& VOICE OVER! For your chance at winning - answer this: Q: What son was Joseph P. Kennedy initially grooming to be president? Reply to this email with your answer. A random draw takes place from all submissions. Winner is notified by email and announced in following newsletter. Good luck!
* Entry deadline: April 30th, 2011 / $300.00 value prize to be redeemed by October 1st, 2011.
* * * * Congrats to previous newsletter contest winner Karen Pace of Starvox Entertainment who correctly answered the last trivia question at Christmas: According to legend what Sesame Street characters were named after the policeman & taxi driver from the 1946 Christmas classic 'It's A Wonderful Life'? A: Bert & Ernie (As for this urban legend the identical names were merely a coincidence according to a writer for Sesame Street.)