The 'Irish-Eyes-Are-Smiling' Edition |
Greetings! |
It's nice to finally emerge from hibernation. But watch your head - the sky is falling! It's the snow-bank-bailout. While our winter was as frigid as the current economic situation, I hope this finds you secure in your health, happiness and habitat. In the words of Monty Python, "always look on the bright side of life." There's nowhere to go but up. The light at the end of the tunnel is not an oncoming train. What can I say, I'm an eternal optimist. Being of Irish descent I always look at the glass as half full, if you catch my draught (baa haa).
( Ed. note - sorry). As we celebrate St. Patrick, I wish you the good fortune and blessings that Ireland's patron saint can bestow upon you. A little luck o' the Irish as it were. Just beware of Murphy's Law. Our wee leprechauns, Dillon & Teaghan O'Shea
A national TV campaign for Country Style (Canada) recently utilized my vocal cords to claim "It's going to be a good day." What did I tell ya? Optimist. Other national television voice over gigs continue with: The Weather Network, Golf Town and Living Truth
I also return as narrator for 'TV Made Me Do It'. Witness how television inspires vocation, hobby and lifestyle choices. Season 2 starts this Friday at 7:30pm on TV Tropolis (repeats Sundays at 7pm) Watch a season one show clip here
*Broadcast TBD: 'Outlaw Bikers III' - History Television (Narrator) |
When I mentioned in my last newsletter that I had brought my portable studio to Central America with me, John Florian of Voice Over Xtra asked if I would write an article about 'Recording on the Road'.
While I'm no Jack Kerouac I did give it a crack and you can read it here. |

Printing off scripts can chew through wads of paper so I finally installed flat screens in my booth to eliminate the need for hard copy scripts.
Any narration to be read appears from my administration computer (left monitor pictured). I record onto my production software (right monitor). To edit, I can return to my work station or remain in the soundproofed booth. The latter being better for my primal scream therapy. |
" was great to be able to be patched in and take part in the recording process. It's been not only straight-forward but also a real pleasure to work with you." Garry Hart Multimedia Designer - U.K. | |
Thanks for sharing your time. I look after your narration needs quickly, conveniently and remotely, delivering audio files anywhere from my state-of-the-art home studio!
I offer FREE custom-voiced auditions and provide rapid turnaround with competitive rates. Your script is recorded, edited, mastered and delivered, ready to implement into any digital platform for broadcast or corporate purposes.
I can also assist your next project with on-camera or live event hosting, whether the production is large or smaller scale.
If you know of someone that could utilize my services please feel free to click the 'Forward email' link below my contact info. I look forward to the possibility of speaking with (for) you.
imEdge Communications / Voice Stylist & On-Camera Host
416.694.4612 Studio 416.433.7865 Production Cell 1.888.282.2224 Toll Free U.S. & Canada Skype: rory.o.shea
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