Dane County Farmers' Market

Dane County Farmers' Market eNewsletter 


September 17, 2011

6:00 am - 2:00 pm 

Downtown Madison Parking Map
(Private ramps and street parking are also available.)

Dane County Farmers' Market 

Plenty from Harmony Valley Farm. --Photo by Bill Lubing

Lots of the Raw Ingredients
for soup, salads, sauces, and sidedishes can be
found at the Harmony Valley Stand [East Mifflin St.]
--Photo by Bill Lubing


 In This Issue



This Week 

DCFM Grill Chicken with Italian Red Wine Sausage; Plum BBQ Sauce 

At Market This Week

Market Information  

  Looking Ahead ...   

Join Our Mailing List!

thisweekThis Week ...

Hot Off the Presses; Food for Thought Festival 


Cheese from Chula Vista Cheese Co., --Photo by Bill Lubing

Superb Quality and Variety 

sums up what you'll find in cheese at the Dane County Farmers' Market
Check out Chula Vista Cheese Co. for some terrific selection.
[Wisconsin Ave. at East Mifflin St.] --Photo by Bill Lubing


Hot Off the Presses
We're quite pleased with the article written by Emily Fredrix of the Associated Press that prominently mentions the Dane County Farmers' Market as a great place to buy cheese.  On last count a Google search found the article running in newspapers (electronic versions, anyway) from Albany, NY to Seattle, WA and from Milwaukee, WI to San Antonio, TX.

To correct a slight misstatement in the article, the Dane County Farmers' Market's most significant ranking is not that it's the largest market in Wisconsin but that it's the largest producer-only market in the country. This means that when you visit the numerous cheese makers (and other producers) at the DCFM, the one selling is the one who made it.

At any rate, we're pleased with the article, and also the photo depicting a few of the cheese varieties brought to market by  Forgotten Valley Cheese [East Main St.].

Food for Thought

Just a brief reminder that the REAP Food for Thought Festival takes place this Saturday. Held adjacent to the market on Martin Luther King Blvd., the festival is a great place to visit before or after attending the market. Hours, location, and access to the DCFM will be unchanged because of the festival.



Along with the exhibitors, food stands, and other entertainment, we're pleased that John Aue, whom we know for his great potatoes at Butter Mountain (coming to market later this year) will be talking all about apples from 10:00 until 10:45 am in the demo tent. He'll have apple samples. There will also be a working cider press. While we know John for his potatoes, the rest of the world knows him as the owner of Threshold IPM Services, consulting in Integrated Pest Management for regional orchards.

See you at market!


Bill Lubing



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DCFM Greenbush Italian Red Wine Sausage Stuffed Grilled Chicken;
Plum Barbecue Sauce 



DCFM Sausage Stuffed Grilled Chicken --Photo by Bill Lubing

DCFM Greenbush Italian Red Wine Sausage
Stuffed Grilled Chicken --Photo by Bill Lubing


DCFM Greenbush Italian Red Wine Sausage Stuffed Grilled Chicken
by Bill Lubing

No doubt about it; We were eating mighty fine last Tuesday night. So fine we thought we'd share with you.

Here's one reason to keep that grill gassed up or accompanied by a full bag of charcoal. Quick to prepare, little trouble while it's cooking, and guaranteed to bring on those rave reviews, almost all of the ingredients for this recipe come from the market.

The heart of the flavor is in the Italian Red Wine Sausage, found at Pecatonica Valley Farm [Capitol side of the sidewalk, Martin Luther King Blvd., at East Main St.] Combined with a whole chicken from any number of DCFM vendors, you'll be amazed at the authoritative flavor imparted by the wine, herbs, and spices of this sausage. There are also plenty of other fine sausages available from Pecatonica Valley along with other DCFM vendors. So be creative!

What better to accompany a great DCFM sausage than one of the locally raised chickens found at the market! We notch up the sausage a bit more with the judicious addition of a few key ingredient.

