining to take place for those who have the capacity to get involved in the process in Washington, DC.

And watch out for the law of unintended consequences. While much is being made of the President’s plan which calls for a “debt failsafe” trigger–automatic spending cuts and tax increases by 2014 if the debt to GDP ratio hasn't stabilized–be aware that such triggers have a way of encouraging the wrong kind of behavior, ranging from redefining the terms “debt,” “GDP,” “ratio,” or “stabilize” to extravagantly increasing spending prior to 2014 to offset anticipated cuts. It reminds me of a “competitive” grant program at HUD where more points are given for properties in very bad shape versus those that are not, and the result has been that in many instances, managers of such property allow them to deteriorate in order to gain points for this grant program, rather than maintain the properties to meet healthy and habitable standards.

And as federal resources shrink, here is some food for thought in the mid–term:

There are paths of advocacy that organizations like the Magnolia Business Alliance (MBA) might tackle which could help create of a state resource pool for economic development for innovative companies. Unique to Louisiana and Mississippi in the short run is the fact that there are gubernatorial races to occur later this year. Most predict that Governor Jindal will win a second term. In Mississippi, Governor Barbour will leave Jackson due to term limits. But no matter how “certain” an election's outcome might seem, major and/or leading candidates are always looking for support from small business, especially those that are in the high tech arena. And in politics there is power in coalitions or groups, ergo the potential of MBA as an educator of those running for office.

One specific point of education might center around Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Katrina Disaster funds that have yet to be used for projects that for some reason have not gotten off the ground. CDBG funds can be used for economic development and job creation. MBA could play a role in urging an aggressive accounting of all unused funds from this source in both states and ask for commitments from the gubernatorial candidates to reallocate some of those funds in ways to help high–tech firms along the Coast. Besides public infrastructure, CDBG dollars can be used for revolving loan funds, leveraging bonds, and grants. Encouraging such action would help both states recognize that federal disaster dollars that have not been obligated are subject to recapture or rescission by the federal government. The longer such funds are not actively involved in projects, the greater the chance that they might be lost.

Another potential source of direct support for economic development where MBA could play a key role is the marshalling the case for creation of special resources available to small businesses along the Coast through the BP compensation fund. While specific claims for compensation by private parties are handled by Ken Feinberg, the nature of this proposal would be based on the interests of the community of the Gulf Coast and the need for more robust job creation in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon disaster. The advantage of MBA playing a lead role in such a program is that (1) MBA is part of the private sector; (2) MBA knows the region; (3) MBA is more flexible than state, county, or city governments. A version of this concept may be working its way through federal government channels, but such an initiative need not preclude a focused effort by an organization that is much closer to the battlefield.

With support from its membership and leadership that is committed, MBA has the potential to fill a real void in these uncertain times.

Resource Spotlight

A Resource for Small Businesses
Contributor: Ellen K. Davis, Certified Small Business Specialist

Nagging: (verb) to keep in a state of troubled awareness or anxiety, as a recurrent pain or problem

The first quarter of 2011 has come and gone so quickly! Barring extensions, the majority of taxpayers have filed their personal income tax and business owners have filed their first quarterly taxes. You may believe it is time to take a deep breath, push the word ‘tax’ into the back of the mind, and focus on your business. While that is easier said than done, I urge you to invest a few more minutes.

While the ‘nagging› words financial statement, home office deduction, and payroll tax are still fresh in your mind, it is important to reflect and make a decision on how to be better prepared for 2012 tax season. A plan that will take the power away from the ‘tax words’ that have been invading your good mood and will enable you to redirect the energy spent ignoring what you do not truly understand.

The Tax and Accounting section of will provide you with all of the tools necessary to cement a plan for both your personal and business tax. With articles, Q & A’s, and tax dictionary, you may begin to ‘fill in the gaps’ regarding terminology. By submitting questions to our experts, you can devise a plan (or double-check the current plan) within the next 24 hours. These experts can also guide you through the new tax laws for small business owners and how you may use them to your advantage. Most importantly, you may speak to a Tax Attorney directly to ensure your decisions are 100% correct.

Then take a deep breath, push the word ‘tax’ into the back of your mind, and focus on your business.

Whether the last ‘nagging’ decision you made involved Tax and Accounting or not, I encourage you to go to the site. Membership is not necessary to read the articles or peruse the Q&A's. Select the tab on the left that correlates with the last decision you made at gut-level but has crept into to your mind more than once. Double–check the decision. Defeat the Nag.

