imEdge Communications  

Corporate & Media Voice Services   /   On-Camera & Live Event Host
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My L'il Pumpkin
I hope you've been keeping well.  It's time to "shell out" the latest for you.
Teaghan turned two on October 22nd.  We've been preparing this li'l pumpkin for the arrival of her new sibling in December. 

When asked whether she'd  prefer a little brother or sister she simply replies "NO!".  This could give a whole new meaning to the Terrible Twos!
1600 cc's of Fun & Fear!
It was me and my Harley for three days in August touring through the magnificent Canadian Rockies of BC and the Cascade Mountains of Washington State.  I was in my element riding from dawn til dusk and clocking 2300 kms (1400 miles) in just three days.  The trip was supposed to be five days. 

Even though today is Halloween, my scariest day was August 14th, 2007. You can read how my adventure quickly turned to misadventure here.  Thanks to all my voice over clients who patiently awaited my full return.

Above, overlooking the beautiful town of Osoyoos, British Columbia.
In This Issue
1600cc's of Fun & Fear!
Just my Magi-Nation
Tangled up in Blue
zed-1When voicing characters for animated projects it's always more fun to be a monster or villain.  If you're near a TV on Saturday mornings, check out the new show 'Magi-Nation'.  I play the role of Zed.  He's the charming one on the right. 
Magi-Nation airs Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. (EDT) on CBC (Canada), and 7:30 a.m. on the CW (US).
 Tangled up in Blue
Ror & RoonIn my radio days backstage passes meant hanging with the hottest rock stars at the time.  In the two years since I became a father I've noticed a massive paradigm shift in my and lifestyle and associated activities. 
Case in point: before an eagerly anticipated performance for hundreds of pre-schoolers, of which my daughter was one, I posed proudly alongside the dude dressed up in blue.  That's none other than Rooney Doodle of the famous 'Doodlebops'.  This trio is all the rage on the toddler circuit!
Actually, Rooney reminds me of some of the freaks I met backstage during my rock and roll past. Oh by the way, which one's Pink?
 Voice Over Highlights:
  • Glaxo Smith Kline - Instructional DVD
  • University of Waterloo - Instructional Presentation
  • CHC Helicopters - Marketing Presentation
  • Cayoco Racing - Documentary (Panama)
  • AAT (Advanced Allergy Therapeutics) - Radio Commercial
  • Greater Toronto Airport Authority - Emergency Training Presentation
  • Canadian Automobile Association - Radio Commercial
  • Toronto Transit Commission - e-Learning Modules
Ya don't say!  Actually, a client recently said:

"You'll have to excuse me Rory, but that voice over kicks ass!  Thanks for nailing it."


Dawn Nowlin,

Advanced Allergy Therapeutics

Have some Halloween fun: click the link


Halloween Pun
What's the definition of a will?     It's a dead giveaway.       Baa haa!
Thanks for sharing your time.  I look forward to the possibility of speaking with (for) you soon.
imEdge Communications
On-Camera & Live Event Host
Corporate & Media Voice Services
416.694.4612     Studio
416.433.7865     Production Cell
1.888.282.2224   Toll Free U.S. & Canada