  • One whole chicken, thawed, and rinsed, with neck, organs, etc. removed
  • One package Pecatonica Valley Italian Red Wine Sausage or other sausage from your favorite vendor.
  • Two pieces of celery cut lengthwise then cut in quarter inch pieces
  • 4 cloves garlic sliced
  • 1/3 cup hickory nuts, slightly roasted or toasted
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower oil.
  1. Preheat your grill to high heat.
  2. Place the hickory nuts in a pan with 1/2 tablespoon sunflower oil. Heat to medium and toast for around six minutes, just until they start to turn brown and develop a nutty flavor. They can also be roasted in a 350 degree oven for around the same time. In either case, it's important to not overdo it.
  3. Put thawed sausage in a bowl and mix in the nuts, garlic, and celery. Mix well.
  4. Stuff the sausage into the chicken.
  5. Coat the chicken with a thin layer of sunflower oil.
  6. If you're using a charcoal grill, scoot the coals to the outer edges.
  7. Place the chicken in the center of the grill. If you're using a gas grill with three burners, turn off the center burner and turn the outer ones to medium. If you're using a grill with two burners, place the chicken to the rear, turn off the rear burner, and set the front one to medium.
  8. Cook until the internal temperature in the thigh reaches 160 degrees and the juices run clear. Our chicken took around 90 minutes to cook.
  9. Take the chicken off the grill and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  10. The sausage should come out in one chunk. Slice it.

Slice the chieken and serve with Plum Barbecue Sauce, shown below.




Plum Barbecue Sauce. --Photo by Bill Lubing

Plum Barbecue Sauce on chicken and sausage. --Photo by Bill Lubing

Many times when we make sauces using fresh ingredients we think big--canning 18 quarts, freezing 36 pints, spending hours at a stretch canning for consumption into the next century. While we think this is good, it's not the only way to go.

Here's a recipe that yields around two cups, takes about 40 minutes to make, and uses plums, a fruit that makes a relatively short visit to the market. We combined it with the chicken recipe above and greens from the market garnished with some thin peach slices and shaved carrot. A splash of vinaigrette from Renaissance Farm and we've got a great salad.

Plum Barbecue Sauce


  • 1 3/4 cups chopped plums (About 6. We used a combination of red, yellow, and purple plums.)
  • 1 cup ketchup (Available from Don's Produce)
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped shallot or cipollini onions
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons red wine vinegar (or one of the infused vinegars from Nord Haus Gartens)
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper seasoning from Savory Accents 


  1. Bring all ingredients to a boil in a medium saucepan. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 5 minutes.
  2. Uncover and simmer 15 minutes or until thick, stirring occasionally.
  3. Cool 10 minutes. For a chunkier consistency (our preference) it's ready to serve. For a smoother consistency place mixture in a food processor. Process until smooth.
  4. Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.


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atmarketthisweekAt Market This Week

Apple Cider, Cheesecake Special, Cranberry-Partnered Jams!


Grapes from Morren Fruits & Vegetables. --Photo by Bill Lubing

Visit This Table ...

... Grapes from Morren Fruits & Vegetables are a sweet sight.  

[South Carroll St.]  --Photo by Bill Lubing 



We strive to keep this list as accurate as possible. We probably  missed an item or two that is at the market or listed an item as available when it is not. Chances are that not all items mentioned or listed below will be at each market. 


Due to inclement weather, product availability, and other factors, some vendors listed below may need to cancel participation in this week's market.  


 Grace Cheesecakes is selling whole nine-inch Pumpkin Spice, Chocoholic, and Raspberry cheesecakes for a special price of $35.00 The frozen cheesecakes are cut into 16 generously-sized pieces. They'll also be offering slices of raspberry and pumpkin spice for $3.50 or two for $6.00. 


For a limited time The Summer Kitchen will be bringing seasonal "cranberry inspired" jams and butters to market. They are offering a limited run of Cranberry-Rhubarb, Cranberry-Grape, Fireside (cranberry-sour cherry) jams along with Cranberry-Apple Butter. All of the cranberries are sourced from the Wetherby Cranberry Co., Inc. We expect to see Nodji and James in a few weeks with their fresh and dried cranberries. In the meantime, check out these unique products from The Summer Kitchen.


Tony & Sue Renger of Willow Creek Farms will be bringing their pork to market this week. Ask at the information booth (top of State St.) for their location or that of any other vendor at the DCFM. 


 Paul Maki of Blue Skies Berry Farm will be bringing ginger root to the market this week.  


Several producers are bringing fresh apple cider to the market. The supply is decent and will increase throughout the season. You may want to come early, though for the best selection.  


To find a vendor or product you can: 1) check the DCFM website or take a leisurely stroll through the market. If you'd like to check with your favorite vendor about product availability, go here, then do a search for contact information. And remember, you can always inquire at the Information Booth, at the corner of North Carroll and West Mifflin streets at the top of State St. 



