e-Learning for Entrepreneurs
NH SBDC's e-Learning for Entrepreneurs provides 24/7 availability of business management and industry-related workshops, seminars, and e-Tools right in your workplace or home.
Business Plan OnLine (BPOL) is an online software product that walks you through the narrative and financial parts of your business plan. Create your start-up or growth business plan on your own, or over time with an SBDC business advisor. BPOL is available for $49 from the SBDC homepage.
SBDC's How To's for Business Owners - OnLine, AnyTime are courses in Business Management, Marketing, and Finance. These are free, 2-3.5 hour courses, which you can take in one sitting or in several via the internet. Underwritten by Citizens Bank Foundation, NH Department of Environmental Services, Public Service of New Hampshire, Daniel Webster College, and TD Banknorth.
For more information on e-Learning for Entrepreneurs and on becoming an e-Learning sponsor, contact Heidi Edwards Dunn, Educational Program Coordinator. |
SBDC Events
NH Small Business Development Center and NH Business and Industry Association Host 4th Annual Small Business Day at the State House Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Holiday Inn, Concord
Small Business Day is an opportunity for small business owners and managers to meet New Hampshire's top policymakers, learn more about legislative issues that could affect companies' bottom lines, and receive valuable information about tools to help companies grow and prosper. Presented in conjunction with the NH BIA, the event is sponsored by Public Service of New Hampshire. Gov. John Lynch is scheduled to offer opening remarks. Senate President Sylvia Larsen, Senate Republican Leader Peter Bragdon, House Speaker Terie Norelli and House Republican Leader Sherm Packard are scheduled to participate on the state leadership panel. NH SBDC's "Sustaining Your Business in Challenging Times" panel will offer expertise and practical information for small businesses struggling to stay afloat in this economy. Panelists include Andrea O'Brien, environmental management program manager, NH SBDC; James Pratt, commercial lending, First Colebrook Bank; and Allen Voivod, co-owner, Epiphanies, Inc. Mary Collins, state director, NH SBDC, will moderate. A "Toolkit for Sustainability" will be available to each person attending Small Business Day. "NH SBDC is continually looking for ways to help New Hampshire businesses be sustainable," Collins said. "For example, our e-Learning for Entrepreneurs program utilizes today's technology to provide knowledge, tools, and resources for the state's business owners. In this uncertain economy it is even more important that businesses statewide have access 24/7 to management assistance that will help strengthen their firm's bottom line." "Never Too Small to Export," presented by Dawn Wivell, director of the NH International Trade Resource Center, will help small business owners will learn why exporting may be an option for their business and cost - effective ways to get started. Cost is $15 per person and registration is required. To register, call 224-5388 x116 or visit www.acteva.com/go/nhbia. | |
Timely Tools for Entrepreneurs
The Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of New Hampshire facilitates University partnerships with industry, government, non-profits, and other interested organizations.
The Amoskeag Business Incubator's on-line "Ask-the-Expert" series is an interactive, web-based forum where questions may be asked and answered on various business topics that change each month.
The ABI's featured business expert for February is Pete Lachance, Tax Manager with William Steele & Associates, P.C. He is offering advice on understanding and choosing how a small business is taxed and how by making the proper choice a business owner can mimiize taxes paid to Uncle Sam and put more cash in their pockets.
This easy-to-use set of checklists and explanations can help businesses become better overall environmental performers.
In February 2009, new requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act take effect. Manufacturers, importers, and retailers are expected to comply with the new Congressionally-mandated laws. Beginning 2/10/09, children's products cannot be sold if they contain more than 600 parts per million total lead. More...
MicroCredit-NH, a statewide, microbusiness development program of the non-profit New Hampshire Community Loan Fund, has designed a health insurance Web site for self-employed individuals and small business owners with up to 50 employees. |
SBDC Educational Programs
Business Planning
Take the Build Your Business Plan in-a-Day workshop.
Use NH SBDC's Business Plan OnLine.
Write your business plan in a day!
This workshop is targeted to an entrepreneur with:
- a new and early stage business
- a new business idea that needs a feasibility study
- an established business looking for financing
- an established business with a new product or service
SBDC certified business advisors will facilitate these workshops. Limited to 8 businesses per day.
March 3, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Daniel
March 17, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Amoskeag
Business Incubator, Manchester
March 31, 10:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Daniel
Webster College, Portsmouth
To attend, you must purchase the online software Business Plan OnLine, at $49, available at www.nhsbdc.org. Workshop registration fee is $120. For information and to register, please call Heidi Edwards Dunn at 227-0417 or email h.edwardsdunn@unh.edu.
Business Basics
This workshop is for people who are interested in learning the fundamentals of starting and running a business the right way. Some subjects covered are the pros and cons of being in business, registering your business, choosing the business form (LLC, sole proprietor, etc.) basics of accounting and record keeping, understanding your market, basic business law, cash flow planning and budgeting, and how financing really works.
Daniel Webster College
20 University Drive, Nashua March 3 - 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Daniel Webster College
Portsmouth Campus
Amoskeag Business Incubator
33 South Commercial St., Manchester
SBDC Environmental Management Program
The Environmental Management Program, located at the Manchester Regional Office of the NH SBDC, helps you develop best management practices to achieve sustainability.
February 24, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Ammon Center, Manchester
Presented by the NH SBDC and the
Construction Safety Roundtable
March 31, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Ammon Center, Manchester
Presented by the NH SBDC and the
Construction Safety Roundtable |
Partner Events
Keene State College Safety Center & the OSHA Training Institute Education Center Workshops
Keene State College and OSHA are offering numerous courses throughout February and March in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Topics include Work Zone Traffic Control, Flagger Training/Skills Course, Mobile Crane Hazards, Accident Investigaion, and Fall Hazard Awareness/Construction.
Making Energy Costs Sustainable Webinar
Presented by NH Businesses for Social Responsibility, attendees will learn about the latest green approaches to stabilize commercial energy costs.
February 11, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
This panel discussion will focus on the impact of the area's colleges and universities on the economic development and revitalization of Manchester, N.H. To register, email Michelle Landers at mlanders@uli.org.
February 12, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
St. Anselm's Institute of Politics
100 St. Anselm Drive, Manchester
Successfully completing documents prior to exporting can be a daunting task. Attend this workshop to learn what paperwork you need, and how to fill it out and process it.
February 19, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
International Trade Resource Center
Portsmouth, NH
The Schedule C - a tax form to report business profit or loss - looms as a one-page nightmare for many small business owners. For those who want the complexities of this form explained once and for all, attend this workshop.
February 21st, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Hannah Grimes Center, Keene
Using a dynamic simulated manufacturing environment, experts will bring your team from a traditional manufacturing operation to a Lean manufacturing enterprise, eliminating waste and increasing productivity and profitability, allowing you to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Workshop dates are: 2/25, 2/26, 3/26, 4/23,
On the first Monday of each month, marketing consultant David Deziel will offer lunch-time sessions at the Hannah Grimes Center, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. This is your chance to get free insight into topics such as: marketing strategies, brand identity, advertising, public awareness, online promotion, and direct mail. |
The NH SBDC provides
confidential business
management consulting and educational programs to more than 3,000 NH small businesses each year. The NH SBDC is the only NH agency that has full time, certified business advisors providing one-on-one, long-term management consulting to small businesses.
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