Corporate & Media Voice Over  /  On-Camera & Live Event Hosting          


Before everyone in Canada and the US starts settingCanadian & US flags

fireworks a-blazin' and singing anthems & 'Happy Birthday' to their respective nations - I wanted to poke my head in to wish you a fantastic & safe summer, from imedge communications voiceovers in Toronto.      


This Sunday, July 1st, marks Canada's 145th birthday.  Long ago someone gave the day the clever title of Canada Day.  (FYI - for my US friends & associates - on this special day it's mandatory for all Canadian citizens to emerge from their igloos to play hockey, drink beer & chant "eh" in unison).


Next Wednesday, July 4th, is America's 236th birthday marking the anniversary of a bunch of rebels & freedom-seekers basically flipping the bird to the "Old World" once and for all.  Tea was also involved.  "The 4th" is commemorated as Independence Day - or as some know it: a cool movie from a few years ago with Will Smith kicking alien a**!

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Teaghan & Dillon - Presenting Mr. Robot!
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Speaking of outer space & science fiction (blatant segue) - Cool random-spotting moment while taking the kids to local toy store, MASTERMIND.  They recognized a toy on the shelves for which I supplied the voice: 'Mr. Robot'.  


Someone asked me how you become the voice of a toy?  Well, you either have to be able to pull off weird voices as part of your vocation - or, like me, simply be immature.

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Alright - and now onto some other voice over highlights in keeping with this edition's loosely based yet patriotic Can-Am theme:

Cross-Border Weapons Check 
This year marks the bicentennial of The War of 1812 (which lasted 3� years).  It was a defining period for Canada eventually becoming its own nation. British infantry, Canadian militia & native warriors successfully resisted and, for all intents and purposes, defeated the Americans & their aboriginal soldiers in arms.
In a polite fashion of course.

The 200 years of peace has been nice, neighbour (neighbor, stateside).  No hard feelings about torching the White House during the spat.  We love what you've done with it though.

Niagara 1812 Raido PSA #2 (30 sec)This radio commercial was part of the commemorative media campaign in which I was involved. 
(Ed note: No war re-enactors were injured during the recording of this voice over).

                         Getting my Kicks in the Studio
While hockey is Canada's national sport & baseball is as American as apple pie "the beautiful game" of soccer has really caught on in both countries over the past couple of decades.  Its global popularity has swept through North America. 

With EURO 2012 excitement combined with the pride of Canada Day - I present this patriotic piece:

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I voiced this spot for Umbro Canada - famous for soccer wear & equipment. 

A simple breakdown of Canada's provinces & territories  
"Squotesounds great, Rory - yer a master!"

Marty MacDougall
Freeway Visual Communications

Society of Accredited Voice Over Artists


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We complete your narration conveniently & professionally with FREE custom-voiced auditions and delivery of voice over files with quick turnaround!

From long-form narration utilizing complex medical or technical terminology, to a
30-second radio or television commercial, we'll create a professional & effective voice over presentation.

Your script is recorded, edited, processed, delivered & ready to implement for broadcast or corporate applications - all at a competitive rate.

Additionally, we can assist on your next on-camera project or live event hosting, whether the production is large or small.
Also, if you know a colleague who could utilize these services please feel free to click the Forward email link below our contact info to send this newsletter.

I look forward to the possibility of speaking with (for) you.


  imedge communications inc.
  Corporate & Media Voice Over

   416.694.4612      Studio
   416.433.7865      Production Cell
  1.888.282.2224    Toll Free U.S. & Canada              Skype: rory.o.shea

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