imEdge Communications Newsletter )
In this engaging newsflash:
  • Nothing to Sneeze at!
  • Not the Van Halen Song
  • Blah Blah Blah
  • It’s been a while since I dropped you a line. I last sent Christmas greetings and said Happy New Year! Well, I hope 2007 has turned out that way so far. While I’m at it, happy belated Easter, Passover, St. Patrick’s Day and you may have been somewhat festive for Groundhog Day!

    The reason for the tardy update is because my appendix reached its expiration date and went KAPOW! That landed me in hospital for a couple of weeks. Even more disturbing was the timing. It happened immediately prior to the St. Patty’s Week (I’m Irish remember) celebrations. Many parties missed. A few tears shed. Oh well, I sacrificed one organ while protecting another.

    Hospital stay – The Good: Lost 25 pounds (I'm sure I'll find it eventually). The Bad(tied for first place): the pain & the food. The Ugly: my left vocal cord isn’t moving due to the viral infection. Nasty little twist of fate considering my vocation.

    So, my voice comes and goes over the course of any given day. I’m currently in voice therapy with one of the top ENT specialists and speech pathologists to get the sucker moving again. I sound something like Clint Eastwood right now. I’ll let you know when the pipes are firing on all cylinders.

    Below are some things that happened before my stay at the hospital-ity suite.


    My incentive for a rapid recovery. Our gal, Teaghan, now 17 months, hoppy to see you at Easter! (even she rolled her eyes at that one)

    Nothing to Sneeze at!

    I played producer, co-director and on-camera host for Advanced Allergy Elimination back in January. The set was filled with hanging plasma screens giving a cool floating effect following some post production magic.

    The end result went onto 5,000 DVDs for distribution to clinicians worldwide. The teams at Colon Design Group and Unikron were nothing short of awesome in helping to put this production together.

    AAE merges 21st century science and technology with 3,000 year old traditional Chinese medicine to eliminate allergies (in case you didn't get that from the name). Find out more by logging onto their website (or call 1-800-Gesundheit!)

    Not the Van Halen Song

    It was a return to beautiful Panama City, Panama, for the third time in two years to act as Master of Ceremonies for the 4-day conference hosted by Emerald Passport Inc.

    Held at the spectacular Playa Bonita, the event was a huge success showcasing international speakers on wealth creation and personal growth.

    Returning for another EPI function was world-rnowned author, speaker and philanthropist Mark Victor Hansen of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” fame.

    Pictured above with Mark. "Hey Mark! What's in that soup? It makes you really happy!"

    Blah Blah Blah

    The voice over schedule remained busy both in and out of the imEdge studios.

    The spectrum was broad recording everything from multiple medical narrations to being cast for characters in an exciting new animation project. I also landed several voices for the upcoming PC RTS (Real Time Strategy) game ‘Dawn of Fantasy’.


    IQ Test - have some fun - but hurry!


    Ya don't say! Actually, clients did say:


    This campaign worked wonders for them. They broke sign-up records from other promotions they have had. Thanks for the great voice overs you did."

    Baldo Lopez
    Senior Editor
    delRio Advertising


    Your voice-over needs are accommodated at a single location with phone-patch, ISDN and FTP service available. Drop me an e-mail to discuss your project and required timelines. A radio/TV commercial voice over or industrial narration can be recorded, mastered and delivered back to your computer (mp3, .wav, .aiff) ready for broadcast or presentation in no time.

    If you're interested in an on- camera host for a television program, corporate video or website, contact me to discuss the details.

    I specialize in radio & television commercials and media imaging, corporate business narration for Podcasts, DVD, Flash and PowerPoint applications, medical and technical narration, documentaries, DRTV, in-flight programs, e-learning, audio books, gaming & animation...and virtually anything that requires specialized voice over. Contact me through the website, or with the toll-free number below, to discuss your plans or ideas. I'd love to chat and would be happy to answer any questions.

    Whether you’re a producer, director, agent, independent business owner or part of a media outlet, please bookmark the imEdge website for future reference; or, if you wish, forward this newsletter to an associate who might be interested in any of these services. I'll provide a FREE custom audition and quote within 24 hours! Links at the bottom of this page will take you to demos you can see and hear.

    Thanks for your time. I look forward to the possibility of speaking with (for) you.

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