Asiago black pepper bread,  


Cheese bread 


Cinnamon rolls



Flat breads




Ragusa Style Sicilian Semolina Bread


Spinach 'Mpanata 

Sweet breads

Tea breads

Tomato Scaccia 



Whole wheat sourdough

Whoopie pies   

Cheese curds
Goat cheese
Sheep milk cheese
Mixed milk cheeses
Cottage Cheese
World-class aged cheeses

Fresh Cut, Dried Flowers 

Cut Flowers 

Dried Arrangements  

Pussy Willows   

Red Curly Willow   

Red Dogwood  





Morning shower at Driftless Organics. --Photo by Bill Lubing 

Brief Morning Shower
... at Driftless Organics [South Pinckney St.]
--Photo by Bill Lubing




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Fresh Vegetables

Beans (dried and fresh)
Bok Choy
Broccoli Raab
Chipolini Onions
Collard Greens
Corn (sweet, pop)
Egg Plant
Ground Cherries
Micro greens
Mustard Greens
Nasturtium Blossoms
Onions (several varieties)
Peppers (dried, fresh, sweet, hot)
Salad mixes
Sugar Snap Peas
Sweet Potatoes
Tomatoes, canned
Tomatoes, fresh


Jams, jellies, preserves
Raspberries (frozen)
Raspberries (fresh)
Sea Berries
Strawberries (fresh)
Strawberries (frozen)
Tomatoes (fresh)
Tomatoes (canned)


Live Plants
Bedding plants
Prairie Plants
Vegetable, herb, and flower transplants
Woodland plants

Meats (Grass and grain fed)
Angus beef
Brats and sausage
Conventional cuts
Highland beef
Special cuts
Fresh and smoked trout
Smoked salmon 

Specialty Items   
Apple Cider
Bloody Mary mix  
Dried Gourds
Flavored sea salt
Ginger Root
Hickory nuts
Hot sauces
Infused olive oil
Maple syrup
Pasties (frozen)
Persian Toffee
Rhubarb Sauce
Soup (canned and frozen)
Sunflower oil
Tomato sauces


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informationMarket Information

Dates, Times, Locations, and Contact Information
for The Dane County Farmers' Market

Peppers from Nehmer's Produce. --Photo by Bill Lubing

Such Flavor Beneath That Shiny Exterior!

There's plenty of crunch and freshness in
these peppers from Nehmer's Produce.
[North Pinckney St.] --Photo by Bill Lubing 



2011 Saturday Outdoor Market Schedule
Date: Begins April 16, 2011  through Nov. 5, 2011 
Hours: 6:00 am to 2:00 pm  
Where: Downtown Madison on the Capitol Square  

2011 Wednesday Outdoor Market Schedule  
Date: Begins April 20, 2011  through Nov. 2, 2011 
Hours: 8:30 am to 2:00 pm
Where: 200 Block of Martin Luther King Blvd.     
Click Here for Madison Parking Information
(Private ramps and street parking are also available.) 

Questions About the Market?
 If you have any questions about the market or the vendors, please contact the market manager, Larry Johnson, at 608-455-1999 or email him at larryj@dcfm.org. The  DCFM website provides much  information as well.

Dane County Farmers' Market
Volunteer Opportunities

Please contact Ruth Miller at ferngulley@mhtc.net for information about volunteering at the market breakfasts (winter months only) or during the outdoor market at the information booth. It's fun, rewarding, and really appreciated by the market-going public.

Friends of the DCFM
For information on volunteering for any educational projects and programs on the Square or becoming a member of Friends of the Dane County Farmers' Market contact Danielle Wood at friends.Danielle@gmail.com.

lookingaheadLooking Ahead ...


Monsun Children --Photo by Bill Lubing

Not to be Corny  

but these kids have great taste when it comes to shopping at the market.

With older brother Seamus (left) showing them how it's done,

Everett, Wakelyn, and Lian will soon be walking and carrying their DCFM

purchases all on their own. In the meantime, for the youngsters, it's learning that
hand-eye coordination and that standing thing that Seamus makes look so easy.
All four are the children of Tyler and Simone Munson. --Photo by Bill Lubing 




DCFM Food For
Thought Co-Sponsorship
Food for Thought



The Dane County Farmer's Market is proud to co-sponsor the REAP Food for Thought Festival. The market helps out by publicizing the event and providing $250 worth of gift certificates.


Supporting local agriculture is a community effort. It takes many folks working together from an assortment of different disciplines to make it work.


The DCFM is pleased to be a part of the Food for Thought Festival. If you haven't done so before, we encourage you to spend some time this Saturday at this free festival.





Until next week, 



Bill Lubing






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