Corporate & Media Voice Over / On-Camera & Live Event Hosting
I hope 2012 is working out nicely for you so far. It's got to be better than what the Mayan calendar has in store for us. Ah, let's cheer up & peek at the Chinese calendar instead (far more optimistic). It's the Year of the Dragon and good fortune lies ahead. Hopefully. Fingers crossed.
I was born in the Year of the Tiger (or Tigger in this case >) which meant this year started off at Disney World and a trip to the Magic Kingdom for three days with Dillon (4) and Teaghan (6). For them it's now the Year of the Mouse as the detour to Disney was a big surprise!
Check holiday pics here if you like. Below are some recent highlights from the voice over calendar.
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A Panoramic VO
When the great outdoors are as close as your own backyard. Hey! That's a mighty fine catch phrase. I'll have to pitch that to Unilock. It's only January but advertisers are already ramping up for warmer weather. It's flu season but I've got spring fever - that may have been an ol' Blues number. But I digress.Let's head outside with this TV spot & yours truly on VO:
Unilock - Rory O'Shea Voice Over
Boots on the Ground & in the Booth.
I rarely record while standing at attention, chest out, chin up & shoulders back - but I felt somewhat compelled to - for the American Military University(Incidentally, there's no draft in my booth either). This spot aired on the Virginia PBS station:
American Military University - Voice Over by Rory O'Shea
Medically Speaking Upon hearing this voice over a medical client said, "You make it seem easy." Honestly, I enjoy the challenge of narrating medical & pharmaceutical projects. Let's face it - it's easier than brain surgery. I admit I find that much trickier. Here's some spiffy animation with yours truly on narration:
Medical Narration by Rory O'Shea: IL-1 beta-pathway
" Rory -
I received the files. We have not missed a beat all due to your efforts. It is a response such as this that puts you at the top of the pack!"
Robert G. Miller, Ph.D.
Aries Communications Group Inc.
Chinese Proverb:
"Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet."
(Ed. note: I find this one to be especially poignant. Happy New Year!)
Thanks for your continued interest in receiving my quarterly newsletter. Due to the high "open" rate percentage on a consistent basis Constant Contact christened the newsletters with 'ALL STAR' status....
...for 3 consecutive years! 2008 / 2009 / 2010
We complete your narration conveniently & professionally with FREE custom-voiced auditions and delivery of voice over files with quick turnaround!
From long form narration utilizing complex medical or technical terminology, to a 30-second radio or television commercial, we'll create a professional & effective voice over presentation.
Your script is recorded, edited, processed, delivered & ready to implement for broadcast or corporate applications - all at a competitive rate.
Additionally, we can assist on your next on-camera project or live event hosting, whether the production is large or small.
Also, if you know a colleague who could utilize these services please feel free to click the Forward email link below our contact info to send this newsletter.
I look forward to the possibility of speaking with (for) you.
Corporate & Media Voice Over
416.694.4612 Studio 416.433.7865 Production Cell 1.888.282.2224 Toll Free U.S. & CanadaSkype: rory.o.shea