imEdge Communications  

Corporate & Media Voice Services   /   On-Camera & Live Event Hosting

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I trust you survived winter.  It was pretty hard core around the Great Lakes region.  The snow and cold temperatures rivaled the best mother nature threw at us way back in '39.  Why, by golly, that's when snowbanks were 12 feet high and we had to tunnel to school through them. Bare footed. You know the deal.


Not to dwell on the previous season or festive occasion, but if St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland I know a few groundhogs I'd like him to eradicate.

(*Ed. note: the previous paragraph was a blatant segue to showcase more of these)



Dillon has grown so much in three short months that he is now officially an adult!  If anyone messes with his 2-year old sister, Teaghan, you'll have to deal with him.

In This Issue
Clean Water Heads Due South
Swing Into Spring
Clean Water Heads Due South
H2OTV viewers on both sides of the 49th parallel might remember the actor, Paul Gross, as the lead from the hit television show, 'Due South' about a Canadian Mountie in the U.S. 
Paul wrote and stars in the new political thriller 'H2o: The Trojan Horse' (trailer here).

Yours truly appears as a reporter in the 2-part mini-series which has a slightly more sinister cross border relationship than the faux mounted cop's earlier vehicle.


When the Prime Minister of Canada is found dead, his son, Tom McLaughlin (Gross), takes over the job bent on finding the true reason of his father's death. Meanwhile, the United States' crucial water supply has nearly dried out. Tom accepts the President's plan to divert part of the Great Lakes to help Canada's southerly neighbours. However, certain individuals slowly piece together a conspiracy that threatens Canada's existence. 

All I'm saying is the glacier that formed in our backyard this winter will provide enough clean drinking water for us all!

The first part of this four hour program airs this Sunday night on CBC television (8:00 pm EDT)

Swing Into Spring

Golf Town

I'm happy to be back for season "FORE" (sorry, had to) as the voice of Golf Town's national television campaign in Canada. 


      Also airing coast to coast on the box:

  • 'TV Made Me Do It' - TV-Tropolis (narrator)
  • 'Nosedive' - Much More Music (narrator)
  • 'Underworld Cities' - History Channel (narrator / currently in production)
  • 'Cavalera Conspiracy' - Much Music (30-second voice over)
  • (top secret beer commercial) - TSN (30-sec VO / set to air in June)
  • * Leica Geosystems
    * Cognos Innovation Centre
    * Panasonic
    * BAYER
    * One Connect IP Enterprise
    * Altus Energy Services Partnership
    * Canadian National Institute for the Blind
    * Trans Canada
    * DUCA Financial Services
    * Humber School of Business

    (Recording e-learning project at dB Audio)
Ya Don't Say!  Actually, A Client Recently Said:

(corporate narration)


"Hey Rory!  Client loved it. Thanks for your help. Did a great job.  The pauses and the couple of takes you gave us on some lines really worked out well."


Ben King
Creative Director

Oxigeno Film & Television, Australia 



* * * * * * * * * * * * *

A plateau is a high form of flattery.

Thanks for sharing your time.  Regardless of your medium our digital age allows me to facilitate narration needs quickly, conveniently and remotely, delivering audio files anywhere!

I offer FREE custom voiced auditions and provide rapid turnaround with competitive rates. Your script is recorded, edited, mastered and delivered, ready to implement into any digital platform for broadcast or corporate purposes.

I look forward to the possibility of speaking with (for) you soon.


imEdge Communications / Voice Stylist & Host
   416 694 4612 - Studio
   416 433 7865 - Production Cell
1 888 282 2224 - Toll Free US & Canada