SBDC e-News
December 2008

The NH SBDC is an outreach program of the UNH Whittemore School of Business and Economics, and a cooperative venture of the U.S. Small Business Administration, the State of NH (DRED), the University System of NH, and the private sector.

In This Issue
SBDC Resources
SBDC Events
Timely Tools for Entrepreneurs
SBDC Educational Programs
Partner Events
SBDC Announcements

e-Learning for Entrepreneurs

NH SBDC's e-Learning for Entrepreneurs provides 24/7 availability of business management and industry-related workshops, seminars, and e-Tools right in your workplace or home.
NEW! Business Plan OnLine (BPOL) is an online software product that walks you through the narrative and financial parts of your business plan. Create your start-up or growth business plan on your own, or over time with an SBDC business advisor. BPOL is available for $49 from the SBDC homepage.
SBDC's How To's for Business Owners - OnLine, AnyTime are courses in Business Management, Marketing, and Finance.  These are free, 2-3.5 hour courses, which you can take in one sitting or in several via the internet.  Underwritten by Citizens Bank Foundation, NH Department of Environmental Services, Public Service of New Hampshire, Daniel Webster College, and TD Banknorth.
For more information on e-Learning for Entrepreneurs and on becoming an e-Learning sponsor, contact Heidi Edwards Dunn, Educational Program Coordinator. 



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SBDC Resources

                  - How NH SBDC can help -
"The economic crisis has centered on the largest players in the financial world. But this crisis is affecting the entire economy, including small business. For the past two decades, small businesses have bailed us out of every recession. We're looking to small business for that once more." - Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Chris Cox.
NH small businesses will continue to be the backbone of our New Hampshire economy, however they may need assistance in these challenging times of high energy costs, financial concerns and shrinking markets.  The NH SBDC offers real time assistance 24/7:


  • Workshops and seminars. We have "packaged" a schedule for this winter and spring to address current economic concerns:
    • Business Startup Basics - see schedule in e-News below.
    • Sustaining Your Business in Challenging Times, co sponsored with the League of NH Craftsmen. Includes Understanding Financial Statements and Shoestring Marketing in this Economy. February 3rd, Concord.
    • Small Business Day at the State Capital, co-sponsored with the NH BIA. Includes a legislative leaders panel, exporting experts, and prectical management tools. February 10th, Concord.
    • March is Build Your Business Plan in-a-Day month.  Using Business Plan OnLine, SBDC business advisors guide new and experienced business owners through developing feasibility studies, startup, financing, and growth business plans - in a day!  Dates and locations TBD.
    • International Trade Road Shows, co-sponsored with the International Trade Resource Center.  This spring we will continue our state tour offering info on how to export your products.

Check out the resources on, including e-Learning for Entrepreneurs.  Register for a workshop.  Connect with an SBDC business advisor, online, in person, or over the phone.  Work on your business plan.  Forward this info to someone else who might be interested.  NH SBDC is here to work with you on your business.

SBDC Events 
- Save the Date -
Small Business Day at the State House
Small Business and the NH Economy 
co-sponsored by the NH SBDC and the NH Business & Industry Association
Tuesday, February 10th
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Holiday Inn
N. Main Street, Concord
SBDC Announcements
SBDC Business Advising at the ABI
The NH SBDC is pleased to announce that business counseling and advising for small businesses is now available five days a week in Manchester at the NH SBDC offices at the Amoskeag Business Incubator, 33 S. Commercial Street, with certified business counselor Andrea O'Brien.  This service is provided by a CIP grant from the City of Manchester Planning Office.  Andrea has been counseling for the NH SBDC for 11 years and is also the program manager for the Environmental Management Program, which helps businesses reduce their risk as they raise their profitability. Contact Andrea O'Brien at (603)624-2000.
Timely Tools for Entrepreneurs
Small businesses should monitor their cash flow in all kinds of economic environments, and especially in the current climate.  Our colleague at the Maine SBDC, John Entwistle, wrote an article which penetrates the layers of cash flow management.  We share it with you herewith, with his permission.
SBA Provides Link to Federal Post-Disaster Contracting Opportunities for Small Businesses
Information about federal contracting opportunities for small businesses able to support post-disaster cleanup and rebuilding in areas devastated by recent storms and flooding is now accessible through the U.S. Small Business Administrations's Disaster Contracting Assistance Center.  Business owners can click here for a detailed look at how to seek government contracts.
The Department of Defense recently launched the National Resource Directory, a collaborative effort between the departments of Defense, Labor and Veterans Affairs. The directory is a Web-based network of care coordinators, providers and support partners with resources for wounded, ill and injured service members, veterans, their families, families of the fallen and those who support them.  Located here, the directory offers more than 10,000 medical and non-medical services and resources (including the Small Business Development Center) to help service members and veterans achieve personal and professional goals along their journey from recovery through rehabilitation to community reintegration. 
SBDC Educational Programs
Business Basics
This workshop is for people who are interested in learning the fundamentals of starting and running a business the right way.  Some subjects covered are the pros and cons of being in business, registering your business, choosing the business form (LLC, sole proprietor, etc.), basics of accounting and record keeping, understanding your market, basic business law, cash flow planning and budgeting, and how financing really works. 
December 1 - 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.
     Daniel Webster College, Portsmouth
     119 International Drive, Room 104
December 10 - 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.
     Daniel Webster College
     Eaton Richmond Center, Room 122
     20 University Drive, Nashua
January 15 - 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.
     Amoskeag Business Incubator
SBDC Environmental Management Program 
The Environmental Management Program, located at the Manchester Regional Office of the NH SBDC, helps you develop best management practices to achieve sustainability.

Navigating the Web-Get the Most from OSHA's Website
    December 9, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
     JC Cleveland Federal Building
     53 Pleasant St., Concord
     2nd Floor - Jury Deliberation Room 
     December 30, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
     Location TBD
     January 27, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
     Ammon Center, Manchester 
Partner Events
The Metro Center Housing Coalition proudly presents an event focused on the current status, needs, and future outlook of the housing market in the Greater Manchester Region.
     December 10, 7:30 - 9:00 a.m.
     The Derryfield
     625 Mammoth Road, Manchester
To register, call 603-666-6600 or email
This panel discussion will focus on the impact of the area's colleges and universities on the economic development and revitalization of Manchester, New Hampshire. Includes panelists from Southern New Hampshire University, Saint Anselm Institute on Politics, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Manchester Campus, University of New Hampshire-Manchester, and the NH Institute of Art.
     December 11, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m.
     St. Anselm's Institute of Politics
     100 St. Amselm Drive, Manchester
U.S. Senator Judd Gregg will discuss Congress' recently passed economic recovery legislation that included $700 billion for struggling financial institutions.
     December 15, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
     Center of NH, Manchester
 SBDC logo
The NH SBDC provides  
confidential business
management consulting and educational programs to more than 3,000 NH small businesses each year.  The NH SBDC is the only NH agency that has full time, certified business advisors providing one-on-one, long-term management consulting to small businesses.