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October 2012

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An average of 17.9 million viewers tune in to watch each pro football game? Read more about Italians and Italian Americans in the National Football League, here.



Piazza Nuova Lodge (#2665) in Yardley-Newtown, PA celebrates its 20th anniversary on October 10. Auguri!  



  Orgoglioso Ottobre! 

SIF Launches Super Bowl Sweepstakes 


Make a $10 tax-deductible donation to the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) now though December 14, 2012 for a chance to win roundtrip airfare for two to New Orleans, two tickets to the big game, a four-night stay in a four-star hotel and various Super Bowl amenities. All are welcome to enter; Sons of Italy membership not required.    

Ways to Enter

  • online 
  • by texting "SUPERBOWL" to 91011 
  • by mail-in donation to Sons of Italy Foundation, 219 E Street NE, Washington DC 20002

To enter without making a donation, visit Enter Sweepstakes- No Purchase Necessary.       


For complete rules and regulations, see Sons of Italy Foundation® Super Bowl Sweepstakes Official Rules

October Special on For the Love of Italian Cooking! 

Kick off Italian American Heritage Month with some new recipes from For the Love of Italian Cooking! Order your copy by the end of October and you'll receive free shipping on each purchase!     

  • Each copy:$24.95 plus $5 S&H FREE S&H!    

From our table to yours, this cookbook showcases hearty fall recipes to warm you up like "Pasta Fagioli," and classic Italian combinations like "Sausage and Polenta" to make you feel like you're back in your mother's kitchen!  


To order your copy of For the Love of Italian Cooking:

October special runs from 10/1-10/31; make sure to place your order by the deadline to receive free shipping and handling!  

Columbus Day Celebrations Around the U.S.

Celebrate your Italian-American heritage at any one of the nation's Columbus Day celebrations.   

 Denver Columbus Parade





Please note: This is only a limited selection of Columbus Day events and is not intended to be an inclusive list.

OSIA Supports Charles J. Bonaparte Commemoration Ceremony

(L-R) Francesco Isgro, Senior Litigation Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice; Solicitor General Donald Verrilli; and OSIA CEO Dr. Philip Piccigallo at the 52nd Annual Commemoration Ceremony for Charles J. Bonaparte, FBI Founder.

The event was co-sponsored by OSIA. Over 100 U.S. Department of Justice representatives, leaders of the Italian-American community and representatives from the Italian Embassy, including Minister Cristiano Maggipinto, were in attendance.   

Member Benefits Featured Discount: Motel 6  

Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all members and supporters.    


Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure this month, you'll want to take advantage of this OSIA member benefit discount. Since Motel 6 is the lowest priced hotel of national brand, this discount will help save you even more!  


During the month of October, both OSIA members and supporters have the opportunity to save 10% off your stay with Motel 6.      


OSIA MEMBERS: access this and all other benefits at any time by signing in to the Member Marketplace. Problems logging in to the Members Only Section? Email us


EXTENDED SPECIAL FOR NON-OSIA MEMBERS: To book your reservation using the discount during the month of October, either click the Motel 6 logo or call 1-800-4-Motel6 and use the OSIA discount code: CP565776. 

SIF Sustaining Patrons Circle  

To learn more about the Sustaining Patrons Circle, visit the SIF website.  

Social Media Post of the Month 

Have you joined the conversation? Check out our most popular post from last month on the OSIA Twitter and Facebook pages- it received over 650 clicks!
Also, make sure to check out the latest blog post on the OSIA Blog!  

Leone d'Oro Vino Nobile Scores Big! 

Figli d'Italia, the Sons of Italy for-profit corporation that manages and operates OSIA's wine program, is delighted to announce that its signature wine, the 2008 Leone d' Oro Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, received a coveted rating of 92 points from Wine Spectator Magazine. Wine Spectator Magazine is a widely respected industry publication whose rating system is considered a staple for all U.S. and foreign products.  


In addition, the Vino Nobile is currently available for purchase at one of the nation's largest retailers, Total Wine & More. While doing business in twelve states, Total Wine & More also offers the Vino Nobile on its online shopping website.    

OSIA Trips to Italy- Now only $1,799!
Campania Banner
Sons of Italy Presents:
Nine Day Value Tour of Campania


Looking to travel to Italy but don't want to break the bank? Choose to travel with Unitours and you won't have to! Priced at $1,799, this a la carte tour of Campania even offers multiple departure dates (December 3, 2012 and January 21, 2013) to fit your busy schedule. The price of each trip includes round-trip airfare between the U.S. and Italy on Alitalia, four-star hotel accommodations, and daily breakfasts and dinners.

To check out this trip itinerary, click here.

For more information or to book your trip, email or call 1.800.777.7432.
"Places I Love" 2012 Census- Vote by October 31!

The 6th census of the most beloved Italian places in the world, promoted by FAI-Fondo Ambiente Italiano and supported by the Sons of Italy, has begun. Now, for the first time, the survey is open to people from all over the world, because beauty has no borders.  


Italian, American, Indian? You, too, can take place in the 6th Census of Italian places I Love. Travel to your heart to find a place in Italy you love. A garden, a home, a forest, an island, a bell tower, a church, a path. A place that you would like to see loved and protected.  


Lodge Photo of the Month
OSIA's North Haven Sons and Daughters of Italy Lodge #2805 of North Haven, CT hosted the Annual Festival of Angels on August 16.

Nicholas Mastroianni and Sally Gill demonstrated how to make Wanda Cookies at the festival. Kick-off started with a mass and procession of angels, followed by a two-day festival complete with Italian music and food, along with events for the the children and lots of Italian singing.


To learn more about the North Haven Sons and Daughters of Italy Lodge #2805, visit them online.  


Advertising with OSIA 

Did you see the DelGrosso Foods ad in this month's Questo Mese?

Interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through, Questo Mese Newsletter, or Italian America magazine?

Email us to learn more