Holidays Special on For the Love of Italian Cooking 


Dear Friend of the Sons of Italy:

Now through the end of the year, For the Love of Italian Cooking, will ship for free! Just in time for those last minute gifts or to fill those Christmas stockings!    


Every book: $24.95 plus $5.00 S&H FREE!


From our table to yours, this cookbook showcases dishes as simple as "Linguine Frutti di Mare" (linguine with seafood) and as complex as "Arrancini" (rice balls), to fill your house with holiday cheer!   


Proceeds from the sale of this publication will be used to fund the cultural, educational and charitable programs of the Sons of Italy.   


With the Christmas season right around the corner, For the Love of Italian Cooking makes the perfect gift for family and friends alike! 


Buon Appetito!


Order Sons of Italy in America

To order your copy of For the Love of Italian Cooking: Place your order by 12/31/11 or while supplies last. Quantities are limited so act now!

OSIA Cookbook  

The OSIA National cookbook, For the Love of Italian Cooking.  



HOLIDAY SPECIAL on OSIA Cookbooks: FREE SHIPPING on all orders placed by MIDNIGHT on 12/31  

Share this message directly from the Sons of Italy Facebook page with your Facebook friends or RT this message directly from the Sons of Italy Twitter page to your Twitter followers for a chance to win a deluxe holiday gift basket featuring some of the Sons of Italy favorite products, including a bottle of Leone d'Oro Prosecco to ring in the New Year! 

* Restrictions apply. Contact the National Office for more information.

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Order Sons of Italy in America 

219 E St, NE | Washington, DC 20002
202.547.2900 | |