Sons of Italy...Questo Mese

February 2012




Life is Theatre! It's Time to Get Masked! Carnevale in Venice 2012 lasts from Feb. 11-21. To read more about this Italian tradition, click here.     



Pompeo Coppini Lodge (#2712) in San Antonio, TX celebrates it's 15th anniversary on Feb. 11. Auguri! 


Febbraio Fenomenale!  

Sons of Italy Scholarship Deadline is 2/28
Need money for college? Each year, the Sons of Italy Foundation offers 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships (National Leadership Grants), ranging from $5,000 to $25,000, in a nationwide competition.

The deadline for applying to this year's scholarship competition is February 28.

To learn more and find out how to apply, click here

New Italian Ambassador to Washington  

The new Italian Ambassador to the United States, Claudio Bisogniero, will succeed Ambassador Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, now serving as Italy's foreign minister. He will officially be in Washington in early February. Bisogniero last served in Washington in 1992 as the First Counsellor for Economic and Commercial Affairs.  


To read more about the new Italian ambassador, click here

Winter 2012 Italian America available online

OSIA Members and magazine subscribers: Did you know you can read current and past issues of Italian America magazine in the Members Only community of 

Log in to the Members Only community to start reading today!


Not an OSIA member or Italian America subscriber? Sign up for a free WebPass today and browse special content in the Members Only community.

Calling All OSIA Lodge Members

What's been going on at your lodge lately? The Sons of Italy would like to publicize your lodge events and news on the OSIA Facebook or Twitter page!    




If you're an OSIA lodge member and would like your lodge event or news to be highlighted, please send an email to with the following information:       

  • Name

  • Lodge name, number and state 

  • Event/News title, date, a brief one-paragraph synopsis and an image (.jpg or .tif) to accompany the announcement    

SIF Sustaining Patrons Circle
Sustaining Patrons Circle Members 
Sustaining Patrons Circle members are a group of dedicated individuals who have chosen to support Sons of Italy Foundation programs through monthly gifts to the SIF. Learn more about monthly giving and the Sustaining Patrons Circle.    

Member Benefits Featured Discount: Wireless Center 

Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all members and supporters.  


As always, the Sons of Italy Wireless Center provides you with the hottest 4G phones at the lowest prices. Save up to $200 on Smartphones and enjoy free shipping. Take 10% off your entire cart using coupon code: MEMDISC10. Check out the Sons of Italy Wireless Center for these great deals and more!

During the month of February, both OSIA members and supporters have the opportunity to get the same great rate from the carrier they choose, plus a better phone at a better price through the Sons of Italy Wireless Center.


OSIA MEMBERS: access this and all other benefits at any time by signing in to the Member Marketplace. Problems logging in to the Members Only Section? Email us


EXTENDED SPECIAL FOR NON-OSIA MEMBERS: Click here for more information or to start shopping during the month of February.   

OSIA Trips to Umbria & Tuscany    

Sons of Italy Presents:
Nine Day Tours of Umbria & Tuscany


Need a New Year's resolution? Make one to travel more! Take the worry out of travel and come to Italy with us!    


Travel with the Sons of Italy and Unitours and take your mind off planning the details this year! With prices starting at $2,769, the tour of Umbria & Tuscany offers multiple departure dates between March-October 2012 to fit your schedule. The price includes round-trip airfare between the U.S. and Italy on Alitalia, four-star hotel accommodations, breakfasts and dinners daily, and escorted tours to world-class museums and historical sites with English-speaking tour guides.   

To download a brochure for more information, click here.

Trips to other regions also available. To view all trip itineraries, click here.  

Be sure to take advantage of these prices for 2012! For more information or to book your trip, email or call 1.800.777.7432.


Lodge Photo of the Month

Members of the Sons of Italy Vittorio Alfieri Lodge #149 of Renovo, PA helped the Bucktail Medical Center (BMC), a nonprofit hospital, kick off its $85,000 capital campaign with a $5,000 donation. To read more on this story, click here.

Pictured here from left to right: BMC Radiolgy Manager Alvin Mckeague; Lodge #149 Members Connie Werts, Tom Poleto, Ronald Getz, and Robert Cozzi; and BMC Administrator Michelle Brague. 


NELA Gala 2012


Advertising with OSIA 

Interested in advertising your Italian related product or event through, Questo Mese Newsletter, or Italian America magazine?

Email us to learn more.


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