DID YOU KNOW? Italian children receive their gifts on the eve of the Epiphany from La Befana. To read more about this Italian tradition, click here. 
Port St. Lucie Lodge (#2594) in Port St.Lucie, FL celebrates it's 25th anniversary on Jan. 21. Auguri!
Exclusive Preview of Winter 2012 Italian America
The New York Times article that helped expose the trafficking of Italian children.
The Slave Children of New York by: David McCormick
Dressed in rags, his dirty hair in tangles, the little boy tinkled a melody on a brass triangle; the cap at his feet, catching coins tossed by passersby. Only six years old, Francesco already was a veteran of the tough streets of 19th century New York City. He was one of thousands of Italian street urchins, playing musical instruments and begging for pennies in America during the winter of 1873.
The mass migration of Italians to America had not yet started. The 1870 U.S. Census lists only 17,000 Italian nationals in the entire country, most of them in New York City. It is even more astonishing then that during that same period, between 7,000 and 8,000 children were kidnapped from Italy and kept as slaves in America's biggest cities, according to an 1873 article in The New York Times.
Most were from small towns in Italy, snatched from their beds or given freely by their parents to Italian agentscalled padroni (bosses), who assured them that their children would have a better life in America. In reality, once in the U.S., the children were sold at private auctions for $100 to $300 for boys; and $100 to $500 for girls.
Don't get Italian America? Subscribe here or become a member to read more.
Sons of Italy Scholarship Competition Underway |
The 2011 Sons of Italy national scholarship recipients.
Through the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) and more than 650 state and local lodges, OSIA has awarded nearly $50 million in scholarships to date.
Each year, the SIF offers 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships (National Leadership Grants), ranging from $5,000 to $25,000, in a nationwide competition.
This year, we are pleased to announce the addition of a special scholarship: The NIABA/SIF Scholarship for Law Studies.
To learn more and find out how to apply, click here.
Calling All OSIA Authors
Murder in Little Italy by Victoria Thompson, member of Buoni Amici Lodge #2772, PA.
Have you had a book published? The Sons of Italy would like to recognize you in the Members Only Section of our website!
If you're an OSIA author and would like your published book to be highlighted, please send an email to khayes@osia.org with the following information:
Lodge name, number and state (or note At-Large Member)
Book title, publisher, a brief one-paragraph synopsis, and an image (.jpg or .tif) of the cover
Also note if the book is sold on amazon.com.
Member Benefits Featured Discount:
Each month OSIA will feature an exclusive special benefit for all members and supporters.
For 2012, OSIA's New Year's resolution is
wellness and health for all our members and supporters. With that in mind, we are offering full body, preventative health screenings that are inexpensive, painless, and local for you!
Life Line Screening is designed for early detection of potential health problems leading to stroke, aortic aneurysms, arterial disease and osteoporosis. During the month of January, both OSIA members and supporters have the opportunity to detect life-threatening conditions, at an affordable cost, with Life Line Screening.
OSIA MEMBERS: access this and all other benefits at any time by signing in to the Member Marketplace. Problems logging in to the Members Only Section? Email us.
EXTENDED SPECIAL FOR NON-OSIA MEMBERS: Click here for more information or to book an appointment using the above discount for the entire month of January.
New Year's Special on For the Love of Italian Cooking, OSIA National Cookbook
We're ringing in 2012 with our lowest price of the year on For the Love of Italian Cooking! Now through 1/13, every book will be 15% off! - 1 copy:
$24.95 $21.21 plus $5.00 shipping & handling - Multiple copies:
$24.95 $21.21 plus $2.00 shipping & handling each
To order, complete and return an order form, call 800.552.OSIA, fax 202.546.8168, or email nationaloffice@osia.org. Act now as quantities are limited! |
OSIA Trips to the Italian Riviera
Sons of Italy Presents: The Jewels of the Riviera with a Touch of Piedmont
Need a New Year's resolution? Make one to travel more! Take the worry out of travel, come to Italy with us! Always wanted to retrace your family's past, but never knew how to do it? Travel with the Sons of Italy and Unitours and take your mind off planning the details! With prices starting at $2,799, the tour of the Italian Riviera offers multiple departure dates between April-October 2012 to fit your schedule. The price includes round-trip airfare between the U.S. and Italy on Alitalia, four-star hotel accommodations, breakfasts and dinners daily, and escorted tours to world-class museums and historical sites with English-speaking tour guides.
To download a brochure for more information, click here.
Trips to other regions also available. To view all trip itineraries, click here.
Be sure to take advantage of these prices for 2012! For more information or to book your trip, email mpisano@unitours.com or call 1.800.777.7432.
Lodge Photo of the Month
The Grand Lodge of California announced that it has reached $100,000 in total donations to Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital at Stanford University. The Grand Lodge initiated its Birth Defects Program at Stanford University in 1974 to raise funds for research and medical books on pediatric genetics.
Pictured here from left to right: Rosalia Margarit, Chair; Maria Fassio Pignati, State President; Louanne Hudgins, MD; Susan Schelley, MPH, CGC, LGC.