SBDC e-News
August 2010

The NH SBDC is an outreach program of the UNH Whittemore School of Business and Economics, and a cooperative venture of the U.S. Small Business Administration, the State of NH (DRED), the University of NH, and the private sector.

In This Issue
Timely Tools for Entrepreneurs
SBDC Educational Programs
Partner Events

e-Learning for Entrepreneurs

Bringing e-tools, resources and online courses to NH entrepreneurs 24/7. 
New online courses:
Starting a Business in NH, and Financing a Business in New Hampshire, Sponsored by Community Bankers Association of NH.
are courses in Business Management, Marketing, and Money.  These are free, 2-3.5 hour courses, which you can take in one sitting or in several via the internet. Program Sponsor: Public Service of New Hampshire.
Business Plan OnLine (BPOL) Create your start-up or growth business plan on your own, or over time with an SBDC business advisor with this online software product. Cost: $49
Become an e-Learning sponsor, contact Heidi Edwards Dunn, Educational Program Coordinator. 



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NH SBDC announces new course:  Financing a Business in NH


The NH SBDC launched its new online course, Financing a Business in NH, at the June 23 Governor and Council meeting at the state house in Concord. Found at the newly designed, this 90-minute course offers financing resources and tools for NH business owners. The course helps entrepreneurs navigate the maze of funding options available in NH.


Course Sponsor:  Community Bankers Association of New Hampshire, Inc.;   e-Learning Program Sponsor:  Public Service of New Hampshire.



Financing a Business in NH Launch Photo

SBDC News 
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   - read our twice-weekly Coffee Break Chat blog
   - comment on blog posts
   - keep up with important information for NH
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A Very Recent, Very Hot Small Biz Topic from SBDC's Coffee Break Chat blog....

Check out's guide for setting up a payroll system.

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Timely Tools for Entrepreneurs
 NH Stimulus Logo
Did you know that you can schedule appointments with NH SBDC Business Advisors in offices other than our Regional Centers? Here is a list of satellite locations that we regularly use, and how you can schedule an appointment to meet an Advisor there:
     - Keene: Hannah Grimes Center
       2nd Wed., 3rd Fri., and 4th Wed. of the month
       Contact Hannah Grimes Center - Donna Weldon at, or 603-352-5063
     - Claremont: River Valley Community College
       1st Friday of the month, Contact Greater Claremont
       Chamber of Commerce to schedule - Shelly Hudson, or 603-543-1296
     - Lebanon: Dartmouth Regional Technical Center
       Contact Mark Scarno at the Grafton County Economic
       Development to schedule - 603-744-2393 or email
     - Wolfeboro: Wentworth Econ. Dev. Corp.(WEDCO)
       Contact the SBDC Seacoast Regional Office at
     - Portsmouth: Optima Bank
       Contact the SBDC Seacoast Regional Office at
     - Exeter: Rockingham Econ. Dev. Corp. (REDC)
       Contact the SBDC Seacoast Regional Office at
     - Berlin: Business Enterprise Dev. Corp. (BEDCO)
       Contact Irene at BEDCO to schedule  an appointment,
The deadline to enter the new Young Professional of the Year Award, NH's Coolest Companies to Work For, Young Professional Program of the Year, and the Stay Work Play Leadership Award has been extended to August 12. Winners will be featured in the Young Professionals Guide in the November issue of Business NH Magazine and feted at an awards ceremony in November.
Business NH Magazine and NH Businesses for Social Responsibility are looking for the best places to work in NH - the businesses whose employees love their jobs, have great benefits, are treated fairly and take pride in the work they do. If this sounds like your company, they invite you to enter the contest, which is open to any company headquartered in NH, or to companies with headquarters elsewhere but with 100 or more employees in NH or to smaller out-of-state companies that employ the majority (50 percent plus one) of their workforce in NH. 
SBDC Educational Programs
Environmental Management Program
The Environmental Management Program, located at the Manchester Regional Office of the NH SBDC, helps you develop best management practices to achieve sustainability.
Presented by the NH SBDC and the NH General Industry Roundtable.
     August 10, 8:30 - 11:00 a.m.
     Ammon Center, Manchester
Workplace Ergonomics
Presented by the NH SBDC and the NH General Industry Roundtable.
     September 14, 8:30 - 11:00 a.m.
     Ammon Center, Manchester
Presented by the NH SBDC and the Construction Safety Roundtable
     September 28, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
     Ammon Center, Manchester
Partner Events
Government Economic Opportunities Forum for NH Businesses
Sponsored by Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter, in conjunction with New Hampshire Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAP), and the University of New Hampshire and the NH Innovation Commercialization Center. Seating is limited. There is no cost to attend, but preregistration is required. For more information, contact Amanda Duquette: or (603) 271-7581 x 141.
     August 9, 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
     3rd Floor Auditorium, UNH Manchester
     400 Commercial St., Manchester
"Going Green" continues to be a hot topic as business, state and local governments, and homeowners across the country seek to be more green in an effort to save money and become more sustainable. But how can a business owner actually "Go Green" while also running their business and managing their bottom line? What are the simple steps small business owners can take that will yield short term results? Join the fellow Greater Manchester Chamber members at this upcoming event to learn the basics of "Going Green."
     August 18, 7:30 - 9:00 a.m.
     NH Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College
  At the workshop Attorney Angela Martin will provide
  answers to key questions such as, do you need an
  Employment Agreement for your top level employees,
  what terms should be included in a Non-Disclosure
  Agreement, are Non-Compete Agreements enforceable
  in NH and when should you review your company's
  Terms and Conditions.
       August 18, noon - 1:00 p.m.
       Register with Jesse Cloutier at 629-9511, or
Golfers, get out your adjustable drivers, radar golf balls, laser putters and other technological tools you typically can't use on the course.  At the first ever NH High Tech Council's Techno Golf Tournament, all of these items and more are not only legal, golfers are encouraged to bring them! The scramble tournament will be best ball, and will include prizes for hole in one, top three teams, last place, closest to the pin, longest drive, straightest drive, and the best technologically equipped foursome. The event will also include a raffle, lunch buffet, and a networking opportunity after the event. Click to register.    
     September 27, 8:30 a.m.
     Stonebridge Country Club, Goffstown
 SBDC logo
The NH SBDC provides  
confidential business
management consulting and educational programs to more than 3,000 NH small businesses each year.  The NH SBDC is the only NH agency that has full time, certified business advisors providing one-on-one, long-term management consulting to small businesses.