imEdge Communications  

Corporate & Media Voice Services   /   On-Camera & Live Event Host

Casual Headshot

   If you think you are too

 small to be effective,
 you have never been in
 a dark room with a

I hope the New Year has truly been happy for you so far, or at least healthy and manageable.  Personally, I couldn't be better.  Certainly, that is, compared to last year.


You see, between my burst appendix last March and the rib-smashing (7), spleen-rupturing motorcycle accident five months later, 2007 redeemed itself just in the nick of time!  My saviour to the annus horribilis arrived, without a moment to lose, at 3:14 am on December 31st.

Dillon Cormac O'Shea made a grand entrance clocking in at a not-so-subtle nine pounds!  I commented to my sweetie Marlene, while she was in heavy labour no less, that I'd love twins next.  I'm a kidder. 


We realize we're truly blessed to have two healthy, happy children.  A matched set: a boy and a girl.  Everyone tells me it's the "millionaire's family".  Cheque arrives when?



Already showcasing amazing big sister qualities, within 24 hours of the little guy's arrival our 2-year old daughter Teaghan (she floors me) christened the new addition "Dilly". (Severe cute factor)


With the added in-house decibels the soundproofed recording booth can be MY time-out place! 

This newsletter is a peek at what's been going on with me (besides sleep deprivation -as evidenced above. More pics here)

In This Issue
Dad's "Silly Voices"
It Made Me What I Am Today!
Dad's "Silly Voices"


With two children in the house our television viewing is now accompanied by jumping up and down on the couch and spinning on the floor.  My wife hates that I've started that.  The kids, however, get an even bigger kick (or will, I assure them) when it's dad voicing a cartoon character they're watching.


My most recent voice over gig on the animation front was for children's favourite 'Toot & Puddle'.  I was honoured to work on a project created by renowned author and illustrator Holly Hobbie.  I got to break out the Irish accent for the role of 'Wally', the badger, in an episode of the new series due in the fall of '08. Assorted character voices here.

 It Made Me What I Am Today!
Three weeks since its premiere and ratings are solid for the new half-hour program 'TV Made Me Do It'.  This 13-part series showcases ordinary(?) people who have been inspired to adopt various TV characters' personas, their lifestyles or attempt their vocations in real life.


The show ranges from fascinating to outrageous.  It's a fun script for me as the narrator and tonight you'll see why with a guy who has transformed his house into the bridge of the USS Enterprise!  Not the aircraft carrier.  The spaceship.  Yes, he's single ladies.


The show runs nationally in Canada on TVTropolis, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm (EST) and again Sunday nights at 9:00.  Alert your neighbours, tell your friends and gather 'round the box (or flat screen).  Here's the next few shows scheduled:


Episode 4: TV Made Me Transform My House - TONIGHT @ 7:00pm / Sun @ 9:00pm

Episode 5: TV Made Me a Weather Junkie

Episode 6: TV Made Me Sexy in the City 

Ya Don't Say!  Actually, A Client Recently Said:

(corporate instructional narration)


"Once again, superb job, great service!"



Robert G. Miller, Ph.D.

Aries Communications Group Inc.  

Take 5 To Challenge Your Brain!           (Personal Best: 24.5 Seconds)

Grey Matter Reflex Test

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Show me a piano falling down a mine shaft and I'll show you A-flat miner!

Thanks for sharing your time.  Regardless of your medium our digital age allows me to facilitate narration needs quickly, conveniently and remotely, delivering audio files anywhere!

I offer FREE custom voiced auditions and provide rapid turnaround with competitive rates. Your script is recorded, edited, mastered and delivered, ready to implement into any digital platform for broadcast or corporate purposes.

I look forward to the possibility of speaking with (for) you soon.


imEdge Communications / Voice Stylist & Host
   416 694 4612 - Studio
   416 433 7865 - Production Cell
1 888 282 2224 - Toll Free US & Canada