For more information, visit Or, feel free to contact me directly,

Image of the Month

W.I.S.E. Telescope Offers New View of Universe


This colorful picture is a mosaic of the Lagoon nebula taken by NASA Wide–field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE. Normally, you would expect a lagoon to be filled with water, but this nebula is composed of clouds of gas and dust in which new stars are forming. Also known as Messier 8, or simply M8, the Lagoon nebula is seen here as a large circular cloud in the center of the image, surrounded by innumerable stars. Credit: NASA

An instrument designed and built in Utah is about to give astronomers, and the general public, an entirely new view of the universe.

NASA has just released more than a million images captured by the W.I.S.E. satellite telescope. W.I.S.E., the Wide–field Infrared Survey Explorer, was born in the Space Dynamics Laboratory in North Logan, part of the Utah State University Research Foundation.

“It’s basically an atlas to the whole sky, since we’ve mapped the whole sky,” said W.I.S.E. project manager John Elwell. [Read more]

Items of Interest

GIS Department to map cemeteries
Richmond County Daily Journal

Ever wonder where your ancestors are buried? James Armstrong, Director of County Planning and GIS Services of Richmond County, VA, said he is working on a project that would make searching for the deceased much easier. “It’s something I thought, ‘This would be neat to do,’” said Armstrong. He began searching for a lost cemetery in the Sandhills gamelands not long ago, and instead found a different cemetery hidden away. “And I got to thinking, how might they be mapped?” he wondered. “It’d be great to map these using GIS.” Armstrong knows Jack Ingram has compiled an extensive database of deceased up to the early 2000s. He hopes to sync the database with GPS coordinates of cemeteries and plots in a program that would allow frequent updating and public interaction. “As I begin to develop this and allow the public to see it and interact with it, they might say, ‘Hey, there is a cemetery out here that is not on the map,’” said Armstrong. …

Read more: Richmond County Daily Journal - GIS Department to map cemeteries

Did You Know

Did you know that President, CEO & Chairman of the Board of DigitalGlobe, Inc., Jill Smith recently sold 1,200 shares of DGI at an average price of $28.29 a share?

DigitalGlobe, Inc. has a market cap of $1.31 billion; its shares were traded at around $28.39 with a P/E ratio of 218.38 and P/S ratio of 4.06. For more information,

Doing Business in Mississippi

Doing Bsiness In Mississippi

It’s Time to Tee Off in the True South – April is All about Golf in Mississippi

With more than 170 diverse golf courses, temperate spring weather and budget–friendly accommodations, now is the time to enjoy golf in Mississippi, and MDA’s Tourism Division is showcasing the state’s numerous golf offerings in the month of April. Golf is the perfect complement to the state’s authentic Southern cuisine, music, outdoors and more, and a Mississippi golf vacation offers something for all ages, interests and budgets.

Top Mississippi courses include designs by Fazio, Nicklaus and Palmer. Other standouts include courses crafted by Jerry Pate, Mark McCumber, Davis Love III, Hale Irwin and Bob Cupp. In fact, ten Mississippi golf courses were named among America’s top 100 courses in this month’s edition of Golf Digest: Annandale, Old Waverly, Fallen Oak, Reunion, Dancing Rabbit (Azaleas), Hattiesburg Country Club, Grand Bear, The Dogwoods, The Bridges and The Preserves.

Interested in exploring the Mississippi Gulf Coast later this year? If you book at least three nights with three rounds of golf for October and November, you can receive a $100 Visa award card to use during your trip. Go to to book now and get all the details. To learn more, visit the Mississippi Tourism website.

Global Perspectives

Vietnam to Launch Earth Observation Satellite

Vietnam will launch its first remote sensing satellite in 2014, according to the Space Technology Institute of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. The Head of the Space Technology Institute, Associate Professor Doan Minh Chung said that the …

[Read the full article]

City of Brantford Wins ESRI Canada's Award of Excellence in GIS (press release)

London, ON – ESRI Canada User Conference – ESRI Canada recently presented the City of Brantford with an Award of Excellence for enhancing enterprise asset management using ESRI geographic information system (GIS) technology. …

[Read the full article]

Indonesia accepts Geospatial Information Act
FutureGov Magazine

By Clarice Africa | Indonesia's House of Representatives and all factions in the House Commission VII RI finally accepted the draft Geospatial Information Act which signals the final round of the geospatial information bill since it was. …

[Read the full article]


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